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this episode is sponsored by squarespace so bored i'm so bored cat what should we do should we play a game do you want to play a game yes you do you do want to play you want you'll play a game okay uh we could play um huh no we don't need handcuffs no and we can play i got the hacksaw you need a hacksaw or handcuffs no i was thinking like star grave or like frost grave or planet 28 or something you're a weird cat [Music] hello everyone welcome to episode 45 it is really hot in here so hard basically i love playing star grave from planet 28 and tabletop war games like that but i just want it more compact travel sized you know so i'm going to take your 28 millimeter sized terrain and scale it down to ten millimeter size terrain um which is basically like dividing it by three i'm not going to get too technical into the scales and all that uh should go watch my friend now but nab makes i'm sure he has a video on that basically i just want to shrink a whole tabletop war game into a case a small case like this i keep doing this i'll probably i'll just show you the case in a minute i might magnetize it a bit just a bit travel games have to be magnetized you know because you're playing in the back seat of a car you know when you're going on holiday no one's ever done that ever anyway so i used the 3d printer twice once i've printed a bead and the second time i printed these 10 millimeter characters because i've always had this uh project in mind i've always wanted to make this game board and look at that tiny and he's about a third the size of a 28 millimeter character important that remember that so whilst perusing my local charity shops or thrift stores to you americans i found this backgammon board and i thought no one plays backgammon anymore that's sad so i decided to turn this into a miniature tabletop war game board so um you know just a bit cooler now sadly i didn't find the magnetic sheets in my local charity shop but you can find them in craft shops you know sometimes you do have to buy things you know unless there is some way of making magnetic things i don't know maybe i need to how do how are magnets made anyway these magnetic sheets are gonna stick i'm basically going to line the whole board in magnetic sheets so any magnets above should stick to said board you know science i even magnetized the little compartments for you know bits and pieces later on and i just want to give it a little test there whatever you do don't test out magnets by throwing them into children's mouths just a bit of safety advice there so this episode is sponsored by squarespace now if you've ever wanted to make a website and you're not really sure how to do it squarespace is the place to go look you get provided with hundreds of templates like these just here and they're all pretty cool designs i've given that and say you want to make a website about pickles look oh there we go there's a pickle website you can literally open this up change the names there you go you have a pickle website so i decided to make a website of my own for bill making stuff now i've made plenty of websites in the past and i have to say that squarespace is the easiest and most intuitive website build i've ever used it's uh so easy to get great effect i mean look at this this took me like five minutes so if you want to make a website click on the link down below there is a cell going on uh there you go so i'm going to use this hardboard as a base uh slash chipboard slash really thick cardboard whatever you want to call it this is going to be the base that i'm going to kind of flock and basically be the removable ground i'll show you later so this recipe that you see right now is what i use to cover all the ground in this board so any texture paste you see me use it's basically this it's kind of like crustard but i don't really want to call it crusted because it's not exactly crusted it's like crusted but there maybe we need to come up with another name anyway it's basically what i use a lot so maybe write it down so i like to keep a glass jar handy with a lid because i always like to store this stuff it lasts quite a while and if it kind of hardens just add a bit of water and it reactivates now warning there's going to be a lot of dry brushing in this video um anytime i do any kind of basing or flocking it's a lot of dry brushing and i quite enjoy it and i probably show far too much of it but um anyway enjoy or don't enjoy let me know in the comments down below so to really bring the detail out of this what is essentially sandpaper we're going to use this brown burnt umber oil wash [Applause] and then we dry brush again i did tell you i did warn you actually anyway while i'm doing this you can look up daniel drybrush the inventor of the dry brush technique uh he's fascinating fella fascinated so i mean i could have stuck this straight to the base but i figured you know if there's magnetic sheet underneath um then i can just change the ground covering whenever i want i can maybe put some grass in there or you know desert and then maybe some grass i mean what other sort of grounds are there i'm not sure anyway it's customizable which is good [Music] so i went for a meal the other day with my wife and um yeah it's our anniversary i was in a restaurant and some guy actually came up and stopped me and said you're that famous guy from youtube i said i'm not i'm not that famous one but i'm from youtube thanks for recognizing me you know like uh i went a little bit red in the face you know got a little bit shy thanks whoever that person was for recognizing me it's the first time that's ever happened and my wife was more impressed than i was i think she thought this was all just me hiding to be honest and if you do see me down the street you know you can always say hello i'm not i do look i do look kind of standoffish i'm going to be honest but it's just my face but honestly come and say hello anyway i just wanted to tell you that i don't know why someone recognize me it's a small town as well you know [Music] so with the ground done i want to make some cliff faces uh like mountains and ridges and i'm gonna use this xps foam because that is what you use uh basically you can carve anything for these things you know um this is gonna be a corner piece but it can work in any corner it's not fussy [Music] so to stick this xps foam together i used some hot glue from a hot glue gun funny that for that short term hold and i used some pva glue around the outside for that long you know that long carrying hold i like this trick from tinu from craftastrophe go check him out uh he gives you the best holds he really does i mean so gentle i mean so caring thanks where was i oh yeah if you take your knife and you carve along horizontally like this and then you take your knife and you carve vertically just like that actually it's quite funny you can make some really cool cliff faces and sedimentary rock bases i learned this trick from eric at eric's hobby workshop two name drops right next to each other there i probably should uh spread them out anyway i use this little pick tool to kind of pick away the little segments and yeah it looks a bit messy now but trust me trust me [Music] so to keep these cliffs magnetic i'm going to stick magnetic sheets on the top like this and just cut it to shape [Music] and uh yeah i'm pretty happy with that let's leave that to dry let's make some more let's cue the montage [Music] [Music] [Music] so these cliffs are looking pretty good a little bit jagged a little bit messy so i decided to take my heat gun and just kind of melt them a little bit you know just a little bit and there you go that looks like a really natural formation i mean despite the pink don't worry about the pink we're gonna paint it but uh that is my favorite technique for rock faces so thank you eric for that [Music] at the top of the cliffs or magnetized we want to magnetize the underside with these stronger magnets because i don't want these things sliding around on the board basically just melt a hole with your glue gun and just chuck them in with a load of glue make sure you've got the right poles facing the right way look and we can stack them so off camera i made a few of these these are basically the same thing just smaller with a magnet in the bottom and they can just go anywhere just add a bit of variation to the rock i don't have to show you everything [Music] so the thing with using xps foam is you should always really seal it afterwards because spray paint super glue anything like that will kind of just melt it away um but basically i use a bit of mod podge and a bit of paint because it can act as your base color you know you don't have to be all fancy pants like me and use mod podge and paint you can just use pva glue and paint it it's exactly the same thing maybe not exactly but it's pretty much the same thing it doesn't i've never noticed a difference [Music] [Music] so after making these things and uh priming them i completely forgot that 10 millimeter guys might need to climb up and down them so i should have probably carved some kind of slope um yeah it's annoying [Music] so at first i was oh you know i was a little bit unhappy having to cut big chunks out of these rocks but to be honest with you i think they're going to look better for it in the end you know rocks aren't just solid lumps and uh well you know now this little guy's got a little way to walk up there it'd be fine it'd be fine [Music] so with our rocks sorted i'm going to coat the whole top in that crusted 2.0 stuff um basically i want to try and hide that line where the magnetic sheet is stuck on top so i know i don't usually use sponges on sticks i thought they were kind of useless but they actually work really well for things like this spreading out pastes uh i actually watched nick at abandon miniatures another name drop and i saw that he used his sponges a lot so i thought i'd give it a go and now i quite like sponges on sticks true story [Music] i know what you're thinking another dry brushing clip but i want to use this clip to explain if you brush downwards on the cliff face like that from top to bottom you kind of replicate the sun or light coming from above and it looks much more natural okay okay it wasn't pointless and now i'm just gonna cover the whole thing in all your wash uh burnt umber color or your wash and make sure that every part of the foam is sealed because i'm pretty sure this white spirit in the oil wash or mineral spirits whatever you want to call it will dissolve the foam um pretty sure [Applause] hold on a minute are you subscribed to my channel are you watching this you know illegally it's not illegal you can watch it without subscribing but if you enjoy the channel why not subscribe you can click the like button too if you like you could buy t-shirts with that thing on it or you can uh you know click the patron link down below become a patron of the channel if you like the channel that's that's it really [Music] you're still not subscribed are you unbelievable unbelievable this is probably a good time to test out the cliffs and see how many combinations i can make [Music] make sure it all fits into one side of the lid and then you can close it and it all stays in place so now with the base done and all the clips done i can have fun and make some 10 millimeter scale buildings uh i want them to be kind of weird but i've never made any 10 millimeter scale buildings and it'd be interesting to just experiment so these guns look pretty good to me i'm thinking i'm going to use those but we'll see so anyone who 3d prints will know what this is this is a support for a miniature and it basically looks like a 10 millimeter scaffolding and i'm thinking you know rusty scaffold ruins maybe [Music] so these 3d print support things aren't the strongest funny enough so i used a bit of super glue just to kind of coat them in something a bit more solid um but to be honest with you any 10 mil terrain is going to be pretty fragile i think anyway we're going to magnetise the whole lot [Music] hello miss ellswood time to do a bit of flocking if you're curious as to what i'm flocking with there's a video up here if i remember to do it and there we go some old scaffold ruins i'm really happy with those really easy to do i mean a little bit too easy through my bits box i've got a lot of these action figure size guns they're no good for 28 millimeter characters but i think they may be useful for you know 10 millimeter ruins for some reason i don't know we'll see they got some interesting shapes in there so i guess the theme i'm going for is broken down ancient machinery you know in a blasted desert kind of terrain and uh this thing looks like some old machinery that's broken down uh i mean considering that was a toy gun you wouldn't know it it looks that's perfect so easy to do this is fun [Music] so at this point i was just looking for interesting shapes in my bits box and i have these little wooden cogs from some wooden puzzle and some hair curlers and basically i'm going to make a kind of all refinery that's broken down one thing to take from this is that the barrels of action figure guns make really good scale chimneys this building kind of reminded me of the uh anyone ever watched watchmen uh when dr manhattan went up to mars he had enough of everyone and he needed to get away and he went up to mars and he made that big palace out of sand you know it kind of reminded me of that to be honest with you in frozen doesn't she run away from people she has enough people in the town she runs up the mountain and makes like a palace of isis it's the same thing anyway back to it this is a piece from an old pen uh and these bits here are from a pen basically pens have good little plastic bits in them you should always take them apart once you're finished with them and we're gonna use a little bit this wire for well wire you know just wire and then we have a drill so in the pound shop or the dollar tree over in america uh you get the final faction figures which we don't really get over here but we do get the accessory packs and this is one of the accessories from one of the packs it's a like a hoverboard thing they say all the accessories but not the figures over here it's kind of dumb anyway this is going to make a really good crash spaceship because i kind of want a centerpiece something for people to fight over if any of my lovely american patrons would like to buy a load of final faction figures for me i'd send you the money and send them over then please let me know so this hoverboard looks pretty good as a spaceship already but i just want to add a few more details just to add to the scale and obviously a few more machine guns [Music] now we have to get some kind of rhinestone in here somewhere so this is going to be the window [Music] so now we just need to add a bit of crusted luckily it's the same crusted as we used on the mountains and the ground matching the color for terrain is a nightmare if you've ever done it before so it's best to make a big batch of it save it in a jar this video is just full of tips isn't it it probably should be funnier i should always be funnier let's be honest but uh i probably should add more jokes in here but i'm just so full of tips today [Music] so we're going to dry brush all the ground in this ivory color and then we're going to paint all the metal in some kind of rust because i like rust let's be honest orange is one of my favorite colors and i know we've developed metals that don't rust so a futuristic sci-fi game there should be so much rust but rust looks cool okay and i've got a lot of rust-colored paint that i need to use uh let's be honest so i was thinking of doing like a really nice kind of detailed paint job on these things but a 10 millimeter scale i mean you're not really gonna all you're going to really see is kind of colored shapes from a distance so you know don't go crazy i mean i might add a bit of green on this spaceship but that's about it so there we go that was a that was quite a lot of hard work but it's quite fun i quite enjoy making 10 millimeter terrain and there's lots of possibilities there you know even if i don't like the terrain i made uh it doesn't take up a lot of space which is the point i'm thinking villages and towns and all sorts of stuff but uh i actually had to move my whole setup out of this room and into another room film the glamour shots because it's so big before anyone noticed then come back so if you enjoyed it let me know down below in the comments tell me what i did wrong obviously and uh i'll see you next time um that's it glamour shots coming up right now no i'm not gonna play a game okay you weird cat thing see you next time [Music] no [Music] so i no to mention earlier but i made these little rulers uh they're basically rulers that show inches at this scale so an inch divided by three pretty much and they've got little magnetic strips at the bottom look at that so this build i painted uh 20 10 millimeter characters and i hate painting miniatures um i added little magnetic dots at the bottom so they would stick to the board but i didn't want to put you through it so here you go here they are finished you can probably barely see them from there probably a good thing actually anyway i just want to thank my patrons for your continued support if you like what i do and you want to keep this channel going uh join patreon there's a link down below get your name up here that that was actually third take wasn't the first take i didn't get 20 first
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 166,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: g90WbcBqsdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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