Homemade SPAM - How To Make SPAM at Home!!

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hey everybody welcome back to the Wolfe pit today I make an America's favorite processed and canned meat spam spam was created during the Great Depression in 1937 it was canned meat that did not require refrigeration and was a cheap meat alternative for hungry desperate people during the Depression spam also fed the hungry Allied troops throughout their World War two victory even though the Great Depression and World War two are long over spam is still very popular and depending on who you ask very delicious do you know what spam stands for spiced ham hence the name spam so let's get this party started and make some homemade spam or is it spiced ham but not in a can yes I am a dr. Seuss fan I am contrary to what people think is in spam it only contains two cuts of meat pork shoulder and ham so here I have a bone in Boston button which is the upper portion of the pork shoulder I'm gonna cut it into steaks until I reach the bone and then once I get to the bone I'll just cut around the bone if you don't want to do this much cutting and save time you can just buy a couple packs of pork shoulder country-style ribs now don't throw this bone away save it and smoke it and use it to flavor beans collards or whatever you want now simply cube up all the meat like you would for stew if you'd like a printable copy of this recipe with a full list of ingredients and easy to follow directions visit the wolf pit calm once all the shorter beans cubed up move on to the hem and do the same thing and by the way don't trim any of the excess fat off the shoulder or the ham you want every bit of that pork fat in this fan once all the pork is cubed up spread it out evenly onto a baking pan and place it into the freezer for 45 minutes while the pork is chilling and firming up in the freezer let's make a seasoned slurry a large bowl combine tender quick and tender quick it's a fast cure mix that will cure the meat and give the spam its distinctive pink color along with sugar salt and I'm using cornstarch as a binder even though Hormel uses potato starch as a binder they'll both work the same and finally ice cold water now give it a good mix until everything is dissolved now after the meats been in the freezer for 45 minutes it's ready to grind let's grind the ham first and then the pork shoulder then once all the meat is ground add the slurry then with your best mixing utensil you have in the kitchen your hands give it all a good mix and if you're one of those people that's gonna make an idiotic asinine comment about me touching raw meat with my hands he'll eat a piece of tofu now here's what it should look like when it's all thoroughly mixed now spread out and pack down the mixture firmly into a bread pan now place the smaller pans into a bigger pan and fill the bigger pan up with cold water three-quarters of the way up then individually double wrap the smaller pans with aluminum foil then place everything into a preheated 250 degree oven for three to three-and-a-half hours or until it reaches an internal temperature of 155 degrees after three and a half hours of 250 degrees here's what it will look like but it's not ready to eat yet now rewrap it again with a double layer of aluminum foil and then play something heavy and flat on top to press the meat down I'm just using a break then let the meat thoroughly cool down and then place into the refrigerator overnight now here's the spam the following day after sitting in the fridge for approximately 16 hours with the brick on top now run a butter knife along the edges to loosen everything up so I'll pops right out now here comes the much-anticipated spam loaf and the very first thing I notice when it came out of the loaf pan was that beautiful natural clear gelatin on the outside I haven't seen that beautiful and delicious gelatin and spam or Vienna sausages in years that leads me to believe that the four thousand in canned meats like spam and Vienna sausages is leaner today than it was thirty forty years ago either the pork through use in nowadays is leaner or they're not adding as much fat because when I was a kid and you opened up a can of spam or Vienna sausages it was quite a bit of the gelatin in there which was my favorite part now Duke says let's roll this beautiful spam footage sorry guys you're gonna have to pardon dude he's getting old and confused now slice the spam is thick or just thin as you like and the gelatin is making this famil ittle slippery and it's sliding all over the cutting board and normally when you slice spam it's at room temperature and really easy to cut but this spam it's still ice cold which makes it just a little bit harder to cut now let's cut a couple pieces and give it a try to me it looks smells feels and tastes just like spam out of the can dare I say it might be just a little bit better than canned spam I don't know you'll have to try it and judge for yourself yeah you really didn't think I was gonna do this video without frying a few pieces of spam did you that's the ultimate test I'm just gonna place a few pieces in a dry skillet over medium heat for about two to three minutes per side well it certainly smells like fried spam [Music] it's also getting that nice crispy crust like spam and believe it or not it even tasted like fried spam this homemade spam turned out a thousand times better than I expected it to especially on the first try it could not have turned out any better but don't take my word for it make it yourself give it a try and judge for yourself as always thank you all very much for watching I hope you give this a try please don't forget to like this video and subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: TheWolfePit
Views: 3,031,278
Rating: 4.8557396 out of 5
Keywords: SPAM, spam, canned ham, SPAM recipes, how to make SPAM, how to cook SPAM, lunch meat, spiced ham, The Wolfe Pit
Id: FOvAMWupNcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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