How to Make TEPACHE thats full of Probiotics

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hey YouTube welcome back to better than yourself today I'm better than yourself tepache de vache is a fermented mexican drink made out of pineapple primes you probably cut up a couple of these in your lifetime I'll show you how to cut one up well how I thought what up the easiest way I think and then we throw away all the rinds and I hate that I hate throwing away stuff that I could be fermenting so this is a great summertime drink it's it's sour they're kind of like lemonade it's a little sweet because of the residual sugar that doesn't ferment out and it's good for you because it's got all its probiotics and lots of natural bugs in it going on so it actually kind of comes out a little carbonated we'll talk about how to carbonate it towards that part but basically what you do is your cup of pineapple add in a little bit of spices some sugar and then just let it ferment in some warm water at room temperature for about a week and then pour it off and drink it so super easy to make it fun to make and delicious so let's get to work first thing is the the pineapple take the top off and the top of the bottom should call this a tutorial on cutting pineapple basically what I want to do is just cut all the way around and remove all the rind and then either remove this center this tough woody part that's not good eating so you can just kind of guide your knife down the deeper you go the more of this that you get so I'm going to do two passes here I'm going to go around and I'm going to cut off grind off and then I'm going to go around and cut a little deeper to make sure I get all those eyes so here you can see and depending on how much those eyes you feel like you need to get rid of I usually leave a little bit give it a little bit of texture makes it interesting to eat but cut up a good bit of them anyway good now okay like I said we're going to save all these rhymes and stuck them all in the car of this all of this all right we've got that beside we want you to eat this pineapple right so just put the pineapple in the quarters and then you need to remove this this woody part here this and you can just kind of figure out where knife is going to go and place that put those in your jar and so now you've got three more bits to do I mean I just get that woody Center out looks good one more trim your bits here that's a little woody that looks like a seed okay just fit all these right in the jar there's a pig oh well the eye there's a couple little bits here all right as for these babies I usually try to do like triangles like you get if you're by pineapple in the store so figure out how to cut this guy into triangle shapes and then it's just a matter of cutting these in the slices and you've got pineapple chunks so carve out your triangles here and then slice the long dresses and that's how you make a kind of pineapple right now you came here to learn how to make a teapot yeah let's make the pot Jay you need one jar of pineapple rind and just a couple of other things I like he is a lot these are dried Chipotle's they come I've got them in the produce department if you look around you can find these little packages of different herbs and stuff and these are just dried chipotle they're basically a chili that's been smoked and dried so through one of those in Sicily stick that down in there and then we're going to ferment this but we're going to ferment this as a beverage and we need to add a little bit more sugar so this is a half gallon jar I'm doing this is a cup of brown sugar you can use the Mexicans tradition we use a a Pinot Seal is that you can buy at the supermarket sometime if you have a good ethnic section in your supermarket look for it comes in a brown cone about this big wrapped up in something I've even seen them in corn husks wrapped up and you can buy them the shrink wrapped but so as your supermarket guy for you it is a PLCO or you can just use a little bit of brown sugar whatever works for you but I'm using a cup here get that in and yeah it looks like a lot of sugar remember fermenting this though so this is going to all become basically just acid this is going to become our that astringency that makes this trick pretty so refreshing okay your jar with water and just a plastic lid put that on tight and we'll give this a shake to activate all those pineapple bacteria but also to dissolve the sugar of course give it a shake once or twice and then wait until it doesn't settle out and still down a little it coming down here that's the bulk of it find something to press all this stuff down you don't want anything above the the surface of the liquid if you have anything above the surface of the liquid you're going to get mold and that's that's not something you want to mess with so poke everything down I use this little jar it's just small enough that it fits right down inside there a little bit of runoff so get your jar down in there leave it a little bit of room to foam up it's going to foam up and then just put a lid on not too tight you don't want this super tight you're not sealing it in there this is going to give off carbon dioxide gas and if you put this lid on too tight this is a bomb this thing's which is going to wait to explode with the carbon dioxide pressure build up so just a loose lid just enough to keep the dust out and keep the cat out of it but this is good put this away in your pantry for a couple of days three four or five days something like that depends on how warm your house is if you've got a super warm house might take two or three days it's 70 in here so I'll give this about five days and then we'll come back and have another look at it and here's the finished product this has been fermenting for five days and you'll see the just these tiny little bubbles coming up just and creating this foam on the top and that's a good sign of active ferment nation that's the carbon-dioxide given off by the bacteria that are in here and the yeast that are in here fermenting the the fructose from the pineapple Efrain brown sugar and creating carbon dioxide now when we open this you can see there's kind of lots of bubbles but it's kind of brown evil here it's just dirt off the outside of the pineapple you can the nice thing about this fermentation is all these little bubbles kind of get your little scrubbing bubbles here cleaning off the dirt and dust and everything from the pineapple remember I said I didn't wash the pineapple well here's our here's our washing step but just scrape that off probably fine but no reason to eat it if you don't need it and then here you can pour this and you can see the nice carbonation and there you have it - Potch a delicious tart but no that's really good depends you know how you like it if you like it sweet I let this go for what I'd say five days but no this is nice this is tart this is a refreshing kind of like a you know in a good old-fashioned lemonade or something like that it's got that real lemon in it it's got that tartness not too sweet that's good stuff you can if you want to make it alcohol this is probably I don't know point oh five percent alcohol in here because alcohol takes a long time to make alcohol it takes no you make wine and it literally ferments for about a month or two it really gets all that fructose out of the grape juice and and you know really makes wine that you know eight or nine percent of alcohol this has been fermenting for a couple of days there's really not a lot of alcohol in it there's not it's not about the alcohol it's about the you know fermenting making the probiotics getting some of that sugar out and replacing it with a nice tart refreshing taste so I think I'm ready for the yard how about you guys thanks for watching everybody be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below
Channel: Better Done Yourself
Views: 68,709
Rating: 4.8747301 out of 5
Keywords: Probiotic Summer Drinks, fermented pineapple drink recipe, fermented pineapple drink, Fermented Pineapple, fermented pineapple juice, tepache recipe, tepache, how to make tepache, fermented summer drinks, fermented pineapple, how to cut up a pineapple, fermented pineapple skin drink, pineapple, How to Cut Up a Fresh Pineapple, pineapple peel drink, probiotic, probiotics, tepache de piƱa receta, fermented, lacto fermentation, pineapple peel, restore gut health, homemade
Id: zpMKhEVpP3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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