How to make Summer Sausage (At Home!) By The Bearded Butchers!

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[Music] strong like a tree [Music] try to catch me hollering at the moon [Music] hi folks scott perkins along with seth perkins the butchers today we're going to be taking one of the classics and we're going to tell you how we're going to take meat from let's say you know at this point in the season you're you've got meat in the freezer from last year and you're starting to think about opening day and it's time to take and turn that into something that's delicious and it's gonna be a big hit and that's summer sausage so we've got venison here that was vacuum sealed put in the freezer and we're gonna show you all the steps you need to make summer sausage so today because we're using venison we've also got pork fat now the great thing about this is we've got all the equipment here that you're going to need home production equipment and since we work in the commercial environment the thing that's really great about this is these are similar products that we use every day in a commercial environment but they're made for you guys at home we're gonna put a link in the description you can get the grinder this is a 32 you can get the 15 pound sausage stuffer and you can get the 50 pound meat mixer those three pieces of equipment are essential to this process because with summer sausage we want that familiar tang that you get with summer sausage and the only way that you get that is with citric acid so today we're going to be talking about all the steps that we need to take to turn out some incredible summer sausage using what you've cleaned out of the freezer the meat equipment and we're going to take it all the way through the process of going on to the traeger smoker there's no better feeling heading into whether it's the outdoors you know maybe you're going on a backpack hunt maybe it's in the western states you're going to head to that tree stand this fall in the midwestern states there's no better feeling in the world knowing that the animals that you harvested last season you use the entire animal we certainly don't want to see anything go to waste and one way um that's guaranteed that you can waste product is by leaving it in the bottom of your freezer and things get freezer burnt and you end up you know hopefully not but sometimes discarding it we don't like to see that happen so this is the best way to do it use up those items in your freezer from last season that way going into this year you're good to go plus you can take a big hunk of summer sausage with the tree stand with you that's right no better feeling so let's get started yeah so these have been vacuum sealed and frozen and it's essential throughout this process that your meat stays cold so the great thing about vacuum sealing we use the chamber vac from meat to use to vacuum seal everything here we actually did four five pound bags and then two two and a half pound bags that's really nice because we've already got it segmented out and the great thing about vacuum sealing when you put it in the freezer it's gonna stay perfect the entire time that's in your freezer freezer burn is the meat's still safe but really what it is it's severely dehydrated because freezers are a low humid low humidity environment so by vacuum sealing the meat stays perfect you can leave it in there and sometimes we put it up just like this so that way we can pull it back out if we went through the beef sticks fast or excuse me the the deer sticks faster than the summer sausage we can pull this back out and get started with making summer sausage if we have plenty of the sticks left so vacuum sealing it's a great way to hold it in your freezer we have had people comment on our videos and say that we talk too much throughout the videos we hope that you don't think that because we want to explain everything possible in depth that way when you watch one of our videos you get the best education you can for a process like this so that's why we talk like we do all right so like i mentioned we want everything super cold so this stuff's still partially frozen and whenever we cube this up we make it um you know what we know is going to go through that grinder now that being the 32 it's going to it's going to eat this stuff up really fast one and a half horsepower grinder if you were using the half horsepower grinder you would really want you know chunks we like to say about golf ball size in this case i guarantee you this piece of equipment is going to have no trouble so there's our lean meat we like 20 fat ratio when we're working with wild game fat is flavor you've heard that all your life it certainly is true so by adding this pork fat in here we're really going to bring that juiciness and that flavor into our summer sausage all right now that we've got our meat and our fat all broke apart super cold it's here in our meat tub uh i want to talk about our spices guys our bearded butcher blend seasoning we love it you know we do we say use it on everything you certainly can use it in a recipe like this you use the normal ratio that we talk about in this case i would be using 12 ounces for 25 pounds of meat however we have those spices because we made them were you know traditionally butchers we've worked with spices our whole life in this case we want like classic summer sausage so so that's going to require the salt the pepper the onion powder the mustard powder um that's what we've got mixed up here we're going to give you the recipe we'll we'll either put a link to a blog post in the description we'll put the full recipe in the description we've also got um some fresh minced garlic and hickory smoked powder all natural hickory smoked powder you might say that's cheating i'm telling you especially with gay meats you want to knock people's socks off and the way you do it is like this now this is going to go on the smoker it's going to have beautiful color it's going to have great flavor this makes a big difference now if you don't want to blend these up yourself you can find packs like this on amazon here's the smoke powder here's the summer sausage seasoning both of those are made by legs old plantation seasoning they've been in the business for years so you can go to one of these online platforms like amazon you can purchase that it's already going to be put up for you the two things that we're not going to put in yet are our encapsulated citric acid and our sodium nitrate are pink cure encapsulated citric acid it's citric acid that's encapsulated in cottonseed oil the reason that we use that and the reason that it's encapsulated is when that goes into our meat it's going to act as a cure accelerator and it's going to change the ph of the meat now with summer sausage traditionally summer sausage was a fermented product you made it the winter you could carry it around it was shelf stable you carry it around in the hot summer months that's why it's called summer sausage and summer sausage has to have that tang in my opinion for it to be called summer sausage that's what the citric acid is going to do it is going to lower our ph really to get shelf stability you need a ph that's 4.5 to 5.2 we're not going to measure the ph we're not going to say this is shelf stable we're really just going for that tank so that's why we're adding the encapsulated citric acid then the sodium nitrate the pink cure you can also use celery juice powder however when working with game meats because of bacteria that could be present in the meat we like to use the sodium nitrate and then with using the citric acid we can go straight into the smoker it's going to act as a cure accelerator so what basically what happens is bacteria is a single cell organism it will use up all its energy fighting those two off and you're going to have a safer product at the end of the day so these two are going to get set aside we don't mix those in until we get to the last step of our mixing process what we like to do though is we like to mix our spices into our actual trimmings the reason we do that is when we put this through the grinder it's going to have an incredible blend all through that grinder i'm telling you i wish we had smell-o-vision invented because you'd be loving it so i'll put this in my meat tub i'll just hand mix it just to get it evenly coated and then we'll grind it through and it's going to really blend that flavor into the meat all right it's time to start grinding i like to start a little bit down in there we don't want that grinder to sit there too long and turn and since we hand blended this you've heard me say this before in our other videos kind of like the cat paw method where i'll just i'll put it up there and i kind of just i let the grinder work through it at its own pace rather than force anything down the grinder you've got a plunger here if needed quite frankly i doubt if i'll even need that so i'm grinding first through a 10 millimeter plate 10 millimeter being very close to 3 8 of an inch we're going to grind this twice once through the 3 8 inch plate or the 10 millimeter plate once through a 4.5 millimeter plate which close to 3 16 or 1 8 of an inch and as you can see i can just barely keep up with this 32 number 32 grinder all right step one is complete i couldn't keep up it was grinding so fast and if you've ever done this with a smaller older grinder which i mean our grandfathers had to do this stuff our grandmothers did this stuff by hand and here we have a great piece of equipment like this makes it super easy to get the job done professionally this equipment comes with a limited lifetime warranty against any manufacturer's defects obviously you have to take care of it and if you have some in the worm like that we'll get that on the second grind that's not a big deal so i'm going to change this i've got a handy storage tray under here i'm going to change this to my 4.5 millimeter i've got a recessed slot under there that slides into you don't even need tools that's the great thing about it thread that back on i'm going to switch my tubs out and we're ready for our second and final grind beam me up scotty he said he wanted some help so i figured i'd volunteer you're going to flip the button i'll turn the grinder i couldn't keep up with the first run you ready yeah once again back into our second grind this is where you can really employ the cat paw method you get little balls and just kind of pull it in there let the grinder absorb the product so you don't plug up that worm which quite frankly i don't think we'll have an issue meat is still super cold grinding perfect i think i used it once just because i had a piece that was a little bit bigger so that worked perfect our second grind is done this meat's starting to get a little bit tacky which is good because we're starting to get protein extraction which we're going to get even more of in the next step so the great thing about this piece of equipment is i'm going to take i'm going to take the grinder head off and i'm going to marry the mixer that's behind me up to this piece of equipment and it's going to do all of our mixing for us so that we can get all the time right which is very critical when you're making summer sauces you don't want to overwork the product even through the grinding process if your grinder is not up to par what's going to happen is at this point in the process this meat is going to start to smear really badly and what will happen is it it'll what we refer to in the meat industry is it will fat out the protein won't bind to the fat those two will separate and you're going to get a really crumbly summer sausage so it's essential you have a quality piece of equipment you could grind can continue to grind however we like this part because the meat's still nice and super cold and then we're going to use the mixer to get a little bit more protein extraction out of this and turn out a better quality product so i take off that portion of it and i can just set this aside for a minute and i'll get my mixer and i'll show you how it hooks up right up to the grinder right here all right there's a set screw with an indentation in here you may actually have to turn your paddle just slightly to get the spine to line up sort of like a pto on a tractor yep i'm gonna turn my set screw back on he'll hold everything in place and we'll get started with our mixing process so couple things to point out with the mixing process we're going to add two pints which is 32 ounces of cold water um because we have the fat in here we're going to get great moisture however if you're doing a very lean you know game only you're not adding any pork fat you're going to want to do as much as two quarts of water because it's going to be much drier so we're going to load our hopper with our grindings we're going to add two pints of water which i have two 16 ounce water bottles so that's going to be perfect ice cold water you only have you only have one because i have one six i drank one so i'll go get you take this guy anywhere i have 116 and i'll i'll get another one he'll get another one so i'm going to load the hopper and i'm going to i'm going to put the cure in right when i start the mixing process [Music] so there's 25 pounds into our mixer all right so important step for every minute you mix one direction you want to mix in the opposite direction for a minute we're gonna do a total of eight minutes so i'm just gonna start forward [Music] put in my sodium nitrite [Music] my 32 ounces [Music] splash a little on that guy of water 37 seconds in we'll just wait till we get to the one minute mark we'll go back in the other direction and that's what's great about having the ability to reverse and what that is going to help us with is our protein extraction and way that we'll know we're getting good protein extraction is that we're going to start to see this meat get tacky [Music] safety first manufacturer recommends that you keep the lid on while you're mixing because if you put your hand in there bad things happen so just bear that in mind all right last minute so it's time for the encapsulated citric acid the reason why you don't want to add this too soon is that it will rupture because it's encapsulated so all right now that we're done mixing we can just pull this tab right here on the side this dumps right over top of our tub and turn this on spill this right out it's like that's all the paddle is going to give me i am going to disconnect it from the power source always a good idea with that with this type of stuff as we clean out the rest of the hopper you can see that that tackiness that we talk about where the you start to mix those proteins and they start to bind and that's one reason why we wear the gloves too not just for hygiene which i should point this out this is wild game this is not for sale so we're not wearing the beard protection today but the gloves make it really nice because if you start touching this equipment which is very easy to clean but if you start touching it with the protein extracted meat it's really going to stick on there and make it harder so we change the gloves in between handling the meat but also we don't want to take and touch a piece of equipment get it dirty so zip the gloves off disconnect everything pretty much ready to go it's time for the stuffer so we're getting so close got this mixture right here um we've soaked our casings these are 2.5 inch by 20 inch they're gonna hold like what two and a half pounds two and a half to three pounds depending on how full you make them and where you tie time and things like that that's an expert at that so he's gonna be working on that this 15 pound tub i think we're going to fill it and we're going to stuff it and then the remaining portion which should be 10 pounds we're going to add a couple of extra ingredients because you might have some ideas what they are a little surprise for it but a way to enhance your summer sausage so before you get started stuffing don't forget a couple c clamps on your stuffer seat clamp them to your table makes a real nice sturdy base that way when you're getting that crank going you don't have to worry about your stuffer tipping off your table and we should mention you can see that this meat has started to turn just uh slightly dark maybe almost like a brownish color and that's the nitrite starting to work in the meat and then you'll see at the end when we when we're finished uh smoking this product it's going to be a real nice cherry red so don't be alarmed by the brownish color at this point in the process so i'm going to load this up and i'm going to squish it a little bit to let the air out we're going to talk to you about the air pockets that um in the in the actual stuffing tube this has an air lock on it that will push down on it it's going to let that air out of there so there it is a 15 pound meat stuffer let's just go ahead and get let's get started and you can see right here on the top of this there's an air lock and you'll see that push up as i crank this handle so when that pushes up what i can do is we don't want any air inside this this tube so i can press this and it'll release any air that might get caught in there you can hear it it'll just kind of like a releasing air on the tire and you can see now our meat is starting to come through the stuffing horn this is is a very very handy stuffing horn because it's clear so i can see where the meat starts and where it stops but and what i've done is i've gone ahead and just cut some butcher string and we're going to use these to tie off the ends of our casing you can use hog ring pliers with a with a clamp they make automatic machines and things like that but we're going to use the strings today because this is the easiest thing for people to get a hold of it's the least expensive so that's just what we're going to do so what you want to do is you want to get your casing and you want to get it on the horn all the way up to the end and then we will just start turning our handle pushing or extruding that product right into the casings keeping your hand your your thumb and your forefinger tight against the horn as you go because that's going to fill that casing and you don't want any air pockets inside the the casing as you go if you if you wind up with an air pocket when you slice it it'll have a big indentation in it and the presentation is just not as nice so what we typically do is we get down here towards the end and we're going to leave a couple inches of casing we're pretty everything's pretty tight all the way through at this point what we want to do is we want to take our our stuffer and we want to go back a couple turns and if you go back a couple turns it'll take the pressure off of your plunger that way when you remove your casing the meat doesn't continue to squirt out the horn so here we're just going to twist it give it a couple turns we're going to take our string what i like to do is kind of use my my apron or my my hip and once i do that i can let go and that that casing sort of folded underneath so now all i do is simply make a one tie and then a knot pull it tight and there you have a tube summer sausage ready to go in the smoker so we're going to go ahead and just continue filling our tubes until this stuffer is empty and then we'll fill it up again until we run out of meat you could do quite a bit of product in one day i would say with the equipment that we're using today in the tools you could easily do a hundred hundred fifty two hundred pounds of sausage especially if you get some friends over some family members you make a day out of it because you know at the end of the day that's what this is all about good food family faith and the outdoors we're big believers you guessed it dried jalapenos high temp cheddar cheese this is easy enough to find if you want extra jalapeno flavor you can add dried jalapeno powder as well we're just going to do the dried jalapenos the high temp cheddar cheese and we're gonna hand mix it so we can just sprinkle it on top of our mixture about half same with the cheese and you can use different ingredients you can use fresh ingredients too if you want to use fresh jalapenos really any pepper you want but we'll just kind of fold that in there and mix it by hand at this point meat you know you got to be careful with it especially when you're doing some of these you know this advanced processing because you can't overwork it or else it will it'll kind of fight back with you that's why it's great to have equipment that works with you not against you so in this case i'm just using this to fold this in by hand because you if you were making a whole batch you could added the cheese and jalapenos any point during the mixing well the cheese you want to put it later in the mixing process because you don't want to abuse that cheese and get it to here's a little pro tip you got something like that in the corner grab a ball of meat sucks it right up fold it into the mixture because who doesn't want to slice open i do that same thing to just grab everything out of my tub grab a ball of meat it works kind of like like when you're playing with play-doh as a kid now that i've got this ready to go oh man who's ready to just slice open a summer sausage see the cross cut of those jalapenos and that cheddar cheese it's all about the food i'm ready that's right you can do it all one shot it's like an ice cream cone there's a saying about can you fit so much of something in a 10-pound bag or get there i already know that the cheddar and jalapeno is going to be my favorite for sure let's release some of that air now what i think we should do scott is make out some tags and put some tags on the tops of these that way we know which ones have cheese and which ones don't all right stuffed up ready to go out to the smoker and you know it it's going to be the traeger 885 today same grill that we use same smoker that we use for nearly everything we love that model so we're just going to lace them up and head for the smoker got sausages let's do it traeger 885 sweet blue smoke puffing out of there it's been at um 165 that's what we preheated to it's in super smoke mode and it's going to do an absolute brilliant job on our summer sausage we're gonna set it at 165 for probably two hours he always likes to boss me around two hours at 165 two hours at 185 we'll stair step it up then to 205 if we have to i'm going to put the meat probe right in the center on that one and we're going to let them smoke in that beautiful sweet blue hickory pellets on the traeger today probably ran no exaggeration 100 bags of pellets through this this particular model of grill this 885 in the last 18 months or so without a single issue we've used and abused this grill and it's done awesome for us cool so we're going to let them smoke we're gonna watch the temperature from the app on our phone and it's what time it's about 3 40 in the afternoon here on a friday so we're actually going to finish out the day here at the store we're gonna close the shop we're gonna go home grab some dinner watch the temp from the app on our phone and then get the kids and the family come back in and check on the summer sausage see you soon we're back it's the moment of truth the summer sausage has been on the traeger the ironwood 885 for about five hours we've met temp of 155 to 156 on our probe hey check this out real quick we're dialed in dead zeroed at 205 check out the pellet burn we haven't touched it so like we mentioned we like to stair step 165 for two hours 185 for two hours and then 205 until we reach our internal temp you heard it you ready to see it i am here goes oh my goodness look at that they look amazing not shriveled up at all perfect perfect chubs of summer sausage so at this point we're going to take them out we're going to dunk them in an ice bath and we're going to get the temp to drop down to about 80 degrees yeah so the ice bath you can do the same thing by spraying these it's just going to take you a lot longer um the idea with the ice bath is we want to set the casings and prevent any shriveling and then we also want to halt the cooking process so by dropping these in this ice bath we want to reduce the temperature like seth said by about half so we want to bring these down to about 80 degrees internal temp should take about 10 to 15 minutes after that they can go into the cooler or fridge [Applause] so here's the deal this just goes to show you that if you own the right equipment you can produce a product like this at home you know if you go to the grocery store shop wherever something like this you know you section this out this might end up costing you 30 40 50 bucks depending on the species some sometimes more make that initial investment with the equipment yeah there's some upfront costs but over time it's going to pay for itself plus you get the enjoyment spending time with your family spending time with your friends get that meat out of the freezer that you know from last season turn it into a product like this for the whole family and your friends to enjoy so we highly recommend check out meat made with meat the equipment is incredible we loved every second using it and it turned out some fantastic product not to mention the pride and the joy that comes along with harvesting something and then being able able to produce a product that you share with family and friends that tastes like it was professionally done but you did it at home because you took the knowledge that we gave you here you married it with that equipment and you produced a product that is unlike anything you could ever buy because you have that personal pride and joy and the fact that you produced it and you made it and here's the deal you can guarantee that that's the animal you harvested that you get to eat and enjoy when you do it yourself all right off to the cooler and we're gonna let it chill overnight and then we're gonna slice it up and taste it tomorrow so looking forward to that let's get the crackers let's get the mustard tomorrow we're gonna sample the summer sausage all right moment of truth time for jalapeno cheese for plain they chilled in the cooler overnight now it's time for us to cross-section them i think i have a pretty good idea they're going to be perfect i think so too which one are we starting with a plane i think we should start with a plane and then reveal the jalapeno and cheddar cheese what do you think i agree grab our trusty you know it victorinox six inch knife and so we're just going to go ahead and we're just going to cut it right down through the center and we're going to reveal how we did i think we nailed it i knew we would wow um that's one of the great things about this you know throughout this whole process we want you to have the confidence to do this very thing and we know with the steps that we followed and the equipment that we used which are accessible and available you can turn out product just like this now i know we're talking about protein extraction we're talking about ph levels we're talking about water activity it's not really about that guys that's some of the science behind it what it's about is just following those steps and you're going to get something that looks just like that we haven't even tasted this product yet so if you think about you know this is this video is all kind of done for cleaning out the freezer for preparation for next season so if you had the trim in your freezer you had the ground meat in your freezer you didn't know what to do with it imagine taking that product and turning it into this so that's what it's all about now we're gonna get the really visually appealing cheese and jalapeno you ready for this one i think so here we go here's the reveal look at that perfect so obviously you see the cheese in the jalapeno but we have those nice bits of fat through there and we have no crumbling no separation and that's what we talk about so that's going to be a really nice texture and mouth feel which is so important obviously flavor and texture go hand in hand so absolute perfect outcome and once again we use the traeger pellet smoker we have a commercial type oven we can do up to 280 pounds of this at one time in our commercial oven but it's not about that it's about you at home being able to get the exact same equipment that we have take the knowledge that in the steps that we showed you and produce this very product at home ready for a sample so we're going to go with the plane first and this casing keep in mind that it is your you are able to remove it so if you just make a little slice in the corner of the casing you can take this and you can just start to peel it off like that so you don't want to leave it on there for your guests to have to peel off each individual slice so you can just peel the casing off like that beautiful definition in that summer sausage so let's just go ahead and slice a few pieces so first thing i notice is that scott mentioned it before but it's not falling apart real nice definition that's that protein extraction that binds everything together because bear in mind we didn't use any binders um there's a bunch of different stuff on the market but we wanted this to be more of a clean ingredient product so without the use of binders and really this stuff's no sugar too because we didn't use any maybe a tiny bit of dextrose in the um smoked powder smoked powder but that's it so give a try oh that's perfect it's got that classic summer sausage tang that smoke flavor right off the bat you get tang right right at the top we get the tang and then then there's the the smoke flavor behind it then you get those classic summer sausage flavors coming in with the salt the pepper and then it even kind of finishes with a little bit more of that that tang finish no single person will be disappointed with that we tried the the plane now let's try the high temp cheddar cheese with jalapenos i have a feeling i know which ones it's going to be my favorite mine too so you can see the cheese sprinkled throughout the jalapenos so this is where it's important to use that high temp cheddar cheese because or high temp cheese in general because if you don't use the high temp cheese what will happen is it will melt during the process and it it'll sort of run through the meat you won't get that real nice definition in the cheese like you see here now the cheese will add even more favorable texture we know that from experience so here we all go nice and smooth yeah i love the bite the jalapeno bite with the creaminess of the cheese yeah so that's interesting same flavors as the plain but you get that a little bit smoother texture and then the jalapenos come in about midway through and then they just kind of warm up and leave you with a really nice finish so if you remember earlier in the video we talked about that meat how it turned slightly brown and we talked about the cure and the nitrites and how they were working in the meat now you can see after the smoking process that real nice cherry red so if you take a product like this you vacuum seal it easily 30 days in the refrigerator vacuum sealed if not longer freezer vacuum seal it you're good for up to a couple years so rather than see that product lie around in the bottom of your chest freezer you know it's going to get freezer burnt you know you're going to throw it away make something like this go out grab the meat equipment we're going to throw a link in these guys this equipment is phenomenal we've used it we love it we're going to stand behind it throughout the whole process um you know there's nothing we would change make that initial investment we keep talking about that yes there's some upfront costs but if you went to a local processor and you had this made it's gonna you know over time it's gonna add up the other thing is is if you went somewhere and you bought this you know a few times of doing that you could have the equipment so make that investment spend some time with your family spend some time with your friends get together make some sausage so i think now scott what we need to do is we need to get some of this vacuum sealed up so we can show we showed the the process now let's show the uh preservation yeah so we're gonna portion it up and we these make great gifts so we'll usually portion them um holidays in about around yeah about you know four inch whatever but we're going to be using the meat chamber vacuum and we're going to vacuum seal it up because like seth mentioned it's one of the best ways to preserve it it's really nice to present it to somebody that way you're not handing them a ziploc bag you're handing them a nice vacuum sealed pouch so we'll portion it out get it vacuum sealed pass it out to family and friends football is right around the corner these make great tailgating dishes and you're going to impress anybody when you make it with this speaking of family and friends i guarantee you they will not know this is wild game it's not gamey you can't pick that up at all so everybody's going to be able to enjoy it all right so what's often overlooked and under appreciated is the final packaging of the preservation you cannot beat vacuum sealing vacuum sealing removes the oxygen from the package and we're left with a nearly perfectly preserved product and then like i mentioned it shows really well so i'm going to be using the um meat chamber vac i've got bags here that come in either a 10 by 12 an 8 by 12 or 6 by 10 which is great because i can do a single one of these summer sausage pieces if i'm you know maybe i'm a little stingy and i only want to give one out at a time or i can do two of these in one of these so you have a bunch of different sizes here or if you really like somebody you can use one of the 10 by 12s and you can really fill it up so the great thing about a vacuum sealer like this you put your package in want to make sure you spread it evenly across the seal bar now this one has different settings in this case i've got my back time set for 30 seconds and my seal time for three it's going to start vacuum sealing automatically when i shut the lid put the safety lock latch in place and we count it down all right look at that better than store-bought we can take these now like seth mentioned minimum of 30 days in your refrigerator you can carry them around if you're going to be you know on the on the run we talked about the fact that we're not measuring ph or water activity to find out if this is truly shelf stable however we know from experience it's going to you're going to take it to a picnic on a trip whatever doesn't have to be 100 refrigerated all the time or back into your freezer it goes we typically like to seal them up like this and hand them out that way and people can slice them whatever thickness that they like of course you can use a meat slicer or hand slice them ahead of time shingle them out like that makes a great party tray so i'm going to continue working get this stuff sealed up so it's ready to go and that about wraps up our video there it is who's got the mustard and the crackers because we've got the summer sausage all vacuum sealed to perfection so we want to remind you guys if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe follow us on all all of our media platforms not just youtube also facebook for almost daily stories and updates we're on instagram we want to thank you for following the bearded butchers we hope you enjoyed this video and we look forward to many more videos to come in the future that's absolutely right hunting season is right around the corner stay safe start shooting those bows get accurate remember it's all about faith family and food until next time see ya [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 787,358
Rating: 4.9195967 out of 5
Keywords: bearded butchers, bearded butcher blend, bearded butcher bbq, chipotle, cajun, hot, original, seasoning, wild game, grilling, big green egg, bge, charcoal grill, whitefeather meats, ohio, creston ohio, scott perkins, seth perkins
Id: aLT3xCjnPZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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