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i'm nikki this is jason and this is our floating home curiosity we set sail four years ago and some 13 000 nautical miles later we landed in the kingdom of tonga where we decided to haul out for cyclone season and take a break to visit family on our way back covet 19 hit and we got stuck in fiji for six months and then quarantined for almost a month before finally making it back so now our poor sailboat has been sitting on the hard for over a year and our first day back was a little shocking oh my gosh the enclosure is toast goner please used to be this color not anymore a couple little cockroaches crap i'm so sorry this was new line i'm so sorry but after a few dozen wasp evictions and a light bath we're ready to dive in and really see what condition she's in maybe it feels so good to be home so good granted she is dirty and she is musty but she is still home and of course it has been an entire year and not that we anticipated that but it has been and we didn't exactly prepare for that so there are some things that we did that were great and it worked out and have definitely saved our tales but then there were some things that were surprises some good some bad like uh the surprise beer i mean that was pretty exciting bonus beer i know right i don't know if it's any good anymore but it's like surprise bad surprises like the toilet not a good surprise good yeah that's kind of what we wanted to do today is quickly walk you through and show you well what everything looks like well we got right we got wrong well we didn't even consider and what we still don't even know is lurking behind something yet so keep your eyes peeled if you see something that's like super bad or you think something might be bad tell us in the comments below because we've got some time we're gonna be on the hard for a very long time no don't say that oh one month we're giving ourselves one month one month so kicking things off with a very obvious mistake whatever we got back and we sort of knew maybe this was gonna bite us and it definitely did which was not waxing the boat poor thing is parched she is so dry and she's oxidizing which means that the sun and the elements are just beating her down eating away the gel coat and it's washing away with every rain so we have got a lot of work to do to get the mold stains out just all the stains in general and then just waxing to bring her back to life because guess we should have taken the trampolines apart sun is brutal i don't know if you would call this one right or wrong either way it's what we did some of these hatches have been leaking so we did lube the seals but that still wasn't keeping out the water so clearly it was coming from somewhere else so i just annihilated it with silicone i put on so much that nothing could get through and it worked because i put uh some tubs and stuff around on the bed underneath to catch any water but there was never any reports of water and there is no stains or mold on the bed so clearly it worked we removed the genoa so it didn't get damaged by the sun and get all moldy we also removed the lines that were attached to the genoa but for some reason we did not do the main sheets i don't know why let me come over here i have no idea why we didn't just take all these lines and throw them in a stack pack didn't even cross our mind we left the stack pack in the mainsail on purpose because well we didn't know where to put them it rained the day before we hauled out so everything was wet we didn't want it to be inside because then it would just get moldy and disgusting so this seemed like the best place to leave the mainsail and the stack back and i i feel like it was okay yeah i feel like it was the right decision just i don't know why we didn't remove these lines it's just well you can't think of everything absolutely perfect timing because we moved into the cockpit and a downpour came which brings me to our next point which is the shade screens and the enclosure i have no idea why i left the i left them rolled up so that's good they at least weren't getting the sun damage but i don't know why i left them up at all they're so easy to slide out of here and remove and i should have and i could have washed them and then taken them inside or even just set them inside no i should just wash them and take them inside because they were covered in mold thankfully it's a really good easy fabric to clean so not horrible but could have been way worse i think and then we purposely left the enclosure on because it was already on its last leg we knew it was dying and if we took it down then the cockpit had no protection and our hatches that definitely leaked back here as well were gonna be potentially an issue so we chose to just leave it up to protect the cockpit and knew that they may not be usable when we got back and they're definitely not usable goner and it's a real bummer because there is no fabric here you can't get things here we'll have to wait until we get to new zealand but whenever that reopens yeah or australia or wherever we get to go next assuming we get to go somewhere the passage to get there will all be without any of this lovely protection that's what i'm talking about it's like a convertible i know look honey i don't want to be a real sailor they say don't buy a boat if you don't want to get wet but it's going to be cold that direction no we'll be fine you know the sail that we took down the genoa we left in the bag and other than having some mud daubers in here it looks like the sail's okay but we left it on the helm seat and it was exposed to sun so now the sail bag is super bleached so you can tell how much sun was pouring in but this is the cushion that goes on the helm seat and this is the cushion that goes on the bolster on the back side of the helm seat we took the fabric off because we didn't want them to get faded like the sail bag and moldy and everything so we removed them we washed them we stored them safely but these guys i don't know why we didn't think about it we should have wrapped them in a dark plastic bag or got them out of the sun they got annihilated and now it's just falling to pieces i don't know if it was a right yeah it's it was smart to remove the fabric but we should have just put this in a bag or something what about the fabric didn't think about the cushion nope oh but what about our other cushions oh it's the ones that nikki painted four and a half years ago uh with the chalk paint and we weren't worried about those at all they withstand anything they sat here in the cockpit and they're fine they look like the day she painted them almost that is legit like in the future we might take all of our sunbrella material and paint it with a urethane coat because poly acrylic polyacrylic she's the painter not me but yeah that's legit that stuff works way better than just regular sun protection spray moving on down see now the problem is i can't remember why we did some and why we didn't do others but there is a reason for it i think because like some of these needed to be open outlets in case the bill just filled up and in case they needed to flush something out i don't remember i just remembered there was a reason good enough right but all the ones that we did need to seal up we did we stuffed brillo pads up in there so we're told those are really good for keeping out mice and bugs and and all of the wasps that tried to build nests and then we put this awesome vinyl tape over the top of that and it has held up exceptionally well i mean because really very little can get through there definitely no mice and nothing's been chewed away so hopefully those will be nice and tidy when we get ready to launch get ready to splash launch splash we chose to store the dinghy under the boat and mainly because we didn't want it to get damaged by the sun and the rain and we took it off of the davits specifically because we didn't want the weight on the back of the boat or on the davits because on a big rainstorm if you get a couple leaves in there it can cause this whole thing to fill up with water and water weighs a ton so it just sounded like a bad idea and i think that was the right decision but i did make one huge mistake we could have just destroyed the engine and it was stupid i tried to make it work but i just couldn't get it and i was too much of in a rush that i just figured oh it's fine it's fine it'll be fine so the dinghy engine was tilted and kind of laying on its side and apparently if i would have had it laying on the opposite side then oil could have leaked into the engine and completely destroyed it is what i was told fortunately i just happened to leave it in a way that it was okay on the side that was okay on the side that was okay i got super lucky so make sure before you leave your dinghy engine just make sure you understand and i'm telling that more to myself like make sure you find out what is good and what is bad and don't get flustered in the in the moment if you're running out of time make sure you take care of your crap does that make sense that sounded more like a life lesson than uh like the engine issue but we'll go with it yeah this was probably the most difficult decision we made leaving the electrical on because we have lithium batteries because we have a lot of solar we felt like everything would be okay plus we had a person coming every week here at the yard they would come once a week to kind of clean and wipe down and just double check everything and i left notes for them saying hey check the battery power check the water levels and the reason we wanted to leave our electric on was well there's two reason i had a bunch of wine in the little cooler that i didn't want to go bad and we wanted all the fans on so the 12 volt fans and the 110 fans because these little 12 volt fans we were worried they might die or not move enough air it's dirty but it's still running so we made the decision to leave all of our electric on and i think it was the right decision because batteries also don't like to just sit there so our batteries have been going up and down up and down the whole time we've been gone the inverter's been on i was bringing in 55 amps of sun just a second ago and we're at 98 on our battery so by noon this is gonna be fully topped up and i think that's pretty much how it was the whole time we were gone okay this is this is a twofer we got one part right and one part wrong when it came to the water we decided to fill the tanks up fully because we already had somebody coming in once a week to check everything anyway from the yard here which is an amazing service i just can't even tell you how grateful i am that that existed uh so we had somebody come in turn on the water pump open up the tap and turn it back off so it kind of kept everything exercised and of course occasionally doing the bathroom faucets as well so that's awesome because it kept everything moving and lubed and working except the acuva didn't even cross our mind to make sure to put a note to please turn this one on so eventually the filters clogged up for the acuva because while it's filtering everything out so all that stuff clearly grew a lot in there from not being run and now all of that well it needs maintenance this is why you always install a shut off valve everywhere you can good to leave it all on i think it seemed to be the right choice the tanks look like they're in good condition all the faucets work and all the plumbing seems to be good minus the acuba but we can get it fixed okay so what was that speaking of water the water filters on the acuva are clogged and it makes me think about the ro water maker i pickled it i emailed the manufacturer and i said hey it turned from four months to one year uh what's the scoop is it gonna be okay they said it's gonna be fine but i can only imagine in my head i'm gonna get down there by the time i get everything open in that engine room there's gonna be just like an explosion of mold out of the filters or something like a jungle is going to pop yeah it's just going to like so i'm going to save the water maker and the engine reveal for another time i hope you're okay with that because i'm afraid and there's a lot of crap on top of it so i can't really get into it right now just a little bit of scrubbing to do back there this fell off i don't know if we ordered enough hatches i'm gonna say no jeez how many times have we super glue that one already this one zero the other one multiple times all right well then maybe it's got at least one super glue hold in it in general i cleaned everything cleaned cleaned and more cleaned and my final wipe down of pretty much every single surface was a mixture of water and baking soda and a lot of baking soda because baking soda helps with bugs but it also is great for keeping mold at bay so i every cabinet every surface every everything i cleaned everything and so it all kind of had this like white chalky dust on it which was the baking soda and it seems to have done the trick because i expected it was a long time i thought there'd be a lot of mold and there just isn't and that's so exciting and then i did make sure to take all of the covers off of all of the cushions washed them put them away in vacuum sealed bags i did the same thing with all of our clothes vacuum sealed bags with a dryer sheet inside to help with like smells and then baking soda to also help with any smells or mold or anything that might want to grow just in case the vacuum seal let go and then there was air inside the bag that was kind of my i guess my my tactic with that and it seems to have also worked which is again such good news yeah oh and i left all the cabinets open and then sprinkled baking soda and dimetacious earth diametacious earth is kind of a natural like in other words you can eat it and consume it some people do that for the minerals but it's bad for bugs it gets on their little wings and their little bodies and it kills them so keeps the bugs at bay baking soda keeps the mold at bay and i don't seem to have any major issues with either one okay so whenever we saw this the very first day we saw little bugs down in here and we thought oh no it didn't work are you good yeah i'm good okay uh so we saw little tiny bugs in here and we thought oh no it didn't work and we've got a cockroach problem on our hands but no it turns out it's little teeny tiny um grasshoppers grasshoppers thank you yeah little grasshoppers and that seems to be all that we found in all the bilges and anywhere around no evidence of like mouse poop or rat poop and no cockroaches which is almost unbelievable so we're lucky and it was just a few little dead grasshoppers which probably came in while the guy who comes in once a week to air out and wipe down the general surfaces again amazing service clearly works is where they maybe came from i don't know but it seems like my baking soda and my dimetacious earth is all still in place and we don't have bugs and we don't have crazy mold oh there's one thing right next to you that i got to talk about oh i thought you meant like a bug yes so you made me panic okay it's like is there a giant spider or cockroach i don't know how oh yes you can talk about that it's show-and-tell my favorite place in the world to be right here next to this head spent a lot of quality time here in the beginning of our sailing adventures we were told to not let the toilet get dry so people say leave a little bit of fresh water in there so we left fresh water and a little bit of vinegar in there to help kill any bugs or any bacteria is kind of what we had thought and it helps keep the seals lubed or so they say but what we return to is i have no idea it's like green moldy buggy cakey mess down there and uh yeah it looks absolutely disgusting [Music] but on the other hand our composting toilets look perfectly fine on the other side of the boat so this will be fun to clean that's one way fun it's gonna be so much fun i'm gonna let you do it the beauty is we flushed the crap out of it literally we we flushed so much fresh water through everything so there's no way it's like feces related stuff it's just there's no way i think that might it's whatever just this this segment is over the good news is i don't see any leakage around there so it's gonna be fine all right with the beds i did the same thing left the mattress covers on and sprinkled baking soda all over the surface of anything fabric but especially the beds thinking that well hopefully that would keep the mold at bay and then whenever we got back i can take the covers off take them in and wash them and so far again i am just like i thought it was going to be so bad in here just with everything all the fabric all the walls i thought it was going to be annihilated and so yeah i'm just this is all very manageable and i feel like that is shooting myself in the foot because there could be so many other problems we have not discovered yet but surface wise like first impression is really good it could have been so much worse and this is all very good very good so overall not too bad now granted don't get me wrong there still are some spots that are definitely moldy and we still have loads of cleaning to do like considering it's our first time it's like literally the first time we've ever hauled the boat out and left it i think we did a pretty good job if you feel differently definitely let us know because we've missed something really important and speaking of important things we still haven't gotten to the engines i feel like there's stuff we just lot to unpack yeah so we are not in the clear there could still be major issues on our hands we just don't know about them yet but so far future episodes it's gonna be quite an adventure it's gonna be exciting what did the winds do wrong this time that's kind of almost every episode no uh yeah so i i feel like it's pretty good i feel happy to be home and happy to have such minimal issues so far i think i still think a month we're shooting for a month splashing in a month we can do it yup we get we have a lot of projects to tackle a lot of stuff to uninstall reinstall yeah it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun but first we have to clean up clean everything so we can get everything dirty yes then we can re-clean it but we have to we have to clean everything so we can put everything away to make room it makes no sense but it must be done it is known it is now it is not winter is coming right am i a couple years behind on that bye guys
Channel: Gone with the Wynns
Views: 322,990
Rating: 4.9731231 out of 5
Keywords: Gone With the Wynns, the Wynns, Sailing, Catamaran, Sailboat, Sail Around the World, Nikki and Jason Wynn, Life on a Yacht, Living on a Yacht, Boat life, curiosity, off grid, tiny house, sailing fails, sailing mistakes, live aboard sailors, adventures in sailing, sailboat living, sailboat tour, on the hard, preparing a sailboat for storage, winterizing a boat, sailboat on the hard, How to prepare a sailboat for storage, Tonga Boatyard, Sailboat Storage in Tonga, Boat Tour
Id: tmDrXSpC9b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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