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If you want to create such videos without shooting them yourself and without using stock videos, with the Google Earth, it's more than possible and it will take you literally just minutes. And in today's video I'll show you a very fast tutorial on how to do that without wasting a lot of your time, because as we all know, time is $. So without further ado, let's get into the tutorial. So there is that amazing tool called Google Earth Studio, and to access it you just need to type and after clicking it you'll see this nice rotating globe and the name of the tool Google Earth Studio. You need to be signed in into your Google account, otherwise you'll be probably prompt to log in. So we have a couple of options here. You can choose a blank project or you can choose quick starts, which basically means that you have a couple of templates there. So one of those is "Zoom To" another one is "Orbit". So we'll be orbiting around the object you choose. Third one is "Point-to-Point". Another one is "Spiral". And there is a fifth one, which is my favorite. This is a "Fly To and Orbit". And today I'll use this template for my video. So all you need is just a click "Start" and right away you will be redirected to the next window where you'll see the globe and this small window at the bottom where you can input the location you want to go to. But I will not input anything. I'll just manually rotate the earth and go to Krakow. A beautiful city on the south of Poland where I leave, we have here a wonderful castle near the Vistula river, and I will create a video rotating around this castle. Okay, so here it is. Let's go next. And right away, I have like this default template with rotating video around this castle. And at the bottom, we have four fields where we can change some attributes. So first one is end altitude. So I'll make it a little bit smaller. So I have this blue sky visible as well. There is an Orbit radius. I can come a little bit closer, a little bit further. I'll leave it somewhere around 400 meters. There's a target altitude. I think I'll leave it exactly where it was before 260 meters. And there's approach angle, which actually doesn't matter for me where from I'm rotating. And also there is a clockwise option, which I also leave blank. So we have a 25 seconds on the video. I'll probably change it to 30 seconds. So we have a little bit longer video. And then accept. So right away we have this panel appearing, which is similar to any other video editor. But on the left side, we have our map with our trajectory where we are flying to. As you can see, here are some predefined points, so I'll zoom out a little bit And if you can see when I move the arrows on the timeline, the map is moving and also the image on the right is moving. So I know exactly where I am on the map. So here we have also a couple of different views, as all video editors have, and here are some options. So we have here camera position keyframes already predefined and I will not going to of change them. We have also camera target. I will not change anything there. And there is a camera rotation key frames as well. Pretty fine since that's a template, so I'll not change them as well. So basically I'll use the default template to just to make this video pretty fast. Also, we can check the project settings because we want to make sure that our dimensions are exactly what we want in our video. So I have here 3840 by 2160, which is 4K, we have Earth, but obviously we can not obviously, but we can actually go to Moon or to Mars and do this rotation videos as well there. Here's the duration of our timeline. It's in frames, but I prefer to have Timecode in seconds, so I'll change it to timecode. And also there is a frame rate. It's up to you which to choose. But I think that if I chose 60 I'll have more options because then I can slow down the video two times and it will be just the slow mo. So I'll go with 60 frames per second and additionally I'll select the checkbox existing keyframes to new duration. Okay, I'm done. So I see my timeline adjusted and I have 30 seconds of it. That looks pretty cool. I pretty much didn't do anything yet, but we have already this nice rotation video. So here are some additional attributes that I can actually add to the existing ones that we've just seen. And one of them is field of view. We can adjust the camera of field of view and I'll show you how it works in the moment. Time of the day we'll talk about later. Also, we'll add clouds. We don't have ocean, so I not check ocean overlay. We also have 3D building. So I'll select this option here. And now we see everything we added over here on the left. 3D buildings - visible, clouds - visible, and we have field of view, 20 degrees. So what it basically means that when you are watching a particular image, this is like exactly the angle that you can see. So let's say right now it's 20 degrees. We can see what we see. But if you change it to, let's say 15 degrees, we can see that the image got a little bit closer. So I'll go fullscreen. And now we can see that we're now a little bit closer than we were before. But if you go even more narrow, for example, ten degrees, you can see now it behaves almost like a telephoto lens. You see the background is moving pretty fast. So actually I want to use it for our video. I want this video to start from a wide angle. Let's say I will type here 40 so we can see now that we're pretty far away from our castle where we started rotation. And I'll put the keyframe here. So we're at the very beginning after 5 seconds. So click add keyframe, and then I'll go a little bit further where I want the image to get a little bit closer. And I will choose here 15 degrees. So now we can see that it definitely works. And as any other video editor, we can also make it a little bit more smoother. We'll just right click on the first keyframe and choose Ease Out and then we'll choose the last keyframe and click Ease In. And thanks to that, we have smoother view. So here is how it looks right now. Pretty cool. You can see definitely that we're now getting closer to our castle thanks to this additional keyframes that we've just added. And it's already looks just awesome, but that's not it. We actually can add additional attribute, which is my favorite, which is called Time of Day, where we can change the position of the Sun. Well, that sounds crazy, but that's exactly what this feature does. As you can see, we have night here, and that's because right now it's set up to 10:50 p.m. and we can actually see the sky and exact position of the Milky Way at that moment. And let's say I want to go a little bit closer to the sunset. So let's say 6:50 p.m. of my local time. Okay, It looks like it's a bit too dark. Let's go. Even earlier. It's much better. Let me locate the Sun. Okay, so here, the Sun. Let's make it a little bit earlier. 6:30. Okay. We can see the Sun. It looks so amazing. We have this golden hour. We can see definitely that the roofs of the buildings are all in this orange light. Let's go. Actually full screen and see how it looks. I like it, guys. I don't know what about you, but this sun looks so amazing, so realistic. And actually, that's it. I mean, we're ready. We don't need to add anything else. If we are fine with our result. What we can do now is just to go to the render option. Okay, here we are just inputting the name of our project. Let's say we want Wawel Royal Castle. Okay, Here are the options of the export. We can have the image sequence and we can also have a video which will be rendered in the cloud. Here are the frames and dimensions. They're correct. Then attribution position is basically where we want to position this Google Earth copyright watermark. I mean, you can leave it where it is and then just zoom in the video and you will not see it. But it doesn't hurt to leave it where it is right now. So we'll leave it where it is. I will not check anything else here or change. I'll just make sure that texture quality is high. So that's it. Very simple. We click submit and right away we have the message "Submitting Wawel Royal Castle" to Cloud renderer... So we need to wait for the successful message. Yep, successfully sent to renderer. And now when you go to animation tab in the menu we can click Cloud Renders and you can see here's our file "Wawel Royal Castle" It's queued to the renderer. We see our file format is MP4 and that's it. I mean, you can see that's right now it's 0% progress, because it's queued, but it takes really not much time like a few minutes like 10 to 20. And that's actually it. You don't have to do anything right now. You can just go for coffee, you can close the project because it's already in the cloud, and whenever it's ready, you'll receive an email saying that it's ready and ready to download. So let me just fast forward a couple of minutes and I'll show you how it looks. Okay. So here's our email, "Render ready for download". Let's just have a look what is inside. And we have here our "Wawel Royal Castle" MP4 file and a link to download it. I have time somewhere around ten days, so let's download it and watch Ok. Let's play and see. Okay. Have you noticed that we have this bluish a little bit color here? These are clouds that we've selected in our project. So that's that's looks, looks really great. Okay. The movement is pretty smooth and the textures are great. That looks pretty nice. I mean, if you watch it, like from the distance or just a few seconds, you wouldn't even tell that. That's Google Maps, Right? And remember, we had a project with 60 frames per second. So basically, if we click backwards in the player, we'll have 30 frames per second movement. And it looks pretty awesome, even with 30 frames per second, guys, that's that's amazing. That's exactly what I was expecting from this tool. And you know, the only drawback this is this watermark here. But you can always zoom in a little bit to your image. So we will not see this watermark or we can leave it where it is just to give the credit to Google team. So I think that's just amazing. All right, guys, if you like this tutorial, hit the LIKE button to help me reach more people. Check out my other videos that you'll definitely find useful in see you in the next one. Cheers!
Channel: Pavel Supanenka
Views: 586,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google earth studio, google earth, google earth studio tutorial, how to make video from google earth studio, how to use google earth studio, google earth studio premiere pro, drone like shots using google earth studio, how to make video from google earth, google earth studio animation, google earth studio 3d model
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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