Make Him Fear Losing You - The Secret to Make Him Fall In Love

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all right let's begin this all right make sure the light is on so I want to talk about the fact that when it comes to guys the most important thing actually in anybody's life right is make people fear losing me that is absolutely the most important thing that you have to instill in people not make him feel like he like you love them not make him fear losing you is the number one thing you have to do you have to do because it's indicative of your value you can have one dollar in a wallet and you're not gonna feel losing our wallet but if you have $100,000 in your wallet you're gonna feel loose in our wallet and why is that because you value your wallet there's value in that wallet right so I'm gonna show you how to make sure you make the guy lose feel those you the first step position it's your mentality that's our step you have to not feel you lose you know that's a first step let me because if you don't have if you don't feel losing home that will automatically raise your value the problem is is that sometimes you you might be or you might already be in in the relationship well you not what you really go for you lose your home and so the next step is learning how to be dependable independent being self self-sufficient in other words understanding that you could deal with the pain of not being with them and that comes to you I'm finding challenges and get into challenges that comes to you dealing with life's problems directly and not running away from them you develop that muscle so that what I said that one the thought of losing outcomes you're able to deal with it so that means having to go social circle friends who support you that means you have any purpose in life does that gives you happiness intrinsically when you have that when you have that in place it allows you to deal with the blows of losing a god that's a first step the second thing is is right it's all about having a hint of coldness to your personality all right me I wrote something down right here right your presence must have a hint of coldness right so when I mean a hint of coldness have you ever hung around somebody that you feel like they can live without you that's what I'm talking about you see I always telling you guys to be hot and cold right I will tell you guys to it to withdraw like withdrawing from a guy like from time to time you take a day to yourself you know or even and he breaking up with someone depending on the case but the first kind of withdraw you have to have is something subtle and that's giving people the feeling that you can live it without them and the way you do that is actually it's it's it it could be very for example the way that was done to me for example I'm I met this girl and I really liked her and I remember I thought she had told she liked me and I was a yo by the way you can't stay over tonight she was okay like okay cool like she it was like okay like quick like all right [ __ ] this chick is this chick happy at the fact that she can't see me you know that kind of thing right and so how do you do that the way you do that is you control it where you text somebody you see that a big part of it is how you is is the easy impression that you give off so controlling the when you text someone for example I talked a lot about this in my course the psychological game of attraction you guys want to purchase it code on link below so usually for example I always talk about the rule if you follow this rule if you by following this rule it will allow you to not make mistakes whenever you get emotional you know it becomes almost like a framework for whenever you feel blinded by emotions you could just follow the these texting habits and you will automatically make the correct decisions every follow this whenever you feel emotional first first things first you don't double text you see what I'm saying sometimes you get very emotional and you justify it double texting without knowing you're communicating weakness you communicate it again that you cannot live without them that's the first step never double texting no matter what right the second thing is is always taking three to five hours to respond to the first text of the day important the fourth thing taking after the after you three or five hours to respond you go back and forth three times taking 15 to 20 minutes to respond and then after the third time you go back to three or five hours what are you showing him in this style of text is that you have in life you're busy you're busy don't ever tell a dude that you don't that you don't have things to do always have hobbies you see what I'm saying or actually have [ __ ] hobbies for once right so that's the first thing the second thing is him/her valuing your time right you you got a if you don't he he can actually say hey let's hang out today mm-hmm in the beginning in the beginning he has to he is not that you can explicitly say - you gotta let me know two days ahead but at any time he says let's hang out tomorrow you always say no to that why because you want to tell hey look man I'm busy - I really have plans tomorrow about three days from now always nervous never hang out tomorrow or today in the moment in the first month or two you know come on like in the first month or two what we're doing is increasing our value here see what I'm saying right and the next thing is when you're talking to him and initially and getting to know home tell him that hey it's okay I know you've seen other people it's okay to see other people because we're getting to know each other like find a way to say look I understand you seeing other people and that's okay because we're getting to know each other find a way to say that because by saying hey I know that you're seeing other people in his mind it makes me feel like you're also saying that you also seen them people and you might say do you know like I don't want to seem like a [ __ ] no it's not you're single like he has no he has no place in the world to say what you can or cannot do right and this is the beginning of the relationship so there's no jealousy and if there is jealousy you just think you self a favor now you know this done you know you should get out of this see what I'm saying all right after three days no case nothing or he doesn't like you go um oh he's shy all right um what else um so the text here right that was also nothing that's important well a big part though a big part is him not giving you how can I say this I'm trying to think of what causes me what do women do that makes me notice that she really wants to lose me look what a big part is that how can I say it sometimes you gotta go colder home from time to time like the way I'm talking to you like once a month at least once or twice a month you take half a day to respond to home or even you take a whole day to respond to home see what I'm saying because you want to create that fear right you want to create that fear and then from in them of every few times every few times you respond instantaneously every few times you respond instantaneously seem I'm playing you value and another thing like I always tell you yes no lol sin no haha that's a big one and no emojis only use emojis from time on rare occasions from Tommy Tom I wasn't nothing that I and I gotta keep in my brain it's jealousy bad in the beginning because he doesn't have any right to be there for you look man at the end of the day ma'am it's more about you being willing to let him go having your hand on the sword internally like it's almost like you're in your head you're just asking you're just begging for him to [ __ ] up like you guys we just [ __ ] up like I want you to you want to be willing to end it that willingness to end it is what does that another thing is seeing is seeing other people unfortunately seeing other people so that you could have so that you could not so that you could properly assess home through contrasting and comparing them to different guys it allows you to have a better picture of who he is as a person see what I'm saying what if he's what if we what if we're married but he's become complacent look ma'am I mean when it comes to when it comes to that I mean I guess that's that's that's the thing is if it depends we have kids it depends if you depended on him and stuff like that if you were complacent it just mean if he's complacent it just means that you're also completed it means you're not willing to lose them see at the end of the day you have to be willing to lose people that's how it is at the end of it it doesn't matter how deep you are into it there has to you you have to have a point of where you can open you can say you know what I'm happy with this you know but we have ten years invest I'm sorry I don't want me to I mean I don't know like he does not mean any effort so what you got to do hey thank you Nessa Nessa for the file donation if you're not making any effort you gotta back off like it's important who creates to create to know how to do absence and presence from time to time right because too much of your presence turns people off right and too little of it makes people want to see you more essentially right so you gotta know how to sort of balance that out see what I'm saying and and and if you're in a big part of specially when you marry someone is that you guys it's together all day you gotta be busy man be busy hey start hanging out with your friends tell your friends I say hey I'm going out with my girlfriend soon like it started going out to a bar they start dressing nice to go out to a bar I mean you're bored aren't you so just say hey honey I'm going on to now with my friends if you have friends and if you don't have friends and start looking for some Guardian friends right go to a digital class go to a martial arts class surround yourself around other dudes and then he's gonna be like I what the [ __ ] you're going to Jitsu class I know how to Jitsu is the [ __ ] I'm gonna go today too right so by introducing competition it makes a guy wake up see what I'm saying you gotta introduce competition and and big party anything is that when you when you have a social circle and the guy automatically feels threatened because you're always interacting with other people every day right but when you're you don't have any friends when you're in when you don't do nothing social and you're not running about other dudes from time to time I mean he's gonna feel like he doesn't need to train is gonna rest on his laurels you know and you can't have that all right people I'm gonna go right now this is Alex if you guys are interested in this kind of topic I have in my course if you guys want to support me you can purchase my course or purchase some of my products on my website on the link below oh you know some people ask me where they could donate just buy something you know by the audiobook I have I also have a free ebook a free chapter of my book on the link below so I have a free book for you guys it's an audiobook I'm gonna below you see him it's the chapter of the hardened code and it talks about this love so go check it out and what that also it we also have it a weekly a five-day online course and five they email course also on the link below alright it's a free gift mmm you guys be safe and peace up
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 136,369
Rating: 4.9396396 out of 5
Keywords: make him fear losing you, how to make him afraid to lose you, how to make him fear losing you, make him yours, Mark Rosenfeld, how to make a guy chase you, make you boyfriend afraid to lose you, How to make a guy always chase, how to make him worry about losing you, dating advice, relationship coaching, relationship advice, how to make a guy like you, how to make a guy fall in love with you, how to make a guy want you, how to make a guy jealous, how to make a guy fall for you
Id: 5i2HVs_1lYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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