How to Make Sausage like a PRO With a Kitchen Aid | Celebrate Sausage S03E08

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hey everybody Welcome to the channel I hope you're having a great day this episode was sponsored by Petra tools and we'll talk about them in a minute because right now I want to talk about how to make sausages like a pro using your KitchenAid and your KitchenAid grinder attachment I went to Amazon and I started looking at what they had and this is what I settled on this by far was the most popular mid-range unit on Amazon it had the most positive reviews middle of the road pricing and in today's episode I'm going to take you point by point on how to make sausages like a pro using your KitchenAid and your stuffer and grinder attachment you ready to make some sausages let's do it okay this is everything that came in the Box it's been washed and cleaned and this first tip that we're going to talk about applies to those of you who already have a KitchenAid grinder attachment you want to make sure that your knife and your plate are razor sharp you can tell by running your fingers across those holes and it should feel as if your fingers are catching on those holes if it feels really smooth and you can run your fingers across there real real easy then you definitely want to sharpen this up last year on celebrate sausage we did an episode on how to sharpen your grinder plate and Blades I'm going to show you a little clip from that episode and I go through step by step on how to do it at home it's very easy a little sandpaper a little water and it doesn't matter what grinder you're using but I'll leave a video suggestion at the end of this video so be sure to stick around to the end if you want to learn how to sharpen your tools and by the time you're finished it'll leave everything actually better than you I'm talking razor sharp tip number two comes down to how you process your meat my tip here is going to be to cut your meat and fat into half inch cubes now I know that seems like a lot of knife work and it kind of is depending on how much sausage you're making but if you cut your meat into half inch cubes those cubes are going to effortlessly fit into the head of the grinder your auger is going to catch them with no problem and they're going to grind nice and easy you're going to get a very clean grind if you start to cut your meat into larger pieces or larger strips you could bog down the grinder and the one thing you don't want is to be in a position where you're having to jam the meat and fat down the throat of that auger which will generate a lot of heat smear the fat from your sausage and put a lot of stress on your KitchenAid you definitely don't want that okay our meat and fat has been cut up into half inch cubes nice small pieces and that brings us to tip number three chill your meat we're going to pop this in the freezer I want the temperature of the meat under 32 Fahrenheit that's going to give us an absolutely beautiful clean grind so into the freezer it goes alright the next tip keep everything chilled all your equipment needs to go in the freezer now with that being said the material that this is made out of doesn't really maintain that cold for too long but it is a good practice to get into so we're just going to take all of this and pop it in the freezer so that it can be properly chilled once your grinder attachment has been chilled go ahead and assemble it and that brings us to our next tip work in small batches only pull out four or five pounds of meat at a time keep the rest of it in the freezer and that's going to keep everything nice and cold while you grind now let's look at the speed control when it comes to grinding your meat I like to go all the way to number 10 that's the fastest setting so we're going to crank that onto number 10 and we're going to get to grinding now I do want you to pay attention to how I actually feed the meat into the neck of the grinder everything's going in nice and easy we're letting the auger naturally pull the meat into the grinder rather than using that plunger to smash the meat into that neck this is going to give you not only a cleaner grind but it's going to be better for your machine you're not going to stress out the gears by doing it this way and you're going to end up with an absolutely beautiful look at that very loose and crumbly grind it's absolutely beautiful your fat is still intact it's not smeared this is a perfect grind for your meat now if you want you could grab a little meat and form it into like what looks like a little sausage and put it back into the grinder that's just gonna to push out any remaining meat that's in that auger making sure that it's 100 ground let's check our temperature remember we're shooting for under 32 degrees Fahrenheit at all times during the sausage baking process and it looks like we are at 30 and a half and that right there my friends is how you grind meat using a KitchenAid grinder let's pop that back into the freezer while we talk about the sponsor of today's video Petra tools Petro tools is a family-owned business that specializes in battery operated backpack sprayers take charge of your lawn and garden by saying bye bye to sprayers that require constant pumping and constant maintenance and let Petro tools battery operated backpack sprayers do the heavy lifting for you all you got to do is plug it in charge it up fill the sprayer with your favorite fertilizer weed killer or turf paint and spray for many uninterrupted hours which is great for me because when I'm not making sausages I'm in my garden taking care of dragon fruit being able to spray all my plants without having to pump a single time is kind of a dream come true you can check out petratul's huge selection of battery operated backpack sprayers by going to the link in the description box below if you see something you like use the coupon code two guys for 15 bucks off your order let's get the spices ready for the sausage now if you want to know the exact recipe of this sausage I'm making check the description box below I'll have a link to it but the recipe is less important than the techniques that we're talking about alright let's get to mixing this is the five and a half liter capacity KitchenAid it could do roughly four pounds of meat and I'm using the paddle attachment to mix our meat I have used the dough hook before but I like the paddle attachment better the next tip we're going to talk about is re-chill your meat before you mix it we want the temperature of our meat below 32 Fahrenheit before we mix it and we are going to now add our spices so let's just very quickly take the temperature so you can see what I'm talking about and this has been in the freezer for about 20 minutes because it was already cold so we're at 30 degrees F absolutely perfect so I do want to add a little bit of liquid and we're going to add beer so in with the liquid that's going to help loosen up the meat and when it comes to mixing we're going to go with option number one so you want this on the lowest setting you don't want to mix this on the highest setting mixing will generate a lot of heat and heat can smear the fat and break the bind that we're trying to create so we're going to go on the lowest setting and that's more than sufficient and you're going to start to notice that as you mix your loose ground meat is going to start to come together and it's going to form what looks like a sticky meat batter and that brings us to our next tip you're going to mix your meat until it gets incredibly sticky and tacky as soon as that happens you're going to stop so how do you know what to look for well I'm going to stop mixing Midway and I want you to see the sides of the bowl you see all this little particles of meat that are sticking to the sides of the bowl that right there is part of a glue-like matrix that's being formed from something called protein extraction right now it's in the beginning beginning stages of it so we're going to keep mixing now with a KitchenAid it really only takes a couple of minutes of mixing so you don't have to mix very much but after a couple minutes of mixing look right here what happens the side of your bowl is going to have a whole lot more of that sticky meat substance stuck to it and if you grab a small little handful of it and turn your hand upside down it will stick to the bottom of your hand because it's very sticky and very tacky and the moment that that happens you're going to stop mixing now also if you spread the meat out a little bit so notice how I'm spreading it out you can see these like fibers and legs form between those meats that's all part of that protein extraction that you're looking for and at this point our meat is done so we're finished mixing pretty easy right matter of fact the mixing stage in my opinion is probably the easiest part of making sausage with the KitchenAid check this out I mean this is incredibly sticky and if you're making a fresh sausage like a breakfast sausage or an Italian sausage you're actually finished take this portion it up freeze it eat it it's completely up to you it's going to be amazing now if you're just getting started making sausages this is kind of where I would stop get really good at making fresh sausages before you move on to the next step let's take the temperature of the meat because the next tip before we stuff this into a casing is to re-chill your meat I want the temperature of the meat to be below 30 degrees right now after mixing the temperature has risen to 36 so this is going to go back in the freezer we need it below 30 degrees and this is especially important when putting it into a casing using a KitchenAid so I'm not only going to re-chill the meat I'm also going to re-chill all the parts for putting it into a casing I've now taken the meat out of the freezer let's retake the temperature and remember I'm looking for anything under 30 really lower is better this is actually perfect 27 28 degrees Fahrenheit we want this incredibly cold that's good to go let's set that to the side let's look at our casings our casings have been soaking overnight these are hog casings and I've added just a little baking soda to it to help lubricate them overnight soaking your casings allow them to tenderize so they cook very easy they slide on and off very easy and when you cook casings that have been soaked overnight it should give you a nice Snappy bite which is always a pleasant experience eating a sausage okay start by putting a little water on your stuffing horn fill your casing with a little bit of of water and then go ahead and slide it on this is going to lubricate the entire process as soon as you have it on you should be able to slide your casing front to back really easy and now we're just going to go ahead and tie off the end now you don't have to tie off the end but I do find it a little bit easier for this process to tie the end off if you are going to tie the end off you need to have a place for air to escape so we're just going to give that a little prick with a sausage pricker but you could easily use a pin no big deal here next I want to pay attention to this one little detail because the distance from where that sausage comes out to the bottom of the table is actually quite long and it's going to put a bunch of pressure on that sausage and so what I like to do is just minimize that distance between the stuffing horn and the table and so I'm just going to put like a little Basin a little bin and a tray to make it a little bit shorter that's going to make things just a little bit easier for you if you're going to be doing this by yourself which I highly don't recommend if you have someone to help you even better but if you're doing this by yourself one hand is going to be plunging the meat into the neck of that attachment and the other hand is going to be guiding the casing so let me just come in a little bit closer and show you what that looks like for me it's my right hand I'm going to grab it underneath I'm gonna have the casing moved forward and with my thumb and my forefinger I'm just going to be squeezing on the end of that stuffing horn now while this process is happening my left hand is going to be stuffing meat into that neck and the tighter I squeeze the tighter The Filling is going to be so I don't want to squeeze it too tight I just want the meat to naturally fill the casing and push it through as far as the meat goes I like to break off little pieces I find that this is the easiest way to do it if you're doing it by yourself and these pieces are semi-frozen as far as the speed goes I personally if you're doing it by yourself think lower is better if someone is working with you you can go a little bit faster but you definitely want to make sure that everything is partially frozen so let's just go ahead and pop our meat in there and notice those pieces fall right in very nice and easy and I'm going to push them in with the plunger and with my right hand I'm just going to be guiding that casing and so I'm not squeezing too hard I'm just letting that meat naturally fill the casing as it's coming through and I'm going to speed this up so that we can move along but I'm going to tell you that this step right here is a royal pain in the rear and if you're doing 20 pounds of sausage oh man I am feeling your pain when you're ready for a dedicated sausage stuffer check the description box below it'll change the way you make sausages trust me now this is a laborious process so work nice and easy keep any excess meat in the freezer and it looks like we're just about finished so let's take it off of the horn and move on to the next step you'll know you stuffed this right because when you squeeze a little bit of the casing it'll leave an indentation if you squeeze it it feels like it's going to explode that means you've stuffed it too tightly and you're probably not going to want to link it because it will blow out your casing so let's go ahead and Link this sausage and all I'm going to do is find like a little scratch mark on my tray here and start forming our links that's going to create uniform size we're going to pinch either side and twist it three times forward all right so here we go ready one two three and that's it that's going to leave us with a nice plump sausage for the next one we're going to find the same Mark squeeze it and we're going to twist that three times towards us and so this particular technique of linking your sausage just involves alternating how you twist it three times forward three times backward three times forward you get the idea what I like to do when I'm finished is place this on a drying rack like that and stick it into my refrigerator overnight so this is going to allow the casing to firm up the spices to come together if you used a curing agent it allows a cure to work and if you happen to see any air pockets just prick them out with a sausage pricker or a pen this allows the casing to stick to the meat better and when we cook it up it should give us a nice Snappy bite and so I'm checking for air pockets I had a few but for the most part it looks like we're good to go all right there's one right there let's get that one pricked out all right looking good looking good this is gonna go into the refrigerator and it's now the next day our casing is dried up and those twists that we made are dried up as well and when those are dried up you can separate your links and when you cook your sausage the meat doesn't get squeezed out during the cooking process our pit has been preheated to 225 degrees I'm gonna cook these somewhere between 225 and 250. we're going to cook these sausages on indirect heat until we get to an internal of about 150. once we hit that we'll give it a taste [Music] thank you [Music] our sausage is ready and I am incredibly pleased great color firmed up casing nice smooth slice this is going to be a Tasty Bite you know you're on the right track because when you cook your sausage and it doesn't matter how you cook it whether you're smoking it grilling it if it's in the oven if the fat doesn't render out you're going to have a nice juicy bite but if your fat leaks out all over the place your sausage is going to be dry and crumbly which is the most common thing to happen to folks when they make sausage using a KitchenAid all right now before we take a bite some of you have been asking for two guys in a cooler merch I'm pleased to say we now have it I'll put a link in the description box below to our storefront this is one example of some of the merch that we've got we've got a lot of really cool ideas I think you're going to enjoy it check it out let me know in the comment section below what you think so let's go ahead and give this KitchenAid sausage a bite and see how we did um that's delicious the recipe is on point I'm not worried about the recipe what I'm looking for is the quality of the sausage and I want you to check this out right here look at that sausage texture very juicy absolutely incredible and that means we didn't smear out the fat smearing out the fat can happen during the grinding the stuffing and the mixing stage and so you got to be very careful during each one of those stages to make sure that your meat is properly chilled one more bite hmm you know for coming out of a KitchenAid I got to tell you I could not be more pleased it's Snappy it's flavorful it's got a great texture it's juicy and those are the four things that I'm looking for in a high quality sausage this is absolutely perfect now I do want to finish this video off by saying if you start off making sausages in a KitchenAid and they're not coming out the way that you want you're smearing the fat the texture is wrong for whatever reason don't get discouraged because there's a decent chance it's not you it's the equipment it is incredibly easy to ruin a sausage on a KitchenAid simply because it just generates so much heat and it's not very efficient the one step in this entire process that gives people the most trouble is the stuffing step if you could pay very special attention to that step you are going to have a better chance of your sausage coming out right but most people's sausages are ruined by that step if you enjoy sausage making and you want to pursue you know this craft a little bit further a little bit deeper my one piece of advice to get started would be save your money and invest in a small dedicated sausage stuffer it doesn't have to be anything fancy but that single piece of equipment will radically change the quality of your sausage and will immediately level up your sausage each game all right there folks there you have it those are my tips on how to make sausages like a pro using a KitchenAid I hope you found some of them useful thanks a lot for watching this video if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below and if you got something out of it a thumbs up is always helpful if you're new to this channel you caught us at a great time because we're in the middle of a month-long Series where we feature a brand new sausage making recipe every day this month I'm glad you could be here don't forget to subscribe and click that notification Bell so you don't miss a single episode see you tomorrow bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: 2 Guys & A Cooler
Views: 194,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrate Sausage, Easy Sausage Recipes, sausage, cured meats, meat preservation, pork sausage, kitchen aid, tips for sausage making, How to cook a sausage
Id: Ye6o3bWyOCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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