How To Make Bread, Step By Step Instructions

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today we're going to make bread step by step I want to take you through how to make bread I want everybody in the entire world to know how to make bread because it is so easy and it is so good and and it is the one recipe that most of you have wanted to know how to make it seems like there everybody has their favorite recipe in the cookbook but bread is the one that everybody seems to be asking about and it is the it is the staple for our cinnamon rolls for our breadsticks for scones so we're gonna just make the regular bread and we'll get to the dough and when you get to that part then you can branch off into the other things that you make but for today we're making bread so I want to show you my recipe that I had from when I was a kid that's the that is our recipe for making bread my mom made bread the entire time we were kids she didn't have a recipe she just made the bread well when I went away to college and she took me to the to my apartment that I we had rented and before she left me she says let's run into town I'm gonna buy you a few things for your apartment so we went in and she bought me a big mixing bowl and a wooden spoon and measuring cups and a few things to go and then we went back to the apartment and my mom before she left made a batch of bread with me and that's the first time that I had actually made bread mom had always made it I didn't make bread my girls learned how to make bread at home but I didn't and so my first batch of bread was made at college and my mom would take a clump of shortening and drop it in a pan and then she would melt that down and let it cool well after I had been married Oh quite a while like 10 years maybe I thought I do not like melt in the shorten down that was the worst part of making the bread I didn't like Mountain it down I didn't like the smell I didn't like having to watch it so close because if I you know burn and fire and so I started using oil out of the you know like a vegetable oil and I just really liked it and my mom and my sister they were just going crazy like Oh Jennifer this bread is so good and I told him what I've done and after that my sister started using oil too because we couldn't tell that it was really any different in fact I think it was a pattern the first thing I do is get my yeast started I use two tablespoons of yeast and I like to add about a tablespoon of sugar and mix that together and then add a cup of warm water and I let that rise until it's about double so you want to make sure that the water that you add to your yeast is not too hot and not too cold because you don't want to kill the yeast and you don't want to if it's too cold it won't rise very fast either so I just leave that sitting on the cabinet until it doubles in size and it usually takes about as long to double as it takes for me to get my flour and sugar and salt put together any together so I don't have a pantry upstairs or a very large pantry and I've always just kept a big bucket of flour and if I could have sugar in the back closet [Music] you [Music] I add ten cups of flour or maybe just a little bit shy of ten cups and then I add a half a cup of sugar about a half a cup so you don't want to forget the salt about a tablespoon of salt and then be sure and mix that in real good [Music] after I put the yeast mixture in the flour I add three cups of water [Music] [Music] and a half a cup of oil I don't think it really matters what what type of oil you add you can add canola oil or vegetable oil now you can see that's pretty shaggy nothing special just kind of kind of shaggy and I just let that sit for a few minutes and give it a chance to for the gluten to kind of well I don't really know what I'm talking about but it just does something if you let it sit for about 10 minutes [Music] so I've let the dough sit for about 10 minutes 10 15 minutes and I find I find that the counter height is too high for me to need it's not comfortable and so I always do it on the floor we'll put it on this on the carpet part of the floor or when I lived in my other homes I would have a rug and I do that because it's easy for me to turn my bowl around when I'm working with it [Music] [Music] you see how the how this ball how easy it is to spin the ball around when I'm doing this it's just so much easier than standing up to the counter and trying to push down on it and mix it I just like to get right down on the floor and knead it there you go [Music] you see what that kind of feels like I wished you could feel it that's what it looks like it's not too sticky it's not dry the next thing I'll do is cover it with a cotton towel [Music] now depending on how warm the day is determines where I let this dole rice let's say it'll probably take about an hour for this to rice in this nice warm house so I'll just leave it right here on the cabinet and we'll check back in an hour my bread dough has been rising for just about an hour and it looks pretty good sometimes it rises a little bit more or I could wait a little bit longer but I'm actually in a little bit of a hurry right now yeah that looks pretty good I just wanted to show you the texture since you aren't here to feel the texture of the dough I'm hoping that you get a sense of what the texture is like I just love using these bread tents they just make me laugh they're kind of they're kind of ugly but they're the ones that my mom bought me when I was going off to college so I put them in four equal loaves I better at the top of them and then I cover them and let them rise until they are just above the tins if I was making rolls I would sprinkle a little bit of salt on them but maybe one of these days I'll do a video where I get to this point and instead of making bread we'll make cinnamon rolls or we'll make dinner rolls and I'll show you what I do with those but for this I don't put salt on the top of the bread I just butter it really good and then put the towel over it and let it race so I've cut the dough into four equal parts for four chins what size are these Tim my tens are it doesn't matter if they're bigger if they're smaller if they're bigger Chism needs just about nine by five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you if I wanted to let my dough rise a second time it would have been perfectly fine I would have just punched it down and instead of cutting it into four quarters I would have just let it risen again I've just let it rise again and made it into whatever I wanted and when I was ready so it it really is very forgiving it doesn't matter if you let it rise once you let it rise twice I think it might be a little lighter if it rises twice but it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter and it doesn't matter if it looks perfect either because it's still really good and sometimes mine aren't really pretty sometimes mine are beautiful I've made him one I've just thought wow and then other times I thought well what the heck what did I do wrong it's how come it's not looking right but it doesn't matter okay well this is all my fault Jennifer had to be somewhere this afternoon and so she kind of read all ready to go and she left a nice little note for me those rings are there because I'm doing dull not because I'm giving them bad you know but anyway she left me a note for when I got home from work the heat the oven up check the bread put it in the oven and finish filming what she had started as well me I started the car was guy knew Jennifer wasn't home so I just went and I saw the kitchen was all set so I thought no I'm not gonna touch anything I'm not gonna move the camera I'm not gonna mess anything up I'm sure she'll be home momentarily to finish up what she had started look she was making bread we'll see I knew she was making bread but she was doing something with the cookbook anyway I went in laid down on the couch waiting for her to come home and of course I fell asleep and then I woke up to a text from Jennifer a couple of hours later saying did you finish the bread no I didn't finish the bread do you know I was supposed to do it she said well didn't you see my note where sent Texas back and forth so I had to send her a picture of the bread I've raised too high so well write it raised and then it fell and I thought that's not good but this but when I groped him I says hi Chad sorry I missed you I had to render the church when the dough has raised above the Tinley put it in the oven for me for about 20 minutes they said don't forget to film and try not to show my dirty oven well at least I didn't show the dirty oven I'm gonna eat everybody happy we didn't put them in the oven and so they continued rising and then they fell and so Irish aped them put them back in the tins and let them rise and now we're gonna put them in the oven so I'm kind of glad that it turned out this way because then I can show you I started this process hours ago could have been done hours ago and here it is getting dark outside and it just goes to show you these might not be the perfect bread loaves today but they're still gonna be delicious so double-check in here so for about 25 minutes and we'll have us a little bite to eat [Music] hmm and that's what we're gonna top it off with butter peanut butter and some honey and peaches just a minute just give it a minute well invite you to dinner kay thanks Jennifer do you like the heel I love the hill we fight over having who gets the healer but lots of suppers yeah yeah this in fact this here reminds me of that story that Elder Holland told a leader in our church was a story in conference in one of our church meetings okay I've told it before so this this couple this young couple is married and the wife she does her very best that she could make an and has been in her they sit down to eat their meal and the husband you don't make bread like my mom and like just quickly came back and said well you don't make dough like my dad that's good lesson just do the best you can but I mean it's not always gonna be the best because there's always somebody better than you and there's always gonna be someone that you do better than that man so just be happy with your skills and work on improving so anyway you guys I want you to make brand I want you to make it and it doesn't matter if the loaf isn't perfect it just doesn't matter just make it yep and you know over time you'll get better but there will be days that if we get to punch it down and put it in the other one you're supposed to but you make do there's just certain things you just want to know how to do that's one of them anyway you guys thank you so much for watching and head on over to my Instagram and leave let's talk there [Music] I'm not going to talk thanks for watching everybody bye bye bye bye you
Channel: Grandma and Grandpa Griffiths
Views: 2,537,270
Rating: 4.8407073 out of 5
Keywords: making bread, how to make bread, bread recipe, Griffiths Cook Book, #griffithscookbook, grandma griff, best homemade bread, best home made bread recipe
Id: MVb1Tfsdcr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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