Baguette backen wie in Frankreich / Brot backen

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Hello and welcome to "Pour le Plaisir" today we will make a tasty Baguette together this one needs a little more work than my last one but it is even more tasty, I think! The difference to my last video is that we do use a poolish (biga, preferment) . We make the poolish a day before baking the Baguette. We need bread baking flour, water, and a tiny bit of yeast. You will find the recipe in the infobox below. First of all we dissolve the yeast in the water and add it to the flour. We mix everything well together. In my first Baguette video we also made a preferment which we used the same day. Here we make it a day before and leave it to ferment at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Keep the sides of the bowl clean so it does't dry. We cover it with a lid and leave it as mentioned before at room temperature for 10 to 12 hours to ferment. The next days it does look like this. It does smell very nicely. It is well fermented and bubbling. Now we can start our main dough. Therefore we will need bread baking flour, water, salt and a little more fresh yeast this time. We add the salt to the flour. We add the yeast to the water (the water can be at room temperature) We mix the salt with the flour. Now we dissolve the yeast. We add the water to the poolish. We make a poolish to allow the dough to develop flavor. Good flavour does develop through a long fermentation When everything is well combined we add our flour. If you do have a machine you can use it. I will do it by hand here. We mix the dough just long enough to combine Than we leave it covered for 20 minutes. This process is called autolysis and after that we will start the kneading. We cover it with a lid and leave it for 20 minutes at room temperature. After 20 minutes it does look like this, still quite liquid. But that is the way it is ment to be. Baguette dough is always quite soft and not always easy to work with you will need some practis and patience. But the final result will be worth it. In the machine it will take roughly ten minutes. I knead it by hand for the same time So that you do not have to watch me kneading for ten minutes I cut out most part Here we are nearly at ten minutes and you will have the feeling that the dough does not get better. Than just leave the dough to rest for 2 minutes because sometimes the dough needs a little rest in between. Just like humans do, sometimes we need a little rest and than it works just fine So just leave it for a bit. Wash your hands in the meantime And after 2 minutes it does look like this. Normally I use a scraper which I lost somewhere :-) so this is an emergency solution using a knive. We trasnfere the dough to the floured surface. Many people would quit at that stage and say that dough will not work. But don't worry your work and patience will pay off Now we give de dough strenght and structure through a stretch and fold which we will do a few times. And right away you will notice that the dough becomes more stable and you can form it. I would recommend to use a dough scraper for bread baking the knive is really not ideal :-) Now we just pull the dough and fold it to the middle Stretch and fold it to the middle Just like forming a little package. While we do this just use as little flour as possible less is better here Now you can see that the dough has become well structured Now I can easily work with it. Just stretch and fold it nicely. Or pull and press it, as you prefer :-) Now we have a nice package That one we leave to rest it for another 5 minutes. And tI han we repeat this process. Five minutes have passed. As you can see the dough is nice elastic and easy to work with We just do another stretch and fold This is to give the dough stability. Like this the do will rest again covered at room temperature for 1 hour (more is possible) This is how it does look after 1 hour. It does look quite soft again but don't worry the previous stretch and folds made the dough much easier to work with Just transfere the dough carefully to the work surface because we do not want to destroy all the gas bubbles inside the dough Sometimes a dough needs to prove longer depending on the temperature. So in winter it might take 2 hours to ferment. You have to be a little flexible. The dough will tell you when it is ready . Now we fold it again. As you can see the dough has developed nice gas bubbles that is exactly what we want. The dough is still a little sticky. Just flour your fingertips and the working surface a little and it will work As mentioned before working with a dough like that does need a little practice. But when you have understood the principle your bread baking in general will improve a lot. Now we portion the dough in 3 equal parts. It is important to have them the same sice so that they will have roughly the same baking time. We form little packages out of the baguette dough That works just like before. We stretch and fold . And now, under tension, we form a little roll we form a little roll Once in the middle and again in middle And now under just roll it under tension This way we end up with nice little packages Those we leave to rest for anotter 5 minutes before we start the actual baguette rolling This is how they look like. Nice and elastic Now we start to roll therefore we press it a little flat. Not too much so we don't destroy the air bubbles. And then again we fold it to the middle under tension and just roll it In the end we press the seam together using the palm of your hand This way we do have a little seam in the bottom. ANd than we start rolling. Which does go very easy at that point. It needs a little practise In the beginning every baguette will look different that is the same with my baguettes we all don't bake baguette every day at home :-) Form a nice tip and than put it on a well floured tray The same again. Press it flat press it in the middle and than just press it together We always put the Baguettes seam side down on the tray Roll them quite thin as they will at least double in size Like this we leave them to rest put a little flour on top as well that will give the Baguettes a nice rustic look. Leave them covered with a towel for another 45 minutes to an hour Now they have nearly doubled in size and it is time to score the Baguettes you can use a very sharp knife or a razor blade I have received a little trick from a backer and I use a cerated knive and than we score them (make it quite deep) I put a little flour on top before scoring them One I will score lenghtwise you can be a little creative Than they are ready to be baked in a preheated oven at 250 °C or 482 °F , Top- and bottom heat In the bottom of the oven I put a tray which is really hot I will put a little water into it to have some steam in the oven (makes a better crust and more even rise) After ten minutes we open the door and release the steam.If there is water left in the tray we take it out. Than we continue baking it for another ten minutes at the same temperature Depending on the oven they might be ready oterhwise we give the baguettes another 4-5 minutes at 200 °C or 392°F So here I took out the tray because there was some water left now we release the steam and continue baking it My Baguettes took 25 minutes this is how they look. A beautiful crust It smells delicious! Before slicing leave them to cool on a rack for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour This is how it should sound like They do look quite beautiful. And that's it. I hope you did enjoy the video. If it did please leave me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already come and visit my facebook page leave in the comments how the recipe did work out or recipes you would like to see here Hope to see you at the next video, ciao ciao!
Channel: Thomas kocht
Views: 1,022,991
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Keywords: Baguette backen wie in Frankreich, baguette selber backen, baguette backen, baguette Rezept, how to make baguette, baguette recipe, französisches Baguette, french baguette, baguette machen, baguette mit vorteig, baguette formen, französisches baguette rezept, pan baguette, pan casero, kitchenaid, kochen, backen, Kochkanal, rezepte, einfach und schnell kochen, einfach kochen, einfache rezepte, thomas kocht, brot backen, how to make french baguette at home
Id: dLfsd3PDvJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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