French Baguette "The quicker poolish method"

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hello again my name's John I'm a retired cook from the northeast of England in the UK and welcome to another one of my bread videos okay this recipe is for those who are finding my original bucket video a bit too time-consuming to take on now this bucket method shaves over an hour and a half off the other recipe by using what's known as the police or sponge method all this means is you have to spend five minutes making up the police a few hours before you begin the actual bucket recipe usually the night before and here is a list of the simple ingredients you'll need to make up the police it's also known as a sponge or a starter right I'll start the police by adding a half a teaspoon of dried yeast to the strong white bread flour and whisk that in the next and last ingredient is the cold water and I'll give that a thorough whisk now the measurements for this and any of my recipes really are carefully worked out so please use digital skills and get to know grams it is so much more accurate than ounce and cup of measurements right once that's done cover the ball and get it under the top shelf of the fridge now the reason for the top shelf is it's the warmest part of the fridge sort retards or slows the fermentation down to a steady rate and it's that slow fermentation that gives this bread its fantastic flavor very much like my ciabatta recipe okay it's it I was later and it's the next morning for me and it's time to start making these baguettes and here's a list of the rest of the ingredients including the police that I made up yesterday now after it I was mine looks like this but if yours has been in longer and it looks like this one don't worry it's fine this test one that I did was in my fridge for 24 hours you can see it is risen and then sunk again but as long as this bubbles it's okay right add the water to the police and give it a good whisk up now set that aside for a moment while I mix the flour and the salt in a separate ball [Music] [Music] now at the polish mixture and give it a good mix until it all comes together into a sticky door as always I'll be using the handle of my wooden spoon to do mine don't be tempted to you Shi whisk at this point the door is way too thick for that tool you can use a stand mixer but only until the door comes together but mixing it by hand only takes a couple of minutes right don't forget to scrape down any dried flour from the sides of the ball and cover and set the timer for the first of only two 45 minute rises and that is where you see at the time from my original bucket video by making the police you only need two 45 minute Rises instead of fall now these times may slightly vary depending on the temperature of your kitchen the ambient temperature in my kitchen is 23 Celsius that's 74 Fahrenheit which is ideal for proofing this door and after the first 45 minutes you can see how much the door has risen slightly wet the bench before turning it out this will stop the door from sticking to the worktop and with wet hands give the door a few turns this is called knocking the door back or degassing it also distributes the temperature evenly throughout the door notice how much smoother the door looks now get it back into the ball cover and set your timer for a second and last 45 minute rise [Music] okay while waiting for the door to rise I'll get a couple of things ready starting with the baker's couche all this is is a well floured piece of material to proof the baguettes on I use the 100% cotton pillowcase for mine it's a lot cheaper than the proper baker's couche material and it does exactly the same job you'll also need a slightly oiled strip of cling film or plastic rub this is to cover the pre shaped buckets a little later set that aside for now now flour the worktop preferably next to the Koosh cloth and have your digital skills ready to divide the door accurately [Music] okay once the time's up carefully turn out the door onto the floured surface [Music] once the doors on the bench dust it with flour and start dividing it into however many buckets you're making out of this recipe you'll either get four large six medium or eight small now providing your measurements were correct at the start the adorn should we twelve hundred and twenty grams of forty three ounces I'm making six medium baguettes out of mine so each piece of door works out at two hundred and three grams or just over seven ounces each now the next step is to prep the buckets and let them rest a while this will relax the door and make forming the final bugger chip much easier rather than me try to explain it'll be easier if you just watch and copy how I'm doing it [Music] [Music] once they're all done cover them with the oiled cling film and set the timer for 15 minutes [Music] [Music] once the 15 minutes is up start forming the buckets you'll find the door is much easier to handle after it's been relaxing for a while now once again I'll let you watch how it's done I'll go slowly through the first couple to give you an idea but the best and only way to learn is to practice [Music] once each pocket is font lift it over to the cush and lay them out as Sean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once all the buckets are on the couch cover them with a lightweight dry tea towel or dish cloth and let them proof for 30 minutes [Music] when there's only ten minutes left on the proofing time pre-heat your oven to 230 degrees Celsius that's 446 Fahrenheit or gas mark eight you'll also need to place upon a hot water on the bottom shelf or the other this will create a steamy atmosphere in the oven which makes the baguettes crispy one more thing you'll need is a spray bottle of water standing by for a little later okay [Music] once the 30 minutes are up carefully transfer the buckets to a very lightly oiled baking tray or trays I'm using two trays three buckets on each you'll have to decide what we are using depending on what size buckets you're making [Music] once the buckets are on the tree I'll give them a quick squirt with the water and with a very sharp knife or razor blade score the buckets are Shawn I'm giving these three scores on each one [Music] right I'll quickly go through the second dot [Music] and now get them straight into the preheated oven once they're in give the oven a quick squirt with water before closing the door this will make these baguettes even crispier once they're safely in the oven I'll set the timer for 16 minutes after about 10 minutes I'll be swapping mine around top to bottom and back to front this is for even cooking okay that's the 16 minutes up and mine are done this is how we like them but if you prefer yours a bit darker just give them a little longer but check them every two minutes the last thing you want after all this effort is to burn them [Music] and there they are six delicious light crispy baguettes made at home the smell in my kitchen is amazing and just listen to how crispy these are wonderful okay I'll cut one open and have a look on the inside now what you can see the crumb are bubbles are not as large as my other French baguette recipe but still perfectly acceptable I'll add some of my homemade butter and have a little taste test [Music] and just as all my senses would tell me this is a delicious bread and definitely gets a thumbs up for another quicker baguette video recipe well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting a circle above if he do subscribe activate the bell icon next to the subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that he'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other videos and playlists that you may wonder watch so until the next time be safe in the kitchen and bye for now [Music]
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 360,134
Rating: 4.9480615 out of 5
Keywords: French Baguettes, Baguette, Bread, French, Dough, Sourdough, sour, dough, loaf, Dutch oven, wild yeast, banneton, rise, Baguettes, Bread Flour, Bake, Salt, Yeast, Water, Scraper, Peel, Oven, Baking, Couche, Bowl, Whisk, Foil, Spray, Strong white bread flour
Id: f0RjnQGrwzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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