Make your own breakfast sausage for half price (easy) RECIPE MAKES 1 POUND

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I'm gonna show you how to make breakfast sausage that's so good Jimmy Dean himself would tell you it tastes just like Jimmy Dean my good friend Jake said it best the other day as he opined that breakfast isn't breakfast unless there's meat well Jake I couldn't agree with you more weekdays well they don't really count because I'm known to just run out of the house grabbing a piece of fruit or something but on the days that I'm able to cook breakfast for my family it's not breakfast unless there's meat I will say I'm not above slicing up hot dogs and frying them up just so there's meat on the table for breakfast it's that serious the biggest problem with it is is it gets so doggone expensive Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage is on average about 365 a pound for sausage for crying out loud so I'm going to show you how to make breakfast sausage for about half price now half price on an item that starts out below four bucks most people wouldn't bat an eye at but I bet if I told you what gas station you could go to to buy half-price gas a bit should be in the car already that's because you don't buy gas one gallon at a time much like you typically don't buy sausage one pound at a time not if you're feeding a family anyhow so half-price sausage doesn't look too bad take the cheapest cut of pork meat that you can find even the worst that you're going to find in the store is still not lips and sphincters like it very well may be in the package put it through the meat grinder and if you don't have a meat grinder a lot of stores if you bring it to the meat counter will just grind it up for you no charge if you're grinding it up yourself I recommend using the attachment that makes the finest grind now that you have your meat all ground up head for the spice cabinet and take out the following ingredients for the original recipe sage breakfast sausage 1 teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of dried parsley 1/4 teaspoon of rub sage 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper quarter teaspoon of thyme 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper quarter teaspoon of coriander and the recipe calls for a quarter teaspoon of MSG here so I'll act like I'm doing it but I'm not going to use it for the hot recipe breakfast sausage you need 1 teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper quarter teaspoon of rub sage quarter teaspoon of black pepper 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes 1/4 teaspoon of coriander and again a quarter teaspoon of MSG which I'll again not be using now for the maple kind this requires three tablespoons of maple syrup one teaspoon of salt quarter teaspoon of coriander oh yeah and 1/2 teaspoon of MSG which I again won't be using now smash it all up to blend all the spices in as best you can it will eventually look like this now you won't know what the next move is that's right make breakfast I hope you'll use this recipe to save yourself some money if you do click the thumbs up maybe subscribe if you're so inclined and oh yeah and stick around after my spiel here because the recipes for all three of these I'm going to put them in a form so that you can pause the video and see all the ingredients all at once because it seems like I may have gone through the list a little quick at the beginning so thanks for your time I appreciate you watching and I look forward to seeing you next
Channel: Zack Of All Trades
Views: 167,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breakfast, Copycat, Jimmy dean, Sausage, Zack of all trades
Id: ky-VKHTkVSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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