How To Make TEPACHE | Sarah's Kitchen

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[Music] hey guys it's sarah the chinese new year is coming and you know what they say new year no waste i know they don't say that but they should and i'm gonna show you a little recipe for using up stuff that usually goes into the bin if like me you've made your own pineapple jam this year for a chinese new year you're gonna have a whole bunch of these peels cores just off cuts of pineapple left instead of dumping these into the bin let's make some tapachi i'm really looking for the echo effect there like to betcha the budget but new year no budget unfortunately so tapachi is a mexican drink that utilizes sugar water and fruit or fruit peel to make a really nice refreshing sweet slightly fizzy drink it's gonna be sugar water the peel of pineapple and i'm just adding a little bit of flavor with ginger and some spices so we're using brown sugar to get that nice kind of raw sugar taste now i'm just going to add a little bit of water to dissolve the brown sugar and the reason i'm using water from a filtered jug is because when you are doing any kind of natural fermentation like this if the water in your city or your country is chlorinated that can sometimes interfere with the natural fermentation so we try and use a filter drive to take that out just stir this now i'm going to take my pineapple chorus and peels and just chucked them into this big jar all of these are rinsed by the way i actually washed the pineapple before cutting it just to get rid of any dust or anything else that might be on the peel but you don't want to wash them too well because it's actually the natural yeasts on the fruit and the outside of the fruit that kick-start the fermentation process i'm also using some sliced fresh ginger and i'll throw in some dried spices as well some styrenes and a few cloves just top it up with water to make sure you cover everything and we can fill up this entire jar if some stuff is floating to the surface you can just take a little bit of the pineapple peel and kind of criss-cross it on top to form a little umbrella or shelter and then just take a little saucer or a weight and weigh that down because any bits of pineapple that bob up and float at the top if they're exposed to air they may go moldy so we want to keep everything really nice and submerged and now all i have to do is take a cloth and just tie it around the mouth of the jar this is an aerobic fermentation i know that's very confusing so it is not anaerobic fermentation but it is aerobic fermentation which means it needs to be exposed to air and that's why we've just put this little cheese cloth or a tea towel on top so that the bacteria that's in here doing the fermentation can get their fair share of oxygen so that they can get going they're gonna feed on the sugar so as it ferments it'll get less sweet usually people leave this for one to three days in a cool dark place not in the fridge but outside somewhere in the house that it's not going to get too much sun or get too hot so we'll check back on this in a couple days good luck matapachi baby it's been two full days of fermentation for the tapachi so let's take a little look and i've noticed like okay look i'm gonna move it do you see how when i move it there's so many bubbles just coming up that's a sign of healthy vigorous fermentation which is what we want to see so i'm just going to open this up whoa it's very frothy on top oh it smells really nice and tart it smells completely different i'm just gonna give this a little taste [Music] it's so good it's really nice and tart and you can definitely taste the pineapple now the reason it's a little bit sour is because the bacteria that's making the fermentation happen it's feeding off of the sugar and creating acid so it's got that nice tart flavor i'm actually really happy with how this tastes so i'm gonna go straight into the secondary fermentation that's when i strain it and i'm going to put it into an airtight container instead of an open container that way the bacteria are going to feed off of whatever remaining sugar is in there and instead of creating acid they'll create carbon dioxide so it gets nice and fizzy so this tapache now goes for its second fermentation it can go anywhere from one to three days so i'm just gonna check it tomorrow and just open it see if it's fizzy enough and when it's fizzy enough it's ready to drink i'm so happy about this it's the best no waste experiment ever so it's been two days of the second fermentation for the tapachi and here it is it looks a bit cold because i put it in the fridge i want it nice and cool and refreshing let's open it up [Music] it's so so yummy honestly the first day when i tasted the mixture i was a little bit unsure how it would turn out but the pineapple peels and the core they've completely transformed what's essentially sugar water into something refreshing fizzy sparkling sour sweet delicious this may have been a way to reduce waste but honestly this is the real deal so good [Music] you
Channel: Sarah Huang Benjamin
Views: 25,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cocktails, Tepache, No Waste, Eco friendly, Recipe, No Waste Recipe, Drinks, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice
Id: e1IXO3f35yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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