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another video happy birthday oh but it is my birthday in a couple of weeks but it's you know I'm not it's not my birthday 41 off 41. don't look like I'm 41 really I'll be 40. if I was in Logan's Run I'll be dead already a depressing is there [Music] all right [Music] oh hello everyone welcome to episode 63. uh today well today I wanted to mix it up I wanted to do something different uh you know I scratch beard things I sculpt things uh you know I'd even do some drawings paintings and maybe stick stuff in frames and just all sorts of I like to mix it up I don't like to do the same thing that everyone else does you know you get those miniature channels that will just paint a miniature and then the next episode you know guess what they're painting a miniature again but today for a change I'm gonna paint some miniatures now I've put up a little poll on YouTube I said what would you allow me to do would you like me to make some bead Bots would you like me to make some more terrain would you like me to make the citizens of respite when I put that pole up I was kind of in the mood for some beat Bots um because I haven't made beat bots in a while and you not voted for uh you know kit bashing so respite if you don't know is a made-up Town inside a made-up world inside my head I think I made up do I exist it's a way to keep all my builds Canon you know I would make something give it a backstory and then in my head that thing interacted with another build that I've made like the Marvel Cinematic Universe you know just less budget yeah I'm gonna kit bash the citizens of respite today because that's what you vote for um but to be honest I want to do this too I've been meaning to do this for a while I have some short stories on patreon about you know people's time in respite and I have a few characters names that pop up and I think I'm going to start with those I did an episode about Kit bashing before but that was mainly using like little bits of junk and little bits that everyone has you know little bits of plastic toothpicks things like that it's not going to be like that this episode these characters I want to do them justice so I'm going to use actual bits for my bits box and I think for once I'm going to try and paint them well I'm going to spend a bit of time on the painting because you know last episode I made that giant hermit crab thing and I got a lot of compliments on how I painted The Crab thing pretty easy I'll try that next time on a miniature I mean I just spend a little bit longer on it you know but let's actually go for this bag of Miniatures that I got at a salute and um yeah let's go with it so today I'm going to be kit bashing some of my respite citizens and I need some inspiration so I've got this bag full of Miniatures now these Miniatures came from Salute convention a couple of weeks ago a miniature table top gaming convention I think I talked about it I was a special guest there no one actually turned up to see me but uh you know they got me out the house that's not true actually people did turn up and they were very very nice so I haven't looked through these Miniatures since I've got them at salute now this guy cole looks to be an ash for me we're dead I may keep him he's pretty cool I could uh you know I could chop these guys up basically I'm looking for inspiration you know sort of bodies that I want to use and chop up and basically who I want to chop up and who I don't want to chop up like a like a very selective serial killer thank you oh look it's a male look a mad male or Mad Max I'll keep him and some more star grave Miniatures uh we can chop those up easy I don't know what these are quite like that fat guy probably gonna chop these guys up you know it's quite sad to chop up Miniatures but that's kick bashing for you plus I've been watching Trent and missed cars for too long [Music] so I've accumulated a ton of Miniatures and parts over the years and I'm just gonna use them I'm going to go crazy so this episode is about Kit bashing but it's mainly about character design whenever I design anything I go to my Sketchbook and I do a few Doodles now if you're in doubt just doodle like I am here they don't have to be good just get a few scribbles down on a page and ideas will start to form now this is the first character Tinker tests yeah so on my patreon I upload little short stories some lore you know some background stories for characters and buildings in the town and things like that and a lot of my patrons had already heard of Tinker test because she's a reoccurring character she owns the shop in respite and basically this building right here now if Tess is called to fight I imagine she would bring all of her most valuable possessions and you know stock with her so she'd be wearing lots of bags and she'll have lots of equipment on her back almost like a pack rat to be honest I also imagined she would have really good guns because she keeps the best stuff for herself and also she is a female miniature and she's going to be wearing a big trench coat I think I don't want a cleavage on show because I don't work for Games Workshop [Music] hopefully it will look something like this hopefully hopefully so I think this body will be perfect I like that coat and this head I mean that is Tinker Tess's head isn't it that is exactly what I need that is perfect I believe this is a Fallout miniature from The Fallout tabletop game the scale was slightly bigger but hopefully it won't matter too much we should just have a big head it's fine that's the head sorted now we just need stuff to go on the back and I mean lots of stuff believe in all of it it's a bit much so now I need to work on her backpack or backpacks there's gonna be pouches upon pouches and satchels on satchels and weird gadgetry now there's going to be a lot it may look a bit ridiculous and I kind of want it to be a bit ridiculous like she that is her main characteristic when it comes to character design with Miniatures I think there's no room for subtlety you know she's going to have lots of stuff on her back because she's a hoarder and she loves her stuff now you take one look at the miniature you can see that and then my job's done so there you go Tinker tests there's no room for subtlety just like my videos so this video is sponsored by Squarespace now Squarespace is a website where you go to make websites now if you have no idea how to make a website you don't know how to deal with a HTML HTML I'm not sure and you just want to make a website about things like you know like a pickle website for example like yeah like that like pickle Perfection that's it Bill click there if you just want to make a website that's quick and easy and clean and nicely designed then go to Squarespace I made this website in like you know it must be like 0.5 seconds maybe a little bit longer I'm not sure but it was really easy and it looks pretty good and I will add stuff to it at some point but uh yeah if you want to make your own website there's a sale going on Squarespace is a little link down below go and have a look after the episode obviously so the citizens of respite are named after their profession like Tinker test she's a tinkerat you know like in Old England so Mr Mayor funny enough is the mayor of respite now I've already seen a little chubby rotund miniature that I'm going to be using for this and it has a very nice mustache so I'm probably going to keep that but there's a few additions I'm going to make basically some epaulets maybe a nice pipe things like that and I like the idea of him not having to lift the finger and having an automated gun on his backpack [Music] Mr Mayor comes from a long line of Mayors his dad was the Mary's Granddad was the mayor and he owns the rolling rocker which is this giant tank that kind of protects the town so I wanted to be kind of proud you know I wanted to be a bit flamboyant with his outfit perhaps ex-military but maybe not maybe he just wears the outfit because it kind of fits his kind of position of power but either way he's gonna have some cool gun on his backpack and a giant pipe and here he is the perfect miniature he's rotund with an amazing mustache and he's even got a monocle there I didn't notice before we can probably do something with that and we need a backpack now I'm not sure where this backpack is from but it looks very it looks very technical and uh detailed so we're going to use that you know I feel a little like it's a little unfair I have so many bits and I don't really buy any of these bits or play any of these games people for some of these bits via my PO Box down below I really appreciate it and there we go an automated gun oh I used guitar strings for those little wires if you need guitar strings just go to your local guitar shop and ask you know for any of the off-cut guitar strings when they tune in new guitars you know my local guitar shop you know they know me obviously you know because I go in there and ask for guitar strings all the time it's never seen the channel never seen unless he's watching now you're watching are you watching now so this guy already has a little monocle but we need to just you know make it a little bit more obvious so we're gonna use the smallest hemisphere bead thing I've got which is you know it's tiny and we're gonna stick it on his eye now this wasn't easy but you know I made it look easy so that's all that counts and I made a little pipe now this thing look [Music] and this is pipe number three now it's my favorite of the free pipes and you may be thinking like why didn't I just go and look for the pipe that pinged off uh it is you know it's long gone it's on the floor it's between the cracks of the floorboard as spiders walking around smoking it as we speak but there we go Mr Mayor so the third character is a landlord hence the name Landy uh Buster Dow now this sounds a bit like a pole dancer I'm gonna be honest reading it back now and I am terrible at naming things I did did warn you so Landy busterdale is the owner of the king's end in which is this building right here he's also the local butcher so I imagine he's quite muscular so I like to think that the character will only use like knives and perhaps a crossbow to you know I imagine he hunts creatures to butcher uh you know in his spare time because he is you know he's the local but he provides most of the meat in the town and he's quite famous for it now I want him to almost be confused for a roster if you see him out in the wild you'd probably think he was a Ruster causing all sorts of trouble I think he'd be wearing lots of Furs and animal parts and levers and things like that I like to imagine that he bounces his own bar he would kick any unwanted visitors out so I'm thinking giant arms giant muscly arms you know probably ridiculously big arms just to kind of get across that point you know the lack of subtlety that I was talking about earlier foreign I'm going to use this body it's a miniature for Fallout which is slightly bigger than 28 millimeters which is fine because he's a big character [Music] so I collected together all of the muscly arms I could find and some of them have fur on the back I assume they're from beastmen Miniatures we can just shave that away but we're looking for big I mean it's slightly too big possibly we're looking for big [Music] now if you sent me any of these parts in the post via my PO Box let me know there's a thing called bits Bingo where if you see your part time stamp it stick it in the comments down below and you win I'm not sure what you win probably nothing because I just made it up but you know I can make it a thing yeah I think I might just make it a thing anyway here's a crossbow that I just made um I don't know why I could have probably just found a crossbow I decided to make one and I put a little scope on there for that you know that sci-fi this here is an orc skull that I think I got in a box of skulls which is a weird sentence to say but we're going to use that as some weird ornate necklace now to stress the point that he's a butcher I'm going to give him a Giant Knife I mean I mean a giant knife look at that that's a bit it's slightly I'm slightly regretting it now that looks a bit silly it might not make the cuts no pun intended it's just I might get rid of it the fourth and final character for this episode and I mean yeah there should be 10 people in my star grave Squad but uh this is taking forever so you know maybe another video postie Jack ma'am that postie means Postman this is the local Postman and it's called Jack ma'am because he's called Jack now it's a weird name he's a weird guy I imagine he's kind of skinny gaunt and ugly and there is a horrible story about him but I'll tell you that in Story Time with Bill during the painting section [Music] now Jack's story involves losing three out of four limbs so he's got like a robot arm and two robot legs so we need to take that in consideration I like the idea of a power pack on his back like if that malfunctions he's literally just a torso with an arm you know he'll have to drag himself to safety I like that idea you know it could be weird I think also he may not be human uh maybe he's trying to pass himself off as human in some way so it's going to be taller it's going to be skinnier weird gaunt looking and I think I'm gonna give him a bowler head because who doesn't like a bowler hat and there we go postie Jackman so the main body is going to be this miniature from stargrave now I'm sure it's supposed to be an alien it looks kind of Almost Human which is uh kind of perfect for me now free out the four limbs are going to be robotic so let's just uh trim them off you know one regret I have is uh using metal managers with a kit fashion it makes life so much harder you know just the sand the weight is always off when you kind of mix plastic with metal it's just yeah stick with plastic if you can [Music] foreign Jack's limbs to look like they're a hodgepodge of different brands and manufacturers like he's had to trade and Salvage these Nims over a long period of time you know they're not readily available on the planet now he has one good arm which he uses to like Quick Draw I imagine but I need a power pack on the back I'm going to use this little thing I'm not sure what that is to be honest and some guitar strings again a guitar man if you're watching please let me know you don't have to watch it you know if you're not really if you're too cool playing guitar you know and growing your hair really long actually I think if he watches it it's probably going to think I'm pretty weird now so probably bestie he doesn't not that you lot aren't cool you know like I'm quite glad you are watching me but you know you just don't own a guitar shop so you know and there we go for Kit bashed Miniatures and I've got to paint them though haven't I hello again it's me again interrupting myself again I just want to promote myself again I have a patreon if you don't know what patreon is it's basically somewhere where you you know pay a little bit money and it keeps the channel going you know ad revenue is terrible you know you don't get anything really so I just want to shout that out and say you know if you like this channel if you like what I'm doing and you want to keep this channel going uh go and support me on patreon if you would you know if you saw me down the street or at a bar don't approach me but honestly if you haven't met me in real life and you'd think I'd buy you a coffee I'd buy you you know a curly whirly or like a pint of beer what's that like one pound fifty these days I don't get out much you consider just donating that on patreon that's what it costs like a couple of quid and it will keep this channel going only if you enjoy the channel if you don't enjoy the channel and you go over there and start giving me money but grudgingly uh that's gonna make me feel bad so you know don't do that despite the bit at the beginning it is actually my birthday in a couple of weeks I will be 40 years old believe it or not I mean this is mainly super glue fumes that have done this so I'm gonna go over to America to New Orleans and I'm gonna go visit a few other Crafters you may have heard of um I'm not going to tell you their name budsun um some guy called Royale uh some other guy called Bibi binis someone called raftsman I think he has like a rafting Channel and someone called binu yeah you don't know who they are but I'm going to be in New Orleans next week uh visiting those people and maybe we'll get some content out of it we'll see but if you're from that area you know and you know any cool hobby shops or cool hobby stuff that we should check out or just anything cool to check out leave a comment down below or go on Discord and message me or Instagram it's going to be interesting but that's what I'm doing for my 40th birthday I thought I should let you know if you want to buy me a present I do have a wish list down below that was that was a bit cheeky wasn't it but that's it let's what no no you you you definitely can't come what do you mean why you're wanted in 68 different countries you're not coming back here let's just get back to it [Music] so I primed the models in a xenopho primer and as I did the knife just kind of disintegrated if actually fell off and exploded in itself it just yeah I just got rid of it it was too big not too big we're going to start with Tinker tests because she looks like the hardest to paint and um you know I'm actually gonna try today I think I mentioned it before so just to base color these things I'm going to use speed paint 2.0 if they have the right color for it for these satchels it's going to be perfect but I'm not really going to rely on speed paint too much because I don't particularly like them to be honest they're a bit bit weird they look weird to me so I'm just going to use the two thin coat range to highlight and to build up upon it but anyway that's enough paint talk from me um now it's story time with her now we've got four little stories not really stories just little bits of lore and a little bit more information about the characters that I've created so here we go sit down you know huddle up make sure you've got a nice little hot drink to hand and you know paint in time is boring time which is story time we feel I may have just misquoted myself but I'm not going to go back and check so here we go Tinker test so Tinker Tess owns the Big Green Wing Trading Post which is the main Trading Post in respite now Tess is a collector she loves to collect treasure and technology and weird artifacts that people go out on the waste and bring back and sell to her or trade with her and she is sitting on some of the most advanced technology known to men Tess has zero social skills she comes across slightly insane to most people but she is possibly the smartest person on tapu at least in respite now Tess has been known to kill people on the spot you know if you're a shoplifter or if you approach her Secrets there she'll shoot you then and there but what looks like insanity to everyone else to her she sees it as a noble duty to protect them from themselves you know some of the stuff she sits on will destroy the town in an incident some of the stuff would sink the whole continent but most people in respite have no idea obviously and they just see her as a crazy bag lady which you know she also is so Buster Dao is the landlord of the king's end in which is why is known as Landy Buster Dell not only does he own the Inn he's also the butcher for the town and the local Hunter he goes out and hunts the meat brings it back butches it and sells it to meet Taurus now meat tourism is a big thing meat has been outlawed on most civilized planets they see it as murder but in respite murders fine apparently the Buster's pretty gritty you know he does go out he'll kill himself a skull face bear you know you go hunting for scrap beats the baby ones not the big ones and they bring back the meat for people to eat but you know when he's out in the wild with his animal skins and his furs and his animal bones and his blades he looks kind of like a Rasta The rosters are Savage men who are hunted by the people of respite and vice versa there are people that come to respite just the hunt rusters some of these non-local Rasta hunters will be out in the wilderness they'll stumble across Buster see him with his animals skins and his furs and his giant Metal Blade and think you know that's a Rasta fair game foreign s well for these Thruster Hunters but then again you know Buster ends up with more meat to feed the meat Taurus you know some exclusive meat just for them Buster has been known to sympathize with the rusters there are a few in town that sympathize with them and there are a few in town that absolutely hate rusters and want them wiped off the face of the planet Buster isn't one of these people which is why he absolutely hates Jack nem now check is the postie or the postman it's not quite the same as a postman nowadays basically he would receive signals from passing spaceships you know relayed messages which he would then relay to the townspeople being the post he gives Jack the feeling of superiority over the other citizens he knows everyone's business people in a town of respite You know despite it being like a filled with murderers thieves treasure hunters and bounty hunters they think he's a bit of a scumbag now Jack hates rusters he hates rusters more than anyone could hate anything and there is a big story behind this washjack was performing his Postman duties out in the wilderness he was captured by rusters now these rusters tied him down they chopped off one arm and two legs and they decided to cook them right in front of him the interesting thing is that rusters don't actually eat people they just like to chew the meat spin it out in front of them as a sign of disrespect for days Jack had to watch this happen in front of him he was conscious the whole time they were working their way around to every limb but at the last moment the rolling rocker turned up saved the day the mayor saved Jack and brought him back to town so ever since then Jack has been the leader of a secret anti-ruster League basically they go out and hunt rusters on a you know a nightly basis they want to wipe them away from the continent more than most there's certain slogans going around like humans first and things like that but you know there's rumors going around town that jack isn't even human they've noticed that one of his hands has three fingers and a thumb his head is pretty elongated his whole body is kind of elongated and very alien-like denies it until it's blue in the face but then he reapplies the makeup and then everyone thinks he's human again he has a robotic arm and two robotic legs all being served by one motor on his back once that motor fails he's kind of stuck crawling across the floor much to busterdale's amusement foreign character we're going to cover in this episode is Mr Mayor mayor be in his job and surname at the same time Mr Mayor is obviously the richest person in town the biggest land owner in town and he owns the Roman rocker which basically protects the town now this was all passed down to him from Mr Mayor his father and Mr Mayor his grandfather and miss the mayor his great-grandfather but you know he's not a horrible person he's quite a jolly person he's quite well liked around town another man in respite is no different to a mayor in you know our day you know Amir is just not a real position of power basically a symbol of power that has no power whatsoever really you know and there's no difference for Miss the mayor he's basically just the symbol of the town of respite but unlike mayors of today Mr Mayor does actually have uh you know literal power he has a backpack laser gun arm that can just wipe out anything you know with a blink of an eye he has a roll-in Fortress called the rolling rocker which is a giant tank which can wipe the town out so he does have power but luckily he's a pretty Jolly bloke now the uniform of the respite mayor is this military uniform that's been passed down from Mr Mayor to Mr Mayor to miss the mayor you get the point the mayor being a position of non-power he really does take it on himself to defend the town he he's in charge of the town's most powerful weapons he feels it is his obligation to protect the town but he does use the rolling rocker to provide Scenic tours in the desert if you're lucky he'll take you on a tour where you can go and see the rusty Peaks maybe the odd skull face bear scrap Beast perhaps even the giant godhead in the sand and also if you're very lucky he may destroy a raster encampment with the rolling rocker Just For You Know Your Entertainment he has been known to do that in the past but as he says you know those rosters they're just not very nice and that's it for story time I hope you enjoyed that and let's make some crusted shall we if you're new to the channel and you're thinking what the hell is tapu what the hell is respite go check out my patreon it's all up there and it's just basically law for the builds I build I need some sort of story to justify the build and that's who it is so you know go and watch it I'll wait here that took so long so so I mean you know I might make fun of miniature painting channels but I mean they do a pretty good job and it seems to be in a quick turnover that that took me ages like a day a miniature is that is that like ridiculously slow I'm not sure you tell me I'm I don't really paint Miniatures that often I built like that hermit crab thing in two days you know ridiculous but if you enjoyed me actually trying to paint stuff let me know because I'll try and paint stuff in the future I do feel quite proud that the paint job is actually pretty good and it does my kit bashes just this which is you know I should probably do that to all my builds I do regret using metal Miniatures uh if you're going to Kit bash try and stick the plastic because you can like melt them bend them warp them and it's just easier to cut and you know when I pick up the miniature and half of it's metal half of its plastic it feels like it's just off balance and it's Gonna Fall to Pieces but I'm gonna go and pack and get ready to go to New Orleans uh Glamor Shots up in a minute you know I'm gonna document my time there and make a little video of it because I'm not here to make a video so you know it's probably the only content I'm going to be able to provide I'm sorry if you don't want to see my holiday video um just just look away you know when it comes up just look you know you could do that if you want you can always that's always an option and that's about it anything from you know you are not coming and there we are a couple of citizens of respite for you you voted for this build so I did it um You probably wanted more citizens but to be honest with you painting these things took me days took me way longer then I could have built a whole table for the terrain in the amount of time it took for me to paint these things [Music] if you enjoyed this video please share it with someone else like it leave a comment tell me which character you like the best join patreon to learn more about the law if you would buy me a drink like I said earlier you know go on spend two pounds on patreon you know it's less than a coffee so uh you know and it really keeps the channel going [Music] I'm gonna go now and pack and head off to New Orleans but before I do I just want to say a big thank you to my patrons thank you patrons you've been making awesome builds in every monthly Challenge on Discord I'm really impressed with that stuff I wish I could stay on there and chat to you more of them but I gotta do stuff like this but I do really
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 95,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: 9lCWA4txQ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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