How To Make Pineapple Beer (Tepache)

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curiosity is what drives us it's the reason we named our boat curiosity because we are painfully curious about everything I want to know what's over that horizon and what's at the top of that peak oh and coffee we were so painfully curious about coffee we spent a week in Panama in the cloud forest with the farmers learning how coffee goes from the tree to our cup in other words once our curiosity has been piqued we can't stop and our most recent curiosity fermentation I'm Nicky and this is Jason in 2016 we bought a sailboat with absolutely no experience and set off to explore the world four years later we landed in Tonga and decided to haul out four cyclone season to visit friends and family we were on our way back to our floating home when the pandemic caused all the borders to close and we've been stranded ever since this is our isolation life in Fiji we've been showing some of our fermentation in the recent videos and we asked well what do you guys want to see since we're now caught up we're in real time we're stuck here in isolation in Fiji what do you want to see from it and it was overwhelmingly we want beer recipes which is why I am actually very excited you wanted to know about that because if you have not gotten into the world of fermentation yet it is nature's like most exciting adventure and while we're all about nature and adventure I just have to say I was a naysayer and now I am a strict lover of fermentation banter we're gonna finish our coffee and then we're gonna get into it for our first foray into fermentation together we're gonna share with you our recipe porta potti which is pineapple beer and I say beer loosely because they're fruit beer ginger beer it doesn't always mean that it's an alcoholic beer it's basically a fermented soda and with all fermented things there's always going to be a very small slight amount alcohol now how long you let it ferment that alcohol can increase but you're just making fermented soda it's safe for the whole family to drink this is just an adult beverage we need ingredients bust out your notepads cuz this is gonna be a long one pineapple sugar and water and optional is yeast it's not a must but if you want to have fun you give me these now let's talk about supplies this is all been sanitized by the way first up we're gonna need a cutting board a nice fermentation vessel an airlock and a measuring cup kula filmmaking ed is fun first thing we want to do is wash the pineapple and before I do that i'ma take this spikey top oldham twist this is the only part of the pineapple we're not going to use we want to get our pineapple nice and clean and just make sure that there's no bugs or worms hiding out anywhere get to choppin oh I lied there is one more part of the pineapple that we're not gonna use and that is the bottom I just want to say I'm an alright cutter but having a really sharp knife is good and this is not a really sharp knife Jason is chopping I am going activate or proof yeah proof our yeast for this recipe we're gonna use 1/2 teaspoon of yeast I don't have a measuring spoon so winging it we were at the mercy of the apartment yes working with what we've got obviously for fermentation there is you know very specific equipment you might want to have all of it very easily and readily available it's any like home brew store or even on Amazon but we don't have Amazon or no such thing is it that's it you can do it anywhere yeah really you don't have to have the fancy equipment and about a teaspoon of sugar so for the pineapple you cut it how you would normally cut it on the outside the trash portion you would normally throw away or compost is now going into our vessel and that's the part that we're gonna firm it that's what makes this recipe so amazing is because you still get to eat the pineapple you're just using all of the discarded pieces for your recipe I'm gonna do 1 cup of sugar seems like a lot of sugar but because we're fermenting the yeast is going to eat the sugar so you're not gonna be drinking that sugar so it'll be pretty low sugar that's the thing you actually consume it you're struggling that's why when I was getting older by the day well Jason finishes carving Misbah cupola and I do mean carvings how about a cat interlude [Music] ready that was embarrassing one cup of sugar distributed between our two vessels here so half cup each see that our yeast is all foamy on top that's how we know it's good half of this in each one that is an exciting part so the water here in Fiji is not always safe to drink so the locals recommend you boil it that's why we have a pot of water you always want to leave a little bit of headroom now cap shake it shake away just a little bit yeah now we're gonna take this cap off because our homemade air lock system is a cap that we've had a hole in to just a little slit and we're using a balloon with just a tiny pinhole in it so that it's can slowly leak air now some people would probably just put this directly over the opening here I don't like that idea because condensation can build up in there and I just think of all of the whatever's on the inside of that balloon dripping back is dripping back into the drainage I don't think that would be very good so this is kind of my way of maybe keeping that from happening anyway that goes on there and now we just let it sit so whatever that's it we should at least should time lapse it oh and then of course we've got some finished product that we can show you oh ha ha mark your dates on your bottles otherwise you don't kind of forget when the heck you started this 5:23 oh I should also mention that we will put all of this on the blog post there will be written instructions the ingredients supplies I'll make sure in link to so if you can buy it online the proper supplies which are easier to work with this is also where I should put in a big ol disclaimer that I am NOT an expert do your own research don't believe everything you see and hear on the internet ok we can see the airlock is clearly working here and that's what this one will look like as soon as it gets active this is 40 hours ish most of our sweetness is gone it's just a slight pineapple flavor with just a tiny bit of tartness to it yeah it's nice and smooth yeah smells good tastes good very almost no bubbles because it hasn't been capped yeah it's a little effervescent but not super bubbly so that's where like I think this is good yes good you okay so then perfect we like it just as is tap that baby alright so that's gonna go away for 6 8 hours or so it should be nice and carbonated and then it'll go in the fridge the cool thing is whenever you open this if you only drink a little bit no problem it's not like I saw it it's not gonna go flat because it's still active in there just very slowly in the fridge then it will keep its carbonation strainer glass it's cute brother than the pineapple joke okay are you ready for this [Music] [Music] I wish I could share with you but you're just gonna have to make a batch of your own every time is an adventure that's the beauty of it is we never know how it's gonna taste exactly until we open it up this one's really good and then from here we can jobs it up put in your mom this is the easiest possible thing I think that you can start with try out the tepache let us know what you think yeah seriously if you did like it and you want to see more comment thumbs up because it lets us know you actually want to see it yes we enjoyed this and you want more information like this thank you so much for watching thank you for spending your time with us and we will see you again in another few days until then we'll leave you this oh I was gonna say leave you with beautiful beach scenes of Fiji how are you doing bloopers well you could do black version if there's gonna be plenty of everything Hey are we both in the shot can't drink at the same time it's weird I drink you can drink or vice or is it come here pip ginger beer tepache peppers okra cucumbers kimchi you can ferment anything and we see is fermenting you can tree from an empty this is a very good point cabbage Jason always looks me like I'm crazy when I go to is when you brought that Scobie home I was like oh god put that thing up closer to the camera like the colorchecker but don't look at the camera oh I think that's okay okay one cup of sugar to our two liters of pineapple and sugar what
Channel: Gone with the Wynns
Views: 101,653
Rating: 4.9384685 out of 5
Keywords: Sailing with the Winds, Gone With the Wynns, the Wynns, Sailing, Sailboat, Sail Around the World, Nikki and Jason Wynn, Blue Water Cruising, Circumnavigation, Life on a Yacht, Living on a Yacht, Gone With the Wind, Brewing Pineapple Beer, Brewing Tepache, How to Brew Pineapple Beer, Fermentation, Fermenting Pinapples, Hooch, Home Brew, Pineapple Home Brew, Fermenting at home, tepache recipe, how to make tepache, self reliant, self sufficient, lifestyle, save money, DIY
Id: iRoq1nYGAg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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