๐Ÿ Tepache - Pineapple "Beer" Recipe

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no no it's not to patch its tepache yeah a sexy tepache it's like pineapple beer well no it's not actually beer at all it's more like a low alcohol pineapple flavoured beverage that gives you a way to use pineapple peals before composting them and it's not really easy to find a functional way to use pineapple peels or pineapple rinds are pineapple skin whatever you want to call it compared to ginger beer tepache is not spicy it's sweet it's a little tangy and I don't know how to describe it it's pineapple II it takes less time to make them ginger beer only about two days and generally has a stronger alcohol content maxing out at about 3.2 percent the first step is picking the right pineapple ideally you want one that's ripe the pineapple on the left is not ripe enough yet as you can see it's very green and if you smell it you'd notice that it really doesn't have much of a scent at all put the pineapple on the right which is obviously much more yellow almost orange is almost too ripe and if you look on the bottom there are some red spots this pineapple really really smells like pineapple so you're kind of looking for something that's right in between these two like this one once you've selected the pineapple you want to use give it a wash but don't worry about washing the leaves next if you want to regrow the pineapple just break the leafy top off of the fruit kind of like this you might want to wear a garden glove this was actually fairly painful cut off the end evenly remove the bottom few layers of leaves next stick the pineapple top into a cup and fill it with water just up to the base of the leaves so basically only the yellow part should be under water then trim off the ends of the leaves like this of course if you don't want to regrow a pineapple just cut the top and the bottom off and toss it into the compost [Music] you can serve up the fruit however you like I like freezing it for smoothies now stuff the peels into a very clean 64 ounce mason jar sugar is necessary to make the alcohol in this drink it's what the yeast is going to feed on and as a by-product create carbon dioxide and small amounts of ethanol which is the alcohol we drink and by the way never ever drink methanol with an M or isopropyl alcohol that would be very dangerous and would probably kill you but in terms of sugar you can use brown sugar regular sugar I wanted to try it with maple syrup just to see if it would work and spoiler alert it worked or else I wouldn't have closed at this video but sugar probably would have worked better I digress so you just want to use about 3/4 of a cup to 1 cup of the sugar of your choice then fill the jar with water leaving about a half inch of space from the top I think this was about 6 cups of water total traditionally tepache is also flavored with cloves but cloves give me flashbacks of Gothic dance clubs from Tampa so I'm going to opt out but if you want just pop three cloves into the jaw and you're good to go you can also add a cinnamon stick but I'm not going to because I don't have one now mix it all up either with a clean spoon or just pop the lid on it and give it a little shake a shaker then seal the jar with a cheesecloth and place it on a counter for 12 to 24 hours depending on how warm your kitchen is you'll start to see some bubbles after a couple hours after 24 hours if you see some white foam on the top of the drink that's a good sign just scoop it out [Music] waiting another 12 to 24 hours will make the drink a little bit less sweet but will also bring up the alcohol content for me it brought it up by 1% but my chapati never made it above 2.2 percent now all you have to do is just strain out the solids toss them into the compost a pop the tepache into the fridge once chilled serve and enjoy you can garnish it with a pineapple wedge or a cinnamon stick personally I don't like getting hit in the face with fruit when I'm drinking but that's just me however you garnish it just make sure it's not with a plastic straw am i right is there always baby and here's one more shot now with the glass and explicably sitting on a fence thank you guys so much for watching for full instructions on how to make tepache or how to regrow pineapples check out the links in the description or visit zero waste california org see you next week [Music]
Channel: Zero Waste TV
Views: 122,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zero waste home, zero waste diy, zero waste asmr, zero waste, zero waste recipes, zero waste cooking, zero waste kitchen, zero waste vegan, tepache, tepache recipe, pineapple beer, pineapple brew, how to make tepache, make tepache, how to use up pineapple skin, how to use pineapple peels, how to use pineapple rind, regrow pineapple, pineapple drink, pineapple recipe, zero waste cocktail, cocktail recipe, cocktail ideas, fermented drink, TAPACHE, Cรณmo Hacer Tepache, bebida
Id: IPeQYHKcav0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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