He Dumped You? This Reaction Will Have Him CRAWLING BACK

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[Music] alright ladies and gentlemen this is Alice for my for attraction um so this so if a guy dumps you this is this is how this is what you gotta do but God dumps you alright this is the reaction you gotta give them right and I'm gonna show you guys hots what I'm gonna give you guys an explanation of what to do when a guy dumps you and how to get and how to have him crawling back okay now look ladies and gentlemen arm I'm having a arm I do live cause on Instagram few times one so once or twice a week I'm starting to do it now so if anybody anyone if you guys want to call in and video chat with me live on Instagram you guys can do that just follow me on instagram the only thing is that you can't be one of those freeloading Instagram followers who who like my comments but never follow me all right you gotta follow me okay in order to do that all right so go go to the Instagram down below alright hello when I got dumps you first of all if he dumps you it meant that you maybe were trying too much interest in mental because most of the time is the guy that is the woman that dumps a guy so if a guy dumps you is because you were pursuing him too much you were annoying him alright or you didn't get the sign that this was just a [ __ ] buddy kind of thing right so you gotta learn to read people that's the first thing first things first a guide um she because he's just not interested in you or another woman or you were too needy alright the thing is is that when a guy dumps you he leaves you no choice learn a lot because it's an act of disrespect in my book breaking up with me is an act of disrespect in my book alright so so the what I'm trying to get to you is that one there's no guarantee that he'll that he'll be back what I'm about to tell you there's no guarantee that he's gonna be back alright sometimes guy fine guys finding new girls right so I can't guarantee to you that he'll be back and the only way for this to work if he comes back you can't come back he has to come back right the second thing is that just because he came back don't mean he's fully back right because you're gonna have to you're gonna have to make them pay you're gonna have to have make it to you if he broke up with you he's gonna have to make it up he can't just come back and not pay the price he's got to make something up all right and the third thing is when I got breaks up with you or put you in a position where you can't come back to him like it's almost like it limits you you can't come back to him unless he begins to start it there's no other way around it so if you never hear from them and don't even try to pull that I was randomly in your area kind of [ __ ] we know that shade if you're not just around the neighborhood all right so if if he wasn't saying if he never comes back if he never tells you first you're never gonna text him and also you need he has to text you not just to say hi so that you could ask him out it's for him to ask you out directly you're not gonna say how are you if he does message you you're only gonna respond to him with a statement I'm good I hope you day goes well I'm good getting work done I'll help you get work done today I'm good I'm about to go get some pizza I hope your day goes well no questions I'm good how you are going to respond with statements and ended there unless he asks you let's hang out I'm sorry what happened right and then you can respond with I don't know about that I don't like the way things ended how you willing to make it up to me that is your reaction to him coming back but how do what do you do what he breaks up with you you don't do nothing look train yourself to have it to have a a a a then look in your face like like like that just train yourself to have this okay cool all right cool it's not easy right but you want to train and imagine being broken up but the person who you with so that so that when it's time for you to get broken up and dumped and thrown down the curb you all have already reacted it don't give them an emotional reaction don't ask why don't ask any of that [ __ ] when somebody breaks up with you just take it for what it is and let them keep moving it's just how it is you gotta let them keep moving people who break up with you you gotta let them keep moving don't crawl back to them don't ask why don't ask why you're giving them too much power don't ask how come no no no it's over he decided to leave you let him walk away it is that simple it is that simple you see because then we thought he thought that you were gonna start panicking he thought that you were gonna cry but but when you say okay hey girl I'm sorry this is hard to say man boy you know like oh man this is so hard it's you a great person but I just think we gotta we gotta get done he's waiting you know okay cool all right have a nice day bye he's like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I think was bombed right so just even though it hurts keep it to yourself don't find out why don't find out why there's no reason he'll never tell you the truth just follow what I say most likely you over pursued learn your lesson from next time that's the price that you pay that's the price that you pay to learn are you gonna learn your lesson or are you gonna get stubborn and start over pursuing the guy as a way to overcompensate because it's got just dumpty you gotta you gotta take you gotta learn how to take a loss ladies and gentlemen so the way to do this is just not react don't ask why you will never get a real answer why it's someone what somebody dumped you you don't know they're right all right got ladies so yeah my god dumps you man trustee not like not honestly I know it's hard but you gotta rehearse you in your head act like nothing say okay suck it up okay and don't ask what you your never can I get the answer people you never and even if you get the answer you may not like it you may not like ladies and gentlemen if I told women wild broke up with them I I mean there's just something you just don't say all right I asked that question once and it was not a response that I liked all right so don't even ask why ladies and gentleman don't even ask watches focus on improving yourself you see what I'm saying all right ladies is thatis from my projection I have a seminar in New York City on tour 26 Gordon link below to get information 26 and 27 two days all right we're gonna be talking about discovering your life's task all right the second one is is either a social mastery or dating advice I know it's out in the open that's why I it's affordable because the subject is out on the open I still haven't fully conceptualized the concepts but I have to make that seminar this way if you guys want to come once I find out exactly the outline and everything i'ma raise the price but for now it's $10 to go and to purse M&R and it's three hours each from 10 from 11 not 10:30 - OH - come I'll see you guys there peace out [ __ ] oh I forgot one thing if he does dump you always go to go to the gym always being proven on yourself if a guy dumps you right use as motivation to improve on yourself use it as motivation to get your looks right you see what I'm saying I'm nobody amazed to be posting those update photos on Instagram I'm like I know why you put him at four right I could tell I could tell there wasn't dude before in your timeline now all of a sudden he disappeared like he died in some shade right so oh so if I got let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen every guy's secret wishes that his ex-girlfriend gets fat that's right that's every guys wish that his ex-girlfriend gets faster than they could get over them don't give him that satisfaction keep yourself in shape or get in shape nothing's worse than then dumping a girl who all of a sudden got hot - is [ __ ] annoying even in your 50s and 60s just get yourself in shape get yourself in good shape - stuff like that I could promise you the guys around the guys in your age range there will like you they will like you big dick evolves you know bigs evolved dicks dicks in their fifties they they start liking everything around that age it's how bigs are the flexible like that you know they're a they're flexible [ __ ] you know all right ladies this is a pizza all right ladies so this is the course that all of you guys have been asking me for and it's a psychological game of attraction this is pretty much the course that will make any man beg to wanna commit with you this is the course that I wear - I'll be honest any vows a woman this is the kind of course that I want because it it's it's a course that's specifically geared to help you understand how guys fall in love and how to do it in a systematic way that's almost predictable right so let me show you guys how this course is set up by the way there's a 30-day money-back guarantee on this course so if you guys don't like it you guys will get money back look let me show you how it's done right so it split up in a few section the first section is the introduction obviously what to expect from it after that is on giving you an understanding of the psychology the the psychology of attraction right because you need to understand that dating is a game you need to think strategically that there are certain laws of human nature that you cannot break that and just a few things of why people love each other you know it's very important to have a realistic expectation after that we go into the pre we go into the three phases of every relationship they and they all go in these three phases and these phases could overlap each other at times right the first phase is the pre honeymoon period it is when you first know the person or it is when you're becoming acquaintances with the guy or it is when you guys broke up our and our back together or it is when you guys have had a long period of you guys not knowing each other and now you guys want to rekindle things this works in any point of the relationship that you need to spark interest and curiosity so these videos are specific for that specific to create curiosity how to get to know the guide the right way usually along variables how to create a powerful reputation it's it's truly powerful stuff after that is a honeymoon period this honeymoon period is what is how to get from curiosity to interest to creating a deep connection so all these videos are specifically geared to that not the 30 no no no these specific videos are there for this phase and this phase is anything you guys are having a good happy happy moment you guys just got back together and now you get you feel that peak you feel that that happiness and you guys felt that's what this is right so these videos are there for that creating a lonely fantasy the pre-emptive break or the triangle of love using words to control this man is powerful stuff after that is the post honeymoon period and again it's a short list of videos because these videos are there to solidify the connection that you already created so if you're if you just had an incredible moment or you just came out of a vacation with a guy and everything went well you better use this phase because if you don't do this he's gonna become disenchanted it's just how it is these are very specific videos and and if you in and all you gotta do just say are where am I I tell you where you guys are and you just watch the video it's pretty much like being coached by me you got some bonus videos stop being nice dealing with the inevitable how to deal with breakup how to deal with getting over a dude this is the heart of how to overcome an Appalachian identifying manipulation the term manipulation defend yourself against manipulation what to do will be already in a manipulative relationship and how to avoid them through detachment it's pretty much a the extremely succinct and laser-focused course not one waste of motion that's why I love it and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee if you guys don't like if you guys don't like it no questions asked people all right and if you guys want to support this channel this is how you support it and I hope you guys enjoy this alright see you guys inside
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 136,744
Rating: 4.9332232 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a guy miss you, how to make him chase you, how to make him obsessed with you, make him fall in love with you, how to make him crazy for you, how to make a guy crazy about you, how to make a man fall in love with you, how to make your boyfriend want you more, mindful attraction, how to make him fall in love with you, make him chase you, How To Make A Man Chase You, how to make a man miss you’, how to make a guy chase you, mindful attraction 2.0, how to seduce men
Id: pOAUlElpBqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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