How to make Delicious juicy flavorful Salisbury Steak

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hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody to Yungas vac and you know you know I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I'm gonna show you all how I make my sounds very steak listen here this Salsbury steak is amazing it's packed with flavor it's so easy and listen here it tastes so good here's what you're gonna need to make Tina Youngstown Gina young style Salisbury steak you want to make sure that your hands are impeccably clean I'm gonna show you how easy this is it can be a lot of fun to make as well so our ingredients we have onions you will need tri-colored bell peppers if you just wanted to use one color bell pepper that's fine as well me actually I like to use the different colors because the different color peppers they give off different flavors and the color is beautiful so you will need two and a half pounds of ground beef this is 80/20 now if you wanted to use ground turkey absolutely you can okay or any other ground meats that you would like to use you can you will need parsley salt and pepper garlic powder pinko breadcrumbs two cans of cream of mushroom soup as well as Lipton onion soup mix your Lipton onion soup mix excuse me your Lipton onion soup mix comes with two packets inside of the box and we're gonna use both packets and I'll show you what we're gonna do with this this is part of my secret it's amazing it's gonna give you a great taste trust me when I tell you and then you can see that I have two cups of nice cold water this is the pan that we're going to use for our Salsbury steak and then I have two yolks and one whole eggs and those are large eggs and then I also have a half a cup oh I already told you guys this is a half a cup of the pinko breadcrumbs in the pink Oh breadcrumbs are Italian seasoned all right you can get regular breadcrumbs whatever type kind of breadcrumbs you want to use will be just fine the first thing that I want to do is I want to chop up my beautiful veggies just like so what you want to do is you don't want to have them too big of pieces and you don't want to have teeny tiny pieces just a regular bite-size and I'll show you here in just a second okay we can run over it again with a knife just so that your pieces aren't too big and like I said not too small either okay and chop all of our beautiful veggies up just like so and then we're going to leave some of our veggies in long slices so that we can present our beautiful Salsbury steak with a nice garnish and the garnish is gonna be the beautiful peppers all right so then we're gonna do our onion in the same manner I'm gonna continue to chop up all of my veggies off-camera and then once my veggies are cut I'll be back okay everybody you can see that bell peppers that I've sliced like I said that will be for garnish so we can just set this aside because we won't use that until the end of the cooking process now and you can also see that I've chopped up my peppers and my onions and we're just gonna put it down into that's a big onion down into our hamburger I hope that you all are having a beautiful day today I hope that you all have a great week as well I am so excited to be able to share this recipe of mine with you all in hopes that you'll make it and you'll come back and say Gina I absolutely love the recipe I love to hear that okay so our two egg yolks in one full egg these are large eggs all right we're gonna use some parsley just because it's nice and beautiful all right it's not going to give any flavor but it makes it pretty and her like everything pretty I like put some salt in be careful because they're beautiful and then we're gonna put some pepper put a nice amount in there don't you dare be afraid to season your meat because and I've said it before if you are afraid to season your meat your meat will have no flavor and really that's the truth you know so many people are afraid to put seasoned in their food don't be afraid only seasoning you really have to worry about is the salt all right now this is a half a cup of Italian style pinko breadcrumbs all right we are going to put some garlic powder in there garlic powder makes everything taste amazing all right just like so I'm gonna wash my hands once again since I've handled all of the spices and then I might get down and dirty in this meat with my hands and I'm gonna mix it up very well okay I am back now I've already washed my hands in the beginning but like I said it I'll repeat myself the reason why I'm washing my hands a second time is because I've handled all of the spices and you just want to rewash your hands before you get down in there so I'm gonna go in with my god-given heat tools and I'm gonna mix this up very well in the egg and the breadcrumb is going to serve as a binder it's gonna help for your meat to bind together all of these spices are coming together right now but one thing you don't want to do you don't want to handle the meat too much and the reason why is because your meat can get tough if you handle it too much okay so once you get your spices in that egg well incorporate it that's good enough okay so now we're gonna go ahead and make up our patties some people when they make their patties they like to make somewhat of a football shape okay me personally I just put them in a patty as if it was you know kind of like a hamburger patty okay just like this all right trying to make them all the same size and if you can't that's okay too no matter what size you make them what shape you make them they're gonna be delicious trust me when I tell you this if you wanted to put some ketchup in here absolutely you can okay the ketchup is gonna give you an amazing flavor okay so we're just gonna mix this up and set it there I'm gonna mix up more and like I said I'm gonna try to make these all the same size so that they all can get done cooking around the same time because if you have some that are small and some that are really big they'll all get done at different times and we don't want that we don't want that hassle like I said some people like to make them the shape like this I just kind of patty mines out they're gonna be good regardless you hear me especially when I show you how to make this amazing gravy whoo this gravy is awesome and if you don't want to do this gravy I'm going to show you or I'm going to tell you how you can make another gravy for this that's amazing okay if I can remember only if I can remember all right because there's different options for the gravy but this is my go-to gravy when I make Salsbury steak and then another thing that you can do is with your peppers you can turn around and saute your peppers let them cool down and then you can mix them into this mixture but you want to make sure that they cool down because you don't want to put hot veggies into your mixture right here and somehow it winds up cooking your eggs and you have scrambled eggs in your hamburger that wouldn't be a great idea so if you decide to sauté the veggies ahead of time make sure that they cool down all right I'm gonna make a nice amount because my family they absolutely adore this recipe and they're gonna go for two and three of them when they make their plate absolutely they are and if they don't do two and three the first time they're coming back for seconds and thirds so I'm gonna do a nice amount a very nice amount okay and make sure that everything sticks together so when you go to fry your patties up because we're gonna do a frying part before these go into the oven okay so these will actually get cooked two times so while you're frying these don't fear and don't worry that the insides not done okay the reason why is because these are going to go into the oven and they're gonna continue to cook in the oven and our beautiful sauce that I'm going to show you how to make all right so I'm going to continue to make up patties all right and then when I come back we'll start to fry these bad boys up and I'll show you our next step okay everybody so you can see that I have two frying pans and we're going to fry our hamburgers we are not cooking these all the way like I said earlier it's okay if your hamburgers are not done in the middle what we're trying to do right now is we want to get a nice beautiful sear on the outside of all of our hamburgers a nice beautiful golden-brown sear on all sides the top and the bottom once we achieve that these hamburgers are coming out they're gonna go into this pan and in the oven to cook again that's why I like to say don't worry about them not getting done let's get them nice and sear let's go over to the stove and turn them on to a medium-high heat okay everyone I have our patties on a medium-high heat like I said be patient let them get nice beautiful and golden brown let's move my cabbage out of the way yes yes yes we had fried cabbage and listen here it was so good these are the leftovers and I'm gonna have me some fried cabbage tonight with my Salsbury steak and mashed potatoes any fried cabbage before or if you haven't seen my video for it check it out because it's it's amazing all right I'm gonna come back once these are golden brown and we'll give them the flip okay everyone so let me show you how to make this very simple gravy the gravy turns out amazing there's one more thing that I'm missing let me grab some soy sauce and if you don't want to use soy sauce you can use Kitchen Bouquet browning seasoning and Kitchen Bouquet it comes in a black in yellow bottle and what it does is it has no flavor but it will help to make your gravy nice and brown okay that's if you don't want to use soy sauce I'm gonna use soy sauce okay everybody let me show you I know I was telling you about the Kitchen Bouquet this right here will make your gravy any gravy that you make nice and beautiful brown color if you don't want to use soy sauce I like the soy sauce because it gives a great flavor and it gives you that color well okay so where did these come from these came from my bowl after I made my last hamburger patty I had all these veggies sitting in a boat so I'm just gonna put them in there right that's not gonna hurt just put them right on in there so if you didn't want to use cream of mushroom let me grab a spoon everyone love cream of celery you can use that as well okay but the different option that I was speaking about for making a gravy for this dish would be you would take the better than Boyan beef baste and after your hamburgers are done whatever baking dish you're going to use you're gonna take your better than Boyan beef paste and you're gonna kind of mix it around with water to get it nice and loose okay and then you will put cornstarch maybe a tablespoon of two tablespoons of cornstarch 2 3 tablespoons of water mix it up put it in your mixture of your beef Boyan and it will make for an amazing gravy ok your gravy will be nice and shiny and glossy and beautiful and have a great taste and for your broth you can use a beef broth okay but really you don't have to use that you can use water because you're basically using the better than bullion beef paste okay so that's another option if you wanted to steer away from the cream of mushroom me personally I love cream of mushroom I love cream of chicken and I'm gonna keep on using it as long as they make it I'm gonna use it it's a quick gravy it's fun it's so simple and it's so tasty all right so then what we do is we're gonna go ahead and empty our two packet you can see the dried onions the beautiful flavor we're going to empty our two packets of Lipton onion soup mix into our two cups of cold water you might more water just if I want to thin my gravy out a little more so we're just gonna mix this up just like so I want to have enough gravy so i can submerge my okay hold on guys so i can submerge my Salisbury steak in if you don't feel like you have enough then use another can of cream of chicken or cream of mushroom or use a little bit more water okay this right here will all dissolve together it'll marry up and get nice and lovely there you are the parsley is gonna make for an amazing color okay we're gonna mix this up just like so and you have beautiful gravy every time and the more the longer this cooks trust me when I tell you this the longer this cooks it'll get a little bit more darker okay so it won't be this bright so once you get it well incorporated you're gonna want to take a spoon just a small taste mmm flavors amazing okay I'm so happy with the flavor to see if you're that person that says Phelan I think I want to put a little bit of onion powder or garlic powder I feel like it's just fine the flavor is amazing now that we've mixed segments well incorporate it go ahead you would put this in if you want to or if you're like me and you want some soy sauce put you some in there this right here - now be careful with your soy sauce the soy sauce has salt in it okay so be very careful with that or you can get the low-sodium soy sauce this is our gravy gravy is done and out the way I am going to rinse a little bit of water in our can so we can get all that beautiful goodness out of there okay everybody I just poured all the extra out okay everybody let's make our way over to the stove and give our hamburgers in turn or shall I say south 36 so very steak sounds more like this because that's what these are and I'm telling you one thing once you frozen but you know I'm gonna be honest with you I'm gonna be honest with you I love there's more in the refrigerator trust me when I tell you this absolutely you are see how we got this nice beautiful then we're gonna achieve that on the other side as well remember I said don't worry if they're rolling the inside because you know you all know once these go in the oven on 350 degrees and they smother down in that beautiful gravy oh they're gonna cook and the insides gonna cook as well okay they'll probably go in the oven for around about 40 minutes [Music] yes I just want to show you they're gonna be amazing chocolate flavor in Seoul and they're nice and soft what I need to do okay everybody so while myself berry stakes were frying up on this stove I got some kitchen cleaning done I got my four swept I got my counters wiped down got dishes done and everything done that way when my food is done I'll be able to say a nice prayer and I'll be able to enjoy this meal without having to worry about doing a bunch of dishes and getting the kitchen together that's one thing that makes me happy look at this beautiful Salsbury stick you hear me oh and you better believe that bad boy on the inside is nice and juicy you hear me look at this put him down in there just like so okay put it down in there and then we're gonna let these just smother in with our beautiful Salisbury steak gravy okay just like this each one goes down into that grave and like I said this will probably cook for around about 40 minutes all right in here get a mall nestled down in there and they will marry what this gravy and you're gonna have one heck of a dish that your family they're definitely gonna ask you I'm gonna say what did you get this recipe from be sure to tell them GT yong joon-hyung showed me how because it's amazing what right there that's some good cooking right there buddy you hear me all right let's get this in the oven and I'll be back when it comes out okay everybody our Salsbury steak has cooked for 45 minutes smothered in this beautiful flavorful gorgeous gravy and it's done let's say a nice prayer over this we're going to give it a try i'ma let you all know what this tastes like Heavenly Father we thank you for today we thank you Jesus for your love time your mercy and your understanding and all of your blessings come into our hearts Lord we make you our Lord and Savior please forgive us for our sins thank you Lord for the food that you give us the roof over our head and the love that you give us daily amen let's dig in look at this it doesn't get any more beautiful look at this this is giong style Salsbury steak 101 you all never have this before you better make you so if you don't you are definitely missing out look beautiful no here's what I need to do I don't know about you all but I want a nice amount of gravy poured all I live for a nice beautiful drizzle like that look at that gravy Oh pal the gravy on and that gravy has those beautiful onions in it look at this oh honey Chad listen here you have to make you some we're gonna give this a try right now let's make a plate very quickly a man if I didn't already say Amen to my beautiful prayer and look at that taste that right there let me know what you think about this recipe mmm just like I see it so delicious and the meat is tender it's so tender very flavorful hmm let's take some more hmm do some morning gravy don't cheat me on the gravy now Gina come on now give me some gravy if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on a notification meal so you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends tell everyone you know what Gina Young is doing in this kitchen on a daily basis and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching good night one more bite one more bite before we go [Music]
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 62,601
Rating: 4.9274516 out of 5
Keywords: #Salsburysteak #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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