How to Make ANY Man Obsessively Think of You - 17 Dark Tactics To Make Him Love You

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what's up ladies is Alex from life attraction 2.0 and today we're going I'm going to be teaching you guys 17 techniques that you guys can use to make any man fall in love with you you guys are like what the [ __ ] if you guys saw my previous video you know what I'm talking about but anyways these techniques are things that I don't really like to teach much but I feel like it would benefit those who want to use these techniques these techniques are annoying when they are used against you and I could promise you these techniques were used on me and they they definitely worked and I'm a guy who doesn't like you know being committed to relationships online the guy who likes relationships you know that's just because I'm I'm so such a happy guy alone you know so they were used on me you should only they were used on me and they worked alright and so I'm giving you guys these techniques and I'm hopefully you guys can use it the right way and you guys don't break a couple of people's heart alright so let's get started so the first thing you got to do is pick the right guy make sure you've picked the right guy make sure you pick a guy who either and again it's gonna sound dark it is gonna sound dark okay because these techniques are things that you use when the opportunity arises itself these are forms of manipulation form ways to [ __ ] with people's emotions alright you manipulating people in a way but at the same time manipulation is not a bad thing because when it comes to us like sex you're also manipulating the way a person feels through through the way you stimulate them you see so we all manipulate others in other ways but this is just an advanced level of manipulation that's use and mind you also we all use these techniques but which is not aware of them and because we are aware them we can't replicate them to produce higher and more effective and efficient results alright so the first thing you have to realize is that you have to pick the right guy did you have to pick the right target you have to pick a guy who is who is willing right now who is open to loving someone make sure to pick the right guy because you have to pick a guy who is isolated who does have a lot of friends again look it sounds dark but this is the best one of the best ways to do it you make sure that it doesn't have a lot of friends make sure that he has some insecurities I make sure that he needs emotional fulfillment from either his past right always crowing or his current conditioning but there has to be a need okay because if there's no need you can a step in there and create it most of the way most of the love that people experience not really love is more of unhappiness manifesting itself through desire of other people all right that's why when people are depressed they one of the one of they want to fall in love because in reality becomes a drug all right so you have to find people who are vulnerable who are where who are open who are seeking something to fulfill them a lot of times you get them work the ones that are coming out a rebound for relationships and also you have to make sure he lives close to you okay you have to make sure this proximity because because studies show that people who get married or people who lived close to each other okay so that's the first thing the second thing the second thing you could the second technique and you guys can use is sending mixed signals all right hot code push pour in other words one second you show interest and the next second you don't so interest one second you you you text him with a whole bunch of lol then whole bunch of email cons emoticons and the next second you send them a one-word response sending him mixed signals will make him think think about you who make them hear you make him think about whether or not you're actually attractive and what happens is that because of that your mesmerizing him you make him think of you okay and that is what causes attraction the investment in a Nerada neurological energy on you causes people to become attached to you alright so sending mixed signals hatin when girls did that to me but I could promise you that when you send mixed signals the reaction is gonna be very good okay um the second one is half pre-selection have a little triangle hint that there's other guys who are interested in you hint that you have went to hang out with another guy hint that you want to hang out with a one of your just make sure that he knows that you are wanted by other men because I could promise you that I would I was with a girl like how long I lay a couple of months ago and in I liked her she was very cool but as soon as I saw that she had she was seen she was talking to another guy as well which I don't mind most of your time but as soon as I saw that I could promise you that I actually felt a little jealous like the [ __ ] is this guy like what does he have that I don't have and I started looking like 12 foul and worse fur stuff in my job decent comforting person right so I worked on me okay so showing pre-selection having a little try and go talking about another guy in front of them friendly you make sure you don't talk about nothing sexual you know like a soccer stick now you don't do that but just talk about casually you know it's gonna make him think guys are very territorial okay and again it may not seem like it's gonna work but as if you see make signals and talk about another guy it's gonna stir up that jealousy and jealousy causes people to want you okay because you don't you not you not tell us or something that you don't want think about that the fourth one is create tension in this content make sure that he feels some form of unhappiness with his life right make sure that he feels a desire to leave and desire to change his life make sure that you create some form of of conflict in his life because when you create that you become their source of happiness that sort of comfort okay so again that's why it's good to find the right target if his life is [ __ ] up if his family life is going to work you are the perfect person to be around them so if there's no discontented if everything's happy and fine created you know created talk about his goals talk about what he hasn't achieved talk about the things that he there that he hasn't done in his life and make sure to create that emptiness in his heart so that you can come in and fill it and fill it up for him through encouraging him and give him and empowering him so okay so the fifth one is engaged in his deep narcissism what I mean by that is enjoy actives all you enjoy the things and he likes you see me if he likes playing basketball go play basketball if he likes to meditate go meditate with him if you like to read books go read books at home I think I'm talking about myself but the point is is that do the things that he loves make his ego feel happy engage his narcissism you know praise him talk about him because when you do that not a lot of guys not a lot of guys are praised not a lot of guys now that a girl show interesting and things that guys do you know so when they find and God is actually interested but off if you actually interested is better but when I find a girl who is actually doing the things that he loves that's gonna create some form of Attraction that's gonna create some form of bound all right so engaging him and his deep-rooted notice and in the sixth one is find out his fantasy his weakness and hint at the fact that you can make it happen okay find out what his fantasies are find out what he's always wanted to do find out all of the crazy things he wanted to work at all he has done and hint at the fact that you can make those fantasies real suddenly you become an object of the object of his fantasies the object of stream and there's nothing wrong with becoming an object because we all are objects we're all our objects of self-esteem to each other my dog is an object of happiness for me I am an object of of light low for her because I feed her so there's nothing wrong between say you're an object because we are objects which is our egos nothing like realizing the fact that we are an object to each other okay so look at I'm a little object of resting and stretching from a dog alright so use you in this the seventh one is use your words and come for his insecurity so notice what he's insecure by the insecure by his body you use your words to make it feel good alright you use language to use it for your advantage alright encourage on and power home make him feel good about himself when I even whenever you become a source of self-esteem for someone they will want to be around you whenever you become a source of happiness that won't want to be around you and nothing's more debilitating than a man's self-esteem especially I mean anything a man's armed insecurities so if you're able to sue these insecurities he's gonna want to be turned to you for that ego boost you see what I'm saying and so that will create that form of attraction that attachment the seventh one in the sixth the eighth one Yeager uses they attempted to detail it came to him and give him thoughtful gifts for Zephyr and this is mind okay and if you're a girl that I'm seeing you an album don't even [ __ ] try because I know you got you got this idea from this from this video but for example for me nobody ever gave me a basketball for Chris before my birthday for anything my favorite player was Larry Bird nobody ever gives me a V nobody nobody ever gave me a post or a Larry Bird if someone would give us if anyone ever gives me those two gifts I will literally cry I will literally cry those are two things are that are dear to my heart you know and you can easily find out what I would love if you paid attention pay attention to the things that I like to do but I tell you something activities pay attention ask around people who love doing the things that he does ask what you would want and most likely you won't want that too because those are similar passions when you fulfill that hot thing that he wants which is he my kin my kids I a basket as simple as it is you're gonna like [ __ ] shock on it I swear to God that really thoughtful gives really really work don't don't you dare and give him a [ __ ] home a car don't you try giving homework are the easy as gifts I hate those gifts that's why I got never seen anyone would hold my car from six years from six years ago remember that all right so this is a point is poeta sighs your presence and I'm gonna read a quote from from Robert Greene's the art of seduction is a very good book associate yourself with poetic images and objects so that when they think of you they begin to see you through an idealized halo the more you figure in their minds the more they will and envelope you and seductive fantasies in other words don't over expose yourself you know when you wear them be with her 100% when you're not with him don't be with her 100% okay make him miss you don't don't don't over expose yourself and that's it biggest ever that people make it the reason why they do is because of the urge is hard and not to want to be around them you see it's hard so it takes discipline that's what most people don't do that and I personally I wouldn't do that cuz it's hard you know but ideally this is what most people that this is what you should do and the only people who do this are actually people who are not interested in you it's funny enough and that's why you become used in people who are not interested in you because they display the crap differences and behavior that causes you to become attractive tenth one is disarm your target to showing vulnerability I sold them in other words to show something that you we can talk about one of your insecurities okay make sure that you come across vulnerable right the more sympathy and the lust they feel for you the highlights you would have them loving you alright make them feel like they can help you well make them feel as though you improved their lives but make sure that it enhances their ego you see if you if you if they enjoy working out and you started working out with home thank um because tell them that you know what I having security is about one party but ever since I've started being with you I'm skating in shape thank you so much for that man you really are something you really are amazing compliment him for something that he earned not something that he was born with don't compliment him eyes eyes complement of something he was born that he worked for all his abs that he worked for alright don't compliment enemies now his accent like Mattie hussies sexy accent he's like my youtube crush man sues you that he's good guy he's a good guy I like them he's a double dating courage to definitely check them out but anyways the 11th one isolate your target like I remember as I said it sounds dark but you had to isolate them make sure that they don't hang out with their friends and as much anymore with their family members as much anymore taken to a vacation go somewhere along with home for a few days maybe in few weeks the more isolated they are and the more they are in your environment they can come to your house the more isolated they are in the more they in your environment in your comfort zone the more they kind of draw so you can find comfort in you see and that's why they had to be people who have some maybe low self-esteem security because the likelihood of them doing that will be higher because someone who has the high self-esteem I'm very secured okay they may they may come to you but not as much you see what I'm saying may come to you but not as much because in our in a comfort zone okay so make sure you isolate them now maybe not completely but I salute them when you're with you make sure that they're with you alone okay that's what one have them talk about their childhood pains and comfort them be there and make sure that they feel at ease the reason why you want to do that is because it's very dark but it works when someone talks about a pain that they had when they were childhood okay remind you a lot of their childhoods becomes manifested through their behavior that I currently that I currently portray when you help them feel better about something in their past through listening you're not to finding a solution but through listening showing physical comfort physical emotional and verbal comfort but getting close to you better off if they they even cry you know make sure you talk about something a [ __ ] hearthstone all right and make sure you cook you comfort them make sure they feel good make sure you let them feel that you're gonna be there for long alright when you do that that is powerful beyond measure that will create so much attraction not even attraction like like love like puppy love like oh my god like she's so sweet to me man thank you so much it's so sweet once you start seeing them as sweet lovely people that's when you begin finding other people you know so make sure to comfort them with something in their childhood and that's why I say like with someone is someone is insecure something happened in the childhood that's what you have to select the right target okay the third one is stir up the transgressive and the tab you alright let me read to you again from the book of seduction by robber girl he says people yearn to explore the dark side once the desire to check transgress to all your targets who you it will be hard for them to stop take them further than they imagine the shared feeling of guilt and complicity will create a powerful bomb alright so for example that's why people love this stuff my people I can say this finally finally finally exuberant adrenaline rush from from extramarital relationships that's what happens they they love that because of the guilt like ooh bad boy bad girl shame on you all right one of the things I used to do a lot was for example I'm a very sexual guy I love sex okay and one of my things is I love having sex in like public places not public like [ __ ] having sex and making eye contact with [ __ ] [ __ ] strangers you know not like that I'm talking about you know you're in the moment you want to have sex you find a place you know stuff like that the reason why is because I lived with my arm back in New York City and so I couldn't really really bring them back home so I guess I got good at finding um helping I'm like I got good at seducing women into having sex with me and the daytime or anywhere anywhere in public by it and in the beginning there will be a little like hesitant not like you push them but you know you you kiss them you touch your ass and they don't like that [ __ ] and it's like oh this this shouldn't we shouldn't be doing this and you like no we shouldn't be doing it that I know they're so wrong this is so wrong and so no big is happening is that it's such a it's such a unique experience like breaking the law or or or or breaking into a broken bit away breaking into an abandoned building stuff like that that it creates a bond and it's unique in the person's perspective like oh you should never done that before you see so when you have we have an element of danger an element of almost getting caught that enemy on danger creates a bond between you in the person you see that's why people as well that one of the best dates to go on is to go on roller coasters or a musical part because it creates the adrenaline rush that causes people to become worth factor to you okay so if the xiv technique that you asking users give them a unique experience with their passion for example if they love smoking weed you could have sex with them smoking we'd have it prematurely say look let the time this have sex I'm smoking weed I know you like smoke a weed you love it and let's do it let's do it together because you are making it an experience if you'd like to read books perform a sexual act on them while they read a book you have to play video games before next sexual act while they play video games incorporate their passion and incorporate with their passion with something sexual okay and the reason why is because they are engaged in something they love this is really feeling for that alright and so when you get in that picture through it doesn't matter how but by simply being there and stimulating now you begin associating the begin associating you in those emotions all right now this one technique is not gonna do it all but a cop loaded up with all these techniques was gonna have an effect alright the the fifteenth one is makes pleasure with pain at times make sure your target feels guilty and it secure the lower the lows the higher their highs you see the shields functional relationships where they fight they fight they fight but then they make up that's what we're talking we're not talking about like unintentionally doing that but I'm talking about you consciously making it happen you see it's not you cannot control it just consciously make it happen talk about something that he didn't secure about you know talk about something that he died that he lacks in to in his life make you feel inadequate and then apologize make up alright because what's what's happening that you're pushing him away alright and because he still has some ego attached me to you because you insulted something he secure about his ego is gonna want to be validated so apologize make make sure that he knows that you're sorry and bring him in and what can happen is like that builds upon a built the door the feeling that he has for you the more polarity the better it is and I know it's [ __ ] up but humans are [ __ ] up that's how we are okay the 16th one is once you feel like you have them push them push them away say that you're getting bored in etc once you feel like you guys I'm like get into that level you know it's getting good you know push him away have a premature a pre-emptive breakup say look maybe we should stop seeing each other for a while you know say look I don't think this village is going when I'm thinking where it's going and it's gonna be a risk because he may he may um he may not want to see you anymore but if he but that meant that he's really gonna like you but he likes you what's gonna happen is two things he's not gonna want you to leave alright and the other one is gonna increase his attraction to you and once he's back with you he feels better slowly you're the source of happiness it's only your [ __ ] loves you alright and it's amazing because that happened to me every single girl that has ever broken up with me it doesn't matter in what way my attraction to them increased I don't know why and I don't mind I'm a human being I don't [ __ ] mind but it happened you know seeing a girl like a couple months ago and that happened you know and in magnet and when I do it to like when I said good luck man I don't think she cheats each other anymore they also want to see me again more you know and it's a very good technique to use to get people to wanna be if they're attached to you and you want to make that stronger break it up so they come back to you you know kinda like would be rip up your muscle it'll grow back stronger same thing with love and the 17th and last one is never let the other person take you for granted never use absence pain and conflict to keep the fire going right remember relate the best relationships are not the one that are always happy the best relationships are the ones that have any other highs and lows okay and if you're smart about it you'll learn how to manipulate it alright and but if you don't but it's important to show that you're wonderful because if you don't show vulnerability that he's gonna think of you that you're up to something so that's what's important to show that you're vulnerable to show that you're a weak to show that you also need help all right and so it's gonna happen it's gonna flourish the love that you want the ego attachment and it's gonna make them addicted to you you become a source of self-esteem a source of happiness all right and this is a pretty much how you do it and it's dark because it's [ __ ] up but it works I swear to God if a girl ever uses on me and I know you watch my youtube channel we're gonna have we're gonna have to have a little powwow all right so pretty much this is how you do it don't don't go out there and ruin the world all right there's too much [ __ ] to worry about uses wisely and if you guys like this content comment and subscribe and this Alex for my for attraction 2.0 take care
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 415,194
Rating: 4.8522992 out of 5
Keywords: mindful attraction, how to talk to men, HOW TO MAKE HIM COMMIT, mindful attraction 2.0, how to get a guy to like you, make him love you, relationships, how to make a guy fall in love with you, how to get him to like you, how to make him want you, how to attract men, MATTHEW HUSSEY, how to make a man fall in love, flirting tips, how to make him fall in love with you, how to make your boyfriend want you more, how to get the guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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