Shepherd’s Pie / Cottage Pie ❤️

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hi everybody today on Rachel cooks with love I'm gonna prepare shepherd's pie now the holidays are here and if you have friends or family who are going to come and visit and you're looking for a dish to prepare this is it it's made with ingredients that just about everybody loves and it's super easy to put together and it's a full meal in one dish and today I'm gonna show you how to make it step by step let's get started now I'm going to start out by preparing my meat mixture I'm going to be using the stainless steel brazer and I've got my heat set on medium I'm gonna add my ground beef I have one pound of 80 20 ground beef now traditionally this dish was prepared with lamb but here in the states most people use ground beef and here in this house we like ground beef so that's what I'm going to be using today now once my ground beef gets nice and brown I'm gonna drain it of all the rendered grease so I'm just going to be moving it around like this until it loses all its pink color now as you can see my ground beef is nice and brown and I have removed all the rendered grease now I'm going to add my onions I have one small onion and I'm going to move it around like this until the onions release some of their flavor in here now my onions are slightly translucent and it smells wonderful in here now I'm going to add my carrots I have 3 4 of a cup of freshly diced carrots in here and I have one celery rib now back in the old days when this dish was invented I'm thinking they probably didn't use celery but the celery is just so good in here just like they didn't use ground beef they used lamb that's why here in the states they call this dish cottage pie so I'm going to move it around like this until my carrots and my celery sweat a little bit let them get a little soft let them release their flavor in here one step at a time so I've given my carrots and my celery about two minutes and now I'm gonna make some room for my garlic and my tomato paste I have two large cloves of garlic right here and they're finely minced and I have one tablespoon of tomato paste and I'm going to move them around and let them get nice and warm and release their flavor in here so it's been about one minute now I'm going to bring everything in together like this I'm going to add some pepper and I'm going to add some salt and I'm going to put all the ingredients Below in the description box now I'm going to add my Rosemary I have one tablespoon of fresh Rosemary and it's finely chopped I'm going to add it in there I have half a teaspoon of fresh thyme finely chopped and I have one fourth of a teaspoon of rubbed sage oh these three are gonna give this dish a delicious flavor and it's starting to smell Beautiful now I'm going to add my flour I have two and a half tablespoons of all-purpose flour this is going to be our thickener it's going to give us like a little gravy in here and I'm going to move it around so that it loses its raw flavor we don't want raw flour in here so you just move it around until it gets nice and toasty as long as it doesn't burn you're doing just fine so now that my flour is nice and toasty see it's nice and gold down here oh that's going to be delicious in here now I'm going to add my broth I've got one and a half cups of beef broth and I'm gonna add one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce right here I think I said it right Worcestershire see it's going to start making a beautiful gravy in here and it smells so nice in here with a sage and the Rosemary and the thyme now I'm gonna move it around from the bottom like this to release all that fond because there's a lot of flavor down there at the bottom see look at that it's all gone and it's all mixed in here now I'm going to add one cup of frozen peas now you can add corn in here if you want or you can add green beans whatever you like so you make it your own so now that I have mixed my peas in really well I'm going to replace my lid and I'm going to lower the temperature down to the lowest setting I just want all those herbs in there to come in together and release their flavor beautifully and I'm gonna let it sit like that on a very low setting until I need it and I'm going to get started on my potatoes I've got two pounds of russet potatoes in here and I cut them up into about a one inch Cube you want to cut them up the same size because you want them to cook evenly so I'm going to set my heat up to high and I'm gonna wait until it comes up to a boil once they come up to a boil I'm going to lower the temperature too low I want them to cook for about 15 or 20 minutes or until they are fork tender I'm going to add some salt and so I'm going to let them cook like that and I'll see you in a little bit now while I wait for my potatoes to come up to a boil I'm going to warm up my milk I have 3 4 of a cup of milk in here and I also have three tablespoons of butter see so I'm going to move it around gently like this until the butter melts really well in here once it melts I'm going to turn off the heat because I do want my butter and my milk to be nice and warm so my potatoes are ready and I'm ready to mash them now you can use a hand mixer or you can just use one of these see so I'm going to start mashing them up just like this so here's my milk and my butter mixture that I had nice and warm I'm gonna add it in here and this way we'll get them real nice and smooth I'm going to add some salt and I'm gonna add some pepper you can add as much pepper as you want I like the look of the pepper in here I think that's good and I've got one teaspoon of finely chopped chives see I'm gonna add them in there and I have two thirds cup of finely shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese and I'm gonna mash them up and I have one egg yolk I'm gonna put my egg yolk in here this will give the potatoes a nice color and it'll make them nice and Rich so my potatoes are ready I'm gonna clean up my area and I'm gonna put my shepherd's pie together I'm gonna be using this dish right here and it's an 11 by seven and a half you want to use one that's more or less this size I'm going to spray a little bit of non-stick spray just like that and I'm going to put my meat mixture in here look at that this smells absolutely delicious I'm gonna smooth it out see just get it nice and smooth like this do the best you can and that's good now I'm going to add my potatoes in here I like to put big blobs of potatoes and then I just smooth it out so I'm done with my potatoes now I've got my oven preheated to 375 and I'm gonna put my dish in there for about 20 to 25 minutes now I also have a piece of aluminum foil I'm gonna put the aluminum foil right on the middle rack and then I'm going to put my dish right on top of it because sometimes you know when it gets hot it could spill over now you can also turn your Broiler on at the last minute or so if you want to get a little bit more gold on top but that's up to you so I'll see you in about 20 to 25 minutes so here it is very hot and still bubbling so I'm gonna let it sit here for just a few minutes before I cut into it oh and here it is so now it's time for the taste test um oh my goodness this is absolutely wonderful I can pick up on the herbs and the flavor of everything else and the mashed potatoes on top are out of this world um absolutely delicious so this is my shepherd's pie if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 274,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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