Soft Dinner Rolls Recipe | How to make Fluffy Rolls | Sweet Milk Rolls Recipe

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[Music] to get started I am going to be using one can of evaporated milk this is a 12 ounce can you could also use whole milk or heavy cream but I like to use evaporated milk I'm also going to be warming this in the microwave for around a minute or so or until the temp reaches 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit which is the perfect temperature for proofing dry active yeast okay I've also dissolved 1 TSP of sugar in my warm milk off-camera and then now I'm going to be adding two and a half teaspoons of active dry yeast I'm going to sprinkle it into my warm evaporated milk and allow it to activate over the course of 5 or 7 minutes or until you start seeing your milk get foamy and bubbly okay so my yeast is activated so now I am ready to start combining all my ingredients to make this dough by the way as always the ingredients and measurements will be located in the description below this video okay so in a large bowl I am going to add 600 grams or 5 cups of bread flour and I do suggest you weigh your measurements to get a more accurate result and you could also use all-purpose flour in this recipe the difference is bread flour has a higher protein content which produces more gluten which in turn creates an airy chewy bread or dinner roll so if you don't have bread flour use all-purpose flour you can get almost the same result I just like the texture of bread flour when making this dough okay so I'm just going to whisk this flour just to get rid of any lumps and to make it easier to add my other ingredients [Music] next I'm going to add 1/3 cup or 40 grams of dry milk now you're wondering why I add dry milk when you add it evaporated milk well the dry milk has like this malt milky flavor that I like adding to my dough so that's why I go for that I'm also going to be adding one cup of sugar or 100 grams of sugar and I do want to mention again weighing your ingredients will give you a more consistent dinner roll texture especially when you're following a recipe okay next I'm adding one and a half teaspoons of salt or seven and a half grams of salt okay next I'm going to be adding one egg and I do want to mention bring your egg to room temperature this will just create a more conducive environment to get the yeast going in your dough so I brought my egg to room temperature this is one large egg and I am just going to scramble it on the side in the bowl and add it to the rest of my ingredients okay so next I'm going to be adding one tablespoon of oil and now goes in my activated dry yeast and evaporated milk mixture right into the bowl so what I'm going to do is just work the mixture combine everything well but I'm keeping it in the bowl and eventually I am going to turn this out onto a work surface and work in the last ingredient which is butter but I'm going to show you something that I find very helpful when I'm not using a stand mixer I'm going to be needing this by hand here in a minute but if you're using a stand mixer you don't have to do this step that I'm talking about because all of the work is going to be done in your stand mixer with the dough hook you're going to need it on a medium speed medium to low speed for 15 minutes but if you are like me and I don't want to pull out my stand mixer and I actually like kneading dough I like taking the time and kneading my dough it's a labor of love in my opinion so I'm going to mix the stone you can already tell that you know with this bread flour it toughens up quick because of the extra protein and the gluten that starts working itself in the dough so I'm mixing everything in this bowl and I will eventually turn this out on to my counter and work in four tablespoons of butter but after that I'm going to place it back in the bowl and just let it rest so at this point again I'm just putting down the silicon mat because I don't want to lose this sticky tacky dough all over my counter or my work surface so I'm going to put down this little mat and I will be folding in four tablespoons of unsalted butter and I'm gonna take some of that butter and actually spread it on the mat because again the dough at this point is so sticky and tacky if you've never made this dough you're going to think what in the world kind of recipe is this this is a disaster because it gets everywhere and I'll show you what I mean now you are probably wondering why I just didn't work in the softened butter or melt it and work it in to the rest of the ingredients in the bowl well that is a good question and you probably could do that but I am a creature of habit and I've been making this dough for a while now and for some reason I just I don't know I just find this method just stuck in my head and this is the way I do it so at this point I'm scraping out all of this dough onto my mat and I am just going to fold and need in this butter and this opportunity will allow me to start working that gluten which is what's going to give us a chewier airier texture to the dinner roll so just with my clean hands I'm going to scoop up the butter and place it right on top of this dough and just start working it in now I'm not gonna go crazy and knead I just really want to work in the butter and then I'll show you what I do next and this actually helps the dough be less sticky when it is time to really need and work the dough so what I want to mention at this point I'm working in the butter it probably looks like my dough is ruined it is not it just goes to these weird stages but after I mix in this butter it's gonna take all of five minutes I'm going to place it right back into the bowl I'm not this is not the the kneading crazy kneading stage I'm just mixing in the butter but I'm going to place it into the bowl that I originally mixed it in cover it and let it set for 15 minutes then it will be a better texture and less sticky and I can actually need and work with it without losing it all over my work surface because it's a very tacky sticky dough in the beginning stage so I'm setting it aside and if you're using a stand mixer this is not for you skip this step do everything in your stand mixer but if you are kneading by hand allow the dough to rest 15 minutes before you truly start kneading it this will first help you work with the dough it makes it more manager without adding flour on top of flour because you really want to keep a soft moist stretchy texture of a dough and if you start adding flour as you're kneading it you're just creating more work for yourself because ultimately you want your dough to be stretchy enough to pass the windowpane test or to stretch without tearing so here I do have a little extra flour I'm going to lightly flour my surface just to turn it out onto the surface and I'm going to start kneading by hand now the kneading time varies 15 to 20 minutes is what it usually takes me I know you might think whoa that's a long time if you want the texture of a soft chewy fluffy dinner roll you got to put in some work so I'm just going to continue kneading until I get to that stage that I'm looking for and as you can see it's not sticking because I let it wrist [Music] [Music] okay so it has literally been almost 20 minutes of kneading and I want to show you now this is what we call a windowpane test you can stretch the dough thinly enough to see through it and see your fingers and I am there so my dough is done again if you are kneading by hand I'm not forcing you to knead for 20 minutes you probably could do it in 15 it just depends on the muscle you're putting behind the dough but it really does pay off when you reach the right texture and stretchiness of your dough it gives you a better end result so now I'm just boiling again my large bowl I cleaned it and it's well oiled I've oiled the top of the dough and I'm just going to cover this in cling film and place it in a warm non drafty place the best spot in my kitchen is my oven so again I'm just going to wrap this in cling film and place it right into my oven with a bowl of boiling hot water I just brought water up to a boil placed it in a heat proof Bowl and that'll just maintain the warmth and I'm going to allow the dough to proof for one hour or basically you're looking for a double in size so the time will vary it might take your dough longer to proof double in size just like it might take you longer or shorter to find that texture when you're kneading okay so my dough has doubled in size it took an hour so I am ready to start the next process I am going to turn the dough out onto my cleaned work surface by the way I have some extra flour on the side over there and I will be lightly dusting my work surface because at this point the dough is workable it's not super sticky so you don't need tons of flour again if you start working too much flour back into your dough it's going to change the texture of your end result and you're gonna think oh no where did I go wrong what's wrong well do not work a lot of flour back into the dough and again I'm lightly dusting this this is probably too much I'm probably gonna yeah I'm just going to scoot some of it to the side because the dough is workable without tons of flour I don't want to work tons of flour back into this dough you work so hard to get the texture you wanted so you don't want to change that texture so I'm basically just going to press the air out of this dough and I'm going to start folding it and on itself this is going to create texture and layers to this dough now if you don't want to do all the folding all the dusting all the moving and pressing you could just go right ahead and form your dough balls and let it proof again for an hour or so in the oven and bake it but this step does give you wonderful texture I mean if you're going through the trouble of making homemade dough you might as well just go all the way [Music] so I've basically divided them into 12 equal pieces I weighed them form or even bake time I have rolled them out and I flattened them and rolled them into like a log type roll and now I have them in a lined baking pan with parchment paper I'm going to allow them to proof once again until they double in size the time may vary and I'm using the same method hot water in a bowl in my oven covered so again it may take an hour or more to get double in size it has been 1 hour and my rolls have doubled in size so now I am going to take one large scrambled egg and I am going to gently put an egg wash on the tops of my dough balls this is going to give it that beautiful deep golden brown color that you look for in a soft fluffy dinner roll so I'm just going to continue adding the egg wash and then I am going to also be preheating my oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit [Music] it has been 20 minutes and gosh my house smells so good and these rolls look divine [Music] so I'm going to remove them from the pan and just slide them even in the parchment paper onto this cooling rack and this is one of the perks of putting a parchment paper because you can kind of grab it like two little handles and just slide it over to the cooling rack and I honestly can't wait to show you the texture and fluffy and airiness and chewiness of this roll this is one of the reasons why I think bread flour really does work you can still achieve a good texture with all-purpose flour but I do taste a difference in texture when I use bread flour and look at this it's so hot but I just want to show you the inside of this roll [Music] I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music] you you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 1,671,178
Rating: 4.853271 out of 5
Keywords: Recipes, Easy recipes, Gochujang Mama, Christmas, Holiday, bakery style dinner rolls, how to make fluffy asian bread buns, milk loaf, easy dinner rolls, bread recipes, how to make dinner rolls, japanese milk bread, dinner rolls recipe, milk bread recipe, soft bread, milk bread, soft chewy dinner rolls, recipes for dinner, bread rolls, how to make bread roll, Cooking A Dream, bread recipe, dinner rolls, best bread, bun, soft dinner rolls recipes, The Best Dinner Rolls
Id: p24nct-K9IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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