I've Been Perfecting This Shepherd's Pie Recipe For More Than Half My Life

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if I made cottage pie would I have gotten the higher score yeah I probably would have gotten a 10. right here we have carrot celery and onion I diced all three of them up there's like two large carrots three celery ribs and one large onion about one and a half cups of each we have beef stock that's going to go in for our broth mixture we have Guinness we have Worcestershire sauce those are three really good flavoring agents shepherd's pie it's lamb right so I have two pounds of ground lamb peas are also one of the vegetables that goes in there some people will use corn as well so you know you could do that if you like the herbs are thyme and rosemary I have a tablespoon of each we have five cloves of garlic that are minced I have three ounces of tomato paste and a quarter cup of flour so those are like the thick and agents you can use a little bit more if you like these eggs actually are over here so these ingredients are for our mashed potatoes these are just russet potatoes went more like four pounds you're better off making more potatoes than you need because if you run out when you're piping it on top it's just it's always good to have more mashed potatoes I think and this is like your perfect opportunity to do that it actually looks like three quarter cup um three quarter cup of heavy cream we want to make these mashed potatoes kind of like on the thicker side like kind of so you can like get some peaks in them uh one stick of butter for our potatoes three egg yolks that's gonna go in after we make our potatoes and season them up well and then I have one and a quarter cups of grated parmigiano Reggiano cheese this is a good way to make the mashed potatoes the cheddar cheese would be great too that's another thing to put on it so guys I'm just going to put my potatoes in a pot of cold water just fill it up above like that bring it up to a boil do what knock it down a little bit to like you know kind of like three quarters of the way high and just cook them until they are fork tender and it's going to take around 25 to 35 minutes roughly I have my monster pan but you don't have to use a pan this big you could also use a dutch oven you just need something that will accommodate your two pounds of lamb all your vegetables and all your liquid okay let's Heat this up to about medium heat maybe a tiny bit more so it would stay unless you want to heat let your pan heat up for about three minutes before you put down your oil fat or anything like that when I did it on the site I think I used a non-stick I can't remember I've made recipe like literally a hundred times in my life shepherd's pie and I do it a little different each time since we're doing stainless I'll just put a touch of oil down here but you really don't need it lamb has so much fat anyway and I'm just gonna try to like press it around right now just to get it one side Brown and then we'll flip it and then we'll break it up all right it's been like three minutes you can uh like try to break it up a little bit and then flip it over like a pancake I lost my spatula I don't know where it is and then try to do it away from you yeah I'll turn it up a little bit I want to show you a tool that I got from a fan thank you Nadia I really just saying something amazing it's called a meat Masher you know people would always tell me to get this in other videos and I'd be like I don't want another tool this tool is really really good it will uh it's got some heft to it and it will really break up in me make sure you don't have your really good flannel on today [Music] you could knock the heat down a little bit and then get your vegetables in and you can see how you need a pretty big pan here or a large Dutch oven to uh accommodate everything [Music] it's funny the non-stick I used um you'll see the photos on the website tell you that I got the meat a little Browner than this thing should have should add the heat a little higher here Tower should I start should I redo the whole video yeah I'll go out to the store right now and pick up some more Hey listen if you ever want to make YouTube videos guys I'll give you a little uh tip have some backup ingredients that's why no none of these YouTubers guys none of them do lives they don't do lives because it's hard so what do I mean by that it means I'm gonna do live for you guys eventually [Music] and if I screw up I screw up and I'm sure I will we're used to it yes you are okay but these vegetables soften up for a few minutes then get your oven set to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and set one rack to the middle level and one rack to the upper level that's looking good um two more minutes now we used to make so much Shepherds fine well not we I used to make so much shepherd's pie we have the same Patrick's Day uh Feast every year when was the last time we did one probably when we lived in Minnesota right since we came back it's kind of stopped with um quarantine all right so this is good now vegetables are soft enough we can put our garlic in we're just going to cook the garlic until it's fragrant which is just a couple minutes [Music] everything's sticking to the bottom nicely forming a nice word four-letter word all right just a minute for that garlic ah smells everything smells so good already delicious and then we're going to put our tomato paste in I have three ounces of tomato paste which is exactly a half of a U.S can of tomato paste it's tomato paste is always sold in six ounce increments in America unless you go to a restaurant supply store and buy like a 96 ounce can of it which would be probably not a good move for if you're cook it in your house because what are you going to do with all that you know so I love buying them in the six ounce cans I actually don't like the tubes the tubes I find are just not enough okay so if it starts to burn it all here which it is I'm just gonna pull it off and I'm gonna put a tiny bit of water in okay [Music] just to prevent the burning from happening and we're just going to let this paste cook out for a couple minutes like I said if you're burning a little bit you're getting a little too high and I kind of was so I just put a little bit of water there and you can see right now how it's completely not burning because what that'll do is it'll just drop the temperature very quickly so you know sometimes you're working with like maybe a little too high heat and especially if you're cooking on an electric stove which are just horrible they just truly are horrible I don't know what else to say I mean that's what I have over here we're gonna have the studio soon and that also has an electric stove and the technique you could do with that if you're ever burning is you do not try to lower your heat it will it'll you know your thing will be toast before before it lowers you move the pan to another burner to a unheated burner and you put some liquid down there all right so we're good right now to cook for a few minutes I'm gonna put in 12 ounces of Guinness beer it wouldn't be shepherd's pie without Guinness beer oh and I said what did I I use Guinness in something recently Tower what was it it was the chili oh the chili and I said mistakenly I said it's not a beer it's a stout you know how many people told me about that they were shocked that all your producers and editors um missed it in post-production all right guys so let's turn this heat up to high what were you saying I don't think people realize that you know it's just you and I oh I think they do I think I mean I think some people realize I think some people don't yeah yeah this is actually our our house our house with the the good bones this kitchen has the timer for the potatoes just went off I just checked them a minute ago they're rock hard so use a knife once the knife can go all the way through it pretty much like without any resistance they're done and then you can drain your potatoes and then we'll make the mashed potatoes the timing works out basically how long that takes to how long it's going to take to make your uh delicious lamb stuffing oh so good so I want this liquid from the Guinness to basically reduce completely it's going to take about four minutes on high for that to happen it's almost there but not quite yet you can I don't know if I told you have you better off having a spoon with a flat Edge like this because then you can scrape the bottom of the pan to remove all of the brown bits all of our liquid has pretty much reduced so what I'm going to do now is turn this heat down to medium maybe even a touch lower about a four out of ten right here I have a quarter cup of flour and so we're going to cook this out for about just one two minutes just to get rid of any white flour all right guys we're gonna put everything else in here now or this is two cups of low sodium beef stock and you can see like I had this sitting for a while look at all that stuff stuck to the bottom there that's all the flavor so I got to get it out of there and now we pour it out of there you can also use beef base here I use beef base in almost every recipe normally when I'm saying like beef stock or whatever or chicken stock I'm using beef base or chicken base put the peas in I'm gonna put all our herbs which is one tablespoon of thyme and one tablespoon of Rosemary and then we're gonna put Worcester sauce well we're going to put a quarter cup of that in here which is four tablespoons this is liquid gold this stuff I absolutely love it we're gonna bring this to a boil and we want to reduce the liquid by half whenever you're making dishes that reduce like everything reduces so you're doing like a braise starting with like six cups of liquid and it's going to go down to two after three hours of oven cooking you always want to be careful with the amount of sodium you're putting in there because whatever you start off in the beginning is going to be so potent at the end so right here this is going to reduce by half so leaving that low sodium beef stock I put in there might and the Worcestershire might be enough sodium in here we'll see if it's boiling you can just if you have anything stuck to the bottom here just remove it more with your wooden spoon and then lower the heat down to about a four out of ten maybe a three out of ten just a simmer let's just simmer this down for about 10 or 15 minutes until most of the liquid reduces it only took about five minutes to do this but just do it based on eyeballing it not on time always trust your eyes over the thyme or anything a recipe calls for but you see the thickness here like this this is kind of how you want it you don't want it to be very thin all right this is good you could turn this off taste this we got to make sure that it tastes perfect because this is our chance we don't have another chance once we put our potatoes on top of it and lock it in [Music] I'm happy with it you should be happy with your cooking too when you do a really good job tell your wife tell your husband tell your kids most parents are not cooking for their kids they're taking their kids to Chick-fil-A every night we do do Chick-fil-A we just ate Chipotle last night it was great it was good it's good when you get when it's fresh if it sits there for like a half an hour waiting for it to pick up then it's this is just a rice Earth this is like probably the best way to make mashed potatoes it's simple you know just as long as they're soft enough you can push them through there squeeze them through you could also use a mixer if you want hot right now and it will rice them and a little hard should let them go a little bit longer but we'll be all right I can handle it all right and here's our riced potatoes so right here I have one stick of melted butter and then I have three quarter cup of heavy cream I'm gonna put obviously a lot of salt in here too just kind of get it all in there and cheese I'm gonna I have one and a quarter cups of the parmesan cheese I'm gonna leave about a quarter cup left a top I'll start with a good amount of salt here probably about one and a half teaspoons we will build it up from here you could also add pepper if you want to your mashed potatoes thank you [Music] those are delicious the cheese really brings it out when you're happy with how you have it here then you put the egg in [Music] I used parmesan cheese if you uh like cheddar that would be great too I think we're gonna do a sec we're gonna do two little plates here I think one of them I'm gonna put cheddar on top of it so the meat has you know real the sauces really come together which is what we want and we're just going to lay down a hefty layer in both of these dishes here but I think those are both I think that's fairly good there all right and we'll put some mashed potatoes on top you could really do this any way you want guys um you know you could pipe it make it really fancy you can use an ice cream scooper you want to get it like kind of all over the place so it seals it in so it's not in a situation where it's going to um you know bubble through but you know if it does it does whatever make sure you take a pan because if it does overflow you don't want to go on the bottom of your oven though these aren't filled up too high they should be all right you can like agitate the top of the potatoes a little bit so like you can like kind of like go like this just to get a little texture in it [Music] you know if you have more potatoes and you did more of like ice cream Scoops then you can like really make a better design or you know if you use a Piping Bag then you can use any type of uh attachment that it has that looks pretty good do this side do you mean a piping tip piping tip yeah exactly yeah I couldn't I I couldn't figure I couldn't remember what what I what I meant all right guys so I have a quarter cup of the parmesan cheese we will put it on this one okay and then I have the cheddar cheese and I will put it on the other one and a lot of times people don't like to do this because then like you'll get like kind of like a cheese top like which maybe you don't can't like break through it as easily so I'll leave a little bit of area exposed so I'll just do like that much is that a right Tara you think good I mean like the real test is how it tastes so we'll see what the taste tester says I agree I agree The Taste is one is the more important thing I feel like if you wanted a heavier cheddar you would probably mix the cheddar in the mashed potatoes all right guys 20 minutes uncovered like this at 400 degrees Fahrenheit middle of the oven the last two or three minutes bring it up to the top like right below your Broiler one or two minutes but watch carefully [Music] hi Sammy hi I really like that sweatshirt thank you it's nice but Sammy I have two versions here one has cheddar one has parmesan cheese they both have parmesan cheese but this one has cheddar too so go ahead go ahead let me know what you think really good thank you do you usually make it with the cheddar the parmesan uh normally with the parmesan cheese and I did we wanted to change it up today so we did the chat just chatter on one of them too yeah yeah we got the taste tester James the taste tester but James uh having a little stomach a little stomachache so we don't think shepherd's pie is a good idea for him right now you know they're both really good I like this one more though you do Amazon yeah yeah well this has parmesan cheese but this has the parmesan cheese on top I think yeah I think it's better when it's on top yeah what do you think about the meat and uh the flavor of it and everything yeah you're more of a fan of beef right yeah I like like the cottage pie like the beef one more but I still really like this one and I think it has a good flavor yeah um so you want to do a rating yeah okay well I got a new board yeah go ahead um don't let me see Sammy show the camera all right she's tough I know there's not if if you you should be my rating person from now on and then because there will not be any tens I don't think I think I'm a little more accurate you're a little bit more accurate all right so discuss why it's a nine why it's not a ten what why it's not a six so like shepherd's pie isn't I guess my favorite thing in the world but it's still like super good so that's why I gave it an eye and then I think they wanted the parmesan on top is better and then the cheddar one like it's like good yeah but like you know I'm not a big fan of shepherd's pie so that's why I gave it an eight if I made cottage pie would I have gotten a higher score yeah I probably would have gotten a ten because you don't like lamb as much yeah like I'm not like I don't hate it it's just I'm not the biggest fan of it where's the soda bread where's the soda bread soda bread is coming up uh it's on the site uh and it's not gonna be a video for it but I recommend you make a wolf or four of soda bread because it's so good [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 254,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shepherd's pie recipe, shepherds pie with lamb, shepherds pie with cheddar cheese, sip and feast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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