How to Make CLEAN Animated Travel Maps with Davinci Resolve!

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now i know in terms of travel maps over the last year most of ours have looked a lot like this however there will be a day my friends where our travel maps will look like this again and you gotta be prepared for that so whether you are stuck inside or traveling around the world you can never go wrong with learning how to make an awesome animated travel map in davinci resolve so ultimately you can make your videos look even better but first if you're new here my name is billy ripka and i make weekly videos all about teaching you to become a better video editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click the subscribe button and the bell notification so you don't miss out on anything now before we actually start to make this travel map well we gotta have a map so you can either go on google to get a map or you can just download the one that i'm using completely for free just click the link in the description to get that so once you have that let's get into resolve so on the timeline we have the map right here first thing i'm gonna do though is make it 10 seconds long then my friends your favorite part let's jump into fusion now if you're worried about fusion do not worry i'm gonna walk you step by step through this whole thing and you're gonna be able to make an awesome travel map the first thing we're going to want to do to start this effect is to create the line travel animation so i'm going to go up here on the hot bar and grab this background node and just drag it down like this then just connect the output of the background node with the output of the media in and it's going to create a merge node then i'm going to grab the polygon node and drag it down and connect it to the background node now the fun part we start our globetrotting adventures across the world so i'm going to click on my polygon one node i'm gonna start from up here in new york where i'm at i think this is new york i'm really kind of just doing things man and then i'm gonna jump across and uh let's just say you know go to russia so we got four stops right here now what i'm going to do is click off of my polygon node go up to the border width and increase that ever so slightly like this so that you can see a line actually starts to appear now you can make your line as thick or as thin as you want just whatever looks good for you and then i'm gonna make the end of my line right here if you can see i'm gonna change it from rounded to flat because i just like how it looks so typically the line of a travel map is normally red so i'm gonna click on the background one right here and change our color to red so now for one of the hardest parts not really it's actually one of the easiest parts we're gonna animate the line moving so to do that we're gonna click on the polygon one right here and make sure that we're on frame zero then under length i'm gonna add a keyframe and bring it all the way down to zero like so now i'm gonna move forward to pretty much the end at frame 230 and click on this button right here that brings it all the way back up to one and just like that my friends our line is animated but if you know me that's not enough we gotta make our line super smooth so to do that i'm gonna go to the spline tab right here and open it up then turn on the polygon 1 and hit fit to zoom right here then i'll highlight both of these keyframes and hit s then pull up the ease in and ease out controls by hitting ctrl t on the keyboard so i'll bring the ease in to 45 and the ease out the 35. now this just adds a really nice animation for the line so once you've done that close out of the spline tab so now we have our line but i want to actually add a point that pops up on each location that we visit starting with our starting location so i'm going to zoom into it and then actually add a second background right here and connect it to the end of the merge node then i'll grab an ellipse node and connect it to the background 2 like so then i'll just bring the size down of this ellipse node by grabbing one of these edges and dragging it down to the center right here so i'll put my point on the starting location up here once we have this point where we want it i can just change the background color so instead of a black point i can actually just change it to whatever color i want so let's just say for the sake of this video it's going to be green because i hate that now i want to add a bounce animation to this so i'll make sure that my playhead is on frame zero for this then i'll add a keyframe under border width and bring down the border width until the point itself goes away then just move forward four frames and then move the border width up to just a little over zero so i'm gonna do point zero zero zero four and that should be good right there now move forward three frames and then bring the point down just under zero like so now finally move forward two frames and bring the border width right to zero like we want it now open up the spline tab and turn off polygon one and make sure that ellipse one is turned on then hit fit to zoom now highlight all of these points and hit s and then you can just close out of the spline tab so now that we have one of those points animated i'm gonna click on the ellipse one right here and hit ctrl c to copy and then hit ctrl v to paste then just connect them up like this i'm going to zoom out and move forward until our line hits the next destination which should be around here yeah then i'll make sure our copy is selected then i'll grab our copy and move it over onto this next destination like this now at this moment it still animates on all the way in the beginning and i don't want that to happen i want it to happen when this line hits it so i'll open up our keyframes tab right here then we'll find our second dot and you can click on it and open it up and highlight all of these keyframes right here and then move it forward to frame 106 so that when our line hits it the point will pop up then just do it over and over and over again until you have points on every single one of your locations now that we have that completely done we have these points popping up on all of the locations that we visited i want to add in a pin on this end location right here so i typed in pin on google and just pretty much downloaded a png that looked pretty good so i'll just drag the pin in and then connect it to the output of the merge2 and then we can see that it is huge like bigger than our map so i'll grab this transform node right here and drag it in under this media in two i'll grab the size and bring it down so that it's not huge all right so then i'm just gonna position it on our final destination and now i'm just gonna make a little pop-up animation like we did earlier so i'm gonna add a keyframe under size and then actually copy this size number right here because i want it to be this size at the end then i'll bring it down all the way to zero i'll move over four frames and then paste my final number back in here and make it just a little bigger so maybe we can go up to you know point zero one five then i'll move over three frames then i'll bring it down just a little below and then i'll move over two more frames and paste my number back in so now it's this little pop-up animation now i want to smooth it out so i'm going to open the spline tab then i'll uncheck everything that isn't this transform one then hit fit to zoom highlight all these keyframes and hit s then we can close the spline tab out so ultimately both of these animations match so now i want to start making it look 3d so i'll bring up the select tools menu and type in drop shadow and then add it right in since our line is being controlled by this polygon one right here i'll grab the drop shadow and drag it in under it and now our drop shadow is super soft so i'm gonna go over here in the inspector tab and bring down the blur like a lot because it's pretty intense and then i'll bring the drop distance down a little like this and then change the drop angle to let's just say 90 degrees yeah that's how i want it and then i'll just play around with the shadow strength i think that looks pretty good i'll just say that so now make a copy of the drop shadow using ctrl c and paste it over here using ctrl v and then drag it in under this transform one and that's mainly because i want to add in a little bit of a drop shadow over here but it's really intense so i'll bring it down like a lot just have it subtle i think that that's fine right there all right so now for the fun part my friends so we have the line that pops up we have the pin we have the points we have the drop shadow now we gotta make the camera moves so now i'll hit ctrl spacebar to bring up the select tools menu and then type in dve and then add it in after this merge three node right here so now under the dve i'll bring it down to point two and then under x and our y i'll just make kind of a cool angle with it i'll just mess around with it until it gets to the look that i want once we've done that i'm gonna open up my dual viewer by clicking this button right here and i'll put our merge three in this first viewer right here you just click on it and hit one on your keyboard to do that so ultimately what we're seeing is in this first viewer before the dve and then after the dve node so now the really cool thing go back to frame 0 and then under the dve 1 move the pivot over ever so slightly so that now in this first viewer you can move the x which is the pivot point so i'm going to place the pivot point over here so that the beginning of my animation is in the middle of the screen and clearly right here we can see beyond the actual image i can just adjust my x and y so that we don't see it anymore so then under the pivot we're going to add a keyframe i'm going to move forward to where the line reaches our next location then once it does that i'll grab the pivot point and drag it over here then i'll do the same thing over and over and over again following this line if all of a sudden you can just see the checkered background you can just bring up our z move and it'll actually go away it just means that ultimately your fake 3d camera is pushing through the image so you're not actually able to see it so now that we've made our camera path we're just gonna smooth it all out open up our spline tab uncheck anything that isn't the dve node and then hit fit to zoom now just highlight all of them and hit s and it'll make it smooth and stuff then just close out of the spline tab so the final step in this whole thing is to click on our polygon one node which is our line and then go to the settings and turn on motion blur and bring it up to let's just say like eight or nine so this is gonna add some motion blur on our line as if it's like traveling so now let's see what we got [Music] so i got a question where would you like to travel in 2021 let me know in the comments below i think that i would love to like travel to iceland that would be insane i mean i don't know if it'll actually happen but who knows anyway if you like this video click on the top of our video with all of my davinci resolve tutorials or click on the bottom for a video that youtube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 141,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel map animation, animated travel map, travel map, Travel maps, simple map animation, travel map davinci resolve, animated travel map davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve map animation, davinci resolve map, davinci resolve tutorial, resolve 17, davinci resolve 16, map animation after effects, map animation, davinci resolve effects, Billy Rybka, animated travel map filmora, video editing
Id: Vb42fYP6FBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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