No Knead French Style Baguettes long proof better bread

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let's look at our ingredients for this we're gonna need three cups of bread flour we're gonna need half a teaspoon of salt fine salt your choice one teaspoon of active dry yeast I use the red star brand and we're going to using 14 ounces of water okay so this is just regular water from the faucet at room temperature and we're going to also use this which is a perforated baguette pan link is in the description below this is 16 inches by three sets of three inches so you can get up to three different loafs this is going to help shape and form baguettes so first thing we're going to do is we're going to mix our dry ingredients so we're gonna add the salt we're gonna add the yeast and then we're gonna add our 14 ounces of water but first we're gonna make sure we combine everything really well just like you're making cement you want to make sure that everything is well combined before you add the water in there otherwise you're gonna get clumps of yeast and salt not evenly distributed throughout the flour okay now that's evenly just give you that we're gonna add 14 ounces of water let's just mix this up I use a wooden spoon so I can cut through the dough while it's very sticky now this is gonna be a very very sticky dough use a spoon to work the dough and work the dry flour from the side and all we're going to need to do is keep mixing this until it becomes a big shaggy sticky mess in the middle again trying it every little piece of dry flour in here until you've got this very sticky consistency it looks like porridge not gonna be easy to handle it in this form so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna leave it now overnight or if you're gonna go to work you can do it first thing in the morning and do it when you come back and we're going to leave it for a good seven to twelve hours it's very forgiving this dough so you can actually leave it in the time between them so what I'm going to do is I'm going to be good to bed tonight we're gonna put some cling film over this and then we're going to leave it in a in a dry place with no drafts like I put mine in the microwave it just keeps it safe and it doesn't really get disturbed so let's wrap this in clean up and we'll come back first thing in the morning so it's the next morning I've taken out my bread dough from the microwave and it's cling film off and as you can see we've got a very sticky dough it's doing its work puffed up lots of air in there so it's nice and airy let's get this flour plenty of flour we don't want this to stick it would be very hard to handle this dough so you get a little bit up planea flour let's just work this down we're going to move it around get some flour on it so we can get it into a position where we can handle a ball better okay so the flower set up a little bit at moisture on the top it's very hard to handle isto but keep it moving keep the flour on it and you can bring it together so next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna separate this and to make two baguettes so we're gonna use a scale just so we can measure it out by weight so that's 850 grams so I'm gonna split that up when you believe it almost spot-on okay so now we have two equal sized pieces of dough push this one to one side we're gonna start shape so right now I'll form we go keeping those and floured we're gonna start to shape my dough so the technique I use is stretching and slightly rolling so we're basically going to create sticky to get in we're gonna make sure we definitely keep it moving definitely keep those hands flowers until you get your basic chick and you go try to throw it over onto your pan like I said these are 16 inches in length so you form it out do the same thing second piece lift and stretch a little bit of a roll lift and stretch okay what we're gonna do now is leave it for the second rise cover with a tea towel and then we'll come back and see what's happened so once the bread has been proofed for another hour and that's what I am at right now I've just left this for another hour you'll see that we have expanded a little filled up that mold again still roughly the same size we've got another couple of things to do pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit once your ovens preheated I put one of these in or a ramekin we're gonna put some water in here and this is what this is gonna do this is gonna create steam this is what's gonna give you your very crispy crust on your baguette and get that nice snap when it's finished as the bread breaks it's gonna actually expand as well so what we need to do is we need to score it well you can use this tool now basically it's a literally a piece of plastic with a razor blade on it you can get them in wood you can spend a fortune on these this one's very cheap description to go into the description you'll see there's a link for it you can get them on Amazon traditionally doing baguettes you do four scores at a 45 degree angle across the bread what I like to do is I like to go length ways as I say there's a lot of open spring on here and I don't feel that the four give you what you need so we're going to cut that now and make sure you go nice and deep do they're also very sticky but make sure you cut it nice and deep now you do this just before you put it in the oven otherwise your breads gonna sink my oven is already preheated my water bath is already in there and I've got a nice deep cup for the oven spring all right let's put it in the oven and see what happens next okay so the bread has been in the oven now for 25 minutes I've taken it out off the form placed it on a wire rack and let it cool completely do not try and open your bread until it is cooled absolutely completely otherwise it's just going to tear it up when you open it so as you can see you've got some oven spring here and that's why we put the slip right down the middle so it's kept its integrity at the sides I'm telling you if you don't make that split you're gonna have some splitting at the side as it expands in the oven so let's crack this open and we can have a quick look at it all righty don't if you can hear that bland crispy crust okay as you can see we've got a nice light airy crust and a very crisp you can hear that a really crispy crust on the outside perfect for sandwiches perfect for just cutting up as a small piece of bread this is a perfect loaf if you've got any questions drop me a comment in the description below also in the description there's a link for everything I've used here today few tips and notes first this was 25 minutes in the oven your oven may be a little different so you're gonna have to experiment and keep an eye on it second proof times are always different depending on where you are I'm in the desert so it's a little warmer here so my proof times may be a little shorter from somebody that's in a colder a colder area anyway perfect French style baguettes if you liked it please leave a descriptor the comment down below thank you very much
Channel: TheGrowGeek
Views: 881,842
Rating: 4.6901879 out of 5
Keywords: No Knead French Style Baguettes, No-knead, French Baguettes, Homemade, bread
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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