Baguettes Masterclass with Patrick Ryan

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[Music] the can tink of French bread or artisan breads or I'm taking our baguettes so we're gonna show you how easy it is to make so know this recipe is a little bit different it does take some time but it's all about building flavor so it actually takes a couple of days to actually make this dough from start to finish which I know seems a little bit daunting but I promise you the results are so so worth it so what's a little bit different here with this bread recipe is what we're gonna be making what we call a pre fermented dough so basically it's a dough that's made in advance of our main dough which we allow to ferment so how to maximize flavor and then that's what that Dolby uses the base of which will build our final dough so firstly just to get a little proof minted dog started we're using simply 450 grams of strong flour but a half a teaspoon but 7 grams of salt simply mix that straight in we're adding 245 mils of water and we're simply gonna take about 5 grams of fresh yeast so this is fresh yeast I don't know if you've ever used it or ever seen it but don't get too hung up over fresh versus dried a lot of a kind of comes down to what your backs to and tradition fresh he's lonely keep about two to three weeks you keep in your fridge unlike dried yeast which is kind of much more in line with the home baker and you keep for several months but also dried you so much more concentrated so we tend to use less of it generally the ratio is about 3 is to 1 so if you use about 20 grams of fresh it'd be about 7 grams of dried but at these small levels that were working at or only 500 grams of our easiest ratio is just to go off for about 2 to 1 so we're using 5 grams of fresh so simply your obably just looking at about a generous pinch of dried yeast is all we need it's just enough to get our dough working and that is it that's all it is for our proof minted oh so we're simply to combine in all our ingredients together so then once the dough roughly comes together simply just dump it straight out onto the table so what you want to do at this point is you want to knead our dough so I'm like kind of most bread recipes where you could find ourselves needing here for the next 8 10 minutes we're simply just doing enough just to bring it over roughly together because at that point we're simply is gonna pop it straight in the fridge and it's gonna sit there overnight for at least 12 to 24 hour so the idea is at a cooler temperature the East will still continue to work it's going to develop loads and loads of flavor within our dough and we're simply going to use this dough as the base denim which every gets are gonna be based because what we say the longer you prove it the better there is a limit to how long you can ferment your dough for and to lose a strand and break down so that's why we look at ways in which we can build flavor so be a true preformance you use a likes of starter cultures or polishes and with this one we're using a pre fermented dough just a minute or so that's all we need and at this point then the taker dose gonna pop it into a bowl into a fridge and the same happy sit there for at least 24 hours [Music] this the exact same dough which we just left sitting in a fridge overnight so you can see how it's proven so it's this though then that we're gonna base our baguette a partner we've got 24 hours of flavor right here so now we're gonna build the next level of flavor so once again we're taking 500 grams of strong flare then we're increasing our salt a little bit here so we want a good 10 grams right in 300 mils of water and we're just adding 10 grams of fresh yeast and again if you're using just dried yeast just go with 5 grams is all you need that can be simply just crumbled straight in so to that though then we're adding all of our pre fermented dough you'll find it easier to incorporate into your dough if you break it up into smaller little pieces because if you just try knead it in one solid piece of dough you're gonna find it much harder like your thyroid OHS is all about time it's all about developing flavor too much things in our life were in a hurry for so if you can give your bread as much time as you can and realistically the amount of work you have to put in it's very very minimal like you saw with the first part of the recipe there's simply Dunedin of the Cree fermented dough you only probably took about two minutes in the fridge and leave it be it's just a little bit of planning that's all so we start to combine all our ingredients together you probably find is still a little bit harder to kind of work together just because we've got the the pre fermented dough in there so let's take a little bit it's to mix everything [Music] so wants to know roughly comes together simply it's going straight out onto her table and again already told a star to need working that flowerin working it all together so this dough it's going to give you about fifteen hundred grams worth of dough so it would each be get done at about 250 grams it's going to give us six I know my feel like it's to money for yourself that's why it's a great way to bake for friends family and actually did the door once it's bate who actually freeze very very well no problem whatsoever you can freeze the base baguette toward out at room temperature and simply then once it's toid i with dampen her you running tap popping it back into a hot oven at 190 degrees for about eight to ten minutes if I lie with the door to warm up warm right right to the center so the idea of the moisture by wetting the bread stops the dough from drying out dry as the moisture off and it'll crisp up like today a commodity oven so it's a great way you can pop a few in the freezer bake here we get once a week you have fresh bread every day so you will find you don't might be low if it's off a little bit sticky resist that temptation to add flare but if we keep adding flour the dough will quite happy soak it up and your door just becomes heavier and heavier and tighter and tighter so we want to soft loose dough so you can use one hand you can use two hands whatever you want if you ever want to know the secret to firm arms knead bread and this is what makes bread fat free but only if you make it yourself he's usually dough scraper bring it back together and keep working at all so you'll be looking at approximately about eight minutes for the dough to come together and develop fully thing is it's very difficult for recipe to be exact some people are stronger than others some days you're just tired so the dough will always tell you when it's ready so there's a thing called the windowpane effect so you should better stretch your dough so there's virtually suit you and I should be on a sustained it's always but without ripping and without tearing so simply just slowly stretching the dough I work it out you can see is getting there it's getting like the elastic but it's just a grid just aerated here and that's just the don't tell me it's not ready so I needs a little bit more work so continue to need if you do have a mixer feel free to use it the dough hooks gonna do exactly the same thing that your hands are doing personally I like to get my hands in there play to get stuck in allows you to get a feel and an understanding for the dough or dough it's just there now all come together so it comes to testing you know again a little bit of oil on your hands it makes it all much easier to handle too easy to manipulate and as well as having firm arms you can have lovely soft hands so when you're testing your dough cut off a decent piece and when you test it don't just kind of come out here to the edge in credit or is the center and you're slowly nice and gently what can you do when side to side use and head of its own way to stretch it so as you can see it it's lovely elastics the lights almost kind of passing through it and there you are when we tried it was just ripping it was tearing and wasn't holding that's holding exactly now what we want and that's simply it so we're to still bring back together and the thing I love about this dough as this dough will hold perfectly in the fridge for up to 36 hours which means you can have the dough made we could take a little bit off this now pop with one side maybe bake off two or three baguettes put the rest in the fridge you could take a little bit more tomorrow bake fresh again and again the third day so really allows you to have fresh bread day after day ideally I'd take this dough pop in the fridge and again leaving it overnight so now we're going from day one we've had a pre fermented dough day - we've met our baguette though day three we're ready to bake so it's three days maximum flavor and I promise you it's so so worth it just cover that over in the fridge I want to leave it to prove for a minimum about 18 hours [Music] now here's a lovely baguette though it's been left fermenting last 18 hours it's gonna knock her dough back so well it simply is looking to knock the air for my dough what size reapportion - I do - will largely depend on how big your oven is and at no point overall in 30 inch baguettes not gonna fit into your oven so I see only fine for most kind domestic ovens at home about 250 grams it's a really nice portion I'm gonna give you a baguette this sort of length which will generally perfect for most domestic opens alone so important 250 grams so one more portion or adult everyone concerns from come from around bases and they're from around base we can manipulate it and change it any way we like so if you were trying to roll the baguette from start to finish in one go you're gonna find them much much harder because the dough will naturally want to shrink back so you're gonna find we do everything in stages we build it up with loud AK dunes relax it and you find yet to put a half amount of effort into your dough so once our dough has been shaped we just want to rotten roll them rough kind of rectangular shapes so it simply pop you don't over stretch your I'd rent one over the other and we fall into the center we go again took it back in on itself and I don't fall in the place of our baguette so taking each edge one on top the other let's pin it down all the way from you back into the center took it back in there on up again so what we want to do now is one to let it I don't rest we're gonna let us sit on the table for a good 10 to 15 minutes before we got to roll it again because you'll find at the door it's been worked quite a bit quite tight now to do this all pulling back in so by leaving at rest allows a glutton to relax and you want to find a very easy to stretch and roll so squeeze out on your table leave it be you can crack on clean up whatever you need to do but time you come back you don't gonna be ready to go so we're gonna give that 10-15 minutes we'll come back and then we'll give it its final [Music] so I door is nicely rested so you can even feel the dough compared to a couple minutes ago I've been trying to stretch it it's much much lighter it's looser so much more pliable and much easy to work so we've got the base ever began as it is so we kind of want to try to work with that natural shape seems folding over just about and a half inch or so just seed it down we go again finally third time roll up as it ideas were applying pressure so I was one hand off the other playing pressure working from the center all the way out from the center all that so a lot of people kind of when they're rolling that they're going great get towards the end and then it's a coin so don't be afraid to use the space and then to get over the pointy edges said your hands roll off the edge so began send traditionally to proved in linen cloth material called Koosh which in French means sleep because basically better guess it's going to sleep so we popped it baguette into our sauce upside down so kind of accident like a proven basket I don't worry about a sourdough so y'all sit side by side instead of proving out till I'll prove up so again when you're rolling them don't be ready to use the space just kind of decide you ate everything get the whole piece of dough moving one hand slides off the other bit of pressure from the center all the way out from the center all the way out it's basically kind of just ignore the dough that's all it is so from the fridge once the dough has been portioned allow it to rest 10-15 minutes if you can and once rolled it will be ready to bake within an hour and a half [Music] [Music] there is any access to drive it overtook them in relief against the proof [Music] so I forget sigh ready to go they've proved doing nicely nice little bounce to them so the ideas we won't everyone approved about 90 percent the ideas that last 10 love comedy oven karlie oven spring so the idea is the door will hit the heat it's gonna jump it's gonna bounce in the oven and also I need to physically picked him up so I pick them up and transfer them onto my tray so when it comes to getting a baguette out we see me just roll a forward release it and then transfer it straight onto our tray simply just pop your fingers in because you're not just pulling from here because if you do you kind of drag this one with you just pop your fingers underneath rolling from the floor and it's on to our tray fingers underneath roll em out it's straight territory and don't worry you can always kind of tighten them up a little bit when they're on the tray nice and gently so then the last thing to do to have a guess before they go into the oven is we need to score them again a lot of people when just kind of scoring baguette because of the way it looks as it's finished their tendencies cut straight across the dough what we're looking for is almost straight lines each one just offsets the next it's gonna look like an ear of wheat and then the next one starts just behind basically aim to do a straight line because you won't do a straight line you know doing a crooked annoys and you'll get the exact angle that we want again nice and quick it's incompetent so when we're cutting our dogs or we're screwing our breads we use a razor blade as opposed to say using their life because it's just razor sharp cuts cleanly and when your users things most important to remember it's not a bread knife you have to be nice and confident and you need to slash nice quick compliments and it works absolutely great so our breads are ready to load into Robin its preheated to 240 degrees now we're very lucky with these ovens are actually fitted with steams that actually release steam into our oven because the idea being for the first about 10 minutes of your bake you dough is still rising within the oven and if you have a really dry heat what often happens is the cross tends to form but the dough has to finish rise and so wants to rise but I can't break through the surface so it'll often happen is you'll tend to find that the crust feels over stops the dough from rising so you don't get the same you could have got steamed is quite important if your others are fitted with steamed pan you're not lucky enough to have that simply just a roasting tray preheated into the base of the oven and he cans pour in a boiling kettle or a splash of hot water but you release a blast of steam into your oven so we're straight in [Music] and they're gonna bake for about 20 minutes because we only about 250 grams I said I'm gonna bake it high and fast now a baguette had their full break so you can Peter they'll be light beautiful crisp lovely rustic baguettes and you can actually you can actually hear them sing just as you come out of the oven you're hearing on crack you're in a break so three days in the making I know it seems like a lot but believe me that's what every a little bit all out there it's favor use the thin crisp crust give this recipe a try promise you won't be disappointed [Music] you
Channel: ilovecookingireland
Views: 1,585,042
Rating: 4.9285617 out of 5
Keywords: Bread Masterclass, Bread, Baguette, Patrick Ryan, I Love Cooking, french baguette, artisan bread, how to make baguettes, Firehouse Bakery, How to make bread, bread rolls, baguettes made easy, homemade bread, yeasted bread, I Love Cooking Bread Masterclasses, I Love Cooking Masterclasses, prefermented dough, how to make french baguettes
Id: n0U8RdRdFDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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