How To Make A Gaming Mat if YOU HAVE NO ROOM

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Squarespace you say sponsored you say hello everyone welcome Henry Cavill is on his way actually with his he's put a warlord Titan a unique one one you haven't seen you haven't seen it before it's a new one and we're going to paint it together using um some new speed paints you've never heard of and we've got a new technique as well it's called a plot plop uh it's a plop plop tin it's that Slap Chop it's not though it's new brand new um and then we're gonna take it round to um I can't do this anymore I thought I could do an April Fool's video but I'll just do a normal one instead [Music] hello everyone welcome to episode 60. so today I want to show off the town of respite because last episode I didn't actually show it again and there was a reason why because I didn't really have a matte you know like a gaming mat to put it on you know it would have looked a bit crap on you know just stuck on the carpet you know especially the old granny carpet we have here I wanted to make a gaming mat first uh and I found this stuff yoga mats that joined together I found a ton of these in the charity shop and I figured you know let's let's make something with that now I appreciate that black magic craft just made a yoga mat gaming mat video uh and it was really good but this is just a different one it's you know it's a different version I mean this one's probably going to be better obviously but you know this one is going to be I don't know what's what's the upside to this they can join together and they're more compact see this is this is your travel game in that I already started making the video by that point so you know yeah so in all honesty yeah I do need a gaming mat um and I have no room in this Workshop to even keep a free foot by free football there's I don't think it's even three foot across um maybe here but then I sit here I did I genuinely need a solution and I figured these yoga mats I could you know pack them up stack them I can just Chuck them over there somewhere you know like that was the idea and let's hope hope it works I'm a bit worried about the uh the jigsaw patterns here and how they're gonna look but you know it's a compromise isn't it but to be honest you're going to get to see the whole town laid out at the end you know on a nice little mat uh with a nice bit of law read by my friend Bobby fingers uh because he has a nice husky Irish accent not like this horrible kind of not East London accent but like like someone from East London who's trying to learn how to speak properly that's that's the accent I have but that's coming up at the end uh it's not really an April performance video don't click off Henry Cavill isn't coming um I did consider it not having Henry Cavill here making an April Fool's video but what did I I really really didn't anything from you yeah I already said April Fools he doesn't even listen to me honestly he just sits there he's it's it world of his own you know I think we may need to actually zoom out for this build cheers thank you so Eva yoga mats these are mats that you use for yoga obviously but you jigsaw them together to make as big of a mat as you may need uh you know depending on how big you are I guess but I found a set of these in a charity shop for like you know burning anything so I was quite happy charity shop is basically a thrift store where all the money goes to charity I don't know where the money goes in a thrift store uh maybe you can tell me down below this is hard as Nails it's a higher power adhesive apparently but it's useless absolutely useless and it's been sitting on my shelf for ages so I figured I'd just use it for this thing just to kind of seal the edges in it probably won't work so each one of these tiles is a foot by a foot so it makes it very easy to make a three foot by three foot board by using three on one side for any other you know it's a very easily modular player mat and I know it isn't the prettiest those jigsaw bits are going to be a problem later on but it's easily stacked and easily put away and for someone like me who has no room I think this could be a pretty good idea you know I don't know where C we'll have a look you know watch the video see if it works out but I also figured it's going to be modular so if I put little paths that join in the same place on each tile it can be as modular as you like um I'm not explaining that very well I'll just show you yeah because that's how video works isn't it so hopefully you can see there that the paths are going to join up no matter what combination of tiles are put down also with these tiles you know I was thinking if I wanted to expand this board to a four foot by four foot I just need to make a few more tiles and slip them in and what you're thinking could you make a two foot by two foot yeah could you make a five by seven foot yep you could if you've got enough tiles you can make any size you want the possibilities are endless whether or not actually endless you know everything ends but let's just make mats for now should we today's episode is sponsored by Squarespace now if you've ever wanted to make a website and you're not really sure how to do it Squarespace is the place to go look you get provided with hundreds of templates like these just here and they're all pretty cool designs I'll give them that and uh so you want to make a website about pickles look oh there we go there's a pickle website you can literally open this up change the names there you go you have a pickle website so I decided to make a website of my own for Bill making stuff now I mean plenty of websites in the past and I have to see that Squarespace is the easiest and most intuitive website builder I ever used it's so easy to get great effect I mean look at this this took me about five minutes uh so if you want to make a website click on the link down below there is a sale going on uh there you go so I want to burn Pathways or create some sort of texture in these mats and I'm going to use this pyrography tool now I've used EVA foam before and you know it melts pretty well but make sure you wear one of these there you go so I figured this should work you should cut it away and it and it kind of is kind of doing that it's a bit bit annoying it's not really um yeah it's taking a taking taking quite a while actually um oh God that took forever how many more eight more I'm gonna do eight more like this um I don't want to do anymore I just I just it's just not really I don't want to do it anymore yeah knife I use a knife that's yeah that's that's probably the more sensible option isn't it uh yeah it wasn't that much easier to be honest I mean it was easier just this EVA foam especially this thick stuff is just incredibly hard to carve I know I realize now why lots of people don't use it for crafting [Music] it also squeaks a very high pitch when you carve it so if you want to annoy the neighbor's dog just a few more don't hack at foam like this at home it's just probably not very safe probably not anyway let's leave this ugly sword and go for its skinnier prettier friend [Music] so my idea is that these little Pathways go all over town and they used to be a lot more pristine than they are now so I want to kind of put a few remnants of the Old Brick path that used to be there and kind of embed it in the dirt just like that [Music] now I know it's a running joke with this Channel that I need to explain how to make crusted every episode but I'm probably gonna do it anyway because I need a lot of crusted today so we need some PVA glue some yellow acrylic paint we need some sand you know some fine sand we'll do and let's use some thicker sand as well just had a bit of variation in there you know something like uh that yeah it looks like tiny tiny sweet corn I'm not sure where I got that from I think that's for some lizard tank and some baking powder [Music] looking back at the edit and thinking about it now I should have used caulking instead of PVA glue now caulking is that weird stuff you get in the tube that you use to cook stuff I don't know Google it but basically it's like a flexible adhesive uh that would be much better for these EVA foam mats and now I just need to paint every tile encrusted not very interesting I'll probably add some weird interest in edit in in a minute just to keep your interest peaked you know maybe something like uh something like this [Music] lovely so if you have any crusted left store in a jar like I do and label it crusted then make sure when you have this jar across it you stick it right next to a jar of custard so when kids help themselves they get a nice mouth full of PVA glue and sand it's brilliant I'm just going to interact the video there because I just want to talk to you that's not me we need to catch up we should catch up first thing all of the law from my videos I've been trying to kind of uh get it together into one little short story or several short stories but I've started with one as you do so yeah I'm writing the journal basically in the you know from the perspective of someone traveling down to the planet I thought I might be interesting and if someone's making little Doodles of the spaceship they came on and you know what tapu looks like in the solar system things like that it's like some extra law there's a map there of the local area around respite and other things you know it's basically following someone on their little journey through tapu which you know could be interesting if you find that interesting you'd like to I've scanned it and I've stuck it up on a patron and I'm going to be adding to it every I don't know every whenever I can to be honest so join patreon obviously give me all your money the way I look at it is you know just say you were to meet me in real life and you've watched all my videos you know the hours upon hours of entertainment would you buy me a coffee or a pint of beer and if the answer is yes then think about joining patreon because that's all that really is I spend it all on beer I don't really um it's been a lot of it on coffee though actually uh I'm gonna be at salute this year salute is like um a big miniature convention South London uh I don't have a stall or anything you know I don't think I haven't been invited there I'm just going there but it's the only time of the year when I actually go and see people real people and I can just walk straight past them and ignore them honestly if you see me at salute I mean look miserable I always look miserable it's just my face there's nothing much I can do about that see I mean it's just my face it's just come and say hello take a picture with me whatever all that stuff um yeah I'm I may look unwelcoming I'm you know not completely unwelcoming and you know like last time I want to make a recommendation of another Channel that I like uh and this this week is the rust monster now rust monster it's quite a new channel hasn't done a lot of videos but these videos like just go watch them uh if you like stop Gap animation he's okay he's really good it's freakily good and it and his sculpting's really good as well it's really good it's one of those like uh wonderkins you know I assume he's younger than me he sounds about 10. he's one of those kids that you know makes grown men like me tell hence anyway let's get back to making this disaster of a gaming [Music] this stuff is Ute twine like I guess it's like like a ute you know like a young version of twine that gets you know in trouble and does drugs but basically we're going to use it to make flock foreign I did a whole video a while ago about making flock and basic materials out of just you know cheap household stuff and I will stick a link for it just up here you forgot to put the link up there again didn't you every time Bill every time [Music] [Applause] so once it's nice and dry you want to Bunch it all together like this and just trim it basically just keep trimming it until you get a big pile of trimmings now what are you thinking that looks tedious and a big pain in the uh you know but it is yeah it is a big pain it does take a while and you could just buy your own flock but there's a certain achievement in making your own flock and knowing you made it and you know sieving it like this with a little it does take a lot of time actually you probably better off just buying it I mean it is quite nice though you know I should probably explain what I'm doing basically I want to take all my terrain and add a bit of flock to them you know add a bit of greenery or readery should we say just to dress them up a little bit now this is a giant paintbrush that I've been using to cut bristles off of now this is an old technique that everyone knows basically a bit of hot glue some paintbrush bristles and you've got yourself some long grass [Music] no no you're thinking what's with all the red flock and these weeds that you're going to kind of paint orange well respite is on an alien planet and I wanted the weeds and the the Moss and stuff to be vibrantly colored you know a bit more alien than our usual green moss and I just thought it'd be more interesting actually that's that's far too bright that's far too interesting I just want to dull that down you know never be too interesting that's what I've learned you know people don't like you when you're too interesting that's what they tell me anyway now this stuff is coconut fibers I found this in the pound Shop but you can find this anywhere that does gardening supplies they people use it to keep plants warm they make little coconut fiber jackets or something I'm not sure what it's used for to be honest but I'm going to use it for grass Tufts because it's much better than the paint bristles they're a lot more Jagged and random and more grassy foreign [Music] so I've always wanted to kind of toughen up toughen up toughen there's got to be a joke there with toughs and tough and basically I want to add Tufts and flock to all my old builds because they've just been missing something and I've always thought about doing it but I thought I'll just do it all at once which is what I'm gonna do right now and you're just gonna have to sit there and watch me because you know that's how videos work and um you know I'm sorry okay I'm sorry thank you [Music] I need to add the red flock now but I don't like to just sprinkle it on top of glue I like to mix it with the glue and kind of paste it on because this isn't really grass this is going to be some sort of weird Moss that clings to the side of the bricks it's also very handy to kind of hide the base of the Tufts you know where the hot glue is sometimes you can see it and just to make it look like it's a little cluster of weeds [Music] so we often get comments about the rust the rustiness of respite and it's you know because it's in a desert it's in a dry arid place and people say you know there's no moisture Bill why is it also Rusty you know you need moisture but there is moisture there's always moisture in deserts despite how dry it is guess what I'm getting at is that I hesitated to put in little grass Tufts and things like that here because of the apparent dryness you know the lack of moisture but you know now there is a little bit moisture maybe it rains once every two years so there's moisture I've said moisture quite a lot in this episode I do apologize to everyone who's delicate to the word moist but I need a lot of oil wash there's lots of tiles I need to cover and whenever I make a lot of oil wash I always tend to have an accident knocking over I mean you'd think I would learn but you know [Music] foreign I actually just spilled it again off camera uh trying to make a new batch and covering up the mistake but no more I'm just going to keep the mistakes in uh because there's some weird part of my psyche that just wants to knock it over obviously uh but yeah don't knock over the oil wash I actually used up the last of the white spirit so hopefully there is enough to cover each tile I'll stick some more on my Amazon wish list for now but let's just hope the color difference isn't too much but anyway that's that's a problem with her future Bill Let's just sit here and watch me stain these yoga mats not for the first time [Music] so I left all the mats to dry in an airing cupboard overnight uh let in the white Spirit fumes slowly seep into our bath towels actually it's not a problem you know it would just make them cleaner if anything but anyway some nice dry brushing for you I'm just going to let you uh you know watch the nice uh Carmen jar brush foreign [Music] just they're all ready they're drying the thing is with this video I think the drying time took longer than anything uh this this episode but uh they're done and I'm gonna get out the pull out sofa bed because it's the only sort of space I have that I can fit a three foot by three foot uh thing on because just there's no space in England honestly you Australians and Americans with you you know we're just going to go to my shed and it's like it's like a football stadium to us anyway I'm just going to show you the mat and then we're going to show you a respite we're gonna have a bit of lore from this story thing I tried pitching earlier from Bobby fingers you know let me go get the sofa bed out so here we go here are the mats look they stack up nice and tidy you could fit that in a little tote bag couldn't you when you go to see your friends uh on game night but basically this is your three by three foot uh mat and now I know the jigsaws are quite distracting but look how flexible this is you know you can basically just Chuck it around there's your two by two you can make a two by three or a uh you know or two by four if you're mental yeah I mean there's a compromise it's compact uh you can put it anywhere but they've got little weird jigsaw lines if you can live with that then let me know down below if you think it's an okay solution but anyway I just wanted to use this mat to show off the town of respite which is what this video is really all about and here are some law read by the uh you know the Husky Bobby fingers I hope you enjoy we're descending now and I can finally see the town of respite sits almost dead center of a giant Yellow Peninsula surrounded by sea on all sides but the north north of the Town a thick mountain range of red Brown and orange cutting it off from the rest of the world we just landed on the most precarious landing pad I have ever seen respite is a town raised above the desert by an insular bird The Landing Pad hangs over the edge I'm pretty sure no engineer ever participated in his creation much like the rest of the Town buildings are the same I say buildings more like piles of old derelict spacecraft piled up on top of ancient yellow brick too tired to take in sights I head straight for the center voiding the eye of some unsavory types and dodging the hot glass bottle whizzing by my head I thought they would be more welcoming than this I caught a glimpse of a few Bots performing various duties around town the old kind used to call them beadbots due to their appearance being that of beads tread on wire I found my accommodation for the foreseeable future it like the rest is a building of scrap Jeffrey placed on top of yellow bricks but it is slightly more impressive and that it Towers over the other junk piles by some amount and notice what could only be described as some kind of Brewery attached to the side and a hanging sign over the door that reads King's end in and it's a pretty morbid image painted under the text I have no idea what it's supposed to be that's all for today bed thank you patrons for supporting the channel now if anyone else would like to support the channel and hear little bits of lore like you just heard um maybe check out the patreon website linked down
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 76,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: 46_2E39DAeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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