How to make Delicious LEMON Butter GARLIC Pork Chops

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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Jeannie young us back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe it's lunchtime at the Young's house and I am so excited today I'm going to share with you all how to make a lemon butter garlic pork chop this recipe is so easy it does not require a lot of ingredients and if you make a teeny Yong style it's gonna be tasty here are the lovely ingredients you will need to make Tina young style lemon butter garlic pork chops you all never had my lemon garlic butter pork chops you better make yourself here's what you'll need right here we have some beautiful pork chops and when I buy my pork chops I don't want them too thick and I don't want them too thin see that they're they're nice and beautiful those of you that are familiar with me you know that I absolutely love says own sazon is gonna give a beautiful color as well as an amazing taste you're gonna need a nice amount of garlic we have some lemon here we're gonna use tomato for garnish and in my ramekin I have salt and pepper alongside of our beautiful pork chops we're gonna make baked sweet potatoes we're going to use parsley garlic powder Maggi polio and for our sweet potatoes we will be using brown sugar and cinnamon now the first thing that I want to do is go ahead and get these beautiful pork chops nice and seasoned but one thing you don't want to do is take your pork chops right out of the refrigerator and start cooking them right away because that will cause your meat to be dry because what will happen is that cold meat will hit that hot pan or your hot oil where your hot oven and it'll seize up and turn dry and we're not making any dried meats in this kitchen today so what you do is you take them out of the refrigerator and they'll sit for maybe a half an hour let them kind of relax and get the chill off before you cook them so now I've washed my pork chops with lime juice salt and water and I've pat dry my pork chops with this pork chop recipe it's really up to your discretion whether you want to drench your pork chops in flour you can but today I'm not going to dredge them in flour they are absolutely amazing the way they are okay so here's what we're gonna do let's season let's put that beautiful parsley on the person he's not gonna give much flavor this is dry parsley but it's gonna make it nice and beautiful just like so and then we're gonna go in with some of this amazing spaetzle with that beautiful color and that amazing flavor and you just need a little bit per side just like so and watch the beautiful color that we get from this okay beautiful then we're gonna put some garlic powder not too much let me open my garlic powder and I'll be right back okay everyone I got the garlic open let's get some garlic powder on there just like so don't be afraid to season if you're that person and I say it every day if you are that person that's afraid to season things your food will have no flavor and that's not good this Maggi polio is absolutely amazing it's a chicken based Boyan powder and it's gonna give anything you put this on amazing flavor now this does come and beef flavor as well beautiful that right there that little extra bit I'm gonna go ahead and take that off we don't want too much of it on there okay it's pretty simple all right now I'm gonna flip these over let me grab a fork let's get these night well let's put some salt and pepper on first not too much salt it's a little bit I'll do it yep beautiful let's get them nice and smuts over and we're gonna season this side as well I hope that you all are having an amazing day today the weekend is here is anybody doing anything special for the weekend I love when you all tell me what you're doing for the weekend and it's nice to hear all of the plans and everyone is doing for their day off for their special weekend let me know in a comment section below okay here's the sessom going on and I've used the whole packet we're going to go in once again with that Maggie poyo just like so beautiful flavor not too much all right there we go and then of course we're gonna put some parsley put a nice amount of garlic powder on this garlic butter lemon sauce is so simple and it tastes absolutely amazing I cannot wait til you all make this and you come back and say Gina we tasted it and it is outrageous I live for those comments okay here in a second we are going to start chopping up our veggies which is our tomato our garlic in our lemon be back okay everyone let's go ahead and take our seasoned pork chops and we're just going to set them here for the time being so that we can let the chill come up now what we're going to do is we're going to prep our sweet potatoes so they can go in the oven and what you will need is some oil I have some oil here and I have a silicone brush a little bit of salt and pepper okay now what you're gonna do is put some holes into your potato so they don't burst open you feel free to use a fork if you'd like we're gonna do both sides this way and this way make sure you wash your potato Soph when you bring them home you want to rinse off the pesticides and you never know whose handle your veggies before you brought them home I'm going to do this one in the same manner and then we're going to give them a nice rub with oil this is just vegetable oil that I will be using and we're gonna rub some salt and pepper on them wrap them up in foil and throw them in the microwave for an hour okay so here's how I like to do that if you don't have a brush like this it's okay don't freak out you know you can just rub it on with your hands okay get that oil on there it's gonna help to get a nice beautiful crispy skin and that's also going to help hold the salt and pepper on that salt and pepper will really flavor the skin I don't know about you all but I love to eat the skin of any baked potato that I make okay so here's what we're gonna do let's get the salt and pepper on just like slow flavor that bad boy up we're gonna put this in the oven on 375 in the middle rack we're gonna cover them with aluminum foil just like so so here's my four you get it in here and you want to make it nice and tight and they go okay I'm gonna wipe my cutting board down and I'll be right back okay everyone let's go ahead and get our veggies cut I'm gonna show you how to make this lemon butter garlic sauce that's really simple let's go ahead and cut this garlic okay so what I like to do imagine the skin is on the garlic I have the skin off what you do is you give it a nice whack just like so and when you do that it helps to take the skin off otherwise you're going to be pilling for days trying to get that skin off of your garlic okay see that and not only does it take the skin off but it helps to assist you in the chopping process because it matches it up a little bit for you okay I'm going to continue to cut this garlic just like so okay let me back this in the same manner we've got garlic flying overboard but that's okay alright beautiful to get this nice and chopped up when I make the lemon garlic butter pork chops I like to use a whole lot of garlic but the key is you want to make sure this garlic is nice beautiful and golden brown so that that garlic is not too pungent you don't want it to have a raw taste that wouldn't be good you want it to be nice beautiful and golden brown when it goes into the frying pan okay or when it cooks in the frying pan I'm gonna continue to chop this up and I'll be right back here in a second okay everyone our garlic is nice and chopped up we're gonna put it right here into our pan and only thing that we're gonna mix together is that nice beautiful Kerrygold butter and a nice amount of lemon juice you can put a little bit of the lemon rind in I'm gonna put just a little bit of lemon rind in to really bring out that lemon flavor okay so let's get some butter in my butter is fairly cold so I got to kind of work with it a little bit my plan is to use two tablespoons of butter if you use a little bit more guess what it's okay don't freak out now what we're going to do is we're going to turn this burner on to a medium heat and get that garlic nice and sauteed yeah I want to go in and slice our lemons just like so and what we're gonna do is we're going to squeeze that lemon juice over top of that beautiful golden brown garlic and a nice hot bubbly butter okay no this one here I'm gonna grab my microplane and we're gonna take the zest off of half of this lemon be back okay everyone you can see our garlic that's the color I want you all to get on your garlic now one thing I did do I forgot I told you all a little bit too much butter using that much butter won't allow your garlic to get nice and crispy so I just poured a little bit of the butter out though we are gonna go back in and put more butter in now that our garlic is nice beautiful and golden brown here's what we're gonna do now we can add our butter okay and I'm gonna turn this down onto a low heat all right there's that let's get this turns on low and then we want to squeeze lemon juice since please that lemon juice in I'm using my hands to catch any seeds and I'm gonna be honest with you if any seeds fall in there I'm gonna just go in and take them out no problem I'm going to use the juice of two whole lemon just like so beautiful oh and then we're going to go in and put some of that we'll invest in this is gonna be amazing flavor I see it feed in there I will go back in and fish that bad boy out all right just like so now we're gonna take our micro plane and we're gonna zest half of the lemon make sure you don't use the white pit you just want the yellow part yellow part is gonna give an amazing flavor in this garlic butter lemon sauce whoo you all never had this before you better make yourself all right that right there will do the trick let's give it a nice stir we're gonna put a little bit more butter in and this is gonna be absolutely amazing at this point we can turn the burner off it's done okay I will put some parsley in just to make it nice and beautiful and we're gonna pour these over those amazing beautiful pork chops be back okay everyone let me show you this sauce we put our parsley in this is what it should look like beautiful and when the pork chops are done what you're gonna need to do is take and just heat this up just for maybe 10 seconds you want it nice and warm when you dress a lit on top of your pork chops now what I want to do is I want to taste it to see if I need any more seasoning okay I'm just gonna taste that little bit right there mmm that's good okay mmm man that tastes good so here's what we're gonna do I have two pans here that we're gonna heat the oil up in this is just vegetable oil let's get those pork chops cooked right away we're gonna cook our pork chops on a medium high heat all right no flour is needed here in just a second I'll be right back once my oil gets nice and hot okay everyone let's go ahead and put these beautiful seasoned pork chops into our hot oil you don't want to put your pork chops in the pan if your oil is not hot enough okay so I'm just going to take my fork just like so you can see that I have two pans that way I can cook them all at the same time I'm just going to do two per pan and I'm gonna be cooking these pork chops on a medium-high heat that's the way to go just put them in there nice easy and gentle you don't want to splatter anyone or yourself okay and I'm gonna do the same over here just like so you should see that nice beautiful simple if you don't see the sizzles don't live any more in because that means your oil is not hot enough beautiful all right now let's go ahead and chop up our tomato I want some fresh tomato on our plate as a garnish but I eat that garnish as well there's nothing like a beautiful fresh tomato with salt and pepper on it and listen here you better make you something you all never had this before you absolutely should make this for your family and friends and all of your loved ones the nice fresh tomato right alongside and what we're gonna do with that tomato is we're gonna put some salt and pepper just like so it's really gonna bring out the amazing flavor that fits your meat oh that just like so in this manner you're gonna use a little bit of parsley just to make it nice and beautiful back right there now as far as the pork chops don't go in bother in it you want for that pork chop to form a nice beautiful golden-brown crust and don't worry you'll know when it's time to flip it because you'll start seeing a beautiful golden ring towards the bottom and that's your indication that it's time to give your pork chops a turn okay let's take a peek in Adam and they look amazing they're doing exactly what they're supposed to do now look closely I want you all to see something can you see that slip that I put right there I purposely put a slit onto every pork chop and here's this other slit so that my pork chops don't puff up when you're cooking sometimes the back around the pork chop will tighten up and cause your pork chop to kind of puff up in this manner so you just slice it before you cook it and you won't have that problem that late in the bottom of your pork chop can get nice beautiful and golden brown okay now these won't take her hardly any time at all look at that beautiful these are gonna look like a ribeye steak when we flip them over whoa trust me when I tell you this ok everyone I do want to show you that I poured some oil off of my pan we didn't need all that oil ok so you can see the difference in the amount of oil that I already had in the pan versus what I have in the pan now now they can start to get nice beautiful and crispy here's what we might as well do let's go ahead and dress up or there's gonna be nice and hot and remember you can always cook these sweet potatoes in your microwave I want you all to keep in mind that when you make these sweet potatoes in your oven they are going to take an hour so you want to cook them ahead of time that way your potatoes can be done at the same time that your meat upset here's what I like to do so I'm gonna take a night just like so blue they're hot I'm just gonna do this give them a nice match do this one in the same way push it together and then I'm gonna take a fork and I'm gonna pull all that goodness out we're gonna fluff it up so we can season oh here's what I mean when I say fluff all that goodness out pull it away from the skin ok make it nice and fluffy and then we're gonna season it just like so oh this smells so good it smells like heaven just like this in this manner this is what you should do all right now we're gonna seize them this what we're gonna do is we're gonna go in with some salt and pepper don't be afraid to see some salt and pepper isn't needed we're gonna put us some ground cinnamon just like so oh you're gonna want some of this make this for your family and friends and all of your loved ones and let me know what they think who they're gonna love you for this one take you a little bit of this brown sugar Oh as if that sweet potato wasn't sweet enough put your some brown sugar in there don't be afraid so just load it on you can use white sugar as well it's really up to your discretion get it nice and packed in there and then we're gonna put some butter on now there's different choices right here I have this cinnamon sugar butter and then of course I have my Carrie gold I'm gonna put both it haha you better believe I am and I'm not gonna skimp on the butter look at this it's gonna be absolutely amazing oh man that bad boy it's gonna be good look at this reminds me of the holidays it smells absolutely amazing let me get a little bit of the salt it Kerrygold butter and we're gonna put that in as well and that butter is gonna melt down into this beautiful sweet potato goodness then you have the perfect side dish the perfect vegetables to go right alongside of these amazing pork chops now let's take a peek in at our pork chops time to flip I didn't come to play games today guys I came to play no games when I get in the kitchen that's all serious I'm a Mesa please my family and friends and loved ones just like so now the other side will not take long once it's down the run afford that amazing garlic butter lemon sauce all over these amazing doorstop okay everyone our pork chops are done let's get started here's what we're going to do take your pork chops out of the pan and I'm just gonna put them onto this beautiful platter that I have here just like so and then we're gonna take our lemon butter garlic sauce and we're gonna drizzle it all over these amazing pork chops and listen don't skimp on the sauce these pork chops are called lemon butter garlic sauce because you're supposed to put a nice amount on there and they are gonna taste absolutely amazing now check this out check this out you take that garlic butter sauce you give it a nice whirl and I've just preheated it up one more time so it can be nice and hot put that lemon butter garlic sauce all over whoo-hoo all over those pork chops my goodness you all never had this before you better make you some and let the end you want the garlic the garlic is not gonna be too strong remember we got it nice beautiful and golden brown for purpose so you can eat it look at that oh let's make a plate and I'll be right back look at this guys look how amazing they are so juicy they're crispy on the outside and they are flavored with that lemon butter garlic sauce look at this amazing plate for lunch at the Young's house whoo listen here if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on the notification bill so you can be notified every time due to young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know hey tell the whole world about you young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis absolutely let's go ahead and say a prayer and I'm giving you all that first bite heavenly father Lord Jesus we thank you once again for today and every day Lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding come into our hearts we you are lord and savior send your angels down to surround this day and night your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions and give us peace over our mind we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper and we bind the devil away from us in the name of Jesus devil you have no authority over this family devil we bind you Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over our head the food below the peace and the joy that you bring us daily we thank you for that amen let's dive in I can't wait any longer let's go now here's what I want to do I know that this poor Chuck right here is really really hot I don't want to burn the daylights out of my mouth so let's go ahead and taste this beautiful sweet potato first remember it has that cinnamon butter it has salt it Kerrygold butter we have some salt and pepper we have some parsley and brown sugar oh listen hearing a nice beautiful fluffy sweet potato look at this oh it's hot too but I don't want to burn my mouth let's give it a nice blow you all take that first bite let me know what you think Gina Youngstown you better make you so [Music] hi guys hmm but it's da bomb glad you hear me whoa let's go taste a nice piece of that fresh tomato mmm ja na and now for the star let's dive in I want this part this part right here it's calling my name you can see that garlic lemon butter just pulled right here at this end we're gonna taste this you all once again you get that first bite taste it mmm taste that guy so let me know what you think what do you better make you so I'm going in for another bite once you taste this pork chop look how beautiful the inside is beautiful once you take one bite of this you're not gonna be able to stop make this for your family and friends and loved ones and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching good enough good that's good
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 48,237
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: Lemon butter garlic pork chops #Lemongarlicporkchops #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgood
Id: 3phG7tKnbQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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