Homemade Bread for Beginners - Easy

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I really like this guy because he wears a cowboy hat the whole time and I thought other people would like to see it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jroddie4 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is great, canโ€™t wait to try it!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sillymonkey2012 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hi y'all this is larrya Deep South Texas and today we're going to make a simple loaf of bread if you're a beginner this is the place to start so the recipe I'm using today comes from another YouTube channel baked with Jack I'll leave a link to his channel in the description below I'll also leave a list of the ingredients Jack's from the UK so his ingredients are in grams but I'll try to convert them over to cups and teaspoons and here are the ingredients 7 cups of bread flour 3 cups of water 2 tablespoons of instant yeast and that be the same as 2 pack 2 small packages if that's what you're using we have 3 teaspoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of oil you can use vegetable oil or olive oil I'm using sunflower oil so the first thing we do is add our water to the mixing bowl and and we add the yeast to the water get that all mixed in let that set for just a few minutes till that yeast dissolves now we add our seven cups of flour to the yeast and water mixture we sprinkle on the salt and then put in the oil and then we mix this up it'll take a little bit to get the flour and water incorporated and it's all mixed in and now we're going to turn this out onto a board and knead it [Music] now supposed to need this for eight minutes I'm usually probably going to get tired before my eight minutes are up but we'll see how it goes so about halfway through the kneading process now occasionally you got to get your scraper in here scrape up some of this dough that's sticking to the board and just continue on meeting so we've been needing this for eight minutes now so now we're just going to let it rest for three minutes we'll throw a cloth over that and we'll come back in three minutes so we've let our dough set for three minutes now we're going to start shaping it a little bit put a little bit of flour on the top and we're going to turn it over flatten it out a little bit and start trying to shape it into a ball just grab an end and fold it over till you're happy with that ball shape then we're going to take it put it back in our bowl sprinkle a little bit more flour on top and we're going to cover that and let that rise for one hour so our dough has been rising for an hour and it looks like it's come up pretty well so yeah I'd say that that's risen now I'm going to take this out and divide it into two pieces so we're making two loaves put a little bit of dusting of flour on here again go around the edge here hopefully it'll fall out a little bit better there we go spread that out a little bit and we're going to divide this into two pieces hopefully they'll be even pieces but I don't think it matters all right now we're going to pre shape our loaves just go around the edge fold it up into the middle until we get the round shape we're looking for actually we are going to cook these in in tens but this pre shaping part here we do that to help it stick together a little bit so hold it hold its shape and hold its tension so that it rises better in the pan now set those off to the side of another little sprinkling of flour and we'll let those rest for 15 minutes so our dough has been resting for 15 minutes and now it's time to do the final shaping a little bit of flour on that surface there turn that over on the top and press that down a little bit with your fingertips and fold it over kind of at an angle each side kind of a triangular shape what we're shooting for is the bottom of that triangle to be about the size of that little no I think we'll be okay with that creating more tension on the top of the loaf a little bit more flour on top get that bottom seam all pinched in real good get some flour on that some flour on the all the sides and then this goes into the loaf pan and the loaf pan has been has been buttered so it won't stick and that goes in the loaf pan and we let that rise for an hour now we do the same thing with this other one that flipped out fold that over fold this over punch it down a little bit and roll it up get that seam all sealed up a little more flour along sides and then this one goes into and there they are and we'll let these rise for another hour and about a half an hour I'll start preheating the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit so my bread has been rising for an hour it's looking really good it's filled out those loaf pans real well they are ready to go in the oven and the oven has been preheated to 400 degrees so let's get these in the oven there's one and there's the other one now these will bake for 40 minutes I'm actually going to check them at 35 to see how they're doing I didn't put any water in the oven to create a nice steam what I'm looking for is sandwich bread not real crusty bread so looking forward to them coming out in 35 to 40 minutes well it's been 40 minutes it's time to get this bread out of the oven and it looks pretty good let's skip these out on a drying rack or a cool thing a cooling rack okay they come right out they sound like they're done once they get cooled down I think that's gonna make some pretty nice sandwich bread oh and I do want to brush the tops with a little melted butter here make sure that they stay nice and soft our bread is cooled down it's time to get a slice and see what it tastes like well there it is it looks pretty good looks pretty good I think that'll make great sandwich bread what's the butter a slice and give her a taste all right it's great it's great that's gonna make a great sandwich bread here for the family turned out just perfect so if you're not into bread baking and you want to try this recipe is the one to try it's fairly simple the hopes look just wonderful you know couldn't be happier with the results hope you enjoyed this video good give it that thumbs up thanks for watching we'll see you again next time [Music]
Channel: Deep South Texas
Views: 5,629,183
Rating: 4.873271 out of 5
Keywords: Homemade Bread, Easy Homemade Bread, Bake with Jack, Bake bread at home, South Texas, Texas, Deep South Texas, Bread Baking, Bread flour, instant yeast, Easy bread recipe, First bread recipe, beginners bread recipe, bread recipe for beginners, Bake with Jack bread recipe
Id: nEEd8RsjujA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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