How To Make Chicken Schnitzel | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends today we're making a special dish chicken schnitzel I don't say it's good it's difficult to say it's a Austrian uh a specialty and we're gonna make it the Italian and French style we're gonna do it in graphite butter that is delicious friend you're gonna love it and then we're gonna make a traditional warm potato salad and a cucumber salad stay tuned I'm going to show you exactly how to do it remember thumbs up you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned friends we're making chicken schnitzel oh [Applause] okay friends well let me show you the way I make my chicken schnitzels um you know normally you make it with veal but I make it with chicken because it's a lot more popular right it's very similar than uh than my chicken Milanese in many ways except we're going to do something different we're gonna fryer in clarified butter so first friends we need a nice chicken breast and you just gotta make sure you have a a thick enough one uh then you can butterfly it correctly and if you notice that the chicken breast friends you got a straight side which is the center that's where the bone is and then you got the outside of it and when you're butterfly something you want to make sure you butterfly from the round side into the so you have a nice like an open book if you will if you do it the other way just imagine right imagine my hand about the same way and I go like this then you got a big hole right there and a big hole right there so remember you cut toward the straight side all right friends so I have it right here and that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to go up and down up and down I have what is called a slicer the knife and that's what you slice your roast beef with and you slice the slicer look here take it boom right there now we have a Big Slice okay so now friends I have right here because a lot of people are asking me all the time this is my sanitized rag I have in the sink a a soapy water who is uh uh three tablespoon of of uh vinegar white vinegar and and and if I don't do that I do soap and a little bit of bleach depends what it is that I'm cooking to sanitize but I have always my sanitized water is very important so I can clean my hand I can clean my board as I cook okay so now very important the board has to be wet and you see why in a second friend see my good for those of you that that I've seen the first video I did it's probably one of the most important thing I teach all my Cooks professional Cooks to do get yourself a wet rag and then get yourself a rag right here and so you have it right here you're working with okay so in a professional chef I go yeah we know that chef of course you know so look guys wet see look it sticks if you put a little wet like this right so now we're going to take it again the chicken and uh and now we're gonna wash the hand again so so we don't have a chicken hand then we touch everything with chicken all right so wet dry and now we're gonna pound it just a little bit okay we got rid of this to you come back over here I messed it up a little bit all right let me take that out of the way and then I'm gonna pound it friends okay I forgot my meat pounder but I got I got her idea all right now we're gonna go slowly what what we want to do here see this is thicker than here right so you just want to pound it gently gently French gently gently okay don't go out there and destroying everything okay seeing right here thin so I don't need to do it see just like this that's it don't ever use this unless you're cooking or a roadkill like a possum or uh Raku friends look s look we're gonna go in and we're going to open it up we're gonna try to keep our hands clean he's just sitting down right friends oh oh salt and pepper in here already now I am gonna put a little bit of lemon zest in the uh in the the egg seasoned eggs salt and pepper that's already salt and pepper right and then I got a seasoned breakfast I use panko use whatever breadcrumbs makes you happy there panko is good it's nice seasoning panko you don't have to use this use whatever makes you happy friends okay look boom all right now why am I doing this now let me use this real quick no I don't want to use that focus and then I won't be able to use it for the rest well I'm I'm using the egg right here you say I could put a probability in a bike one but if I do that the the lemon is going to burn on them so instead of that the lemon is gonna be protected the lemon is going to be protected by the break room okay so look we're going to go in right there and we're going to put on a flower just a regular seasoned flour salt and pepper friends nothing really special right here so I can leave them right here as you're good right there Jack I'll leave him right here you got everything all right make sure it's really well seasoned right and make sure you really have it and don't have extra the spotper the only reason why you're putting the flour is so then the egg so that the egg will stick correctly so here we have it all right and then we're going to take the egg friends and we're gonna go in the break room and voila okay so now let me check the temperature of my clarified butter I have clarified butter right here and I'm at 330 degrees [Music] let me just clean up this put it in here I might as well just take it out of the way while I'm waiting for the chicken to uh I mean for the butter so it's out of the way I'm gonna bring the chicken right here let me get myself another Belton because I don't know what happened to the other one oh I left it in the egg so look let's cover everything if we do it correctly we should a hand should stay very clean the whole time I know we will say the right hand wet hand right hand wet hair use a tongue it makes it a lot easier friends now here we want to make sure friends then we do not put extra because what happened is the breadcrumb is going to um to fall off the breakup is going to fall off and it's going to go in your oil or your your batter whatever you're using you know if you don't care if I buy butterflies just use a good cooking oil vegetable oil or whatever you used to fry okay it's really up to you trust me it's better in clarified by the way all right now look we take it and we put it away from us all right while this is happening friends in Austria it's served with a warm potato salad and a cucumber salad all right so we're gonna let that do his thing it's gonna go pretty fast you watch and um so the potatoes salad the potatoes are warm what I did with the potato friends I um I I poached them with a little salt with a skin on and I think Jack will capture this is going to show you I just boil them with a cover on it and with a little salt and then when they were cooked I took them out and I put them in cold water so I could peel them and then I cut them but they're still kind of warm okay you do it warm you do it cold however you want to do it it's very simple friends what we're going to do we're going to make a little uh little vinaigrette type little Dijon mustard the onion I cut in little strips you see I'm gonna put them in here little red Red Onion in strips they're not really dice in little pieces we want it and then we're gonna put some chives in there and the dressing is going to be very simple right it's going to be a little bit of Oiler so we don't really do an emulsification like you would do if you make a French dressing all right and you put a little vinegar in there oh let me check let me check how are we doing I lost the tongue again there we go let's see how we do it here oh it's looking beautiful friends look look look look look look I'm gonna reduce the Heat it's looking beautiful I'm gonna put a little bit of vinegar I use a Sherry vinegar use a white wine vinegar use whatever you want all right and believe it or not friends we're going to put a little bit of stock in there and I'm putting a little bit of warm chicken stock little warm chicken stock you see and this is gonna go on top of a potato salad friends right in there actually I should have done the other way around all right and mix this up in a second let me just check make sure we're looking good here okay just a few more minutes on the other side we're gonna mix all this up friends and then I get to the cucumber salad and the potato salad is nice we're gonna put some pepper some salt and then I think we're going to be good with the chicken see it's very thin so it only takes a second we have our warm potato salad your cucumbers salad very simple let me double check to make sure this is all good right there yeah just a couple more seconds uh the cucumber salad friends a little bit of sour cream a little bit of a dill fresh chopped we're going to put a little bit of white balsamic vinegar and a little bit of sugar to offset that Ashwin love to have a lot of sweet and uh and and sour and off fat and balance it up with a white sweet so a little bit of sugar in there and we're going to put our cucumber the Cucumber friends I got them I peel them not all away I peel them a little bit little pepper let me make sure my chicken is good yes beautiful I'm gonna take it out you can put it on a paper towel if you want if you don't like the extra butter flavor I actually don't mind them but you can do it right there put on a paper towel if you have oil turn the oil off and you're good all right the cucumber salad friends mix it up really good with the dill you see we need salt and pepper also in there salt pepper and voila a cucumber salad is done very simple I think one of them went on the floor all right we got a typical traditional ashran schnitzel it's what it is a big piece normally a veal chicken then you get in the middle of your plate you see looks beautiful and you just stick it put right there in the middle of the plate it looks gorgeous nice and crispy it's beautiful it smells amazing because of the butter [Music] you know friends if this bottle is going to be good right you know it you know it you know it already I know I know I know a little bit of a cucumber salad so a little different uh thing you would see and you never see that in a French restaurant because they don't know glorious right in food you see I have a lot of Australian friend and they do beautiful job Australian food is delicious Australian people are sweet as could be let me tell you a lot of Australian friends and here we go friends look at this that's great and now you could if you were to do it a French or in Italian you make a nice lemon sauce but in here you don't you take a lemon and you put it right in here my friends and that's all there is to it and right there you have yourself a beautiful simple chicken schnitzel I hope you enjoyed making it I'm gonna have a beast I'm gonna have a piece give me a second actually you know what I'm gonna do friends I'm gonna take a picture and then I'll test it plus I like the leather cool a little bit otherwise it's too hot and I burn myself and you know when I burn myself for three days I can't test anything it's there more as a chef you can't eat it but a chicken is going to be so delicious and it's nice and crispy I love it it's just in clarified butter let me tell you let me have a piece a little less big less big let me tell you you try it and clarify butter no um I don't know if you can hear the crispiness um let me tell you the butter it takes a whole different level oh potato salad warm or cold I like it either way um it's so different I tell you the Austrian they are special this is very good and the cucumber salad um friends this is this you got to make clarify about it or not you're gonna make it I hope you enjoyed watching it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for watching friends [Music] let me tell you everything I clarified butter is it this is like amazing huh you hear the crunch imagine I'm so hungry hmm I love my job
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 775,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken schnitzel recipe, how to make chicken schnitzel, crispy chicken schnitzel, crunchy chicken schnitzel recipe, how to make schnitzel, chicken schnitzel, schnitzel recipe, schnitzel, how to cook chicken schnitzel, chicken schnitzel recipes, how to make chicken schnitzels, german schnitzel recipe, schnitzel recipe chicken, wiener schnitzel, classic schnitzel recipe, Schnitzel de pollo, Schnitzel au poulet, Comment faire des escalopes de poulet, schnitzel rezept
Id: OAztjRZvd_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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