Homemade Bread for Beginners EASY Recipe in 5 Minutes of Hands On Time a Day

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i love having homemade bread but i gotta tell you i don't always have the time or the patience or plan far enough ahead to make sure that i've got my dough started and all of the rising time that i needed when i want bread because oftentimes we need fresh bread about 30 minutes before i want to be eating it so i have got the perfect easy artisan bread recipe for you this is my favorite bread recipe and i really don't think you could get much easier plus the whole no knead thing means you don't have to worry about window pane and making sure if it's the gluten is fully developed easy peasy the ingredients are super simple we're going to start with yeast so i've got active dry yeast here and we're going to do one and a half tablespoons so there's one we're going to eyeball that half i usually get my yeast in bulk from costco which is where i get this big one they haven't really had it though since the pandemic hit so i'll link to some online sources below and tip though store your yeast in the freezer or the fridge it stays fresh much much longer so i'm gonna pop this one back in the fridge and then we have three cups water now if you are a technical baker about 115 to 120 degrees fahrenheit i however am not so just want to use i like to use the inside of my wrist or your finger and you want to make sure it's a little bit warmer than body temperature basically like when you test your baby's milk bottle on your wrist to make sure it's not too cold or it's not going to burn them that's about where we want to be so we're going to pour our water over our yeast and we're going to get that dissolved you can use a spoon or a fork or a whisk but i got to tell you a dough whisk this is one of the best things for mixing up any type of dough or batter and it's really inexpensive i'll link to it below the video but i love this thing so we're just going to give that a quick stir to help the yeast get dissolved into the water you can see it's already getting nice and bubbly bubbles and foam just means that your yeast is active and ready to go so now we're gonna add our flour so this like i said this is one of the easiest recipes there's no eggs there's no fat there's no milk there's no oil but it tastes amazing so we are going to do six and a half cups of flour so this is all-purpose organic unbleached flour you can also use bread flour and you can also grind your own flour which i do but i wanted to show you this recipe in case you didn't have a grinder at home to grind your own milk you could see how easy it is to do with just all-purpose [Music] flour so i'm going to start with six cups of flour and then we'll add in a half cup if needed and then we're going to add our salt so we're going to do one and a half tablespoon salt it's really easy to remember because you're just doubling everything so it's one and a half tablespoons yeast one and a half tablespoon salt three cups water and six cups flour that half cup if you need it now this recipe is based off of the artisan bread and five minutes a day book and recipe except when you're doing no need to help with the texture and i think the flavor i add in one additional ingredient and that is apple cider vinegar i feel like the apple cider vinegar helps to develop the gluten and improves the texture you can test it with it or without it i just like to add it in there so just do one and a half tablespoons now it's time to mix all of this together this is going to be a wet and shaggy dough so when you are doing a no knead dough it's not the type of bread dough where it's going to be totally smooth and you can completely handle it it's meant to be a wet dough but the good news is we're not handling it because we're not kneading it so it doesn't really matter if it sticks to your fingers we just want to make sure we get this fully incorporated so how do you know if you need to add that other half a cup of flour so right now i've got this fully incorporated i don't have any dry spots and so i'm just going to do a quick texture test so i'm going to go like this and see this is pretty loose and goopy it kind of is holding as i stretch it but it's kind of going to just fall apart right there see how it's just separating and it falls through it won't form so that tells me that i need to add just a half a cup of flour to this it's usually always six and a half six and a half cups of flour for me but we can add more flour we can't really take it away so always just do the six cups first there you go so now you can see this is kind of forming together in a ball it's not completely cleaning the sides but it's getting close so we're going to work work that in there we just don't want to have any dry pockets of flour that's what we're over after here right now and nope we don't have any so you can see there's kind of some strands in the formation there it's not a complete soupy mess but it's a very wet dough you would not be able to knead this and now we are going to use a tea towel and we're going to let this rise just until it's doubled which is usually about two to three hours my favorite spot to let dough rise is right on top of the fridge because it's out of the way and that's typically a nice warm spot okay so you can see this has more than doubled in size and it's only been about two hours because it's quite warm in my kitchen and so you don't do anything to this you can see it's puffed up there's little bits of little tiny air pockets and bubbles in there you don't punch it down you don't stir it all you do is put a lid on and we don't actually want it to be airtight so this lid when i put it on i only clamp down two sides so there's still some airflow now depending on what type of bowl you have you can do this in a glass bowl and you can use like saran wrap but just don't seal it all the way you can use a beeswax wrap but same thing leave a little bit of airflow don't seal it don't crimp it tight all the way around the edges and then and this is an important step this dough needs to go into the refrigerator for at least eight hours before you try to use it because we didn't need this dough the gluten is not fully formed so if you don't chill it one it's really hard to work with you need to be able to form your loaf with it when the dough is cold but if you don't do that eight hour chill time the gluten strands aren't actually developed and it's not going to hold its shape and you're not going to get the desired texture or anything like that so the chill time is actually quite important so all we do is we pop it in the fridge for a minimum of eight hours and then you can bake your dough and this dough will stay in the fridge for up to 14 days as you get towards the end of the 14 days you might not get quite as much height on your bread because the yeast slowly begins to die back and isn't quite as act quite as active but it definitely will last you up to 14 days so into the fridge this goes so now it's time to get our loaf ready to go in the oven so this is still a really wet dough that's kind of the beauty of doing these no needs is your dough stays wet so i like to take a little bit of flour on my hands and just kind of dust them just a little bit so it doesn't stick quite so bad but then one of the tricks is having your parchment paper nearby after we get our loaf formed so you just really eyeball this you don't have to be super precise about it i like to do about half of the dough for doing this round rustic loaf so you can use like a bench knife or you literally can just get your hands in there which is what i'm going to do and we're just going to scoop out by eyeballing this approximately half of this dough so just kind of get in there you can see it's kind of stretchy so some of our gluten has formed which is good without kneading which is even better so see it's going to stick to your hands expect to get a little bit messy so our goal with this is to form it into a round loaf and so you're just going to stretch and pull with your hands so you see we're creating like this smooth taut surface and this is what we're after so you can do this completely by hand just like this but if you have a bench knife you can put a little bit of flour down and you can put it right there and i'm actually going to grab i'm going to do a slightly a little bit bigger loaf so you can always grab out a little bit more here and i'm going to work this in there i'm just going to keep pulling it but if you want to keep your hands a little bit more clean so you can see how a little bit messy they are you can use this bench knife and you're just going to turn so it's a push and pull so you're going to push and pull the loaf and it'll stick to it a little bit you're just going to kind of walk it but this keeps your hands and it kind of it keeps creating that tension so you can see it's forming oops i flipped it all the way over there on me a little bit more flour it's a forgiving dough so don't worry about it but we're creating that tension on the top and this is important so that your loaf when it's baking especially because it's free form like this we're not having it in a loaf pan you want that tension on top so that it can rise up and it will hold its shape better so you can see where it's really forming there so there we go so we've got our round now i like to put mine on some parchment paper so you're just going to pick your loaf up again you can use your bench knife it's going to help you get it up off the surface there easier we're gonna pick it up we're gonna put it right there on the center and we're gonna let this be at room temperature for about 40 minutes or so and while that's happening we're going to preheat our oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit and while that's preheating we're going to preheat our baking dish so this is just a large cast iron cooker combo you want it to have a lid so you can you i like to use this one so i'm going to put this in and let that preheat oops i got a little bit of dough on the handle there i probably should wash my hands i did warn you it would get sticky but you can use an enamel covered dutch oven if you want to as well so you've got something like this you can use one of those and if you don't have any of those you can simply use a baking sheet or a cookie sheet and if you have got like a roasting pan then you can put that on top to create that sealed compartment is what we're after so if you've got the dutch ovens they work great but there's lots of ways that you can work around that with other things you have in your kitchen i need to wash my hands before i touch anything else in the kitchen okay so with your remaining dough if you're not going to use it and you're also not going to throw the bowl across the room we're going to put this back in the fridge and it can stay in the fridge for up to 14 days so anytime you want to bake something you just pull this out and away you go i think i might make some cinnamon rolls with it tomorrow but for the meantime we're going to put this back in the fridge so be very careful obviously this is really hot that oven is 450 degrees so we're going to take off our top here you can see the steam coming off there and then this is why we like to use the parchment paper because it allows us to lower it in there without burning yourself so we're going to get that down in there and then you want to make sure that you score the top so you can use a razor blade you can use a sharp knife this is a bread lane which just has a little handle so it holds the razor blade and you can create any pattern that you want but you want to make sure that you score the top so as it's rising it's going to do a lot of rising and we're giving it direction on where we want it to rise otherwise it'll just kind of break out wherever and it doesn't look very pretty so you can get as artistic as you want or you can just do simple three slashes across the top totally up to you there we go now we're going to put our lid back on and we're going to put this into the oven and if you want a printable version of this you can grab that at my website i'll have a link below there and it's also in my book handmade and i have to actually double check really quick believe it or not i don't have it completely memorized 30 minutes we're going to bake this for 30 minutes okay guys so it's been a half an hour so we're going to take a peek here and we're going to remove the lid and then we want to get that browned a little bit more so i'm going to put that back in for five minutes just to get a nice brown crust let's see alrighty so we've got five minutes here you can see how nice and golden that is and i actually could have made some of my slashes a little bit deeper because you can see how much this expanded and how much rise we got from the oven now we definitely want to let this cool it's still really hot but the beauty of the parchment paper is it's much easier to lift this up and out and we're gonna put it here on a rack to cool and it's so hard because fresh out of the oven bread smells amazing but you do want to let it cool before you slice into it or you can get that gumminess in the center so try to let it cool at least 20 minutes before slicing into it sometimes i slice early so after your bread has cooled for at least 20 minutes if you can help it it is time to cut into this bad boy when you hear it has that nice crispy outer crust oops i mutilated that okay let's try this again here so it's been 20 minutes was super hard to wait but we finally get it cut into our loaf and it is still slightly warm so you can see oh it looks so good no gumminess in the middle and you can see how fast this came together you guys it only took 35 minutes total to bake and very very little hands-on time this is one of the easiest bread recipes out there and the great thing is this is my master dough recipe which is both in my book handmade you can get the printable version on the website but you can take this dough and of course you can bake this amazing artisan round loaf but you can turn this into cinnamon rolls into pizza dough into hamburger buns and a hot dog buns like you can turn it into so many different things and you always have this dough on hand ready to go and bake whenever you are ready i have got on the website if you're interested in sourdough or honey whole wheat bread you can grab recipes for those and if you want to get all of my adaptations on how to take this master dough and create all of those delicious homemade home baked goods you can check out my full homemade baking and breadcourse system and find out how to make that and a whole lot more okay i'm diving into this now [Music] and what's really great about this bread is you get the nice crispy crust but it's soft inside and chewy which is my absolute favorite [Music] it's really good [Music] you
Channel: Melissa K. Norris - Modern Homesteading
Views: 617,219
Rating: 4.8392262 out of 5
Keywords: homemade bread, bread recipe, how to make bread, easy bread recipe, no knead bread, no-knead bread, easy homemade bread, how to make homemade bread, easy bread recipes, how to make no knead bread, artisan bread, no knead, how to bake bread, no knead bread recipe, homemade bread video, bread video, cooking video, homemade bread recipe, bread baking, homemade bread for beginners, homemade bread recipes, no knead bread without dutch oven, no knead bread cast iron skillet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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