Brad Makes Ginger Beer | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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well Halloween is right around the corner they're gonna do be a haunted house I'll pop out of a freaking rock you know with a cabbage over my face you ever see them I used to there's a couple pictures on the Internet a couple pictures on the internet where I have a piece of cabbage or I cut eyes out and put a rubber band around it it's it's the Cabbage Patch hey guys saying it's alive pretty stoked we're gonna be doing a little ginger beer a little fermented beverage ginger sugar you could judge it up a little bit with some spices if you want but super simple super fun let's make some ginger beer who's got it you got it I got it you were a Jack like that and that's all you'd be dangerous dude you'd be like swimming like Michael Phelps and I sure I was like just be crushing the world or what Hey damn right you are Andy told people got bad news anyway [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh anyhoo so real simple you know it's just sugar and ginger and water so you want to try to get the best ginger you can get I got some really nice fresh young ginger here from the farmers market just like almost like no skin like you know it's just like look at that it's just like juice man oh my god that's that this is like what you are I'm just gonna give them a little rinse Ipoh add it to some sugar and some water in this here fermentation jar little buh-buh-buh-buh little water thing there little two-way valve and we're gonna let it go we're gonna let it go for a few days we're gonna taste it kind of like kombucha or tepache you know it's like it's not 100% set for four days and it's done you got to keep an eye on its fermentation we're learning this we know this so um I'm gonna give this a little rinse and we'll trim it up so you look up beautiful Meadows if you can get it fresh like this I'm thinking up until where it starts to go get green we're gonna nip off well little trim ski but these I'm gonna keep there's something there I want to do something of these maybe I'll just ferment them for for the hell of it look they're fun they're pretty trim well trim I'm trimming these off because I don't think they're gonna add any gingery flavor and it might give it a little bit of a vegetal off flavor but we'll leave a little bit believe those are a little little pink tips remind me to never say pink tips again this frickin fruit flies for the recipe I've been working on flip through the old notebooks I'm calling for 400 grams of ginger let's see if we get it out of this boy I hope so we're gonna get there Oh big time but we have a little extra huh I'm gonna do 500 yeah just because I want to if some of that tougher you know Tommy how's it going Tommy I feel like I haven't seen you in a while traveling the world we're gonna make a little ginger beer oh you make ginger beer don't you I'm losing my voice pardon me what and what you told me to is that it's got to be white sugar instead of like I don't think it has to but and for a certain I think it's just the waste of certain things like like [Music] thanks Tommy we'll catch you later but feed those kids okay so some of those older gingers are you know more mature I sometimes upgrade them just to get them off home you could crush them or put them in a food processor or whatever I just like to get juices out so this stuff is so juicy and beautiful I'm gonna use the grater I'm just gonna chop it into little pieces give it a little crush we're gonna do 350 grams of sugar all right tell me when Hansie what are we at 342 where I said we're gonna do to you Kizzy close enough so that's our sugar now I'm just gonna mix that I'm gonna add this to our fermentation tank let me give it a little quick rinse real quick want to make sure these jars all these nice and clean you just want to ferment what you're fermenting not a bit of a rabbit hole in the common Oh Kevin thanks bud yeah can't say hi to the world the world that watches yeah five world so we're just gonna add the sugar to the jar like so okay put that bad boy right there I'm gonna crush up the ginger oh my god leave that God juicy that is so not real woody crazy Harry fibery kind of thing Oh smells good just won't bite it it's gonna rub it on my face oh geez give it a little crush mmm little crush no no no Allyson in this one and like I say try to get organic some of the other stuff I believe it's uh irradiated Chris irradiated right so what they like pass it under a light UV light right kill critters yeah that is eager to permit and sometimes it wouldn't even yeah that's right huh beautiful now we're gonna add in check my notes real quick twelve cups of water you know the best water you can get today it's gonna be New York City tap water which is damn fine damn fine but you know if you can get like a melting glacier go ahead get some of that or maybe a nice little bubbling and natural spring Shore you know hike in you know a spiky get some great before to do that this is 8 cups remember so what do we need we need four more after that get that sugar nice and dissolve that's our food for the ginger for the fermentation no wouldn't yeah maybe a little a couple of tablespoons of maple syrup you go on the counter it out that probably would be kind of cool with a side a little bit of color you probably use a little brown sugar if you want to leave to be darker kind of wish I thought of that before you wanted to add some other little fun things here you could sometimes throw in a little fresh bay leaf in you know I love them bay leaves yeah now we're just going to let this for men it's Tuesday I'm thinking Friday we'll meet up well strain it will bottle it let it do its secondary carbonation so well send this to the fermentation station huh yeah come back on Friday bud think I have a fever yeah I don't know how accurate is that rectal nope perfect see you on Friday man all right quick follow me around creep we got to do another one we'll do a little wardrobe change and hop right back into the same raspy voice [Music] how long's that thing going on see a little loop I did there I teach at film school yeah yeah Brad that's what they do oh honey what are those are those your driving gloves lose your lose your camera opera honey you forgot your camera operating gloves oh my god what kind of OJ Simpson does that oh no there's two of them then you only have one oh yeah okay right didn't the hell's going on anymore let me just make a real quick little drink this has nothing to do with the episode but it's very important to stay hydrated while you work no lemon all right get organic weaken it put all kinds of stuff on citrus we got to buck up and spend a little more money spend it on your citrus all right those were probably not organic but I scrubbed them well you know it makes me feel good all right where we leave off ginger beer we used that nice fresh young ginger that we had there was the first time I ever tried making ginger beer with that kind of ginger I thought it was gonna be like super active want to take off it's been a little slow on the ferment it's got some nice bubbles going I started around before agitated it it's still a little sweet I'm afraid if we bottle it now it might over carbonate and just be too fizzy it's hard to tell you know everything's a bit of an experiment but what I'm gonna do is take I have 100 grams of just like I stole it from Gabby ginger right out of the walk-in I peeled it up a little bit of washed it I cut any blemishes off it was kind of it had a couple little funky spots you know but I've used that before and it is fermented like crazy and this worked out really beautifully the one time I tried using sexy young ginger maybe anyway I'm gonna add 100 grams of this I'm gonna grade it up keep the sugar level the same I'm gonna let it go for today's Monday you know we'll check in on Thursday checking on Wednesday Thursday hopefully Friday nothing the chitchat I just got a box grater and the other on the coarse one here be careful all right not gonna wood because is a real knuckle destroyer the last little chunk you know shave your fingers and just throw it in there crush it or something as it matures it gets so much more than the fibers within the ginger I need you pay attention I need you to focus now I need you now Matt okay I mean I know whatever they're doing is probably really fun so is this alright fermentation is fun Hansie look look at words he'll them you know this thing is done my mother's got a sharper frickin fox greater than this thing it's probably 35 years old yeah faucets dripping they leave me with a wet counter dull box grinder or box grater and it was cold oh yeah this is how you just get a horrible cut god I'm so close please don't cut yourself thing slips knuckle goes right down it you know a burry dull scalloped blade just right to the knuckle bone Oh God it's just selfs open up a bunch so there there we got it okay I'm gonna add that hopefully that helps just kickstart a little bit more farming fermentation and we let it go for a couple days I'm gonna get a little scary poo and wash my hands turn the page wash your hands well from something cook from some like Doug funnie no the other guy was like a turtle yeah that Rocko's Modern Life oh my god I forgot that existed Rocko's Modern Life it was like this turtle and he would go and he had glasses forget his name turn the page turn to page wash your hands anyway little story pill oh yeah oh yeah don't do that I'm hoping the new added reinforcements will help the fermentation and we'll check it in a few days all right hon z2 the next one hey guys today and it's now what are we doing now Hansie we're gonna do oh oh you want to talk about fish jerky do you so have we addressed Kevin at all yet oh oh yeah we're the airlock bud that's the color it's not the color water anymore it's colored ginger beer my friend let me take a seat we'll talk through it so ideally oh you're getting look those little bubbles in there right little things come about things are fermenting things are consuming the sugar and giving off gas so what happened ideally you would want a little more headspace than what we have now so that when it ferments sometimes you know it'll it'll it'll get bubbly and what happened was it fermented so much it came up into the airlock and put a mixed ginger beer into the water not ideal you're gonna want to clean that if you're gonna keep fermenting we're gonna bottle it now let's paste it real quick it's gonna borrow that Andy thanks love the color oh yeah now when we bottle it I like it to have a nice carbonation so just like in kaput just like in kombucha or tepache where we do what I call f2 our secondary fermentation we're about with users will bottle it will leave a little space and that residual sugar will still ferment in here the cap will keep the gas in and force it back into the liquid carbonation I'm predicting will do today's what Thursday Thursday taste Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday I'll check it Monday maybe Tuesday I'm thinking of so let's get Bob Delaney yeah guys down here boys she wake up he's got a camera somewhere that's that's the ongoing theories and I think Morocco and Andy and I had there he's got like a camera hidden somewhere secret camera you never ever see something really cool or delicious going on thanks to Ray [Music] this is very high-tech it's gonna fall immediately boom I like to use these are great man you know if you see people drinking them you know store-bought kombucha 'he's great fermentation bottles okay they already did the hard work they got the glass they got the top they did it all you see people going oh oh I got my little kombucha I'm gonna throw it in the recycling boom take that one right back save them up and you got fermentation grade bottles okay or you can buy like beer making things like that little beer making bottle that's fun too you put the little cap on it or like these guys don't those are like the beer ones you know but you can't go get in just the ones that are like oh Mack then I'm at a little restaurant in Greenpoint or whatever and they oh oh you guys want water for the table yeah and they come and they bring it a little pop top thing looks like this you know those will blow up on you alright they are the word they use them if you go looking it up it's like they're like ornamental now we're just going to pour them in there and we want to leave a little bit of headspace like right here like so okay let's see if we can get this thing up or right god I hate them tell me what's getting close take the camera alright you know what can you do with this leftover ginger I don't know no I'm literally asking myself that compost it let's let's taste it I don't know you probably just throw it away you know you could you project so that keep almost knocking these over before you guys got here I'd knock broke it all over the freaking floor it's very disappointing who's a little shy we got just a little bit oh yeah the old drink huh not a bad yield way drinking today ginger beer great okay I get a bar one day right I feel like I do this every episode that's right yep no problem Joe whiskey don't even look up yep all right I'll just make the ginger beer shut up Fred again there's a couple ways to make ginger beer I know people like do a bug will you'll leave some like back slop or whatever they call it well you'll have some of that juice add to it and just keep the whole cycle going I've had great success just doing one offs like this all right but you know let me know in the old comments if you guys do it a different way always like learning right we'll never stop learning the tricky part like most things it's easy to make it's hard to make really well so if this doesn't work out if it over goes or if it's on nerve it's too sweet you make notes in just kind of tweak and adjust that's fermentation that's cooking oh that's the stuff very satisfying Oh dogs Oh dogs whammo oh I could do that I could do that for like an hour captain bottles and then like anything you'd probably get really bored of it okay put some fresh labels on them well G a a G B what's the date nine hey Siri all right taste of 26 of September so you probably see this maybe and I don't know nine ten months all right ginger beer will do what I say was the 22nd I'll pay attention I literally just looked at it and I didn't even pay attention 26 GPA GPA oh this one's already got it on it G B 926 the worst handwriting ever let's say a child actually children probably write better not in cursive darling auntie check it anymore right I can still write my name in cursive what kind of kids can do that boom there's my signature read it first thing ever in that fax they don't Forge my my life buy a house with my signature or something stupid oh you want to see ginger beer and scrip for all you young uns out there I'll do it you might not be able to read it but let's see let's see if I can remember Oh capital G oh boy we're screwed was it that yeah so I'm like there was that D that's D is that D it's close it's something like that right B I think B was just like a big be okay I wrote my name's E E and then it was just like a little D like that alright I put a deep goddamn Brad all right let me do let me do beer again so I'm a little dim there it is OOP forget to the second one because I messed up ginger beer and script so we'll put this back over in the fermentation station and we'll let it go what I say today is Thursday we'll check in on Monday all right Hansie Monday maybe Tuesday I'll let you know to the station but all right Oh check this out look this experiment rip it off the wall it's been there forever since my march/april been there since april what this is is just egg yolks egg yolks sugar and salt I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with it probably nothing but it's been sitting at room temp in that for like since April huh color it will get Gabby to try it one day Morocco olives will trick them I made this like it's like a clue to clarified pumpkin caramel I know you have like a super palate or whatever you call it super taster you know dip a piece of angel hair in there and just and just taste it let me think let me know what you think maybe it's we should do that no you can't get sick [Music] cool alright so ginger beer left off f2 as I called secondary fermentation we were gonna try to achieve some some carbonation going into it the whole process with the fresh ginger has been a little a little skeptical it wasn't really I don't know why you know it didn't really wasn't eager to ferment nice color I'll give it a little half turn let some of that sentiment drop moment of truth I'm not expecting a big gas off if any here but let's see I'll hold it up to the mic hopefully it doesn't see my face nope my theory it's the fresh ginger this again this is a theory I didn't I didn't research this or google it or nothing I'm thinking maybe either there was some kind of so yeah that's that's this one beautiful color if that was carbonated I'd be in a little less sweet I'd be so happy with it but fool around with it try that that's not a that's not a dead thing but I'm gonna look into the fresh the fresh ginger as an issue probably should have done that before I am but you know they were worth the fun in that I also I do have a couple bottles I want to grab I'll go grab one right now of a different ginger beer that I use without fresh ginger and I let it go and it's like bone-dry like somewhere between this and the other one would be perfect let me go get it I mean the freakin lid is pushing up okay oh yeah well that one worked let's give it a little tasty poof shall we well you see it doesn't have that punch in the face ginger aromatic that this one has super dry you know what a little combination of the both maybe huh oh my god that's that's really good it tastes like tastes like a high-end ginger beer is that you buy you know I guess they figured out hey Gaby come here when you try some try this yeah it's a mixture of to give it a taste let me know what you think what do you smell like like a cleaner or something not in a bad way something refreshing that's not ever think heavy I'm not upset it's good give me anything drink on the other side it was thick baby baby subtle why what is stronger stronger ginger spice what do you know about young ginger it's better right yeah you're pinkish and while yellow no but they didn't ferment as well I mean I don't try this try this it's not carbonated in sweet I think maybe or maybe the opposite try that was it what to do you're sick I wasn't fine I took like a week of antibiotics is the next oh you you yeah this is not alright dump that swill and try this no it's not very good bone-dry remember not the bone-dry yeah there's nothing in it so this one was the fresh ginger that didn't really ferment it's sweet but if you mix that or put that the smell is completely different it's like fresh POW beautiful yeah but if it was carbonated it would be awesome yeah because in the secondary where we produce carbonation there wasn't enough lifeforce in it to eat the sugars you add that yeah you be good for a cocktail right it's a fun additive boom you got a little tea boom yeah you got a little ice tea boom little water boom yeah AC moonshine their moonshine is boom that's it or your best shoe shoes what's the best shooter but juju thank you God we Cheers King he be hey say ginger beer bone Appetit one everything oh by the way you notice what Oh 90s Gabriela Oh mrs. Hunziker what a gem right you see yeah that's right all right Gabi thanks for swingin by Oh God what are you gonna do you ever play dry ice no you got to pick it up quick and throw it to the next person you gotta catch it ready Jessie try drugs never let it go you do hot coals though Jessie coming at you Jessie J eyes join us dry-ice whoo oh we're making a mess let's just put water on it make smoke oh don't go picking that up Emma Christ you can't hold it like that people think you touched dry ice tonight yeah it's not like dipping your hand and liquid co2 or liquid nitrogen you know like ha ha ha we're gonna open up a haunted house right here be a haunted house Emma's gonna drop from the ceiling she'll be a spider what do you want to be yeah but fake arms what do you want to be let's play as a hero not a scary guy yeah not scary all right get out of here we're trying to make a television show cut [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,819,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alive, brad, brad leone, fermentation, fermented, ginger, ginger beer, beer recipe, it's alive, brad makes, bon appetit brad, its alive, brad leone 2019, brad it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, live food, brad leone bon appetit, how to make ginger beer, brad leone ginger beer, brad leone its alive, its alive ginger beer, bon appetit its alive, make ginger beer, ginger beer recipe, recipe for ginger beer, ginger beer fermentation, diy ginger beer, make, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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