How to make Resolve run 75% FASTER

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dude $20,000 machine and I can't get a real time playback if youve ever used After Effects Maya or Cinema 4D then you are no stranger to a laggy experience PC Mac $500 computer $20,000 workstation it doesn't matter in this video I'm going to show you how to make your system run 75% faster and resolve with simple techniques and if you want to follow along you can download the footage from my Discord Channel link is going to be in the description all I ask in return is you subscribe to the Channel smash the like button and let's roll the [Music] intro before we jump in question of the week who graded Oppenheimer and how would you describe the look the winner will get a shout out out in the next video resolve has three major ways to optimize your footage timeline proxy resolution generate proxy media and render cache so let's start with the most common type which is timeline proxy resolution you guys are probably familiar with it in Premier Pro Final Cut 10 or Avid they all have that where you can drop the timeline resolution to half or quarter so then the playback is smooth it's perfect for editing it is not ideal for color grading and you will know what I mean so right now we're in our color page and if I do a playback I'm getting about six or seven frames correct okay if I go under playback menu and timeline proxy resolution I can take it from Full to half and this footage is 4K you can see it right here UHD and the timeline is also UHD okay so let's go back here I can go in my playback timeline proxy resolution let's drop it to 1080p which will be half we were getting 7 frames per second let's let's see where we're at now we're getting about 14 to 15 frames it's 100% increase so the performance boost is out of control okay what happens if I go to playback and I go under timeline proxy resolution drop it to quarter let's try it again okay so now we're getting near real time so we're getting 20 frames we went from seven frames six to seven frames to 20 frames per second which is more than doable if you are editing okay but here's the problem if I punch in and we are here just look at the jaggedy edges and what happened to the grain pattern now keep Your Eyes in this section right here let me go back to playback timeline proxy set it to full and just look at what happens you see like how much the halation the texture of our footage was affected that's why it is absolutely a big fat no when it comes to grading to use this technique this is perfect for editing we recently did a survey majority of you regardless of the skill set are struggling with shot matching skin tones balancing and working with 8bit footage so I created a 1hour long free training that covers all of that plus we'll wrap up the training with an extensive Q&A and you'll also get a link to download the practice footage power grades and some of my personal LS link to the training is in the description below let's get back to the video all right so now let's look at the second popular option which is generate proxy media it's perfect for this situation right here so I got a clip here that is shot in Raw on red Gemini 5K clip and if I do a playback after a little bit of grading it's choking and we're getting about 14 frames okay you can see it right here Gemini 5K so what can we do what we can do is we can generate proxy to get a much smoother playback so when I click on my project settings under master settings this is the section that we need to look at so for resolution right now it's set to choose automatically we can go and force it if we just want to make sure that the resolution stay intact because we already discussed that that when you drop the resolution it does affect your texture if you're applying halation grain things like that but resolve is so smart that depending on your system it is going to make that decision in my case I'm pretty confident that it's not going to fudge with my resolution so I'm going to just leave it to choose automatically and and then for proxy media format 422 HQ is near lossless this is the defecto for broadcast and Netflix and all those platforms so that is the standard by default and I'm going to leave it as is now generating proxies take time so you want to make sure that you choose the fastest drive that you have to dump that stuff on so right now the drive that I picked has about 8,000 megabytes like read and right so it's going to make the entire process a lot faster same thing will go with cache files all right so then what we want to do is we want to come over here in our media pool and this is our r3d file so I'm going to just right click here and I'm going to say generate proxy media okay so as soon as I click right here it's going to go ahead and transcode the clip to 422 HQ on the surface nothing really happen right like the file still says r3d let's play it back and let's see what happens wow so we're getting real-time playback something actually changed but the quality is exactly the same and it still says r3d even if I hover over and if I go here it says r3d right here the only thing that changed is the icon right here just look at that so instead of like what we had before now we have a camera behind and then a little clip in front of it which means like it it's not camera original it's a proxy clip another way to know that this is a proxy clip you can rightclick in this area and you can go down here turn on proxy media path and then also online status and if I come out all of a sudden we can see the proxy resolution it left it as is just as I expected and then for the online status it's not original it's proxy now and if I go all the way over here it's going to give me my location where the proxy media is stored and this is what's going on right now here if I go to my color page one thing that you have to make sure is is that in your playback under proxy handling it's set to prefer proxies because if it's set to disable all proxies now if we do a playback nothing is happening so you might actually be confused you're generating proxies back there and then you come here and you're like dude why is it not working what's going on so just go here in your playback make sure in proxy handling it's set to proxies now the ideal case scenario for using proxies is is this when you're grading click on playback and go under proxy handling and just set that to prefer camera original so when you're grading you have the highest highest quality image so even if it's choppy who cares you're grading keep going when the client comes in you can go all right let me just do this and you can just go prefer proxies since the quality is not super low res the client is going to be super happy and appreciate that the play back is in real time and then once you're done with the client go back to camera original the way you want to organize yourself is that you're going to lunch generate proxies and then when you come back everything is ready to go at that point you can just flip the switch and that's about it moving on to Third and my favorite option render cache and this is the method where resolve will go in and render your Clips when your system is in idle status resolve has three different types of render cache options and before we jump into that let's click on our settings again and what you can see here in your render cache is set to proes 422 HQ which is exactly what we need all right so let's start with Fusion render cache you see these three little stars right here that means it's a fusion clip so I just took off all the corrections that I made to this clip and if I play it it doesn't play in real time it's choking why is that it's prores 444 UHD it should play back just fine that's happening because there is a fusion effect applied to it and it's choking it in order to take care of that I can right click here I can go under render cache Fusion output I can set it to on nothing really changes here because you have to go under playback render cache and then set it to user as soon as I do that you see that line now you're going to see like it starts to turn blue all right so check it out now we're getting real time playback so we went from six seven frames to real-time playback so that is the first problem that is hand L why did I do this first everything in resolve works from Upstream to Downstream when you make a change here then you go to your color page and if I take all of these and turn them on that blue line stays intact it doesn't need to be rendered and if I do a playback it's still kind of choking so way better than before but there are certain effects applied here that are pretty heavy and that's what's causing the choke couple of options that we have here to take care of this problem is playback go under render cash and what if we set it to Smart that is an automatic option and if we go to smart now resolve is going and looking at every single node that it thinks needs render cache this is my least favorite type of render cash because you're not in control it's just taking over and it's overdoing everything what if I go and take you to this project right here and now we have a red raw project with hundreds of Clips in a timeline and imagine if I go here in playback and change this to Smart just look at what's going to happen first of all this red line appeared on my entire timeline and like look at what's about to happen to my Clips boom all of a sudden they all turn red and I don't know if you can hear my computer right now it's working so freaking hard and just look at how many different nodes it's going to go and pick out that need to be rendered it's going to take so much storage on your system it's going to choke your machine for so long that's why this is not my preferred method and a more advanced method would be this so let's uh buy some real State all I'm going to do is playback go here and then change that to user let's do a playback wa like it didn't do anything so the changes that we had made with our Fusion render that got us from six frames to 14 frames that was a big jump but here nothing really changed it's because now you're in in manual mode you have to tell resolve which node you want to render cash it's really easy to do this let's just say I'm going to start right here I'm going to turn off these three effects and I'm going to do a playback so we went from 14 frames to almost like near real time so that is pretty ridiculous what if I take this off and now play it back well that's even better now we're literally almost 24 frames a second okay what if I turn this off and play it back now we're getting a realtime playback what if we reverse it what if I turn all of these on and now do a playback we're near real time then it gets to tell me that the real culprit was noise reduction as it always will be so what I'm going to do is this I'm going to turn this on I'm going to right click and I'm going to say node cach on and just look what happens this is the only node that turned red because we're manually controlling it it's going to render it so much faster and now if I go do a playback like once it's done rendering the cache like you're going to see we're going to get a crazy bump 12 frames wait for it boom so now we're at 21 frames this is more than doable whether you're showing it to client or when you're working on your own grading your projects the beautiful thing about this is that if you're working with a fixed not tree even if you have 400 shots we can make that one change and then do select Ripple and that's going to be applied on the entire project the node order matters when you're using node caching so if I were to detach this by hitting e bring this all the way to here and release it it's going to take a second and everything turned red so it's going to go and rerender so let's just wait for that okay and now if I play it back we're getting the same amount of performance the problem is now if I go and create a new node look what it did it threw the entire render off you can't just mindlessly put anything anywhere so if I were to detach this again and put it Upstream like we did before so now I'm going to set that here wait for it until everything is rendered okay so we're we're there again right now if I go here Downstream and I go I want to change this up and just make it like crazy so I want to go do that look at this I'm turning it on on and off it's not affecting anything it doesn't need to rerender because that Noe cache happened upstream and this is how you make resolve run 75% faster on your machine if you enjoyed the video smash the like button I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 116,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18.5, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve color grading, how to use davinci resolve 18, color grading davinci resolve, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve studio, color grading, davinci resolve for beginners, davinci resolve 18 color grading, davinci resolve for noobs, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, waqas qazi, resolve tips and tricks
Id: 3SnCfDe7V5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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