How to Make Any Man Miss You - 7 Powerful Ways to Make Him Think of You!

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what's up ladies is Alex for my for attraction 2.0 so today we're going to be I'm going to be showing you eight ways to make a guy miss you I'm going to show you how to really really make a guy think of you and make a guy just want to be around you it a little bit become almost like an addictive impulse to have you closer and if you guys haven't watched my video on how to seduce like Marilyn Monroe go watch it isn't in the previous video go watch that video alright and also don't forget to comment and subscribe and click on the little button on the little bell on where it says subscribe because that's when you get the notification what videos are going to come up alright and I'm going to be putting up videos more often in the next couple of days so click click the reminder then you're going to see on top right there so that you guys can get the reminder all right and you guys get and you guys can get quick access to the video right and once again and I warned you guys please use this precaution alright a lot of my guy friends are telling me why my revealing this to girls because this was never my intention to teach this and so don't give you guys warning don't be [ __ ] up man because you guys could really really mess up a guy's mind alright and if you are going to be [ __ ] up okay but just do the users precaution oh yeah any anything okay and if any girls are watching this that I know that I talk to me be nice you know I'm a nice person you know I consider people it just has a mercy on me so the first step in making a guy miss you is to give him space think about this men never really fall in love with you they fall in love with the idea of you let them use their imagination but in order for that to work he must have some space space doesn't work unless they smoke in other words ignore of God falls in love with you but he falls in love with you with the imaginary person he has of you in his mind like the REM mental representation of you so he falls in love using his imagination he doesn't fall in love using reality because reality is pretty nasty we really think about it I mean us humans we we we do some nasty [ __ ] so our imagination distorted a mix and gives you and give the man a almost a God is like over to you even that is not true but in order for that to work he has to have some space he had you had to not be around him he has to think okay and so the only way for you to do that is to back up is to back the [ __ ] off right and so the reason why I say space doesn't work on Lester smoke is because I'm gonna use an analogy from castaway let me show you what I'm talking about this is a perfect example of how space is required in order to create attraction alright and let me just show you how Tom Hanks creates creates on fire similar to how you can make a guy miss you yeah god you're white okay first you okay there you go see this is this is you first showing interest is you first applying these techniques this is you reeling him in alright this is you using a body this is you using a voice this is use using all the mental tactics simply to get some eat some emotional investment and once he shows some emotional investment a little bit of an emotional investment then you're able to do this which is give them some space so you need to see how he when he see smoke that's when he does it he doesn't keep going like this when you see smoke because once you see smoke what you have to do is back off because if you don't back off you're not gonna create that effect you see giving them space and you're not even created now that you gave them space now the idea of you is in second as mine so in the really emerged itself you have to do nothing the more you do the other the the less effect is gonna be so in order for that to be too happy you to back off there's a lot you only need to put some effort in the beginning and once you put some effort in shows interest back off see that this is how it happened because the guy has feel as though loving you was here was his idea you see because if he feels like he was manipulated by you if you feel that it was you who gave him the idea of loving you one minute lay down he's gonna feel used yeah you see that's when you gotta go into space yep so the other one is once you feel like you have them push him away all right say that you're getting bored and etc so once you feel like you have them once you feel like you once did some initial interest which is once you push them away because once you got them to show interest you no one wanted to take you on a date arm and just chasing you once you have them you got to push him away say that you're getting bored say that I don't know I don't know this is gonna work out or I don't think I'm ready or I don't know I'm just not I'm just not I'm just not happy anymore you say that and then you let them take the next move you see once you because you have to make sure that then the other person ought to take you for granted use absence create pain and conflict in order for him to actually appreciate you more and miss you you see so once you say that you're getting bored and you let him do something about it the action that he takes is get a reflection of how much he likes you so once you say you're getting bored any action that it takes to actually make that relationship even more interesting reward them we wore them because now you're reinforcing that behavior okay next step this applies to social media as well so give them space so for example if you normally like always coast back off a guy's gonna notice when you slap like these photos and guys gonna notice when you stop like is his arm comment alright so back off so the next one become your own source of positive emotions most of the time when we are in a relationship we see we see the relationships at most so our values our salvation or ticket to happiness so in reality we all really lacking inside of what now I'm going to make this short because this is a very deep topic for in other words most we love celebrities because they make us feel good we love things because they make us feel good right you love my channel because I mean you guys feel good so anything that produces positive emotions we run towards so the problem is that most people are not fulfilled inside so that's why they always need constant stimulation you see they need some sources of happiness they don't they're not the own source of happiness something else outside of themselves are their sources of happiness remember when we we are we are attracted to whatever makes us feel good we are attracted to sources of positive emotions right so if you become your own source of positive emotions which is you say you feel happy despite the outcome despite your life despite what's going on you become your own source of happiness because you created it's not outside of your control you control how do you do that by becoming more present practicing mindfulness having a life having a purpose having a job that you love having activities that you love having something that if you know that everything will go around you go back to that one thing and it'll make you happy that could be reading books that could be meditating it doesn't matter as long as you could control it and as long as it doesn't cost you financially or your relationships around you and that's something that you could do well in a healthy way and you become that's all good but the point is that you you don't want to have one source of happiness you don't want the God to be your own son only source of happiness because guys feel that and that's annoying as hell so when a guy feels like holy [ __ ] like my girl man like she has her she has a good life she does she's not on Instagram Facebook or Twitter all the time in others you have a life a life that has a purpose you are passionate what's gonna happen is that because you are because you have you because you live in on your purpose you feel good about your life alright he's gonna feel like you're not as needed because when you are satisfied with your life you don't have there's no there's nothing in you that needs you're so full you're so happy that the only thing you could do is give see what I'm saying and this is not a technique this is more of a way of living and when you live like this people are gonna feel the abundance in your life they gonna want to be around you because you have a positive aura as a result of the positive emotions that dwell inside of you because you don't look on the outside for the happiness you really have it in you just express it it's you I'm saying so the next one be polarizing show intensity on the emotional spectrum in other words show happiness but also so sadness show excitement but also show anger one moment being warm and the next moment be cold don't just be one emotion kind of person just because you're a happy person doesn't mean you're always gonna be happy just because you have a person doesn't mean you you don't you don't show sadness you see so you got to be willing to not only embrace one side of one side of who you are but also embrace the minimal parts of who you are that could be evil that could be the inner [ __ ] you see what I'm saying don't just be a nice girl have a little hint of craziness to you this is one girl online she messaged me on Instagram it was one of you guys she and she told me that she's mean she's a mortician you know and but then she's a hep sheets of pretty she looks like a very you know like a very nice mortician but he doesn't see her hair added to the what she comes across it's a total opposite of a mortician so have a party view that's the total opposite and just hint at it all right and that's gonna and that's gonna give you that edginess to it because guys get bored because girls are just sometimes to just show on the motion are too nice are too [ __ ] you know you want to have that you want to be balanced you know having contrast qualities that counterbalance one one another are often found to be exciting and attractive you see so what you're very polite have rule side to you you see you you you are a [ __ ] have a very nice side to you that you show often or once in a while send mixed signals the other one gradual step gradually step back for example don't stop responding initially like when a polite I always tell I always tell people that when you're talking to a guy stop responding to him initially like instantly this is more of a gradual stopping in response for example you know when a relationship is going would when the guy just stops texting you often he still touches you he doesn't text you as often there's not that much intensity not that many lol's not the many MIT cons not that long vertex that's what I want you do take a gradual step back so that he doesn't initially see that you lose an interest but that you're hinting that you lose an interest so what's gonna happen is that he's gonna start chunk stiffening a blank trying to think of why this is going on you can start noticing the pattern but what's happening that now he feels like he's losing you now he fears that he's losing you and now that's how you bring him in remember his imagination you taking a gradual step back in letting his imagination fill in the blank and most of the times now here we can reflect reality but the reflection might be out of his fear and insecurity and as a result his egos involved and it's gonna make him actually miss you a little bit more all right so my memory it's all about the sudden you had to do a subtly when a guy thinks I that they can have you okay they'll go after you but when he finds that the heat that he cannot have you he'll spiral into a vortex of love and desire in other words by sending mixed signal one day you you you show a lot of interest in the next day you don't show a lot of interest the initial interest gives him the confidence that he has you you see so he's like yeah I'm the man now he has an expectation of I'm the man okay and he likes this hi so now when you don't give it to him his identity is at stake is that risk so now you were like all [ __ ] wait a minute I'm not the man I want this I want this validation he'll start chasing you see that's when he starts chasing and you reward the chase so that he could keep doing more of it it's positive reinforcement orchestrate conflict ki orchestrate don't be a [ __ ] you see that's the difference is it I'm create jealousy by including a third party you could be you could have a suspicious coworker make it make sure that he's gay or celebrity cars for example is a suspicious co-worker that you continually hang out whether you talk about and now you know you heat your friend your your boyfriend or the guy you talk to you you keep talking about like oh man cheese and he's so cool I went with Jason the other day but you don't mention ladies guy until he's like wait a minute [ __ ] is Jason well he's my friend is gay oh he think he's gonna say damn that was my insecurity my bad I know that you see ain't guilt guilt causes them to actually want to want to lose what he lost because he came across as insecure so he went to weaken his masculinity you seen or a celebrity crush talk about celebrity crush that looks a total opposite body looks you see talk about him all the time I love looks and I love this thing I love that right so you care like a little triangle and you the middle get a male friend to comment on your statuses again it could be a male friend it could be a gay male friend tell me upcoming on my status is just a [ __ ] woman you know and the guys can actually look at the guys from profiles you know the [ __ ] says he's gonna look you see and so because somebody has some other guys doing that to you he's gonna want to actually investigate more he's gonna feel jealousy I'm tell me this works okay um and just ask a guy gods I wouldn't do that trust me they're down to do that just make sure they're nice friends because guy friends you know bros over hos you know um tell him that you're not happy anymore be sad and let him do the work like I said earlier act as though you are not happy with the relationship I don't know ma'am I'm thinking I don't think this is working now I really like you but it's just I don't know I'm bored that hurts the guy's ego okay and then like I said earlier I'd be sad I don't know like I really like unisys I don't know what it is what is it me as a me like ask me what can I do you see what I'm saying and then just I don't know what it is I don't know and don't give him the answer let him guess let him think you see let him think that's the key okay but I was soon as he thinks in as soon as he does some effort to regain what he lost we wore them okay because if you don't reward him he's gonna try and look for that validation like loss to another woman pre-selection is another one have the presence of platonic friends that could be um you know platonic friends like have just have friends don't be a [ __ ] loser you know have a male best friend alright that's that's one thing that actually gets guys when you're when your best friend is a guy go to a dance class I mean save honey I'm going to dance class or tell the guy like I'm going to a dance class dance class means a guy holding you guys like that we join a club that could be any kind of clever Club Reading Club doesn't matter as long as you go around people and you to show picture pictures of you around people that being around people makes the guy suspicious because if you're always alone if you're always at home he took these two comfortable he knows your home it's kind of dating girls in jail I'm not gonna feel jealous you know um have a social circle of friends artificial or real in other words all my friends I just add guys add guys so like admire you so that you're your guy could say one damn look all these girls were my girl yeah she's [ __ ] mad or who the [ __ ] are those guys it doesn't matter it's not gonna hurt you you see um the other one show born ability too many tactics makes me rage suspicion so adding an element of vulnerability with this army target which is the car you talking to or your boyfriend so if you have to in taxi be doing these tactics and it's the first time you doing it you may come across as robotic OS calculated you know I can tell when a guy and when a girl's actually doing this intentionally and using the tactics on me I can tell all right because it's too obvious right you need to show sauce you need to show some vulnerability so that you don't waste especially so play the victim okay play I have have I'm sure because the thing is that when you play the victim when you say the arm when you play the victim typically turns its love that now the victim could being anything in any round right feel sad about something in your life feel like you were failure at this or that and express somehow you're a failure at this or that you feel so disappointing or that your shitty at this of that feel like you are the victim of circumstance and allow him to encourage you and once it gives you that encouragement embrace him alright or having an artificial or real warn ability that he feels that he can feel you know making make him the hero of your life okay revealed to homie secret true or false it doesn't matter revealed to him a secret about you that you feel insecure about remember doesn't have to be real alright and so what can happen isn't be like oh my god like she she's telling me this and the other one is but he will also invest more about giving you a secret of it because you know on it it's reciprocating and so that's going to give sympathy but they usually turn into love you see what I'm saying and also if you really want to turn up the volume use tears now a warning about tears if a man doesn't react to your tears it's done meet a zombie tears makes people react if you cry and he looks at you stone cold and you don't give a [ __ ] you [ __ ] up somehow okay you [ __ ] up somehow only use it when your man is suspicious about your motives okay or when you whine that he's losing interest all right so so just don't use it often so for example um was it was the last time a girl cried okay so I it was it was I only knew it was like two years again I don't have girls crying to me not that much um but uh but this good I was talking to she she was in fall in Florida and she sees me she knows what this is she was in Florida night before she was leaving and she was she cried you know and I was like oh I'm looking I was like oh my god I go oh come here and you praise him for that I mean it not kidding like it makes you it makes you like a more it really does like oh come here and they're crying but you can't use it often you see you can use it often you have to use a sparingly because it gets annoying trust me yes annoying um and the more sympathy and lust is he like if you add an element of lust or above above not just being a nice girl but also having a bad side to you you see having an element of lust and sympathy they'll make it Oh at all it is a likelihood that they'll start loving you you see because you have the physical lust and the enters in the sympathetic the emotion mixing those together gets love you know creates a good bond and and if you when you add these together this is how you make a mad machine you know and yeah it could be a little a little manipulative right but as long as you have good intentions and and your heart is in the right place you use them just don't [ __ ] with people's minds don't [ __ ] with people don't just do it just do it you know use it the right way and I could promise you they actually do this often and remember this is a thing just keep in mind space is important because the number one killer of attraction is investing too much giving too much back the [ __ ] off you gotta back off a little bit all right and once you back off a little bit once a guy feels like he could lose you once he got feels like you could get another guy he's gonna know damn I'm not [ __ ] up with this girl you know anyways is Alex from my for action 2.0 take
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 1,663,154
Rating: 4.8234935 out of 5
Keywords: signs he misses you, relationship advice for women, BREAKUPS, make a man miss you, how to tell if he misses you, love advice for women, mindful attraction, when he says he misses you, how to make someone miss you, when a man says he misses you, EX BOYFRIEND, make him miss you, how to make a guy like you, dating advice for women, when will he start to miss me, when a man misses you, dating advice, how to make a man miss you, how to make a man crave you, mindful attraction 2.0
Id: 81P8XnkVArE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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