How to Make Butter Chicken | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends fantastic recipe today i'm making buttered chicken amazing recipe remember thumbs up if you like the recipe subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna make it together right now [Applause] well hello there friends today i'm cooking one of my favorite indian dish guess what it has butter in it butter chicken yeah i'm very excited to do this if i go to an indian restaurant and i'm out of town or even if i'm in town the first thing i'm going to do i'm gonna have the butter chicken extra butter so friends the number one uh uh ingredient or spice the number one flavoring ingredient in making a butter chicken is a um garam masala masala and um so you can you can buy it already in bags and you can buy it everywhere in grocery store they have it oh you can make it and and this is what it looks like it see i just i make it myself because i like it it's a nice pressure you know when you buy it i mean you can buy some i know you can buy some really good one out there you just got to find it you know they mo more for the full when you just make it oh it's amazing how fragrant it is so what does it consist of consist off you need consist of you need a um a spice grinder for oh a coffee grinder we got i call it a spice grinder but it's a coffee grinder you put some bay leaves in there a couple of pieces of cinnamon in there uh carmen uh people use black cardamom i think it's dark enough for this so i use green cardamom peppercorn cumin seeds coriander seeds nutmeg now this one is tough to grind i tell you but if you do it long enough you do it and some cloves and all you do my friends very simple you watch the the one is gonna take the longest is a nutmeg takes forever to break up the nutmeg so you can grate it you know you can take a microfluid water and grate it you can do it and uh but i'm not going to bore you with a nose because i already did it but if you look you see if you look at starting right there but it needs probably another minute or two of two to then and not make as an opportunity to crack you know if you don't have one of those you can't do it just buy it already made okay because that's really really what you need okay i'm not gonna waste too much time with this but you get the idea and you if you do it long enough my friends you get this that's what you get right so now chicken we're gonna marinate the chicken in yogurt and you gotta buy a good yogurt this brand right there friends i don't know if you can see the label over there you get this in good indian market we have a little market the indian market in fort lauderdale and commercial boulevard and it's amazing and i get it from there that yogurt is like amazing i'll tell you you put it on yogurt in there measure carefully don't measure just a little bit right what do you think about three quarter of a cup a little lemon juice we're going to leave that acidity in there that's good and then um we put a little turmeric it's going to give us a beautiful color and then we put our masala in there right and we're going to mix all this and masala's got all the spices i need so i don't need to add any more spices i like to mix it up really good like this lens you see mix it up really really really really really good it's got all my spices all my seasoning in here the only thing it doesn't have is salt and we're gonna put a little salt in there okay and uh what we're going to do now we're going to put this in our chicken i'm using chicken breast a lot of people use um uh thighs and leg nothing wrong with it most italian restaurant as a matter of fact do but i think it's it's nicer if you use chicken breast or chicken tenderloin but it's really up to you my friends whatever it is you want to do it's not complicated i tell you you know i've demystified this dish because sometimes you make it they make it too complicated and what we're going to do we're going to marinate this guy we're going to marry it mix it really really good friends we're going to marinate it minimum 30 minutes friends i highly recommend if you have the time you do it two or three hours i'm using a chicken tenderloin so it's even i'm that much more tender i think than the breast but i'm gonna be happy with 30 minutes of marination marination that's not a word i don't think marinating marry nations i'm telling you i'm creating my own vocabulary here friends we're gonna mix this up pretty good it's got all the spice we need we're gonna put this in the fridge and then we're gonna make the sauce all right now friends we're gonna make the sauce very simple all right first we're going to saute some onion number one ingredient friends is butter we're going to saute some onion in butter yup yup yup you can use olive oil also a little bit of olive oil at the beginning if you want not then it's gonna help the butter from burning it's not but it's okay we're just gonna caramelize the onion a little bit so by the way it is and then we have uh we have a bunch of ingredients we have a little cream in there okay we're gonna put a little cream i got a chili pepper uh i got more turmeric for for color and then i got a beautiful garlic and then i got some um um kashmiri hot chili pepper red chili pepper you can chili yeah hot pepper it's delicious and uh and fenugreek then we're going to put at the end and i'll have a list of all the ingredients with the exact measurement friends so don't worry right we love all that i got some tomatoes and the tomatoes and flour without right now they're pathetic they're terrible so instead of using crappy tomatoes which i hate to use i use a good italian canned tomatoes imagine that a french chef making an indian dish with an italian tomatoes mamma mia where do we got this we're going to saute ceremonial really simple fingertips i make sample food that's the whole idea of the channel here you know we don't want to make it too complicated because if it's too complicated you're not going to do it what's the sense of doing a complicated dish this dish is a little bit misan plus as you could see but we can do it then we got some cilantro you know like cilantro to put parsley in there it'll be perfectly fine ginger and a little cream i'm going to put a little bit of my roasted garlic salt which is what i could have done on the other thing but i didn't do it we're going to wait for this to be nice and golden brown friends a little bit i mean i don't need to really really really caramelize them a lot and we got well we're going to do the the process is simple come back over here i put butter everywhere we're going to make the tomato sauce we're gonna cut the tomato sauce not a tomato sauce the sauce and uh and we're gonna cook it and um and then we're gonna uh uh uh puree it make it nice and smooth we're gonna go through a strainer i'll show you the process and then we're going to strain it and then we're going to cook the chicken in a fry pan with the sauce on it i promise you you guys are going to love this dish and it's not complicated to do so we're going to wait a few minutes for the onion to caramelize and then we'll uh we'll uh well hey by the way not that i'm going to start that in your stories um because i mean i'd love to tell you my stories i'll tell you i got a lot to tell you been in a restaurant the next 50 years imagine how many stories i got but i did a chicken masala masala an italian version of my chicken french version of my italian chicken masala and so many idiot indian lovely subscriber then we have it we say friends we love your channel but this is not a chicken masalas and i know you forgot there is an ah it's masala not masala so for all of my indian friends then made they were so nice though they're so friendly right they don't like some some other people that may come and they're not so friendly but the indian beer they're just so friendly they're just gentle very nice people they were like we love you but this is not chicken masala i know it's a pain you're supposed to be a chicken masala there's an ah you forgot maybe the thumbnail i should put a big ah salah all right friends we're gonna wait for the onion to cook a few more minutes and then i'll come back we'll finish the sauce okay okay friends you see the uh the onions are starting they're translucent lightly golden brown i'm not looking for a very dark golden brown so i'm gonna put the uh the chili peppers in there they're not very hot not hot at all just a little bit of heat that's all because we got the the red uh chili pepper here and that's gonna be much hotter and then we're gonna put um a little bit of garlic that means we're gonna we still don't want to burn the garlic i don't care what cuisine i'm cooking and the entire i still don't want to build my garlic so we're gonna put the chili powder a little bit now this you put as much or as little as you want it's really up to you you check it the turmeric [Music] and then it's starting to smell amazing and then we're going to put the tomatoes in there friends i put our tomatoes yep and then friends i just realized i forgot in my mise plus big problem uh i'm gonna put a little chicken stock in there and i forgot to get it so don't go anywhere i'm gonna go get it okay good lesson me some plus make sure you get your minion plus before you start my friends all right look i'm gonna put a little bit of chicken stock in there i like a little moisture okay and you know i don't like to put water in there right so i got a little bit of chicken stock and i'm gonna put a little bit of cream also okay and then we're gonna add butter at the end just a little bit of cream and we're just gonna cook the only thing i need to do now and then we're gonna puree all this make it a beautiful smooth sauce my friends and we're gonna put a bit of fresh ginger all right and all i got to do is just grate the ginger you see grate it like this and that's all there is to it we're going to let this cook microplane crater is a great tool for this to do the ginger and then at the end we're going to put a little cilantro we're going to adjust seasoning if we need to do and that'll be it and put a fenugreek we'll put that at the end a fenugreek we'll put that at the end and that's all there is to it my friend we're going to let this cook we're gonna let the chicken marinate and when the sauce is cooked the chicken is marinated we come back and we finish the dish together of course i forgot something else i forgot to have to add the masala i'm telling you if i don't forget anything it's never gonna it's not gonna be a channel if i think of everything right gotta remember mison plus i didn't do mommy's on plus very good today a couple of teaspoons of it don't put too much that's very powerful it could ruin the whole thing that's it my friend we're gonna continue cooking everything chicken marinating the sauce is cooking we'll be back when it's all done no not all done we're going to finish together okay friends well the chicken marinated at least 30 minutes the sauce cooks 30 minutes you should really leave it two or three hours if you have the time i got 30 minutes because i got that going right so now i'm gonna make the sauce very smooth friends i got an immersion blender you don't have one of those just use a um a blender put it in a blender it's a little messy the immersion blender is easier we want to really really really really puree this as smooth as possible it's all about texture friends it really is now you see the fact that the chicken has been marinated in yogurt yogurt doesn't like to cook so much so let's see what happens when i put it on there it's gonna get beautiful golden brown though but see the sauce smooth smooth smooth except i'm gonna turn the heat off i don't need to heat it off anymore tomato sauce never gets smooth as silk i mean tomato sauce tomatoes when you grind them they're never going to get smooth as silk you know i like a very very smooth but that's something you find in italian or french cuisine you don't necessarily find in all cuisine it doesn't mean it's bad it's just that thing that thing yeah all right now here we go we're gonna make sure it's beautiful and smooth friends all right if i had the time i would leave just a little bit longer i'm always in a hurry all right where am i gonna put this guy right here i think i think it'd be right there you'll be good stay right there now we're gonna take the sauce friends and we're gonna put it right in a very fine double mesh strainer let me just you know i don't like to waste none nothing let me just put it in here take a spatula double mesh strainer my friends double mesh you know what a double mesh strainer is right it's it's thinner than a single mesh that's all double mesh single mesh if you have a chinois then it's quadruple mesh so look look look see what's happening down there it's coming out smells amazing you're going to make this you're going to go why it really really smells wonderful you see that makes it really easy here friends when you have a ladle you see look you're going to see right away what i'm doing see right there look how simple that is it's a great technique you see look oh the smell that i'm getting with the masala in there masala is really really flavorful friends all right so look take this compost delicious and here we have a beautiful sauce all right so now what do we do with the chicken let's get this chicken going i got two pan because i don't think it's gonna go in one i got two of them because i got a lot of chicken in here i got probably a little more i said i i started with a recipe at two pounds but i'm looking at a three pound right here so i'm now going to saute the chicken i want my butter this butter butter chicken you gotta put butter right and then we're gonna put more butter at the end and also uh we're going to put some cashews in there folks we're going to put cashew let me move this spot out of the way because we don't need it um and here we go you know i can move the other pan right here or you guys are good comfortable right here boom boom you're good everybody oh everybody's good so what we're going to do we're going to saute the chicken i want to make sure i got some nice heat in there and same thing over there i'm looking at when the bottle is just about to start to get golden brown i'm about to 268 i don't know here's what happened with the chicken prince we wanna all we're doing in here is to give it a beautiful color that's all i'm doing so i don't i can't have it on them on top of each other okay i wanted that's why i'm taking two pairs i'm probably going to need two pens because i don't want them to be on top of each other see you because you'll see you'll see in a minute let's see what i'm talking about i want a beautiful color and the color you're going to get when you see you'll see sometime i try to explain something but it's easier if you see it that's the beautiful thing about youtube you can see it that's a beautiful thing i love my life it's i'll tell you for a chef to do what i do here chefs are there all professional guys start your own youtube channel it's fabulous the people you're cooking for are fabulous they love you they're a great comment it's fabulous you'll have a great time don't hesitate to do it i'm telling you i tell all my chef friends start a youtube channel teach people what you know all right so look guys be careful with the bottle because the bottle is going to burn see like this guy right there is a little hotter than the other one so look look look i know i i told jack don't worry about this pen don't worry about this one so we're going to worry about this one i still don't want to burn it though i want to see what's going on see right there see my difference they see over there that's a color that's what i'm looking for this is what i'm looking for friends now when after you gave a little color if you want to put them on top of each other it's okay there's nothing wrong with that but we still got to give a c right there that's what i'm looking for i'm looking for some color here give me some color you see rather mamma mia right there right there right there that's what i'm looking for right there i this is a this is this is prettier than this guy right there the run five pen is pretty the other one like ah i don't know oh yeah oh whatever that's what i was looking for right there right there that's what i'm looking for how come you only give me that on one side let's see what do we got here they say what happened if you put too much you know i always tell you don't put too much in in the pan to crowd the pan otherwise you can't get that caramelization then we're always looking for so i put too much in the pen you see i make mistakes so you don't make them i teach them i teach you guys what not to do now how many channels do that do not do this and and show you instead of that they redo the thing they should just show you all the mistakes we make and all the mistake i make right here what's the number one mistake i make i put too much in the pan and we don't want too much in a paint we want some beautiful color now here's what we're going to do friends we're going to finish all the rest of the ingredients and we're going to cook it all in this one pan with the sauce on top i know it's fascinating and it's so simple of a dish when you think about it this is what i was looking for right there friends see i was looking for all of them to be like that but i put too much in the pan so you know what we put those right there in the middle so they look good what do you think put it over there now there's nothing i can do about it so we're gonna have to do it yeah if you put a bunch of steel little one golden there and there and they all look like they're golden it's cooking it's not rocket science folks as long as we're not sending a man on the moon and trust me i'm never going to go to the moon some people go hold up i'll take the first plane out not me i can't even get on the ladder never mind go to the moon okay i'm not going to the moon okay we're done with this we're done with this all right so now friends let's put the sauce and that sauce right there my friends it's amazing you see i probably have a little too much sauce but it's okay i rather have too much than not enough right and this my friend the chicken is going to continue cooking do it slowly now you don't need to be high now don't need to be high cashews you don't want cashews don't put them in there some people be peanuts i think cashews is fantastic but matter of opinion put it if you want if you don't want it don't put them in right fenugreek dry fenugreek you can put more i don't really care for it that much i don't put that much of it fresh cilantro put parsley in it if you want wanna cook this gently friends this is gonna cook for i don't know not very long because you see the chicken is not very big i would say uh seven minutes at a low heat until the chicken is cooked and we're gonna serve it with the beautiful jasmine rice and at the last minute i'm gonna put the butter don't let me forget the butter no butter chicken with no butter you know yeah i could see you guys in a comment what's about it with you chef yes and you would be right but now you know what i can do at this point friends i can check it first to make sure i'm good for seasoning oh wow wow that's amazing all right friends what else do we need now remember now you want to put the butter at the end so if you're reheating this dish don't put all the butter you unless you want to um you want to eat it all but if you don't think you're going to eat it all then don't put all the butter just take a little bit out because the butter when it reheats it that would have tendency of separating it and we don't want that so you want to make sure then you put the butter at the end so it slightly melted without separating it and let me tell you there's a thing a magic about as we know bharat is amazing right but what does it bring in the fat content the the velvety flavor then the butter gives you remember texture the conductor flavors if i give you something smooth silky velvety it's going to taste a lot better than if i give you some something that has lumped into it and and it's not doesn't have a smooth texture it's completely different it's all about texture it's all about texture the body has melted now i'm going to take a plate and i'm going to put some beautiful jasmine rice and i cook my jasmine rice in stock i don't cook it in water water tastes like nothing right and then i'm gonna put my serving right here look how beautiful that is my friends look at this this is absolutely gorgeous that'll be enough for me right now i love a lot of sauce so i usually make extra sauce okay but it's up to you you can put it on cilantro on top at the last minute put parsley if you don't like cilantro it's okay whatever you're going to put in here my friend is going to be delicious and the chicken oh real hot wait until it's not so hot otherwise you can't test it in there you want to adjust salt and pepper before you serve before you put the butter i could have put a little more salt in there that would have been good um but it's delicious it's not too spicy so i can test my chicken i can test my rice i can test all the ingredients slightly in the back not too forward with so much spices sometimes you go to restaurant and they have so much spice you can't taste anything friends i hope you enjoyed making this try it it's fantastic remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell thanks for watching we'll see you in the next couple days with another fantastic video [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 368,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butter chicken recipe, indian butter chicken recipe, best butter chicken recipe, authentic butter chicken recipe, butter chicken, how to make butter chicken, how to make butter chicken at home, easy butter chicken recipe, simple butter chicken recipe, poulet au beurre, homemade butter chicken recipe, how to cook butter chicken, homemade butter chicken, easy butter chicken, butter chicken curry recipe, butter chicken tasty, butter chicken restaurant style, pollo de mantequilla
Id: MwUCo0imYVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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