How to make French Baguettes at home
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 13,484,195
Rating: 4.8441315 out of 5
Keywords: French Baguettes, Baguettes, Baguette, Bread, French, Dough, Bread Flour, Bake, Salt, Yeast, Water, Scraper, Peel, Oven, Baking, Couche, Bowl, Whisk, Foil, Spray, flour
Id: m08i8oXpFB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Baking with Winnie the Pooh.
Great video. The sort you think you'll never watch to the end but 13mins later and there you are wanting to bake your own bread.
Kosha salt!
Interesting, never knew to put water in the oven with bread.
I've been a kook for many years.
Can that guy read me a bedtime story?
Nice guy. Nice. Thanks.