How To Make a REAL Shepherd's Pie - Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends I just finished making a real Shepherd spider that's right this time I made it with lamb remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends it smells amazing in here [Applause] well we're doing it again this time friends but we're gonna do it with lamb ah boy yeah I did a video last year my original shepherd's pie mom I mean how many English people have to tell me this is not a shepherd's pie if you do it with beets Shepherds do not guard uh um beef he got sheeps I know it but in America that's the way we make it so you know what all of my English friends because boy I have so many chefs and work in England friends of mine that have called me that I've said what are you doing a shepherd's pie is made with lemon I said I know I even said it in the video anyway we got a lamb shoulder right there then I grounded I got two pounds of meat we're gonna do it with lime and you can do it with whatever you want but if you make it with anything but lamb don't be calling it a shepherd's pie it was your life with the English police after you okay so do whatever you want to do it and uh and then also I heard about it you're not supposed to put the mashed potato in the bottom I'm doing it anyway okay uh you don't want to put much potato in the bottom don't put the mashed potato in the bottom put it on the top it's up to you uh and then they said don't even put mushroom I still put mushrooms you have to put mushroom if you don't want to I'm gonna put the mushroom so friends I'm doing it I'm gonna do it in two pan because it goes a little faster um but at home what you can do you can do your onion on your mushrooms take it away clean your pan and then do your lime I'm gonna do them in two pencils so it goes faster okay for the video otherwise it takes forever I'm using a colorful butter um you can use a good cooking oil don't use regular butter because you know it'll burn right so clarify by the stocks or or a good cooking oil or a good avocado oil or grape seed oil a high smoke point oil would be great okay we want to make sure it's right that we're going to saute The Onion we're getting close to the temperature than I want I want to make sure and and so I have a one big onion one one big on you you know onion is always number one eh everybody knows that always number one so we're gonna saute the onion got a little golden brown then we're gonna put the mushroom you don't have to put the mushroom remember if you don't want it and then I'm gonna do the lamb right here now it's very important friends and I know for most of you that have seen them my uh channel before and there's a lot of you but we have so many new subscribers for all the new subscribers during the holiday I think we picked up like a hundred and fifty thousand new subscriber in the months of December alone so welcome to all of you uh you may not know certain things so I want to make sure I tell you and for those of you that never already know get yourself a glass of wine relax we're having fun and I'm gonna be redundant and everybody remembers it so I got the lamb right there I'm gonna wait for my pen to be about 365. I really want the order to be hot when I do it friends because if I don't do it when it's super super hot I'm not gonna get what is it called the Maya reaction this is a must a must friends the Maya reaction the Maya reaction is a caramelization of the protein and that's what's going to give us flavor okay and um so it's up to you but I really really recommend it we're going to put some also some Rosemary and Thyme we're also going to put some garlic and fresh parsley we'll put a little bit of flour later and then we got some carrots called cut in very small dice as you can see very small Dice and I got peas because it's traditional to put peas in shepherd's pie you don't like them don't worry about it don't put them in and I got a cup of tomato puree and uh and for stock if I were to do with beef but I'm not doing this beef uh you use the beef stock but since uh it's uh it's lamb we don't want to use a lamb stock nobody got a lime stock so we use the chicken stock all right and um I was always going to say for those of you know eat the meat use the vegetable stock but you're not going to do this if you don't eat meat and and our beautiful English cheddar a little bit of parmigiano all right so we're going to sit there the meat here friends you're here you hear that now this friends I can't express to you how important this is then we get this this really really beautiful caramelization here friends let me get the uh oh Mamma Mia the salt and pepper here okay um very important for instance we get this cameraization because caramelization is Flavor so salt pepper and you watch we're gonna wait until it's beautiful golden brown Prince this is a step then you cannot skip so many people do it they don't they're poaching the meats they're missing an amazing opportunity to give a great flavor so by all means my friends I want you to wait because we're gonna get this beautiful caramelization okay so I'm gonna continue doing this I am going to continue saute my onion and when the onions start to get golden brown when the onions start to get golden brown then I'm gonna add the mushroom to it and I'm gonna cook all the water out of it all right so I'll be back in a few minutes the lamb will be beautiful golden brown the um the uh the onion will be nice caramelized and the water will have been disappeared from the mushroom because I'm gonna cook them in there all right so I'll be back in a couple of minutes friends you see friends I want you to see look at one point you see all that water over there we got to get it all out you see that's why you do it in a fry pan because if you do it in a pot you try to do it in a pot with the high side it takes forever for this moisture to escape that's why I do it in a fry pan you see friends so don't get discouraged and well all that water will go and it's going to be replaced with beautiful colonization of the protein okay so we're going to continue doing it I just wanted you to show I wanted to show you so you don't get discouraged when you see all Awards say how am I going to get golden brown there just be patient okay friends look no more water you see no more water at all all right so now you see beautiful color conversation smells amazing huh so now look the mushrooms they're down also you see we're gonna put them in here on the side Let's uh let's continue let's continue working with this uh uh beautiful meal we have right here so we're gonna put our thyme and our Rosemary right there Thyme and rosemary then we're gonna put about a quarter cup of flour friends and we're gonna mix all this up mix it up well and the water is going to absorb the water that we're about to put in and the liquid we're about to put in it's going to bind the whole thing so sooner we put the flour and less of an opportunity we have for the flower to smell to um the taste like goo longer you cook the flour better off you are that's that's all that's what I was going to say all right so now our flour is mixed up together now we're going to put our wine now there's some chefs that don't put any wine in there it's up to them I like to put about a a cup and a half of good red wine the member friends cook with the wine you're willing to drink okay if you don't drink with it don't put in the food you don't get any better we're gonna let the wine evaporate then we're gonna put a little bit of garlic smells amazing to the wine look at all the wine is evaporated already that was a quick reduction very quick reduction a little bit of chocolate garlic then friends we're gonna put our carrots chopped carrots they need to cook we're gonna put our tomatoes we're going to mix all this up and then we're gonna add a chicken stock all right and then friends we're going to be gentle with this we're gonna cook all this probably 20 minutes 25 minutes and then we're going to get a beautiful nice texture beautiful nice texture now mushrooms and our onion are already cooked they're already done so we'll have them at the end and we're going to put this right there we're gonna put a little bit of the basilian we'll have some more we'll add some more later on and then at the last minute we're gonna put our peas and then we put the whole thing together but it's nice and and thick we want it to be thick so we're going to cook all this and now you don't want to do this too fast so we're going to reduce the Heat we're just going to let it cook until it's nice and all together nice and thick and then we'll put the peas and the mushroom we'll mix it all up and we'll have a beautiful mix dump all right so let me put it almost salt and pepper I put salt and pepper as I did as I saute the meat but we want to put a little more in here all right some friends so we're going to let those cook letter by those and when our carrots are starting to be tender we are good to go I'll be back in a couple of minutes okay friends the final ingredient put it together well one we must have the Worcestershire sauce for sure I don't necessarily like to overcook it there's no reason for it but you got to put a lot of it that's really important in the Worcestershire sauce friends well I got a mushroom right there a mushroom and onion and I already cooked you see let's put it all in there voila ah I made a mess right there man I made a mess everywhere and we take this out of here you'll come back over here all right and now we're going to put a piece and all we got to do is give it a nice mix reduce the Heat and it smells amazing friends if you were here now right now you wouldn't believe it it's really really smells amazing the pan is a little a little a little small but like I said I like better to use a fry pan so it's nicely uh it's easier to do the uh the caramelization of the meat instead of a pot and with Apache it's just going to take longer you can do it with the past friends do it with a pot if you don't have a big fry pan like that do it with a pipe don't worry but like I said it's a it's a lot easier to get the evaporation of the water in a fry band that it is in a box it's looking beautiful in it so I did some uh adjusting uh salt and pepper and it was a little uh soften the salt but I wish it sauce is going to be pretty salty friends so now I'm going to test it it's probably hot oh yeah oh okay so now oh it's delicious so now I'm going to put it together friends I did a beautiful mashed potatoes I put it in a pastry bag because I find it it's easier to put in a pastry bag you know on Facebook I can put in a baggie or you can just put it by hand put it put a few mountains in there mashed potatoes and um and then you can spread it out the basement back it's easier for me but you know don't worry about it if you don't have a pastry bag I find it easier that's all okay but uh do it however you want to do it friends you put a little lid on the bottom I know there's a lot of controversy but I don't put a layer on the bottom well if you don't like it about them then don't put it in I like it so I'm gonna put one in the bottom it's really up to you and what I like about putting one in the bottom first friends is uh let me put this here you stay over here for a minute okay um exactly I can put a little cheese make it a spatula so I do it nice you see let me put this right there I do a nice right let's do it as nice as we can you're not going to see it really but but you're going to see when you cut a slice of it first friends friends you see so okay so what we do we clean like that we clean the side so we have a clean side all right good so now stay over there you now we have an opportunity difference to put some beautiful English cheddar right here has a base so I have a crust if you will of mashed potatoes and I got this beautiful cheddar cheese then I'm gonna put the meat then I'm going to put more potatoes do whatever you want it you don't want to put the potato in the bottom don't put it on the bottom I'm not coming for dinner if I were coming for dinner please put the mashed potato in the bottom I like it here we go friends let's put David now it you have to be careful enough because you don't want to mess it up so what you do you put it on here you'll be gentle for your bottom layer friends okay be gentle right I'm gonna put all this like this and then we're going to put one more layer of mashed potato on top oh oh in the mashed potato friends the recipe for the mashed potato Jack is going to give you a link right there friends and uh and I the only thing I did different to those mashed potatoes I added three egg yolks at the end okay I had three egg yolks at the end and what that's gonna do that's gonna make them nice and Rich and it'll also make a nice prettier color at the end when we Brown them okay so this I told you it was two pound of meat right and you know what I'll do is in a recipe for instance I write the exact size of the uh of the lasagna pen that I'm using I will write the exact size so you'll have it if you want to make that because that's a Mamma Mia I made a mess we don't want to show this mess that I made there we go you see two part of meat is perfect for this for this mold right there whatever size that is I'll have to give you the exact measurement friends all right pack it in pack it in I got my oven going at uh 350 it Paints in the oven you can go between three and a quarter and 375 at the most okay and uh make sure you adjust your seasoning friends with salt and pepper right and I'm gonna take this this way and now we're going to take a pastry bag and I twist it with without leaving my two fingers here so then we can continue a topping and doing with a pastry bag it makes it really easy to um to put it on there with a pastry bag so you don't mess up your meat and mix because you're not supposed to mix those two okay friends you're not supposed to mix them not supposed to do whatever you want to do don't worry you know the um English recipe policy stuff but I have so many English friends are there I got the support not to worry we're in good shape they're going to be happy oh you finally know how to make a shepherd's pie you were making a a cottage pie before or something like that I forgot what I call it it doesn't matter what they're called here it is friends all right so now we take a spatula and we make a nice eh are you gonna say what it was nice well you know if you do with a pastry bag with a with a star tip on it you can make it really nice also from the beginning so you don't have to do any other stuff that I'm doing right make a nice I'll show you show you we're gonna make a nice there you go I got too much of it you stay out of here I'm gonna make a nice fence see are you there I told you I used to do drywall right yeah look not bad for a dry water there you go friends you see all right so now all we could do is uh because we've got nothing else to do a little bit of this a little bit of this see and voila and then we're going to pop it in the oven we're going to put it on more cheese on it and then we're going to pop it in the oven voila we'll put a little more cheese on there a little bit of cheddar a little bit of Parmesan or reggiano and then with this beautiful golden brown we're going to take it out we're probably going to have to wait a little bit before we can cut it because I'm not going to burn myself I do it all the time a little bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano on top and we're going to cook all this until it's beautiful all right friends we'll be back when it's out of the oven beautiful golden brown see you in a minute okay folks I'm gonna take it out of the oven oh yes oh yes that's a beauty oh Le Mamma Mia beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful so now I'm friends you're gonna leave it in the oven about a good uh depends if you just made it and you're gonna eat it right away um you can put it in the oven maybe a half hour but if you take it out of the fridge and you're gonna reheat it you're gonna prepare you're gonna eat it right then you've got to reheat it until the internal temperature and you use one of those you know whenever you're reheating anything friends doesn't matter what it is it could be a stuffed bell peppers it could be a potato gratin okay what it is you use a thermometer like this because you can don't reheat anything over 150 155 degrees because you can't eat it anyway it's too hot if you're reheating something then you need to cook it again which means 150 155 is enough so always go in there with a thermometer to make sure you have the right temperature it's really important all right friends and now we're going to let that rest center work because I'm not going to burn myself because it's really hot and if at the end you don't get the color you want but into the broader for a minute keep an eye on you know don't go do something turn on the brawler stay right there don't put it too close to it so you get some nice colonization right okay so we're gonna wait a minute and then we're gonna cut a nice piece of it okay friends I let her cool a little bit because I was just too hot it's it's cool enough so I can handle it so I'm gonna cut a piece now longer you let it go let it go the longer you let her rest and better of a slice you're gonna get friends okay because otherwise you know it's going to be difficult to make a nice slice out of it it's not exactly a pie okay I know it's got mashed potato in the bottom but it's still going to be difficult to make a beautiful slice out of it you see right there friends it smells amazing and still got smoke coming out of it smoke that'll be a steam coming out of it let me take this out of there you see and uh oh yes it looks amazing friends it looks absolutely amazing I'm very excited you see the potato on the bottom doesn't do that much the beautiful thing about the potato in the bottom is that I can put the cheese on top of it so aha oh oh you know I think I even like better with them so for all my English friends I hope you like it we got even English cheddar in there remember thumbs up if you like the video friends subscribe to the channel don't forget and don't forget to ring that Bell thanks for watching we'll see you next few days with another fantastic video it's delicious [Music] well I'm gonna eat that whole thing it was delicious mmm we're good oh man it's good
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 204,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shepherd's pie recipe, how to make shepherd's pie, shepherds pie, how to make shepherds pie, shepherds pie recipe, homemade shepherds pie, homemade shepherd's pie, easy shepherds pie recipe, easy shepherds pie, best shepherds pie recipe, homemade shepherd's pie recipes, easy shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie at home, shepherds pie recipe easy, best shepherds pie, classic shepherds pie, shepards pie, Hachis Parmentier, comment faire un hachis parmentier, pastel de carne
Id: leTZa4OGjgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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