Create DYNAMIC 3D Routes | Google Earth Studio + After Effects 2023

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hey guys welcome back to another Google Earth studio video so I made a few videos on Google Earth Studio already and couple of you have asked how do you create lines or Draw paths in your animation that's kind of stuck or tracked properly into that scene now if you're new to this channel I make animation and video effects tutorials so if you like this sort of content then maybe consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any future videos but this is going to be a two-part video in this video I'm going to show you how to actually create the path or the proper way of creating that using what we call a KML file and then in the second part I'm going to show you how to create or really focus on showing you how to properly make 3D fly through animations and really smooth them out to make them look really good now the way we do this is by using Google my maps now this is exactly the same as Google Maps so if you have a Google account it's free to use but the difference with this is that you can draw a pass and then we can export that data into Google Earth studio so I've zoomed in here on the area of the map that I'm working with or the area that you're going to add your animation over essentially and I want to create a path so you can see that I've already done that here by creating a line that runs along here now if I just turn that off if you come up here there's a draw line function and you can add basically any of these different routes you can add a driving route or you can just draw your own custom shape so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start down here and I'm just roughly going to draw out a path kind of moving along my timeline here now you can always go back and readjust this so you're just trying to get it basically roughly where you need it and then I just hit enter once that's done now I can give this one a title so this is going to be my line two and I can just disable that one now with my line one I'm just going to delete that because we don't need that anymore I'm going to work on this new line down here now you'll notice that it's created all of these points now if you drag on a point here you can basically just readjust that light and you'll notice that a great little feature is this if I move a point it adds new little points in here that allows me to get more of a fine tune you know find you in my path just to kind of get it exactly where I need it so I've gone through now and adjusted my line and I've just made those fine tune adjustments now you need to get it right here at this point you can export this again if you need to go back and change it but really you want to try and focus on getting this right right now there's a little button next to that line if you click that you get a little bit of customization over that line so you can change the width you can change the color here if I wanted to make it say a yellow line or an orange line I can drag up on this the width of that load you don't get a ton of customization but if you're just trying to draw out a path then this is going to be absolutely fine now once we've got that we want to get that into Google Earth studio and we do this using what we call a KML file so we come over here and click this button over here and we can export the data as a KML you can select export as a KML because I don't have any little icons or anything like that I can just use this then it's automatically going to download that file onto my computer and then I can switch over to Google Earth studio now if you're brand new to Google Earth you already have a video which I'll link down in the description below which will walk you through all the basics I'm going to obviously show you how to set up a new project and basically input that data in this video so you may be able to pick up how to use the program it's quite simple to use but if you want a full sort of more in-depth crash course I already have a video which I'll link down in the description so I'm going to start a new blank project here I can call this one my track we need to set this to be Earth you can set your Dimensions here and for the time code I'm going to set this to be about 10 seconds and so there's a 24 frames a second and hit start so for me I was down here in New Zealand so I come down here and this is the area that I'm working between these two lakes here now you may not see that overlays panel so what you can do is come up to overlays import and then the KML so this is where we're going to select that KML file and you can open that up and there it is there's that basically that line drawn out over our map and it lines up nicely now if you like creating a map animations or just animations in general then you can also check out my animation Master course which I'll link down in the description below and in that I go through step by step how to use after effects to create all different types of animations from titles to graphs to map animations right through to more advanced animations you'd see in Vox Style videos there's over 40 videos and over 50 animations to make throughout the entire course and it's also aimed at complete beginners so even if you've never used after effects before I walk you through the app absolute Basics right through to more advanced features of After Effects now again if you're interested in that then you can check it out via the link in the description below now we can start animating our camera to kind of follow the path that we need it to so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to close this panel so we can see what we're doing and I want to come down here basically just create a set of keyframes for my camera rotation and for my camera position and then I'm going to move across on the timeline a little bit here and I'm using my middle Mouse wheel here to kind of bring the camera down I want to sort of bring the camera down to here and create another set of keyframes sort of bring the camera in like this so that we kind of get a little bit of an animation something like this and then it's just a matter of sort of following that path as I sort of animate my camera to follow along that path I'm bringing my camera up here maybe bring this all the way to the end and I can just create another set of keyframes there so if I need to speed that up I can bring those keyframes in there add another set of keyframes in there so I'm just kind of animating the path of the camera or whatever I need it to be maybe when I get to this point I'm going to start bringing the camera around something like this and we sort of have this animation going like this now the moment it doesn't look very smooth right it's kind of a bit clanky and the camera sort of stops and starts and this is where you know we need to start working on trying to smooth out this animation now in the next video which I'm going to upload next week I'm going to go into this in a lot more detail and show you how to get the best sort of smooth camera movements but as a quick way of doing this if I come up to Auto ease that's going to help massively smoothing out all of those animations you can see it's still not exactly right and so this is where we would come in here and start to mess around around with the graph so what we can do is actually start to drag down on some of these points and start to smooth out this animation now don't worry if this is all going over your head or it seems too hard because I'm going to go through this in a lot more detail and show you how to create some really cool animations but bass I'm just trying to smooth out a lot of this animation here so you can see already that's a lot better than what we had so now the next part is trying to animate that line now this is one limitation with the KML we can't animate the line inside of Google Earth studio so we need to do this inside of After Effects now the way that I'm going to show you is basically just the you know the the cheat way of doing this or the easy way of doing this and probably the fastest way as well but basically what we're going to do is we're going to export two versions of this animation so I'm going to bring up this overlays panel and I want to leave that line turned on so that we have our animation with our live this is where you're going to select that destination I'm going to drag this Watermark down into the bottom right and you need to include this Watermark when you're exporting any videos from Google Studio you can select if you want to clean or you want overlays over the top I'm just going to leave this as a clean map High texture I need to leave this as After Effects and leave this as Global and then you can set your dimensions of what you want and then you can basically just hit start now you'll need to leave your browser open while you're doing this as soon as you change a tab it'll stop rendering so you need to leave that open until it's basically finished rendering all right so now that's rendered out before we move on to After Effects what I want to do is bring up that overlays panel I'm going to turn off that KML line that we created and this time I want to render out a clean version so for this one I'm just going to leave this to be all the same I can even call this one track two and I just want to have all the same settings I want to leave this in the same position and then I can export this one and let that render out so both of those are now rendered out we're going to switch over here to After Effects I've just started a new project here and what we can do is come up to file down to scripts and run script file we're going to navigate to that track matte and I can select that first track dot jsx open that up it's automatically going to create a new composition here with that animation and line already there I can then basically come up to file down to scripts run script file and this one I'm going to select that track 2 which is in that second render that we created open that up this has created another composition here one with a clean animation and one with the track I'm going to select this version here from track 2 and copy that under my map layout so essentially what we've got is we've got two layers that are overlaid but the line is the only thing that's basically different about them and now we're ready to basically try and simulate an animation of that line now because you've got two layers what we can do is if I just come up here to my mask tool I can just draw a mask which goes across you can even go into the mask settings here and add a little bit of feather and essentially we don't even have to really animate that you can just add a little bit of animation on here at the start basically What's Happening Here is that it's animating that line on our screen as the camera is flying along so if I watch for the final animation here you can see that we've pretty much got that animated line over our scene now this is a really simple way or of cheating this particular effect and if you're just doing a really simple path this is a great way of doing that so that's how you work with a KML file inside of Google Earth Studio hopefully you've picked up a few tips and tricks throughout this video in the next videos I said I'm going to focus on how to create really smooth camera animations and some really cool Dynamic camera movements if you like this video give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down you can check out more videos over here on the side of screen thanks for watching guys and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Flat Pack FX
Views: 155,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flatpackfx, Flat Pack FX, how to make video effects, after affects tutorial, adobe after effects, video effects, Adobe, Make 3D DYNAMIC Map Animations Like A Pro, Google Earth studio, How to make map animations in after effects, 3D Map animations google earth, How to make animations google earth, how to use google earth studio after effects, Create dynamic map animations google earth and after effects
Id: fafAm0q3He8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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