How to make Lemon Pepper Wings

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hi everybody everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is going to show you all how to make lemon pepper wings I'm so excited I'm so excited to be able to show you all how Gina young makes my lemon pepper wings these wings right here guys they're crispy on the outside and they are so flavorful you hear me trust me when I tell you this you all are gonna love this recipe I'm so excited I can't I can't wait I can't wait to sink my teeth down into these links here's what you're gonna need here's what you're gonna need to make Gina young style lemon pepper wings okay everybody first thing that you want to do let's go ahead and clean our wings and then I'll show you what you're gonna need afterwards so I have these wings these were whole wings and I've chopped that little wing tip off and I've saved those wing tips you always want to save them in case you need to make a chicken broth alright put them in a freezer bag and throw those bad boys in the freezer so these were whole wings that I've chopped into wingdings and what we're gonna do make sure that your hands are impeccably clean I'm gonna start to take off my jewelry and I want you all to make sure that your sink your sink before washing the chicken and after washing the chicken here's what we're gonna do let's do this very quick and simple all right get in there chicken okay so then we're going to take some salt this sea salt is all this salt gonna make this salty no not at all what were using that salt for is we're using it for an abrasive okay so when we go to wash it like this it kind of scours and rubs up against each other and that salt helps to serve like I said as an abrasive so I like to do that we're gonna rub each wing together alright just like so and then we're going to use some apple cider vinegar you can use regular white vinegar and you can use lemon or lime I'm going to use lemon today all right just like this beautiful I hope you all are having a great day today today it's about 75 degrees outside and it's beautiful the birds are chirping and I have just about every window in my house open right now absolutely I do I love this beautiful weather that we're getting okay here's what you're going to do let's go ahead and grab some lemon and you just squeeze that lemon over every wing and you just go in and clean these up just like so me personally I feel like the lemon gives a lot of flavor and also it gets your wing squeaky clean you hear me when I say squeaky clean you will see the difference after you clean your meat with lemon or lime I always do it it never fails and like I said by the way it gives it a great taste as well okay I'm gonna go in and I only use a half of a lemon okay go in and do this just like so get it nice and clean all right and then we're gonna give it a rinse and then we're gonna wash this with apple cider vinegar okay squeeze all that lemon all over there just like so now when you're rinsing you only want to use cold water okay never ever ever ever want to use hot water or warm water okay just like this let's give it a nice nice wash all right beautiful then we're gonna go in with our apple cider vinegar and pour that vinegar all over your wings absolutely and then we're gonna wash it once again just like so okay we're gonna give our wings another rinse and these bad boys are just about done okay so what I'm gonna do from here is I'm gonna take my wings out I'm gonna put them in a bowl that I'm gonna season them in and I'm gonna take a paper towel take a paper towel and blot dry these wings until they get nice and dry because if you don't take the time to dry your wings you'll have a lot of splattering and popping when you put your wings in that hot oil because of course that water in that oil they don't mix so dry them as much as you can with a paper towel I'm gonna do just that I'm gonna clean my sink out and I'll be right back okay everyone we've cleaned our sink out our sink is impeccably clean and we've dried our chicken off okay so the ingredients that you will need today you will need a stick and a half of butter for your lemon pepper sauce you will need a half of a lemon you will need lemon pepper seasoning see this here you will need garlic powder as well as parsley flakes okay now all right over here let me fix my camera guys my camera is doing something weird today okay so now we're gonna go ahead and season up our wings and we're gonna use some of that lemon pepper get you a nice amount in there remember by the way we are making lemon pepper wings today just like this get that in there there's punches let me take this off there's bunches of lemon rind in this mixer dried lemon rind it's gonna give such a beautiful flavor all right we're going to use some cracked sea salt oh yeah don't be afraid to season guys you got a lot of chicken here you want to make sure you season it so it can be nice and flavorful we have a dough ball that's just some in there just like so okay and we have some chicken seasoning and literally we're gonna use just a little bit of the chicken seasoning okay and that's just about enough what we're gonna do we're gonna rub everything together alright and I'm just gonna go in and use my hands my hands are impeccably clean you rub these bad boys you hear me and so all of these seasonings sitting nice and well coated all over each one okay just like this and what I like to do is I like to set my wings for about 10 to 12 minutes with the seasoning on them so that that seasoning can get nice and embedded and soaking into this meat you never won you never ever want to take your meat right out of that refrigerator and put it right into that hot oil because what will happen is your meat will seize up and you won't have tender meat if you let your meat rest for a while on the counter you know at least 20 minutes let it rest let some of the chill come off and then you put it in that hot oil and I promise you I promise you you're gonna have some nice tender wings you hear me so then let the seasoning soak in for like I said 10 to 12 minutes we'll come back let me show you how much oil I have on the stove here so I have a pan this is my pan that I absolutely love to use when I'm frying chicken and you see that I put the oil up halfway up the pan so you be careful be careful because when you're putting your chicken in what's going to happen as that oil is gonna rise so never put too much oil in you don't want to go more than half way up this pan because the oil will rise at least this much now there's one other ingredient that I didn't mention you're gonna need some flour because we're going to coat our chicken wings with flour when we come back okay everyone our wings has set with the beautiful seasoning on them for around ten minutes I'm just gonna pour some all-purpose flour on how much if you guys say how much just put yourself on nurse that you can coat the wings no certain amount okay just make sure that your wings are nice and well coated don't be afraid to touch the chicken but here's the thing if you're that person that's afraid to touch the meat in their chicken then you go out and get you some rubber gloves some type of gloves and that way you can get in with your hands as well to make sure that your chicken is nice and coated now and even if you didn't want to do that you can put this in a paper bag or a plastic bag a ziplock bag and you can put that flour in there and just shake that bad boy up okay and really it's just that simple this recipe doesn't take any time to cook this this video will be much longer than the actual cooking time because you know I'm editing and I'm talking and I'm pressing Paul's and different things happen when you're making a video but this right here you're gonna fry these bad boys up and you'll have these on a table and no time for dinner and here's the thing about this everybody everybody that touches these wings will absolutely fall in love with these wings you hear me trust me when I tell you this all right so now that we have them well coated before we put them in the flour we're gonna give them a nice shake how come we're giving them a shake because you don't want that extra flour to fall off into your oil and then you have a bunch of burnt flour in the bottom of your pan and your wings will taste like burnt flour so go ahead take that time to shake them off before you put them in now when you're checking your oil to see if your oil is done what we're going to do yes let me get a good picture here is we're going to drop a little bit of flour into our oil just like so and if that oil sizzles right away your oil is heated up properly if you put that flour in there and that flour sinks right down to the bottom your oils not hot enough okay or another indication would be you can take your wing and if you put that wing in and it doesn't sizzle right away don't put any more in okay because this oil has to be hot in order to get that nice beautiful crispy wing that we all love okay so we're gonna let this heat up a little bit more because it's not quite ready okay everybody time to put our wings in I put one of the wings in nice as Oh everything's ready get those wings in there and then I don't want you to make sure you don't go in because naturally you're gonna want to go in with the fork and a spatula checking on them don't bother them okay just let them be because here's the thing and I'm and I'm shaking these off if you go in right now and you mess with these you'll take all of that beautiful crust that you're supposed to have off of these wings okay by touching them so then you wait until your crust forms onto these beautiful wings and then you can go in and mess with them and look at them okay but not right now all right good you get these wings in just like so ooh I'm so excited after we put these in I'm gonna show you how to make the lemon pepper sauce that we're going to paint all over these wings after they come out of this oil okay this is so easy to make I want you all to share this recipe with your family let me know it what their reaction is okay we're just gonna let these go they're normally typically cook they'll start to float okay but what I'll do I'll actually let you know the cooking time when they're done okay everybody ingredients for your lemon pepper sauce so we have a stick in half it the less Wings you're gonna make you just use less butter okay honestly if you're gonna make less wings than I'm using use a half a stick of butter okay you know how to do it so lemon pepper use yourself right on top of that butter you should nice a mouth bag that has a lot of beautiful lemon pepper flavor oh yeah we're gonna put some sea salt in but we're not going to use a lot that's it all right garlic powder but don't get too crazy with the garlic powder because look I put that on there cuz I lost my lid one day and then I found the lid and and I just but it worked until I found my lid don't get crazy with the garlic okay because we're not making garlic wings we're making lemon pepper wings and we want that lemon pepper to shine through all right you all didn't know me you know that I can't make anything without parsley it's the parsley gonna give it flavor no no it's not but it's gonna give it a nice beautiful color that I love to see okay cuz I eat with my eyes absolutely I do and if it looks pretty I'm happy so now this here we are not we are not gonna melt it just yet we're gonna melt this in the microwave if you're that person that says I'm Gina I'm not using the microwave then use the top of the stove okay it's really up to your discretion we're gonna take some lemon we're gonna squeeze it in there this is a half a lemon and you don't have to worry about the seeds the reason why is because you're going to take this brush here and you're gonna be painting this lemon pepper butter all over your wings and if you see let's see just take it out really Innis that simple okay so what I like to do is I like to start out with that half of lemon this will get microwave until milled it and then we paint it all over the wings so we can set that aside for now after you taste it after it smelled it and you feel like if you feel like you need more lemon but you some lemon some more lemon in there but what we are gonna do is this side of the lemon we're going to zest it so let me get rid grab my sister you can see that our wings have started to float and that's the beginning of the process of fried chicken it will always begin to float before it starts to get nice and golden brown okay please excuse the noise of the lawnmower in the background be honest in the backyard alright here's the thing when your zesting please don't use the white part all you want and we're gonna use this whole hat all you want is the yellow the yellow set zest we don't want any of the white tip okay just links oh and this right here this is gonna take it overboard you hear me whoo-whee you don't really want to smack somebody after you taste these wings these wings are my Redemption wings this video is my redemption video and the reason why is because I I might have said this in my other video I made this video last week and for some reason it would not save and of course I cried and I was upset it just wasn't saved to my camera for some reason and so I lost the video so I'm back for redemption these wings right here these wings are gonna make you lose your mind you hear me but that's a sin there we'll be ready to melt that butter we're not gonna melt it until the wings are done let's peek back at our wings and they're doing just beautifully I'll come back with once they get nice and golden brown okay everybody let's take a look at the wings you can see how the top is light but underneath you can start to see that they're starting to get little golden brown so what you want to do is just give them a nice flip and now's the time that you can mess with them because that crust is starting to form is illan there and it's not gonna come off so the ones that you can flip over go ahead and flip those over just like so and then some of them they won't flip for you they'll just keep flipping back over don't worry about them okay just like this what you just gonna let them get nice and golden brown nice and golden brown guys patience have patience don't cook these chicken on too high of a heat if you cook them up too high they won't cook right all right and they'll be pink in the inside and crispy on the outside if you cook them too low they'll never get crispy okay what you want to do is you want to cook these on a medium high heat okay everybody you can see that our chicken are getting nice and golden brown and I'm still trying to chase these ones that won't flip over and you'll have that that's gonna happen you know and what can you do about it nothing you know not unless you just wanted to like hold it down like that but I'm not about to do that they better flip over for me absolutely hey listen here I hope you all are having a great week I hope you all had a beautiful blessed Easter if you all haven't had a chance to check out my video for dyeing Easter eggs with Dakota check it out it was a lot of fun Dakota had so much fun and he did he told me when we were done he said mom that was so much fun and we those Easter eggs were gone in 24 hours those things are gone they were really good I put a nice amount of sea salt on them and I musta ate seven of them in one night okay everybody our wings are done these wings took a rounded Bell I'm gonna say they took about 20 minutes to get nice and golden brown I'm gonna show you what they look like we're gonna start to melt our beautiful lemon pepper glaze or earth and it's not a glaze it's just a lemon prep a rope that we're gonna put on there so let's get started okay we're taking these wings out I'm gonna put them on the cooling rack and what this cooling rack will allow it allow air to circulate all around the wings so that the wings won't get soggy okay because sometimes if you just take these out look how nice and beautiful and golden brown that right there that's what you're wanting that beautiful golden brown color that we all love on our fried chicken that's when you know they're done what I was gonna say is if you just take these and you put them on a platter or whatever you're gonna put them on without using a cooling rack like this then the bottom of your chickens gonna get soggy always use a cooling rack all right look at this guys I just want to give you all a nice look before we start on our sauce before we heat our salsa nice and beautiful nice and crispy oh yeah okay now so let's take our butter and seasonings put this in a microwave for around about a minute if it needs to melt if it needs to cook a little bit longer than a minute then just heat it up a little bit longer until fully melted okay everyone our butter sauce lemon pepper is nice and melty and I tell you one thing if you all never tasted this before it is so delicious you hear me look at all those spices and look at that lemon rind in there I want to give this a taste I want to taste it and see if I'm happy with the flavor Oh huh is good here's the thing you always want to taste it because if you're not happy with the flavor then put your samuri put you some more lemon pepper some sea salt some garlic powder some lemon until you're happy with the flavor so what I'm gonna do I love the flavor but I do want a little bit more lemon flavor in there so then you're just gonna take your lemon squeeze that bad boy right in there just like that all right Mixy Mixy mix right bring our beautiful wings over here and I'm gonna show you all how to plate these up because what you're gonna do with these wings is so simple you know if you're the person that just wants to take those wings and you want to douse them down in here just like this and call it a day listen here you can do that look at that beautiful you see that you can do just that but me personally I like to take my time and I like to butter or I like to brush on the flavor you see that that's how I like to do mines you can dunk it you can brush it you can toss it whatever you want to do okay just make sure you get the salsalin here because this right here is how I make my lemon pepper wings hey listen here if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on the notification mail so that's you so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely look at this don't you just want to bite down into that movie I love it I'm recording okay I wanted this stopple you know I was recording alright see this here just like that that's what you're wanting look at that take a bite of that and let me know what you think I'm gonna plate this up this right here this right here is what your wings should look like very simple very easy and it tastes so good let's give one of these wings a try how about this one and I'm gonna put a little bit extra sauce on there so we all can taste it together oh yeah I'm just gonna dunk this bad boy you see that mmm the flavor is so beautiful you hear me let's dig in guys you take the first up you take the first bite take this first bite let me know what you think oh nice and beautiful meet me inside never pink mm nice and white and that beautiful mmm and it tastes just like lemon mmm if you wanted to sprinkle you some extra pepper on the top and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a good night good night well that's good
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 736,797
Rating: 4.847229 out of 5
Keywords: #LemonPepperWings #Wings #FriedChicken #Chicken #Tasty #QuickMeals #GodIsGood #Christian #GInaYoung
Id: _RtrLNTL5Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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