How to make Ackee and Saltfish!

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all right so we are back back back back back in daddy's kitchen for another meal making it for our family how are you doing today daddy um wonderful you're doing wonderful what is this that's amazing yes the health of life yes yes i always got to thank god for life another day another chance to get it right okay daddy tell the people then what we're cooking today we're gonna cook some aki aki and some fish yes give it up for acne and selfish because acne selfish is jamaica's national dish yes so let's get straight into it where are we starting daddy i have a pot of water here with salt fish in it the only selfish i'm using you got to boil yourself like these three times okay what do you mean by boil it off three times yeah because lots of salt in it get rid of the salt so what do you do you put water in the pot yes let it wine for at least five to ten minutes it's right off throw the water off the water off put more water in it and let it boil again okay and you do that three times okay all right okay then i'm gonna cut up all the ingredients right okay so let's do it your peppers here your tomatoes your garlic your onion the green onion scotch bunny pepper that's it on your fresh time okay got to go get his time and we will meet you back over here with the veggies so i see scallion i see tomato i see onions i see scotch bonnet peppers i see garlic i see sweet peppers and i see some fresh dried time all right let's get into it skelion [Applause] garlic so good old crushing technique yeah it's easier for you to peel off the trash skins i don't waste nothing all right so daddy is taking this off quick in between cutting up the vegetables it's boiling up is this your second time pouring the water off [Music] inside this water when it's boiled okay does it catch a flavor from the fish okay okay we'll see when we get there back on the stove for another boil up session all right so what are we using today we are using canned aki so you can use the real aki but we don't have real accurate up here so we gotta get the can so we're using grace and dunn's river brand and yeah we're actually having ours with dump into as pictured in this one and the seasonings that you're using wow this is so different today daddy black pepper and garlic you don't need a lot you don't over season aki and sawfish interesting okay all right all right so i'm going to cut up my vegetables cut up the vegetable then call them pretty many red green and cool very good onions because you already know how i feel about my onions [Music] if you guys can't take pepper maybe try some chili or something because scotch bonnet pepper ain't gonna be it for you boo if you don't like the heat very hot and flavorful how can people not like vegetables so fresh and so nice so it's very good for you very good here i was thinking you were going to mince it all right first time look at you in your presentation daddy why you are you so fancy for why you always want to be so fancy you guys see how you just place that on top like i'm not fancy yes you're already it's it's in me yes it's in you to be fancy that's what i do that's my dad that's my daddy daddy all right while going the way i saw decide that he's gonna make some plantain with it she's like should i put the plant in i'm like is that even a question of course like it's always yes for planting so you guys are getting two in one right now if you're watching this tutorial this walkthrough right now you're getting a two in one right now if you don't know how to fry plantain you're gonna see i'm gonna see it right here now not true daddy all right let's cut the plantain in half pull off the end them that's how your plantain looks guys this is not a banana okay it is not a banana it's a sister of a banana but it ain't a banana there's a lot of people on my instagram we did one like an insta tutorial and everybody was like oh my god you guys fried bananas and i was like definitely not a sweet banana it's plantain or plantains as some of you would say but as jamaicans would say it's plantain all right so what's your oil at buddy max max so we're using the same oil we were using before right okay that's the flavor lots of flavors so maximum yeah really heat up okay okay okay okay and then i turn it on to medium and medium okay so this is how you slice your plantain okay you cut it in half and then you slice it just like this look at that guys watch your fingers watch your fingers you don't want your finger to be gone like planted okay especially if you have a sharp knife now i turned my fire down because this is hot okay so you turned it down to medium yes okay so now i'm gonna hide my planting [Music] i got one foot out the door y'all i'm about to run because you know that oil but them oh daddy said that by the time this is finished boiling off for the last time this should be done cooking because planting cooks really fast like if you don't pay attention to it by the time you turn around [Music] gotta give it love you gotta watch it can't keep your eyes off it if it's too high you're bound to burn it now i'm turning these plants in so you get in golden ground so you got to keep turning them until they cook properly so just like the dumplings that's what you're doing so you don't have to wait until one side is completely brown turning and turning and turning and that's how you get a good even cup okay [Music] you got a good teacher i don't have a good teacher i have an exceptional teacher all the mercy much better than good okay like it's coming nicely spring garlic but no i know you always gotta attempt you always gotta tempt us with the salt and then you wanna say no but i don't want this because it's like a sweet and savory so i bring out flavor in your food okay so you gotta say you no matter what you gotta see what me know i don't want to touch the side really they give you high blood pressure but i'm saying okay okay preacher okay yes you're right yes self-control amen you're right you're right i have a little control all right all right i'm gonna hide my oh this one i have to cut it add my uh package so explain explain what you're doing here okay this hot is already cooked you're just curling it off scaling it off yeah okay in the hot water okay okay that's it but acne is very very like sensitive right daddy so it can mash out and you don't really wanna you don't feel so you don't want to wear it too long let's call it that's what i said let's call it off put it in half water maybe two one or two minutes and it's out okay got these already cooked okay um okay just like that it's going in there with the selfish you guys some flavor okay you see it in there so for those of you who don't know aki is a fruit it's considered a fruit and it grows on trees in jamaica and it has a little center that they say that they take out and say that it's poisonous actually um but the outside is not and yeah some people are like oh it looks like eggs so now i put this in once it boiled up i'm gonna strain it out okay so let's wait for that boil to come up okay i'm gonna turn my planting again one more time okay turn these bad boys okay this is what you want to see on your planting when you're cooking can't wait to eat all of them to myself okay get a plate napkin all right after you soccer ball i'm gonna take it off right now right now okay so little while is the sign it's time to [Music] go don't do that at home guys daddy seems to pick up things with his hands maybe he doesn't have sensitivity in them he's sensitivity in that much anymore hmm [Music] now i'm gonna take out some of these plants they called some see okay i think you might have to do a separate tutorial for this alone you know daddy this is like a little this is like a little treat for the people that are watching aki and sawfish right now they didn't know that they were going to get planted but because we love them so much we're just trying to throw in little little uh brata okay the jamaicans will understand that one we call it brother what does brata mean something that you never expect to happen all right you just give some something extra okay on the side okay yes you guys gotta look around is done put that off to the side oil is being added additionally to this apart yeah this yakulia is some type of something [Music] it's weird [Music] same oil flavors on flavors on flavors i think it is officially time for us to make our acne selfish am i corrected yes i am ready you're ready ready ready okay let's do this okay the only already hot in the pack okay i'm using the same part lots of flavors in this okay i'm gonna stay away from my ingredients onions [Music] [Music] [Music] i know that people are very light on the seasoning because like it's not supposed to taste like taste like a whole bunch of other things like acids and [Music] from the salsa come from the side coming from your time from the tomatoes peppers everything all the favorite flavors marry together make that delicious [Music] i like that food sweat it off and then you had your fish [Music] before the action comes in [Music] right this up [Music] okay [Music] so it's ready the smell the smell man people who don't like onions i keep on telling y'all i don't trust them i do not trust them because this just got added that's okay with me [Music] but usually what we use like what like three or four times but there's not not everybody's home today so if you're using less use two today you guys can definitely use more action usually there'll be an extra kind of action here [Music] but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay this is finish looks so yummy ready to go and we're having isaac with plantain and fried dumplings i know you're jealous i know you guys promise i know i get it i understand don't worry i get it if they could smell if they're looking at this and if they're smelling this like how i'm smelling it which they're not but their mind is making them believe they're jealous you can't come over [Music] invite [Music] so [Music] peace you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 257,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make ackee and saltfish, how to make ackee, how to make jamaican ackee and saltfish, ackee and saltfish, ackee, jamaican ackee and saltfish, how to cook like a jamaican, deddys kitchen, quarantine, jamaican cook, jamaican chef, home cooking, father daughter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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