How to Make a Man Miss You - 7 New Steps that Always Work

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In this video you will learn how to make a man miss you - seven new and updated tips that always work! Don't go anywhere because we're starting right now. Hi everyone I'm Dr. Antonio Borrello and I'm a psychologist and a relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. so if you're interested in making your love life the best part of your life start now by clicking the subscribe button and hit the bell notification so you aren't missing anything oh and stick around until the end of the video to learn how you can win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards just for leaving a comment okay on to the tips for making any man miss you do you feel like your man has become distant are you worried that he's not calling or texting as much or that he doesn't make plans to see you like he did before do you want him to think about you and miss you more well these 7 tips will certainly get his attention and make him yearn for you and miss you oh and they work best when you do them in this order number one stop talking about missing him okay this one is difficult to do but absolutely essential let me explain see when you notice that your man isn't calling or texting or making plans as much as he used to it's natural to become worried and concerned about why he's changed so you pay extra attention to what he's doing and eventually you bring it up to him so you talk to him and you tell him that you've noticed a change in him and you ask him what's wrong maybe he tells you everything is okay he's just very busy or he tells you that you're too sensitive stop worrying about it or maybe he denies it but if you're like most people you can't just forget about it instead you start paying extra attention to everything he does looking for more confirmation of the way you're feeling and without a doubt you find example after example of how things have changed and it makes you feel worse and even more insecure and despite all the conversations nothing changes actually maybe they get worse and then you continue to complain it has this opposite effect things just get more difficult between you two it's like he sees you as the one who is always complaining and nagging so step one is you must not bring this topic up again at least not yet I know it's not easy to do but if you continue to bring it up you will sabotage your chances of turning things around instead after you do these steps he's going to be the one missing you and he will bring it up so despite how you're feeling you must not let him know that you're upset or sad or worried number two stop initiating communications if you're in this situation I would imagine that you've been the one reaching out to start conversations by texting or calling him but you have to stop being the one who is always reaching out first obviously this isn't easy to do because you want to be connected and communicating but if you want a man to really miss you you must pull away so do not initiate calls or text to him notice I didn't say ignore him or stop communicating I'm saying stop being the one that's always looking for him and starting communication you're not the one who's going to be starting the day with a good morning call or text instead let him do it eventually he will recognize the difference and wonder why you've suddenly gone silent on him let him feel a little down and realize that he was happier when things were different your silence will speak volumes and he will usually initiate contact again pretty quickly oh and make him wait before you return his calls and texts I understand the urge to respond back immediately especially if you've been waiting to hear from him for a while but taking some time before responding to his contact sends the message that you are busy and not just sitting by your phone waiting for him to reach out have patience and take your time before responding doing so will certainly increase his yearning for you number three give him something to miss I know this sounds funny but when you're worried that something is wrong or that he has changed it has an impact on all of your interactions with him it impacts your conversations your attitude your energy in general he will feel your disappointment and frustration and the time that you're together will feel much heavier and certainly not fun and this is the opposite of what you want him to feel so you must figure out how to completely hide that disappointment and be that happy and confident person that he wants to be with all these tips are rooted in being the best version of yourself they're designed to help him recognize your value and to remember the person he fell in love with so you have to rock his world in a way that no one else can and leave him wanting more leave him creating more and the only person that can satisfy that craving and that need is you so you must create that dynamic that feeling that he can't get anywhere else every time he thinks of you he's going to be thinking about the fun things he's going to associate you with everything fun not once but every time light fun easygoing and confident not disappointed frustrated or insecure about where things are going number four prioritize your life and start saying no in other words don't always be available for him by always saying yes when he calls and ask you out especially if he's calling with short notice saying no to his request for plans sends him the message that you have other engagements or commitments that are taking priority at least at this time when he's asking it also forces him to recognize your independence and that you're not just sitting by the phone waiting for his call remember one of the most important things that men find attractive in women is independence he's got to know how full and complete your life is and if he becomes part of it it's because you want him to be part of it not because you need him to be part of it so make sure that you are keeping up with the life you had prior to meeting him be yourself and make yourself a priority making keep plans with your girlfriends and keep your schedule busy this goes a long way towards helping him to see you as a high-value woman with an exciting life and when you do that he is going to want to be part of that and when he isn't he's going to feel that too so when he calls last minute to make plans oops sorry I have plans this will make him prioritize and plan his time with you he will also begin to recognize that he does not get the privilege of calling you and asking you to go out when he feels the whim he has to earn back that high priority status so make other plans and he will start to remember how you used to be available for him when he prioritized a relationship oh and I'm not suggesting that you play games and hide me the phone go out with your friends and have fun again away from your man do something for you take up a new hobby or do something that you enjoy remember being unavailable some of the time is going to make you feel better while driving him a little crazy number 5 be a little bit mysterious that means you don't have to share every detail of your daily activities with him I'm not encouraging you to keep secrets or lie about anything just don't explain every little thing that you're doing unless he asks do you want him to wonder and to develop intrigue so share bits and pieces of your life slowly and make him earn your trust again when you're going up to dinner with your parents tell him you're going up to dinner you don't have to tell him who you're going out with unless he asks and when you have plans with friends and he asks you on a date last minute tell him you have plans with friends and don't break your plans for his last minute request this will force him to recognize that your time is valuable and he needs to put you first not a last minute call because he has nothing else to do number 6 have to talk when the time is right this is super important if you've done these first steps correctly your boyfriend will definitely recognize a change in will probably become concerned and might even object to these changes and that's a good thing you want him to recognize and remember that he has an amazing woman if he doesn't notice the changes that's when you should be concerned so you aren't the one who should bring up this topic when he notices your changes he's either going to step up his game and become more loving and more like he used to be or he's going to bring up what he's noticed and want to have a conversation about it and that's perfect so be clear and honest about your expectations for the relationship and while it may be tempting to adjust your wants and needs to accommodate his this is absolutely something that you cannot do if you're seeking a long-term relationship so be honest with yourself and with him number 7 be willing to walk away you must be willing to walk away from someone and something if it isn't working you can't lie to yourself or bargain with yourself that although he isn't really showing you the love and affection that you expect he will change or things will get better believe they won't and if anything they will only get worse look people change when they absolutely want to or absolutely have to that's why he must know that he's got to change or he's going to lose you that's not something you need to tell him it needs to be demonstrated in your behavior he needs to feel that you aren't willing to settle that you aren't going to tolerate behaviors or actions of his that you don't agree with so he has to be afraid that he will lose you if he doesn't step up his game and he will only experience this if he knows that you're willing and able to walk away from something that isn't right for you but still I know many of you will be worried about doing these tips you were worried that he will become upset or that he will lose interest all of them feel risky you're fearing the worst thing that could happen that he will become less interested or he will forget about you but I can promise you this if he loves you if he values you doing these things will wake him up and he will remember and appreciate what he has so as I've said in other videos the most important thing that you can do to increase the quality of your relationship is to overcome your fear of being rejected overcome your fear of the relationship ending and in order to do so you must adopt a belief that if it's meant to happen it will if you're not compatible it's not going to work out in the long run anyway and that reminds me are you a subscriber struggling with a relationship or dating question that you'd like my help with if so you can send your questions to me at antonio burello at it might take me a day or two but I do respond to all of my emails personally oh and for a chance to win that gift card just be sure that you've subscribed then like this video and leave a comment below and let us know if you agree or disagree with these tips and if you've tried them before I'm going to randomly select two numbers from 1 to 150 and the comments that correspond to those numbers will each win a $50 Amazon gift card so be sure to check back to see if you've won and if you've really given these tips a try and still feel unappreciated perhaps he's just not that into you click here to watch a video that explains the signs that the person you're dating isn't into you or click here watch a video that YouTube thinks you'll like I'll see you in that video
Channel: Antonio Borrello
Views: 4,413,120
Rating: 4.9344926 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a man miss you, make a man miss you, how to make him miss you, make him miss you, how to make a man miss you like crazy, how to make him miss you like crazy, make a guy miss you, how to make any man miss you, how to make him miss me, miss you, how to make a guy miss you, how to make him miss you badly, Relationship, how to make a man miss you badly, relationships, relationship advice, dating, dating advice, antonio borrello, how to make him obsessed with you
Id: Ttd5xik44DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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