How to grill a skirt steak

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[Music] hello jelly here with butcher boy meets in Reno Nevada hanging out in the backyard doing some grilling giving you guys some good tips on how to turn out some awesome meals on the grill in your own backyard for your friends your family we're gonna do high heat grilling with a thin cut of meat right now and we've chosen a skirt steak so a skirt steak as you can see not super thick right it's nice and flat and wide really interesting grain structure because the grain is super super long and runs across that short length of it there works best there awesome with the marinades no teriyaki barbecue style whatever kind of marinade you love works really good with the rub with the seasoning we're gonna keep it kind of simple because we want that to shine through with just doing some salt and pepper on it but with this cut of meat since it's so thin we want to cook it over high heat and want to get it up to temperature really quick and then let it rest we don't want to go low and slow on it because it's just going to cook all the way through by the time we get a crust on the outside so just that seasoning first keeping it simple here kosher salt cracked black pepper a good layer all across that guy [Music] so get that salt pepper nice little layer on there we're gonna Pat it in make sure it sticks to the meat fresh ground pepper I like it nice and coarse gets you like good good spice gives you a good crunch on there and we're gonna cook this on the gas grill so we've got that thing on for about ten minutes on this guy the thermometer at the top about 500 we really really really want it scorching all right 500 degree grill nice and hot we're gonna put this right over the burners right on direct hot heat another little tip from us barbecue hooks calm or of course available butcher boy these guys make right here in the USA these barbecue hooks awesome little angle and super sharp right at the point and it just lets you pick up and move your meat around without putting big holes in it and a little bit easier than tongs you can as you can see you can pick it up really easy instead of you know a pair of tongs which things kind of slip around I said that goes right there we're gonna leave the lid up because this thing it's only gonna take about eight to ten minutes total to get cooked so I said we've gone about five minutes on that one side we're gonna give it a nice little flip there you can see we've got some nice browning going on again we're gonna cook this quick over high heat so we've got it right in the hottest part of the grill about five minutes it's only gonna take maybe three or so on the other side once it starts getting brown we're gonna pull that guy off all right now we've got that guy browner on both sides one tip to tell when a thin piece of meat like this is done works really well on hamburgers as well is when you see the blood coming up to the top of it and that juice you know that it's time to flip it are time to take it off so this guy we're just gonna pull off we're gonna let it rest for a couple minutes again we're just gonna throw some foil over it nice and loose let it sit for about four or five minutes doesn't take too long but we want to let it rest let all those juices just soak right back into the meat so we've let this skirt steak here rest about four or five minutes let all those juices suck back up in there so they don't run out on the cutting board too much well slice into this so we mentioned earlier that the grain on this skirt steak runs along the short end of it and they're nice and long so we actually want to serve it sliced across that grain always on any any kind of meat that you do so for this instead of cutting you know big 10 inch pieces we're just gonna cut a nice small chunk off of it and then go slice across the grain so we can put that right on the plate like that and you can see all that nice yummy juice it's cooked about medium-rare and they're super tasty nice little crust on the outside slice it a little bit of an angle gives you a nicer sized piece for the plate so they aren't so skinny and there you have it same thing would work on a on a flank steak flatiron is gonna be really similar they're a little bit thicker so you have to go a little bit longer but the same idea nice high heat about half way on each side one flip in the middle good seasoning make sure it's tempered before you put it on the grill so it comes out of the refrigeration on these guys about 15 minutes or so before you're gonna cook it let it come up to temperature a little bit before you start going and that's it good yummy skirt steak enjoy
Channel: Butcher Boy Reno
Views: 86,279
Rating: 4.8213401 out of 5
Keywords: reno, butcher, sparks, tahoe, meat, beef, pork, lamb, charcuterie, sausage, hams, steaks, grilling, steak, barbecue, bbq, grill
Id: Tyv4UyQtRX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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