How To Make Bread | Jamie Oliver - AD

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[Music] so guys let me show you a really simple bread recipe this is a really trusted way to do it it's super simple and you can do it easily at home yourself it's really good fun and I'm gonna be big enough my beautiful bakeware range this is gonna make two nice big tins first up we've got one kilo of strong bread flour use your hand to make a well and then what we're gonna do is add yeast to some tepid water all sachets are seven grand so we're gonna add one sachet to 620 milliliters of tepid water so if you leave that for about five minutes what you're gonna do is activate this dormant dried yeast and it will start to bubble absolutely start to bubble so mix it up what you can do is add just a little pinch of sugar to the tepid water now what this does is feed the yeast gets it going wakes it up it also gives you a beautiful kind of slightly darker crust let it just begin to fluff up and then we'll make the bread there's a nice generous couple of pinches of salt to the flour well we're going to wait for that yeast to activate and start kind of bubbling at that point we're gonna add the water to the well now you can see I'm using my fork here and I'm just bringing the fork in from the outside to the inside it makes like a kind of porridge first what we want to make is a beautiful smooth elastic dough this recipe is normally bang-on but sometimes depending on the weather you know the flour can react slightly differently so be prepared to add a little bit more water or flour depending on how it looks literally use the fork until the last moment when you can't use it anymore and then we're going to go through a process of kneading now I can kind of tell you there's a specific technique but really just move it stretch it rip it really rub it and rub it onto the marble it will become less sticky of course if you've got little stuck bits of dough you can use a palette knife just to scrape the dough off of it every time you need it you're kind of making the gluten stronger and stronger and therefore it's going to trap and stretch and hold in those gases that the yeast kind of create okay guys so look that's had about 10 minutes now this is going to have to proves the first proof will be to develop flavor okay so I'm just going to put it in a bowl rub with a little bit of oil and you can do this over about two hours until it's doubled in size or you can even do it in the fridge so it's colder and it will prove slower but what you'll get is even more flavor it'll develop more flavor so you choose which way you want to do it I'm gonna cover this with some cling film so it's kept nice and humid and if you look over here here's a dough that's had two hours proving so let's have a little look I'm gonna add a little bit of flour to a surface here and pull out this dough I'll split this dough in half here smash the air out of it and then what we're gonna do is just fill these two molds here knead it out into a ball just put it straight in the next thing I do is get myself a tea towel and I just put it under a warm tab and I want to wring it out so it's a nice humid environment and then I'll simply pop this over the top and let it prove for about an hour hour and a half until it's doubled in size and then we'll bake it so guys after an hour you can see it's doubled in size I'm gonna put it in the middle of the oven the oven is preheated to 200 degrees Celsius which is 400 Fahrenheit thirty minutes in there 35 minutes until it sort of sounds hollow when you tap it and we'll be good to go okay guys so after 35 minutes I took the bread out of the tin and I wanted to hear that hollow sound and then you know it's fluffy and cooked on the inside of course the top is really nice and crisp let's have a little look inside beautiful look at that a nice simple sandwich or toast made of homemade bread turns the everyday and the boring into something sublime and gorgeous if you want to see more of my gorgeous bakeware range hit the AI up there and check it out it's beautiful and if you want to see a lovely recipe for Irish soda bread made with Gennaro Contaldo yeah he's Italian and Donal skiing he's definitely Irish and the details are in the information box below you're gonna have a lovely cooking that's a great recipe so until next time guys bye [Music]
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 3,378,403
Rating: 4.8945289 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, basic bread, dough, kneed, flour, yeast, bakeware, range, baking, loaf, tin, proving, prove
Id: VrUdtzXquWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2017
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