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hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video we're going to make homemade bread um i love homemade bread and it's easier than you think and i know it's really intimidating to try to make homemade bread so i'm going to guide you step by step and teach you how i learned to make bread and i have to give credit to my mom because she would make homemade bread every single week sometimes multiple times a week i remember walking in the door from school and always having the house smell like fresh homemade bread and i loved it if anybody can find a candle that smells like homemade bread i'll be your first purchaser but anyway i am really thankful for her for what she taught me and i'm gonna teach you the way that she taught me step by step so let's go okay so this is the yeast that i really really like you can get a big pack of it at costco or sam's club but i love this it will last you forever what i actually do is pour this into a container like this sorry that's loud and i actually store this in the freezer so it looks like i'm almost out i need to refill but if you'll get your yeast and put it in a container like this and store it in the freezer it will stay good forever at least a couple of years but it doesn't hurt the yeast it doesn't do anything it just preserves the life of it so that is my very favorite kind of yeast and you need the active dry yeast okay the next thing you're going to do is get warm water so think of it like warm bath water is about the temperature that you want and we're going to get four cups okay that's about right a little bit [Music] warmer okay go ahead and get four cups [Music] okay after you get your four cups of warm water you want to get two tablespoons make sure there's no little clumps in there one two now here's the trick if you want your yeast to blossom or get foamy get a little bit of sugar [Music] sprinkle some sugar in there with it [Music] and that will help your yeast get really nice and foamy but it won't change any part of your bread the flavor or anything like that it just helps this yeast so just make sure that you mix that yeast in so this quartz or granite or marble countertops are really cold so if you want your yeast to get foamy it needs to stay warm so i put mine on one of these cutting boards or you can put on your stove top or on a table in the sun anything that helps it or prevents it from getting cold and then go ahead and cover it you can use a towel a plate whatever you need cover it put the timer on for 10 minutes [Music] okay now it's been 10 minutes the yeast is nice and foamy it has a layer of foam on top going to hit go ahead and add that to our mixer you don't have to have a big fancy mixer you can mix this by hand but i will say i love this bosch my mom had hers for like 35 years still going strong and i just love them but you really don't have to have a fancy mixer mixing by hand will get you the same result so go ahead and add that to your mixer and then we're going to add one tablespoon of salt and this is the pink himalayan salt and i really really love it [Music] then you'll add 1 3 cup of canola oil [Music] [Applause] okay now this recipe calls for honey and one little trick is to put your honey in after the oil that way because i need one third a cup of honey so if you put it in the same measuring cup it's not going to stick to the cup it'll just pour right out so 1 3 cup of honey this is literally the thickest honey okay then we're going to add our flour so it calls for 10 to 12 cups but we want to add it about half so about 5 cups mix and then we'll add some more so let's go ahead and add 5 cups of flour okay now we're going to head to go ahead and mix this together so okay now we have about five more cups of flour to add but what i want you to do is add one cup at a time so [Music] there's one two [Music] three so now see if you look it's still like a shaggy dough it's really really sticky still so let's go ahead and add another cup this will be four [Music] i'm just going to continue mixing this because it's still not quite mixed all the way but i don't know if we're going to need that last cup we we probably will but let's go ahead and mix this a little bit more okay now what you're looking for is the dough to come away from the sides of the bowl and that's what it has done it's not sticking to the bowl or anything like that it's still slightly tacky to the touch but not where it's sticking to my fingers so i think we're good at this point so that's what you want to look at just make sure that it's not sticking to the sides of the bowl it's not sticking to your fingers and that means it's ready to knead okay now we're just going to remove it from the bowl you can get some flour on your hands as you're removing it from the bowl so that it doesn't stick [Music] now you're just going to knead the bread dough for about five to eight minutes [Music] it's a good arm workout [Music] so you just want it to look like this where it's not sticky at all not sticking to your hands but you've worked worked it and you've been kneading it for about five to eight minutes or so and it looks just like this [Music] okay so now we want this to raise until it's about double its size so take a bowl a nice big bowl because it's going to expand spray it with cooking spray and then spray the top with cooking spray you'll cover it with a towel and then this is going to double in size so it's usually about 30 to 45 minutes okay so it's been sitting for about 45 minutes and as you can tell it's definitely doubled in size this is what it should look like [Music] okay this is my favorite part so it's nice and big and what you need to do is just punch it down get rid of all those air bubbles if you've had a stressful day go ahead and take it out on your dough okay and then take it out place it on your countertop [Music] while that's just kind of resting for a minute i'm just going to get my pans ready so this will make three lobes of bread all you need to do is just spray your pans with cooking spray make sure you get all the sides [Music] okay i'm just going to lightly flower the surface again and just knead the dough just to get rid of that air that was in there now i'm just going to divide it up [Music] into three loaves [Music] trying to make even pieces here [Music] get it as even as you can [Music] that's about even okay so now i'm going to set these two balls of dough aside and i'm going to work with this one now we're just going to lightly knead [Music] this just to get rid of any air bubbles [Music] add flour if you need because it might get a little bit sticky so you're just wanting to get rid of any of those air bubbles in there and we want it to fit in our pan right here so once we roll it you want it to be about that size [Music] so go ahead and start rolling it as tight as you can [Music] add flour to your hands if you need to [Music] so now see this right here you're just going to pinch it together [Music] and just roll it around to make a nice smooth top now i'm just going to pound it [Music] and that gets rid of any air bubbles [Music] and then go ahead and place it in your pan [Music] you can actually hear the air bubbles pop every now and then [Music] okay now just start rolling it tightly [Music] so pinch the bottoms roll it around get a nice smooth top and then pound it on the table [Music] okay we have one more okay now what you're going to do is just get some soft butter on your hands and just lightly rub the top with that butter and just like with the the yeast make sure that you have it on a warmer surface other than this granite or quartz or any cold countertop that you have make sure it's on a warmer surface and then you're just going to cover again with a towel going to preheat the oven to 350 while our dough is rising okay they've been raising for about an hour and they are ready to go in the oven [Music] [Music] now you're going to put the timer on for 30 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to take them out of the pans right after you take them out of the oven okay now i just get my butter kind of take the paper off of it and just rub the tops this will keep them soft and give it a really good flavor [Music] i wish you could smell this bread right now [Music] don't be shy with the butter on top put as much as you want on there all right there we go all right so when you're cutting bread you either need one of these serrated knives like this but my favorite is to use a turkey meat cutter i don't know what it is is this just for turkey is it for i don't know anyway i like this electric knife because it won't smash your bread look how yummy oh thanks so much for watching you guys and i hope you'll know that it doesn't have to be perfect you just keep trying and doing your best and that's what matters thanks so much for being here and we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Sheri Hemingway
Views: 203,871
Rating: 4.8552036 out of 5
Keywords: homemadebread, easyhomemadebread, breadusingallpurposeflour, stepbystepbread, softbread, cookwithme, cooking, thanksgiving, homemaking, madefromscratch, yummy, bread, breadfromscratch
Id: wh3cs85ow1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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