Brad Makes a Fermented Mexican Pineapple Drink (Tepache) | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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all right so we're gonna try alright alright thank you alright so today today we're gonna make a little fermented beverage called tepache and it's just a fermented pineapple drink with some spices very nice very refreshing departure to POC J tepache van they call tepache oh it's this tepache [Music] so you want to get yourself a good jar a jar that can close you want something that can get a good seal on it what I've done I rigged it up a little bit as where I put a little rubber band on here and I put that over there so it keeps it closed Vinnie are you recording what the rubber band is patent pending is it self purposes so if it were going to explode it would just go back and it would just let the pressure out Ginger's very active when it comes to fermentation by its own I mean there's a thing called I think they call it ginger bug where it's a fermented ginger product and I wash this really well I just nip some of the tips off ah you don't need to peel it but what I do is I will crush it open it up you know get the juices going then we use these peppers I don't go cutting them up otherwise I'd be wearing gloves but I just have them to open them so I'll cut the top off you don't need that and I cut the bottom off I don't wash it because it tends to wash you off the outside skin tends to have a lot of its own the East on it and that's that's very good for fermentation as well and then I like to cut it into a big quarter like that I cut a little bit of that off of the the inner core I think it can make it a little bitter sometimes the rhein it's a little woody but if it's real right it's kind of good I don't go crazy I just felt like a half inch of that little corner off you see all right and then I just cut it up into pieces all right nice chunks we'll do that with all of them pop the old brown sugar in here I'm gonna add a little bit of water now so I'm just gonna get a little bit of water in here not much because as we put the more pineapple in we won't know how much so they could you know we don't want it to be too full and I'll just give it a little shake I just want to dissolve the sugar and the brown sugar it'll sweeten it not that you know pineapples plenty sweet but it you know sweeten it will give it a nice dark color they use another ingredient in Mexico I believe brown sugar is an alternative I forget what it was called which I get well what's a call it one more time for the camera or it could be lowenfield yeah now we got that all mixed up we'll add some more pineapple in okay up up up I got this cool little tool that this company called crowdsource sent me it looks like a giant bubble go get it come on and it's for a fermentation say you're making sauerkraut or I want to use it I just want to break muddle up that pineapple a little pop up up up keep things down yeah that can't hurt you know all right ginger I'm in a cinnamon right in there give it a nice little shape over the segment and we'll muddle it back down crowd source if you were to taste that now it would be very very sweet but when it ferments the bacteria and yeast eats a lot of the sugar so that's it just a splash more water there we go fermentation you know a lot of jars aren't made for fermentation and so you kind of get what you pay for it's worth doing a little research there's a lot of glass bottles are just decorative you prefer matte on those things will blow up on you get very dangerous yeah if any things have blown up on me I don't want to talk about it oh no that was the basement Brusco that was a failed attempt at making a homemade hooch I took the bottle I went to open it thing turn the stand so be careful by again that wasn't in a fermentation grade bottle you live and you learn all right so we're set here you're gonna let this sit room temp it'll start to bubble it should be very active come Monday this is the shop and you don't screw it up blow up in my face all right not as much bubbles as I thought let's give it a little stir and see all those bubbles coming up that's all the fermentation happening so now what we're gonna do we're gonna strain this and then you could drink it straight from there what I like to do is I'll put it into these fermentation bottles so I'll cap these and we'll put them back on the counter for about two three days and that's where it'll you know start to carbonate oh yeah it kind of smells a little bit like it's a little eesti a little biri biri I don't know if that's a word but uh it is today folks this is not an insured many thanks for asking I've had this for a while I picked it up at a good old secondhand store and check out those details up so it's got all these little threads on the inside looking a little like you know I don't know and the outside it just looks like I don't know that's cool man that's one of my best shirts or I forget horn today for the show all right back to business Vinny now we're just going to pipe this stuff into the bottles lay that nice no spills no spills or thrills now just like with that I don't know if you've seen the kombucha video and I really just want oh god oh god don't cut cut whenever you're doing a fermented beverage in glass bottles you want to leave it your solid inch of head space on the top of life what that does is give room for the the pressure to build back up and reconstitute itself into the liquid I believe but it also prevents it from exploding and then that you just want to cap and you want we're gonna let that hang out back in the fermentation station over there for about three or four day three days let's do two just a two and a half three days you know I was even thinking you might be able to add water to this and and do it again you know this is a Test Kitchen so I maybe will do that Oh spicy that's that the ginger and the habanero that we put in there so that's nice I like that and it's got a little bit of sweetness but not as sweet as you would think given that we put a cup of brown sugar and pineapple which is super sweet to begin with but there's enough sugar in there for the second fermentation to create the carbonation it's magic Vince nothing short of magic I like to rinse him off because you know thinking I don't want to have to be sticky and stuff you know it's how you get ants anyway forget the numbers but I think the population of ants the humans on earth is like a hundred to one or something so we'll come back and we'll we'll pop some bottles and we'll taste it there's the finished product come back in two days thumbs up wait that mic job should have been a spy okay how do I do it last time oh that's it oh no that's not it so where we leave off I added a little bit of brown sugar like 2 tablespoons just to give it a little food it's very active as you can see lots of bubbles going on in there so I'm gonna pop the top and it should be pretty active oh yeah yeah boo boo so it works we got a nice little secondary will bottle that up just like we did with the first so doing two rounds you can double your yield whoosh I have one in the fridge Vinnie you want to chill it before you open it oh yeah carbonation pineapple ginger is very active you only want to go we went two days and it seems like it worked out just fine oh yeah that's the stuff well I smells like beer a little little little yeasty in a good way pretty nice little sweet you get that chilly I'd say a fermented drink so it has like probiotics and it's you know promotes good gut health which we're big on blood if you want to get a little wild this would go really nice little rum maybe even a little tequila it's afternoon you start drinking ah you kidding me Pacific oh oh we're gonna do a little beer in there my bad w you always nice oh that's pretty good this is really good drink that all summer long oh you heard it here first now a brief word from our sponsors oh what's that then oh we don't have any oh but man we got some good beverages and bone Appetit hey meal what's up bud what's go ahead and taste that for me it's not poisonous and close your eyes where are you idea yeah watch it with a little bit of Pacifico in it oh let's go try to partner up oh no rap oh you're no no I'm not going in there no way dude you got to respect a man's boundaries let me try it huh we got a couple that ship Vinnie not bad by the Statue of Liberty almost looks like a science research vessel that's where we're gonna shoot next Vinnie little place called Ellis Island
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,712,122
Rating: 4.9378195 out of 5
Keywords: pineapple, fermentation, brown sugar, pepper, chile, carbonation, mexico, tepache, spices, bon appetit brad, brad bon appetit, it's alive, recipes, recipe, cook, how-to, technique, kitchen, food, cuisine, bon appetit, tepache recipe, how to make tepache, brad leone, how to fermentation, test kitchen, what is, brad, alive, fermented, live food, how to make, probiotics, make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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