How to make Award Winning Baked Fried Chicken 🥇

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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Jeannie youngest back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited because today at the Young's house Jeana Young is gonna share with you all how to make fried chicken not just any ordinary fried chicken I want to show you how to make baked fried chicken that is absolutely amazing listen here this chicken is gonna be juicy it's gonna be golden brown it's gonna be crispy and packed with flavor this recipe does not require a lot of ingredients and if you make a teeny young style it's gonna be so tasty here aren't the lovely ingredients you will need you all never have my baked fried chicken before you better make you some here's what you'll need okay everyone so we have some beautiful chicken wings here feel free to use any kind of chicken that you would like to use any piece would be just fine and you also can make this recipe with boneless skinless chicken if you would like okay so we have some garlic powder poultry seasoning paprika and chicken seasoning and my ramekin here we have salt and pepper and we are going to use Louisiana season crispy chicken fry you all never had this before you absolutely need to give it a try it is absolutely amazing now let's work our way over here we are going to have slides to go along the side of our fried chicken we are going to have peas and corn and you will need butter and sugar we're gonna have a side of chicken flavored rice-a-roni and you will need a little bit of chicken broth those are the ingredients let's make sure your hands are impeccably clean so we can get started with this amazing recipe now the first thing that I want to do is season our chicken okay so we're going to go in with this guy powder here we're gonna season just like so don't be afraid to season I say it every day if you all are afraid this season your food will have no flavor and that won't be good let's take some of the salt and pepper and go in just like so in this manner just like this beautiful and we're gonna season the other side as well we want to take some of our poultry seasoning poultry seasoning it's gonna give our chicken an amazing flavor don't go overboard with it just a little bit goes a long way trust me when I tell you this okay that paprika is definitely needed make sure you do not use smoked paprika smoked paprika is not what you're looking for when you're frying chicken okay and a little bit of the chicken seasoning you only need a little tiny bit of this chicken seasoning just like so I'm gonna grab a fork and we're gonna turn these over and season the other side as well be back okay everyone that's time to season the other side of the chicken just like so now we're gonna go in with salt and pepper once again be very careful not to use too much salt a little bit goes a long way just like so and don't forget after you wash your chicken you pat dry that chicken with a paper towel you don't want it to be wet when you're trying to code it you know with your batter just like so then we're gonna go in with a little bit of poultry seasoning once again we're gonna put some chicken seasoning not too much just a little bit it's enough to taste all right let me put a little bit and then garlic powder once again now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this amazing chicken that we have here and we want to let our chicken set for at least 15 to 20 minutes you never want to take your chicken right out of the refrigerator and start cooking it right away because what will always happen is that cold chicken will seize up and it'll be dry we're not making any dry meats in this kitchen what you do is you let that chill come off that way when it hits that hot pan or your hot oven or your hot oven it can kind of relax okay so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna let this set for about 15 to 20 minutes and then we'll come back and dredge it into our seasoned chicken fry be back okay everyone here's what we want to do get a baking sheet and make sure your baking sheet is deep enough we're going to put some oil in the bottom of our baking sheet not too much oil you don't want to have oil splattering all over your oven that would not be good you can see just a little bit just enough to coat the bottom of the pan and get your chicken nice beautiful and crispy okay and actually I'm gonna pour a little bit of this off I have a little bit too much so I'm gonna do just that important right into here just like so so I can show you the exact amount that we're going to need that right there is the perfect amount can you all see that nice and cold it in the oil just like so okay be right back okay everyone here's what we're gonna do next let's go ahead and take your wings and we're gonna put the wings into this chicken fry right here and you want to get them all nice and coated just like so this process is very simple make sure you pack that coating on and right before we put it on to our greased baking sheet we're gonna give it a nice shake okay that way we don't have excess seasoning all over our baking sheet that burns okay so we're gonna do each and every one of these just like so and if you don't want to go through the hassle of touching the chicken feel free to put this in a paper bag or plastic ziplock bag and just shake it up and so everything's well incorporated after I get these nice and coated I'll be right back okay everyone our chicken is a nice and code it in the chicken fry now what we're going to do is we're going to take this pan that we've oil we're going to put our chicken on to the pan okay just like so make sure you give it a nice shake and just set it just like so if you want it to you can actually take the chicken wing here look over here and you can take and put that wing part up on itself and it will stay this way but for this chicken I like to keep it out like this okay that's up to your discretion okay and a lot of people like to cut that piece off I think that piece is very tasty so I try to keep it on most of the time all right give it a nice shake I'm gonna get our chicken wings lined up and it's okay honestly they're okay if they touch they won't steam they're gonna get nice and crispy and fried up alright just like so I believe I have eight wings here which is gonna be the perfect amount beautiful these wings are nice and juicy they're huge wings right nobody wants any little skimpy wings alright give it a nice shake get that on there and this is going in the oven on 375 degrees and I'll actually let you know when they come out how long they took to cook during this cooking process right here you don't have to turn them you don't have to do anything to them except for just look for that beautiful golden brown color when you achieve that beautiful golden brown color guess what they're done that's how simple this chicken is and when you all taste this you are gonna lose your mind when you find out just how amazing this easy baked fried chicken gina young stylist let's get this in the oven on the middle rack 375 degrees I'll be right back and we'll make our side okay everyone before we go any further there's one more thing that we have to do to this chicken before it goes in the oven we're gonna take the spray right here we're taking this spray and we need to spray our chicken up really good that's gonna help to create a beautiful golden brown crispy crust like we all loved when we think about fried chicken let's pray these bad boys okay just like so that's gonna make it nice beautiful and crispy trust me when I tell you that let's get a mini oven 375 degrees let's go let's make our way over to that stove just like so get them in the oven at 375 when they come out I'll show you what they look like okay everyone let's go ahead and get started on our rice Cerrone what is the last time you all have some nice rice a roni rice a roni is something we used to eat all the time when I was a child and I loved it and I still love it too today let's make some so here's what we're gonna do we are going to take some oil and put it into a pan now just enough oil to toast your rice all right we're going to take our rice and pour our rice into the pan and we want to coat the rice into the oil here obviously you can use butter if you want it to it's really up to your discretion all right now we're gonna give it a nice toss around and get all of these pieces of rice nicely coated excuse me in the vegetable oil just like so keep in mind that your package of rice has a packet of seasoning okay and we'll get to that towards the middle of the cooking process but right now what we want to focus on is getting this rice nice and toasty beautiful and golden brown color and you don't want to go further until you get this rice a nice deep golden-brown color okay it tastes better when you toast it a little bit darker all right so we're gonna achieve that while that starts to heat up we are going to make some corn and peas I absolutely love corn and peas together it also is a side dish that I love as a child now when my dad would make it he would do the peas and the corn a couple of pieces of bacon a salt and pepper and butter and a little bit of sugar and that's what we're gonna do today only I'm not gonna put the bacon in I feel like there's no need for the bacon so we're just gonna leave it out let's go in with our salty pepper don't be shy with the salt and pepper all right we are gonna put some sugar in but we're just gonna start off with a little tiny bit and I don't want you to think for one second that this sugar is gonna cause this dish to be really sweet because it's not it's really gonna bring out the beautiful flavor in these veggies all right now let's take some chicken broth you can use water if you want it to but since I have chicken broth why not I'm gonna put some chicken broth in here just to get our veggies going and I'm gonna turn this on to a medium heat just like so just keep a nice eye on it they'll be just fine and towards the end of the cooking process we're gonna throw lots of butter in there make sure you use real butter I'm gonna use that Kerry gold that I love to use okay I can hear that my rice is starting to sizzle but it still has a long way to go need to wait on that pan to get nice and hot and I'll be right back once our rice starts to get nice beautiful and golden brown okay everyone our rice is starting to get nice beautiful and golden brown let's take a look look at this see that see just how dark this ingot can get earlier I find the darker you make it the better it tastes the rice turns out much better so we're gonna continue we're gonna stir it around for a little bit let all of this rice we want every grain to get nice beautiful and golden brown and I want you all to let me know in the comment section below when's the last time you all have rice a roni if you haven't had any know in a while make you some make you some you will definitely enjoy it okay just look so pretty simple now let's take a peek in at our beautiful veggies here just want to give them a nice stir around that chicken broth is gonna give amazing flavor keep in mind you can use water that's fine as well just like so and right before these lovely veggies get nice and fully cooked we're gonna fold in some nice butter it's gonna really bring out the flavor in these beautiful veggies just like so beautiful and what I like to do as you'll see me pour off the water for the veggies or the chicken broth you don't need all of that chicken broth we will pour off at least half of it okay because keep in mind that the butter will melt and serve as you know like a broth just like so let's take a peek in once more over here it's kind of juggling two pans at once nice beautiful and golden brown we're almost to the point to where we're going to be ready to throw our seasoning in and our 5 cups of water the reason why I'm using 5 cups of water because I used one of the large family packs of rice-a-roni but typically you would only have to use I believe it's 2 cups for a regular sized box right throny but this one right here it's gonna make a whole lot our family love screaming alright turn a few minutes we'll be right back okay everyone our rice is nice and golden-brown now is the time to put your seasoning in now I'm gonna be honest with you all sometimes guess what I do sometimes I put a little bit of Maggi foil in there if you don't want to put the chicken flavor Maggie poyo you can always put the beef boy on bass in it gives it extra flavor now scoot back camera guy because this is going to cause some steam all right now that's four cups and this is the fifth cup you can go in and give it a nice stir around and the directions always tell you bring it up to a boil once you bring it up to a boil you're gonna cover it and turn it down on low and then 20 minutes you'll have the most beautiful flavorful chicken flavor rice all right so okay everyone so it's at a boil already so now since its boiling you go ahead and cover that bad boy we're gonna turn it down on low and it'll be done perfectly 20 minutes all right let's take a peek in and our beautiful veggies now it's time to go in with some butter oh but before that I'm gonna pour off some of that lovely chicken broth I'm not pouring it all off but what I do want you to see is how much liquid I have in can you see that I'm just gonna pour off half of that and I'll be right back okay everyone let's get that Kerrygold butter in don't shy away from the butter I'm putting a nice amount in there because it's gonna taste absolutely amazing when you mix that butter in that sugar that's salt and pepper you really have veggies that are out of sight you know some people they taste my veggies and my mixed veggies and they say what like what did you do and you know really is just a little bit of love with just salt and pepper and butter in chicken broth makes it taste absolutely amazing and if you want to do it like my dad did it put you a couple of pieces of bacon in here you'll really enjoy it I do feel like I need a little bit more cracked black pepper I just feel like I need to see it so we're gonna go in with a little bit more we're just gonna let this simmer for maybe another 10 minutes and our veggies are done you bet okay everybody our veggies are done we can turn the burner off let me show you what they look like and let me show you this beautiful butter in there look at that all that butter is seasoned and listen here oh baby these are some good veggies to have perfectly alongside Gena Young's baked fried chicken you all never have my big fried chicken be sure to make it your family's gonna love you for it trust me when I tell you okay everyone I just wanted to show you what the chicken is looking like right now it's been about 30 minutes you know it's not done you will know it's done when it's nice beautiful and they're perfect golden brown color to be back okay everyone our rice is perfectly done it's been 20 minutes let's take a look at it all right let's let that steam come off for a second and you should see no liquid we have just a little bit of liquid this is perfect oh we're gonna let this go for another five minutes with the lid on and then our rice is done whoa and the chicken smells good right now be back okay everyone our chicken is done our chicken cooked for 50 minutes 375 degrees it's beautiful it is perfect I cannot wait to dig into this chicken let's take a look at it look at this look how beautiful and golden brown Oh Huli and I want you all to see the bottom of these they're nice beautiful and crispy at the bottom my goodness look at that look at that beautiful nuts right there that's what they should look like and that comes from that oil that we put on the bottom of the pan listen here let's make a plate if you all enjoyed this video today give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time do new young uploads one of these awesome recipes hey tell your family and friends and everybody you know to the whole world about you young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis absolutely let's make a plate and we are gonna dive in and you all get that first bite be back okay everybody take a look at this beautiful plate that we have here I just wanted to get a nice thumbnail picture okay let's go ahead and say our prayer if you all enjoyed this video once again give me a thumbs up Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus we pray then no weapons formed against us shall prosper we bind the devil away from us in the name of Jesus devil you have no authority over this family Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over our head the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us daily we thank you for that heavenly father send your angels down to surround us day and night your holy spirit to help us make good decisions and give us peace over our mind we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper we thank you once again for this beautiful meal Jesus amen let's dig in amen amen yeah the first thing that I want to do let's go in with this beautiful rice because I know that this chicken is extremely hot and I really don't want to burn the roof of my mouth right now like I did yesterday when I did to taste this let's taste this look at that when's the last time you all had rice a roni it's so good taste it hmm you gotta taste that again man it's good mm-hmm this is gonna be this is gonna be perfect right alongside of this beautiful fried chicken look at this taste something that once you have veggies seasoned the way I seasoned up you will always season your veggies this way they're amazing now let's take a bite of this chicken mmm here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take this one right here and we're just gonna slice right down there to this bad boy heck we don't even need the knife let's just rip it apart look at this look how beautiful and gorgeous Oh Oh baby you want to make this you you want to make this for your family and friends and all of your loved ones and then you come back and let me know what you think about Jimmy Young's recipe you all can have that first bite right there let me know what you think I'm going and I can't wait any longer it's doggone good my goodness look at this beautiful miss right here mmm oh that meat look at this like the bone just wants to the bone is just falling right out amazing it's crispy it's juicy and it's so flavorful and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching good night god that's good
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 126,031
Rating: 4.9236178 out of 5
Keywords: Baked fried chicken #Bakedfriedchicken #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Id: qndHxu2H-Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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