Create Map Animation like @RealLifeLore - Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can create map animations like real life lore so to get started we would need the satellite image of the area of Interest here I have an image of the area of North Korea and South Korea here right you can see the background size it's quite huge so I want this animation to be 1080p full HD you can also do 4K if you want but I'm just going to add in a background note to this this will result in merge one so if you take a look at this merge one you will see the background in front and behind this is the map so we have to swap the inputs right click on the merge one click on Swipe inputs so that now it will take the resolution of the background node which is 1920 by 1080. if you still want to change the resolution you can do that in the background node over here go to image and you can manually type in the within the height make sure you uncheck or resolution and just manually type in with and the height over here in the background one I would also like to set the alpha all the way down to zero so that there is no black color in this background node it's going to be transparent and since we are dealing with the area of North Korea we would also need the North Korea SVG file SVG because we are going to be animating the outline um so we'll need the SVG for that in PNG it's not possible to do that so I'm gonna Open my it should have been already open but I just forgot it so I'm going to open a funny designer this is a vector editing program you could also use inkscape which is free or there are also some online tools that will allow you to edit a vector graphics so I have this um EPS file that I downloaded from a free Vector Maps so what I ended up was I removed the unnecessary shapes and I ended up with this file over here so you can see this is the area of North Korea and you could you know take some time with this you can see that it's kind of mess over here yeah you can see the outline is uh kind of it's kind of difficult to see it right over here so I think you should do a a better job at this so if you are doing this for client work maybe you should try cleaning up your um your vector file first before importing it inside of fusion so since this is just a tutorial I didn't put much effort into this but I think you should do it so once you end up with something like this you can save it as an SVG file uh and in um DaVinci Resolve you can go to Fusion import and import SVG just search for that file that you already saved and click on OK to import it it's going to be right over here I'm going to bring it closer to the to the map over here Ctrl V to paste it and if you double click on this group you can see that you have all of these nodes over here now if you take a look at this group this is basically the same file that we exported and what I'm going to do is um you can see all these nodes solid outline and it's a huge list of these nodes and they these are basically the islands so if I just select them all you can see that it's just these tiny tiny islands around the map so uh currently I'm not interested in this since this is just a tutorial I'm just going to delete them and focus on the main area over here but if you're doing this for a client then you should definitely uh include these islands inside your map animations so let's just move it closer to the nodes that are about so let's just do that real quick like so and I'm gonna close out of this group so yeah basically we have this map over here if you double click on it and in the outline you can change some settings over here if you want to have a different border style you can change it to maybe bevel or rounded border style that's completely your choice what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the background that is connected to the outline and change the color I'm gonna make it um white for now and for the solid color background I'm going to change it to red something like this all right if you want to change the outline width you can do that right over here so you can just close all of this so now we can just simply merge these two together so let's connect the group to the merge one it's this resulted another merge let's take a look at it now you have both the maps and the shape inside now all you have to do is resize the uh the SVG file over here so you can go to merge 4 and reduce the size on this and just uh position it where it should be so if you know about the region then you should it should be pretty simple so I can just slot it in like so and you have to make sure that you do it correctly you can also go to settings and reduce the blend amount to see what you are doing you can see that on this side it's perfect but if you take a look at on this on the left side and it's way off so I have to can increase the size and change the position and stuff like that so just take your time with this and do this as uh best as you can but since this is just a tutorial I'm just gonna um just finish it right over here so once you are satisfied with this then I'm also going to go to the background over here and reduce the alpha color and probably make the red a little bit darker shade of uh red over here click on OK this is just a personal preference you can go ahead with any look that you want I'm going to close out of this now we want to create an animated outline for this border and that is the reason we used an SVG file so double click on this group and copy these two notes the outline and the background that is connected to it Ctrl C command C if you're on Mac and paste it down below and just merge it up like so if you take a look at this new merch you can see that we have to again change these settings for example the size and the center but since we have already done that in the previous merge over here so I'm going to copy the previous merge and paste it down below and simply connect it up like so if you take a look at the merge now this is how it's going to look all you have to do is if it changes the resolution you can see it's this resolution over here all I'll do is swap the input so you can right click and click on Swap inputs in the background that is connected to this outline I can change the color so let's just make this green for now you can see that it's right on top of that shape and for the animation we can go to the very very first frame of our animation or this composition which is frame 0 and create a keyframe on length so under outline you can see that we have length over here create a keyframe and set it to zero and let's go to frame 60 and set it to 1. so if you take a look at the animation we should see an animated outline like so now I can also go to the spline over here select this length and click on this icon to say Zoom to fit select all and hit s on the keyboard to smooth out the graph so we'll have a much smoother animation and then after this background node I'm going to add in a soft glue I think it just makes it a little bit better so let's just reduce the gain amount I think that's a little bit too much something like this right that's looking much better now the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add some grid to this map so let's just search for grid and also add in a background to this because if you just view this Grid it's going to be blank it needs an input so we will connect the background to this grid and now you should see the grid over here in the background I'm going to set the alpha all the way down to zero so we have only the grids over here and in the grid node we will set the major line spacing to zero set the row cells to around 6. and let's also reduce the column cell as well so let's just maybe set this to around 10 ish um cool so I'm just going to zoom in a little bit so that I get rid of these uh borders at the edges so let's just zoom in a little bit and that should get rid of it now if you connect this up to this merge this will result in a new merge which is March 5 over here let's connect this up you can see the grids on top all right now we have the grids now let's just reduce the opacity on the grids over here I'm gonna just zoom in a little bit more you can see that the Grid at the bottom it's kind of visible so let's just zoom in a little bit now in the grid we can reduce its opacity by going into the settings and reduce the blend so when we set this to go on the Subaru is subtle so maybe 0.05 and let's also add in a blur after the merge 5 search for blur and click on ADD you can go with the either the default blur over here or you can use the Box blur I don't really know what's the difference maybe box player is a little bit faster but don't quote me on that I'm going to go with box blur and let's take a look at it this is what it will do I'm going to add in an ellipse mask to this so we are basically going to apply this box blur around the edges over here so I'm going to click on invert and increase the soft Edge and I'm also going to change the width over here the width and the height so let's just do something like this you can all of course tweak this we have to change the with any height again at a later point when we add the 3D camera but for now let's just keep it like this and I'm also going to mask out the grid from the uh from in the middle over here so let's just add in a separate ellipse to this and click on inward increase the soft Edge and there we have it now let's just increase the ellipse size as well all right cool um yeah there we have our map now let's add in some text to this so let's add in a text plus over here and let's view this I'm going to type in not Korea and the font you can of course change the font and the color over here I'm going to go to the shading tab enable the second element and I'm going to set its appearance to butterfill and set the level to text so that you can get the borders around the text over here I'm going to change the color to Black and use the alpha as well you can even make this rounded if you want that's completely your choice what I'm going to do next is after this box blur I'm going to add in an image plain 3D so now our map will go into this 3D scene over here I'm going to add a separate image plane 3D for the text and the reason for this is because when you keep a separate image plain 3D for text we don't lose the the final text quality in the animation so if if I would have just immersed the text with the map and used a single image plane 3D then at the end we had to zoom into the map using the 3D camera which will result in the quality loss of the text so that's why we are keeping the text on a separate image premium 3D which will not lose the quality of the text um it doesn't make sense right now but it will when we add the three camera so after the image plane 3D let's add in a camera 3D this will automatically add in a merge as well so let's just move it right over here this is our camera 3D and after the merge we will add in a renderer 3D like so let's hook up the image plane 3D the second one to this merge and now let's take a look at the render 3D it's going to be empty that's because we have to change the camera position so let's go to the camera 3D node we'll transform and increase this till you see the entire image so something like this all right so now let's go to the image plane 3D to office text over here and I'm going to go to transform and change the position and scale so you can see that when we do that we get the glitch over here and the reason for this because if we take a look at noise 3D we can see that the text and the map are at the same position in the Z space and that's why that you're seeing the glitch over here to fix this we have to go to image plane 3D of the text and in the Z value over here we'll just increase it by one step so 0.001 and this will just bring it right in front of the map just make sure you don't go too far ahead you can see that's still really really closer to the map just make sure you don't go too far ahead if you do that then you will end up with creating a parallax animation which we don't want so let's just keep it really closer to the map and then we can now scale it down like so and we can just position it anywhere that we want so I'm going to just put it right inside the uh the shape over here we still have the animation the map and animation everything over here now all you have to do is add a camera movement to this so let's go to camera 3D over here and I'm going to click on use Target and we can use the translation XYZ to create our animation so let's just do that so I'm going to change the Y and see what it does so let's just zoom into this a little bit using the Z position over here and rotate it around now you can see that how nice our text looks over here it doesn't lose the quality at all and that's the reason we use a separate image plane 3D over here if we have used the single Image Screen 3D then you would lose the quality of the text over here so let's just zoom in a little bit and create a nice camera angle something like this you can also right click in the viewer and go to guides show guides and just make sure that the map is right in the center over here so you can if it's not then you can even go to the image plane 3D over here and go to transform and you can change the position of the map manually like so and you can do the same thing with the image pin 3 of the text so make sure that it's right in the the text is right in the middle of the shape over here so I'm kind of happy with that camera angle so I'm going to go to the very first frame which is frame 0 and make sure I'm in the camera 3D over here I'm going to animate the Y and also the let's actually undo this and I'm going to animate the whole group so I'm going to right click in the empty area animate translate group so let's jump to the last frame by clicking on this icon and let's just change the Z angle and probably the Y as well all right so we can see that it looks pretty cool we did lose the blur that we applied the Box plural here and that reason is the ellipse over here so we have to shrink it down to see the to see the blur in action something like this and probably reduce the soft Edge as well and yeah tweak around with the settings to get the desired look also do the same thing with the ellipse which is connected to the grid reduce the size and reduce the soft Edge as well there you have it you could also go back to grid and reuse the um maybe you can just zoom out a little bit if you want to have more grids you can change the row cell column cell the the choice is yours I'm also going to change the line width over here I'm going to set this to one so let's just set this to one on both and that should look much more elegant I'm going to disable the guides over here and you can see we have this nice animation going on um you could also use the depth of field effect you can go to renderer 3D and enable the depth of field over here you can watch my previous tutorials on how to do that that will also improve the look of your map animation but since we use this box blur over here I don't think we need to do that so yeah that is pretty much it I hope this video was helpful I hope it will help you in your upcoming projects thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: MotionEpicFX
Views: 19,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animate like reallifelore, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18.5, davinci resolve 18.5 tutorial, davinci resolve 18.5 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve animation, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve editing, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve macro, davinci resolve map animation, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve texture, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve vfx, davinci resolve animated border
Id: decxQYfk2cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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