BRIAN KNOX: Interested Men Commit Much Faster to Women Who Understand This! - REACTION

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all right ladies and gentlemen this is alex from mindful attraction this is your toxic dating coach and to all of my lecturers out there today we're going to be reviewing or reviewing our homeboy brian knox i haven't watched this video yet but i i saw like two minutes in and i was like i gotta make a video about this um we're gonna speed him up 1.5 so he's gonna speak really fast he's not on crack just let you guys know he talks very slow and i'm gonna give you guys my take now if you guys want me to review a video please let me know and the video that you guys want me to review make sure that i would that you think i would disagree with it okay only videos that you guys would think i would disagree with because that that's what makes it fun okay and brian hey what's up bro if you're watching it's all love okay it's all love um if you don't like it just let me know but it's all love i respect your clock craft um i've seen some of your books and they seem pretty got them good so i got to give you props on that but you're in the gauntlet today homie so i'm i'm going to see what you have to say whether or not i agree and i'm going to give you guys my tip and if you guys want to work with me 101 or purchase my coaching sessions or or purchase my courses or join the robert greene book club where where we review robert green's books at a very in-depth level in the form of audio so that you could put it on your phone and walk around with it or video and check out our mindful attraction academy where we post videos that we do not post here so let's begin there are topics like handling difficult emotions my real name is hit my much easier to pronounce pen name is brian knox is he is he dutch great if your guy your boyfriend your husband had some kind of battery level thing that you could turn to to see how well the relationship is going to see how high his feelings for you are also 80 that's pretty awesome that's pretty good let's just plan a date night he just needs a little charge would it be great if before a guy goes to you or before a boyfriend breaks up with you he will prepare you weeks in advance gently so you have time to accommodate sadly none of this is possible however there are signs that he's about to ghost you and there's a very interesting reason why it's possibly happening so let's find out what is going on i'm gonna give you guys my take why man goes to you but i'm gonna listen to him first this video is not about uninterested men it's not about players it's not about men that are bad for you so this time it's about the right guy it's about a guy who's interested in you and you're dating him or you have a relationship with him and all is well and then suddenly emphasis on suddenly here it isn't well all hell breaks loose phantoms and ghosts everywhere pretty scary now the first reason why a man made you gotta call ghostbusters bro is because it's a test and not necessarily because he's childish and well evil but here's what might happen he met you and he's attracted to you he didn't know your feelings so there's no sign of a relationship or anything serious in the future on the horizon so it will feel safe to him there's no pressure yet you go out on a couple of dates he's still very attracted to you and he starts to love your personality as well now that he got to know you and for the first time he starts to wonder where that relationship is going where all of this is going so the pressure rises and then comes the day where you truly fall for him well the pressure rises you see ladies it's always good to downplay everything always be the one that's pushing the relationship away i swear to god i know it's bad words but i always recommend you guys push the guys away like like i was talking to a client today and she was like what can i do because every guy that i go out with thinks i'm needy i'm like do the opposite [ __ ] them and leave don't say that it's a [ __ ] belief but as i have sex with them and throw them to the curb so that you can see what happens so that you can see with your own eyes what happens when you literally push guys away when you literally say i just wanna i just wanna friends with benefits you you will literally see a change in guys but like look hey look i'm not here to to to try to make an army of [ __ ] that's not what i'm trying to do here goddamn you know but if my eyes show me something how am i going to deny it simply because i i feel like it's not morally correct when when you have give it a try have sex with a guy for one time and never call him tell me if he comes back they always come back and when they come back you're in the position of power you get what i'm trying to say now i'm not saying to do that i'm just saying so that you can see what really works is you making them feel like you're you're you could you could replace them you're making them feel i could replace your dick so you got to show me more and i know it sounds crazy but look man this has been my experience this has been many guys that i coach ladies i coach guys they tell me they come to me for the women that they're desperate for this is what happens stuff like this happens they get obsessed whenever a woman abandons them it's the truth man it's [ __ ] up i'm not saying to become the kind of person that emotionally abandons people and i'm saying to become the person that you strategically do it to get them to come to you because some of you guys are too [ __ ] nice some of you guys are two nights so you need you and and because you guys are too nice you guys are not going to be able to control your emotions when a guy isn't showing you what you want to see open up about your feelings for him where you may say that you want to be exclusive where you say you want to stop dating other people and start an official relationship now he's no longer unsure now he knows where this is going so while the first pearls of sweat start to appear on his forehead he may think it's getting hot in here am i ready for a relationship do i want one do i want one with her why can't you be the one that says that why can't you be the one that can like that's what i'm trying to say be the one that's doubtful always be the one that says i don't know anything if he never brings up a relationship look listen boo boo boo boo love baby honey boo boo if he doesn't bring up the relationship it doesn't mean that he forgot it doesn't mean he's too busy it doesn't mean that that that that he's not ready he just doesn't like you it's that simple [ __ ] have dicks when a guy likes you he's gonna want to do everything to keep you it's that simple you're really relationship material am i ready to give up my life as a bachelor and all that freedom am i able to make her happy and many other questions like these so it's getting serious now he's going to take a step back to assess the situation to get some altitude and we can't blame him because let's be honest starting a long-term relationship is serious and he's a good guy in this example so he doesn't want to play with your heart he wants to make sure he can deliver that he can give you what you want in that relationship so you can feel loved by him but the problem now is that when the lover suddenly pulls away a lot of women and men when put in the same situation but a lot of women will now freak out they start to show their most needy and weakest side at the worst moment in time it's not that they show their weak aside is that you they you become more of yourself when somebody abandons you you begin to see emotions that are controllable emotions that are suppressed almost like a volcano erupting these emotions are part of who you are and all of the things that you do in your life your routines the people who you hang out with the goals you choose to to to us to set are things that you do to suppress that emotional side of your character it is your natural irrational side that's what it is and when you see it don't run away from it learn from it ask yourself how is this side different than from my normal socially conditioned side and you learn a lot from yourself by just doing that in that relationship test field of course so that was reason number one and here's another one of the often overlooked reasons why a good man can go sleep sometimes the guy can be really into you but then something you did freaks him out here's why has it ever happened to you that after many years of not hearing it you hear a song that you really liked let's say five summers ago while you were having the best summer of your life and just hearing those beats makes you feel sunny yeah it does mines is it wasn't me mine says um miss new booty what else um titanic ransom by lil teca what's another summer song sorry by justin bieber for the love review by eisley brothers halloween by jason yeah that's a good one happy optimistic content again just like you did during that awesome summer five years ago that's pavlovian conditioning all the good and happy and positive feelings that you felt five summers ago are linked up to that sound in your memory that's awesome that's an awesome system until it isn't because sadly this also works the other way around of course so let's say that your guy or your boyfriend has been with another woman before you let's feel that he has been and that that woman made him feel miserable for some reason but now you do something that reminds him of her this time five dark and cold winters ago so one of those bad feelings pop up no no what's funny is that when you do the [ __ ] that he that another woman did that hurt him what's funny is that it kind of makes him more addicted to it and look look look i'm not here to be toxic i swear to god because i know i look i know i look very toxic but i'm just explaining what creates attachments is it healthy or not i'm not i'm not differentiating you if you ask me how do i get a guy to fall in love you're not asking me how do i do it while holding the [ __ ] while holding the bible in my hand that's not what i'm saying what i'm saying is that when you do the [ __ ] that his ex did that hurt him it'll make him love you more because it's a weak spot it'll make him emotional more emotional and if you do that and then you pull away it'll make them chase i have a video about that that says pain create attraction something like that go check it out all of the warning lights all the alarm bells will go off automatically even when you are nothing like her now before you think immature men this has nothing to do with immaturity of course this can happen to anyone there are psychological reasons behind this system if a scorpion for example painfully bit you one day stung you and you were in pain for a week then your brain is supposed to remember that scorpions can be dangerous your brain needs to keep you away from everything that even remotely looks like a scorpion so let's say that his ex was really needy and jealous or she always that she always yelled at him okay i think i see what he's saying now she suffocated him she needed reassurance all the time or worse she cheated and she left him for the type of guy he truly hates or let's suppose that one day he walked into the bedroom only to find his girlfriend in bed with noises from another man coming man she walks same he sees tyrone with his girl she that's scarring the sheets so she says hey hey this is not what it seems okay but he still runs out of the bedroom he feels very upset he's shaking he takes his phone and he wants to call his best friend to seek some emotional support so he dies the number of his best friend and then a mobile phone starts ringing in his bedroom it happened to him it happened to him did that happen to you brian get the [ __ ] out of here bruh that is too specific brian look at his face goddammit brian brian did that happen to you ryan come on bro that is crazy that is unreal that is crazy about having a really bad day okay that will probably not have happened to your boyfriend i hope but in other words just like all of us he has scars from past failed relationships and now you do or say something that makes you look like his ex you acted like her just a tiny little bit is enough if that happens then the dominoes will start to fall rapidly whether he's right or wrong doesn't matter if it looks like a scorpion that his mind it is a scorpion it can sting like one so his mind will go oh no no no don't want this again no walk away it's also up to him to deal with these issues of course so he's saying that if you remind him of his ex he's going to walk away from you well some no i think i think that if you like somebody even though they remind you of your ex you still like them in fact let me give you guys my take why i think some guy is ghosty one they're not over their ex they were seeing you especially they were seeing you because they were trying to get away from their pain that their exes caused and then their ex comes back and they leave you two you met them online a lot of guys online are not are getting over ex or just want to have sex they disrespect you more three you're not their type you're just not their type right now he's talking about guys who you're talking to i think the number one reason why guys just ghost you when you're in a relationship like i said it's the x it's the x you know the x that he's not over it's that simple she came back and you had nothing to you couldn't control that because you cannot control the woman who hurt a guy you cannot control those emotions it's it's it's something that he cannot get over until that x comes back to him but let's see what he has to say we can't and you shouldn't fix this he should fix this but this initial reaction that he will have will be to take a step back to slow things down because he's reminded of that past failed relationship he's reminded of that pain that that bad feeling and he does not want to repeat it now the good news is that you will sense it this is the moment where he will preach those two so suddenly his behavior will be off we'll be different he will have a special look on his face you know when a baby needs a diaper change and you can tell just by the look on the baby's face well that's the base it's the same look so for example when you talk about the future and you say we should go away for a weekend and they hold him what would have said yeah i really look forward to let's find that but now he gets the baby diaper face look and then he says yeah about that that's the baby diaper look [ __ ] come on that's it and then he comes up with some kind of lame excuse something like yeah i really can't leave my goldfish alone for more than a day because he gets lonely then yeah but it cannot be that because you remind him of his ex most of the time he just doesn't like you that's what i'm trying to say it's either he stopped liking you and you had nothing to do with it because that happens or he's not over his ex and when he's looking at you he's looking at his ex and god forbid if you look like her he'll guess he'll get like freaked out from time to time he's like oh [ __ ] he had a flashback yeah he'll have a flashback to that ass he's like oh [ __ ] that's not my girl this is another girl look ladies you gotta be careful with guys you meet online who are now over the x and in general and the reason why i recommend you meet people in person rather than online is because in person you could ask you might know his friends in person they might be part of your social circle and so you might know their history online you don't know what guys is to read you don't know that [ __ ] [ __ ] who hurt his feelings hopefully something bad happened to her you know what i'm saying and or he's not responding as fast as he used to to your messages he no longer uses your pet name and so on so things like these those are big signs that he's about to ghost you so the bottom line is this he now needs and he's creating space look for those signs because something has now happened that made him and if you see a guy creating space for no reason like i always say give him more space than necessary double that [ __ ] space you don't want to see me [ __ ] then you're not going to see me the next week oh oh oh oh you don't know okay now i don't know if i'm gonna see you this month now i'm busy now i got a new project and guess who's working with me yeah that's right tyrone the trainer yeah yeah i'm calling him in ladies when a guy is acting like this you just do the same [ __ ] to him is that simple and [ __ ] something's poop and he's about to ghost you and that can be a good thing if he's a bad man for you but in this video we are supposing that he's a great guy we're supposing that you are actually compatible with this guy so what can you do then do not under any circumstance spook him even more here's what i mean some women will now free out themselves they will act very needy they will say things like do you still love me where's this going is anything wrong yeah i agree with him because i can sense that something is wrong i i'm not really needy but do you still like me do you still want to have a relationship with me do you still want to be with me they want answers they sense the change and it spooks them too of course because ghosts are spooky and these reactions are logical they are normal because we are all a human being but if you act like this chances are you will now confirm that he should indeed run away yeah exactly it don't make him feel like i'm like ah this [ __ ] is crazy this thing was right that you are a scorpion should you ignore it then no that you are crazy what the [ __ ] you mean scorpion not at all you should not ignore it you should ignore him because he now becomes less important any man that for any reason under the sun is unsure of wanting a long-term relationship with you is not important romantically speaking so even though it will hurt you try to remain cool calm and collected about it and you for example say look you've changed put the knife down and then say this you used to and then some of the things he used to do that you really love and you're stopped and that's totally fine because you should just be yourself i think you see you see i have a little dichotomy i don't know if it's because of my toxicity but i would prefer if you don't say why you don't feel good directly and better off act in a way that will make them ask what's going on you get what i'm saying like don't don't say i need to talk no act in a way that he'll say hey baby what the [ __ ] man like you you you bring that code and then tell him don't just tell him outright because it's still the same [ __ ] create the need for him to ask what's going on and then tell them that you get what i'm trying to say i'm always trying to put you in a position of power that's all i know i know i know i'm a little petty but we're petty here but the lexians are petty you guys think we're not petty we're the pettiest fan base on the [ __ ] planet we're petty as hell the penny the lexus petty alex my you know all right let's keep going but this makes me like u.s of course this is really powerful because a lot of the other women that ever made him feel bad that never made him feel this way they probably liked him more when he became unsure when he pulled away some of them will even have suffocated him but not you you are different and if he's the right guy for you then he will know that even though i will want you not to say nothing and just pull away don't explain to him why it torches people more it torches people more because he knows what he did you don't need to explain to him just pull away get busy i'm busy now i got my per i got a training session with tyrone is that simple looked like a scorpion and then he freaked out for just a second there it wasn't the scorpion you are different you're different than the women from his boss relationships that gave him those bad feelings and that becomes clear now if it was the first reason if he was evaluating whether he really wanted to give his heart to you whether he was capable of being a good boyfriend well you will still win because you gave him time but you were still moving on because he became less important to you you were not waiting for him now this is very powerful too because you proved that you don't need him that you want him but you don't need him this is a concept that i often refer to the level of importance should always matter i call it [Music] high intention low attachment you know you have the intention to be with him but you're not too attached but let's be honest it's easier said than done and i think that the one thing that helps you do this is not it's not that you don't care it's that you [ __ ] up in the past and you know the consequences are [ __ ] up so now you don't want to [ __ ] up again that's what will fix your behavior not the fact that at all i learned my lesson oh no no no no no it's not all oh i don't need him no more no what keeps you from making those mistakes is having failure in your mind and saying to yourself the last time i did this [ __ ] i [ __ ] lost so i better treat you now he can be as important to you as you are to him and vice versa if he treats you well he becomes important if he goes to you well then he's not important regardless of what your feelings will want you i'm gonna disagree i'm just gonna say that it's gonna be hard but you gotta keep the long term because it's easier said than done to say that oh it's not important when you [ __ ] love the guy it takes discipline and it takes discipline you know it takes you to sort of like rip it out of your heart even though it hurts why not because you have you don't love them but because you're thinking strategically and when you think strategically you can't think emotionally due to believe we have to be rational about these things that's in my opinion the best way to automatically move on from a bad relationship and to give a good relationship the room and the space and the fertilizer it will need to grow so there you go i think this was a very important topic i hope you found it a valuable video yeah i get it so you're saying why guys goes to i think guys ghosty because of their ex because they lost interest usually guys don't ghost you because you nag them i'll be honest with you i don't think so i i just don't think so i maybe i missed this point but i think guys will ghost you the earlier the relationship is the more often it is to go and then god let me tell you something boo boo if a guy ghostesses you he does it to everybody it's not just you don't feel bad okay it's a habit it's it's like it's just a habit always remember this people never do things just once i'll just always remember that this is not the first time you see somebody behave this way this is not the first time in their lives they picked a fight at the [ __ ] bar you get what i'm saying all right anyways ladies i hope you guys enjoyed this check out our book club our seminars that we having in miami and la and i'll see you guys next week and let me know who you guys want me to review next please pick the angel dating coaches i find them more entertaining peace out my toxics no peace out and stay toxic there you go all right ladies so i know you guys have checked out many different courses many different books on how to create and maintain a long lasting relationships but not many of them have the structure that we're going to be having in this course which is natural chemistry this course you guys have been waiting for for a few months and i've been having a an extremely great time coming out with this course because this course is so unique that i was tempted to call it the greatest course of all time for women to be honest with you but you know i have to stay humble all right this course is a five-week course ladies and gentlemen a five-week course with a bunch of bonuses on how to maintain how to keep the guys create chemistry and have long-lasting relationships that are healthy and that make you thrive all right we're gonna be talking about the week one we're gonna be talking about strategies for creating and maintaining a deep connection right i'm gonna be going over all of the strategies to do that after week two we're gonna be talking about male nature understand help you understand a different kind of guys after that we're gonna be talking about how to control your emotions when you're in love after that we're gonna be talking about how to set boundaries each week you get a new video so that you're able to digest it in a in a slow way after that we're gonna be talking about how to embrace your masculine and your feminine right on top of that we're gonna have a bunch of bonuses bonuses such as how the breakup formula connecting and communicating with your man establishing a life of abundance social mastery understanding your dark side maintaining your self-esteem the goal-setting seminar um practical mastery how to master anything which is what i use to learn how to draw the laws of human nature we're going to be talking about the three chapters the law of irrationality the law of narcissism and learning how to see through people's mask we're going to have the transformational seminar in a pocket for those who purchase the for those who are the first 30 purchasers we're going to be talking about the chase no we're going to be giving you guys the free audiobook which is the chase right all of this people you get with a 30 day money back guarantee that's right a 30-day money-back guarantee so if you don't like it you could just return it and the price of all of this starts at 197. we have a whole bunch of different packages but the beginning price is 197 ladies and gentlemen right so i know you guys will like this because this course originally was gonna cost over two thousand dollars actually one thousand eight hundred but i decided to not put in some content but it was originally priced at one thousand two um one thousand eight hundred dollars but i'm gonna be giving you guys starting at 197 ladies and gentlemen with a 30-day money-back guarantee that means if you don't like it or if you guys just want to try it out because we all have the freeloaders out there i don't mind go ahead and give it a try freeloaders because you guys will also get free previews of the video so if for all the free loaders out there you guys can check it out and i do not mind please check it out because even the free videos are useful because at the end of the day this is to help you guys this is to help you guys create natural chemistry this is to help you guys create that love and bond that you guys always wanted with your man that means if you're in a relationship you will learn how to deepen that relationship if you're not in a relationship you will learn how to not [ __ ] it up all right so i'll see you guys inside because i can promise you this is the best course i've made and i've made plenty of different courses for men and women this is the best course i made it is comprehensive it has over 10 hours of content ladies and gentlemen so i'll see you guys inside and i hope to see you guys there don't forget there's a 30-day money-back guarantee no questions asked so if you don't like it you could just return it all right okay see you guys inside bye-bye
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 24,611
Rating: 4.9437609 out of 5
Id: nhggOtn4mh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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