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sponsored by squarespace in this episode i'll be making an airplane knowing you sicko [Applause] [Music] hello everyone welcome to episode 37 back in the day when i was just on instagram i used to make a lot of spaceships out of junk and people quite like that and i realized i've only made one spaceship on my channel this year so i'm going to make another one it's going to have a purpose it's going to be a spaceship piece of terrain for my stargrave team but anyway before we get on to that i just want to introduce a new look i was googling how to have a successful youtube channel and um everyone said get a cat apparently cats you like cats you like little cats um i know it's very safe for a cat here but you know um yeah cats make your youtube channel do good that doesn't really make sense cats uh do well for your youtube channel apparently yeah we have to do is just bring out you know a cat knocks over a paintbrush [Laughter] silly cat or jumps up when i'm in the middle of doing a piece that came you know something something like that you know you like cats so uh yeah i i got a cat say hello then i mean are they supposed to speak i think this is one of those uh the rescue cats that boris johnson say from afghanistan uh before the humans i was speaking to a friend i won't tell you his name because he doesn't exist but he said uh to get more subscribers to your channel it's all about the subscribers you know is to do a call to action early in the video i usually leave it to the end when most of you have switched off but uh yeah if you haven't subscribed subscribe if you want to see more of kat um click that subscribe button and i've never said this before click that bell button i didn't even notice there was a broad button i had a look the other day and yeah there's a little bell button down there and apparently you should click it so but anyway that's my call to action you know while i'm here join patreon you can uh donate some money below via paypal to keep the channel going um you can buy merchandise there's all sorts of links down below that helps this channel happen so you know maybe i'll get another cat what no not replace you uh i meant get another cat that you can play with replace him i don't think he's even a real cat anyway [Music] [Music] another secret to building a good scratch-built spaceship is to have a lot of junk [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and that's just the tip of the iceberg you know uh i have a lot of junk [Music] so to make this junk usable as a material you're going to need to sand it down with sandpaper or a sanding sponge this basically gives it a bit of texture somewhere for the paint to grip and the glue to grip gives it some teeth and i just use ca glue or super glue for pretty much the whole build these are two shelves from a pound shop shelf unit i got for small bits and pieces actually uh thinking about it i'm probably not going to be able to explain where i got every single piece of junk from or what the piece of junk is i know these are from a printer cartridge but yeah 80 of the junk on here i won't know what it is what it was used for maybe you can tell me uh these are epoxy resin tubes i know that [Music] so much like my doodlebot video a few months ago i had no real plan with this i basically just took interesting bits of rubbish stuck it together like like you would with lego you know this is basically just trash lego the only requirement i had was that it looked like it could carry 10 28 millimeter characters for star grave uh not literally but you know now for the front of the ship these dusk mask covers probably do pretty well it's quite an interesting shape so along with all this trash and junk and bits and pieces i'm going to be using a lot of well you know it takes superglue really well i can cut it to whatever shape i want it looks like plate metal when it's painted i love the stuff so i'm going to use a lot of this here i actually use it to help kind of stick the front to the back yeah i love eva foam i should probably talk about it more but you know i've got a creeping fin and there's going to be a sponsor oh here it comes so this episode is sponsored by squarespace now if you've ever wanted to make a website and you're not really sure how to do it squarespace is the place to go look you get provided we have hundreds of templates like these just here and all pretty cool designs i've given that and say you want to make a website about pickles look oh there we go there's a pickle website you can literally open this up change the names there you go you have a pickle website so i decided to make a website of my own for bill making stuff now i mean plenty of websites in the past and i have to say that squarespace is the easiest and most intuitive website builder i've ever used it's uh so easy to get great effect i mean look at this this took me like five minutes uh so if you want to make a website click on the link down below there is a sale going on uh there you go and thank you there squarespace for sponsoring the video i appreciate it i do you know like i was saying i said this to a few people the other day you know most jobs you don't have to remind your boss to pay you but uh on youtube you kind of have to constantly remind your boss to pay you because the boss is you and sponsored videos helped me to kind of lay off that and stop shilling quite so much um i'm still gonna shield let's be honest so this is a roll on deodorant bowl i mean you could try and cut it in half with a saw but it's quite hard uh my wife bought me this for christmas it's a sanding machine thing i don't know what you'd call it but it's uh yeah a lifesaver now pretty much every single scratch built build i've ever made i've used a piece from a spray bottle and this piece makes a perfect window so again you can see there i'm using a bit of eva foam as kind of a filler between the bits of plastic my son always gives me the plastic egg from his kinder egg chocolate toy thing and uh yeah he never leaves the toilet there typical uh that's very typical uh you know most children like up to a certain age they basically are just uh selfish sociopaths um you know they have no remorse or empathy it's just the fact you know parents know what i'm talking about so the original plan wasn't to kind of recreate the drop ship from aliens but it kind of was going that way it kind of looks a bit like the dropship from aliens and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that i think these are like squirty ends for like an icing tube i don't know people give me a lot of junk so for fun i usually make weird transitions in my edits and i'm going to warn you there's going to be one right now i don't know why i do i think i just do it for fun in the edit anyway i should have to explain myself these are some weird pipe things that came with that conduit tube i used on that giant uh scratch built robot i did i'll put a link no i won't i say i'll put a link [Music] now these are some lids from some pens that i had that make really good like exhausts never throw away an empty pen keep the plastic keep the tube keep the lid there's loads of good fits in a pen actually don't throw away anything like this old conduit tube this is another spray bottle part i'm thinking of doing the spray bottle challenge again this year you know i did it last year with gert and miniature hobbyist and i'm thinking maybe get a few other people and we can do another one what do you think let me know [Music] just don't go on about airships that's why i ask so this is part of a hair curler i love hair curlers they they have really good kind of patterns on them and they look they look very machiney if you know what i mean and uh this thing here is uh well it's part of a blow bubble gun a bubble gun that blows bubbles my son had some from a party and this was the nozzle pretty cool so everyone and their mum knows that lids make the best uh jet engines or rocket engines whatever it is that's the bit that the fire comes out and goes you know that bit but these are from a detergent bottle i think maybe i don't know i get given a lot of lids as well talking about being given stuff someone gave me a bag full of these things i'm not really sure what they are uh they got some really good texture on them they're good for like metal panels uh maybe if someone knows what they are they can tell me in the comments down below but they're gonna be my landing gear feet do you ever one of those days where you just don't remember what anything's called uh and then you decide to kind of narrate a youtube video on that day and uh you're building like a spaceship thing with technical parts anyway so you may be thinking bill you're using a lot of tennis i've left the glue gun on it's one of those glue guns that don't turn off unless you unplug it anyway uh you may be wondering bill you're using a lot of that super glue accelerant i am and the last time i used it i didn't wear a mask and it made me feel a little bit sick so this time i've been wearing a mask the whole time so i would recommend wearing a mask and i feel a lot better less headaches um less worry of cancer i don't know if the stuff gives you cancer don't hold me to that that's what all my patrons are telling me um but then again i think there's probably this whole room is probably carcinogenic in some way what do you think now shut up [Music] do you remember when i said earlier keep all your empty plastic pens well these are some plastic felt tip pens that are empty and i'm going to cut them down for some metal pipes i told you you know it's that old saying of always keep your empty plastic pens for scratch building robots and spaceships you know that that would chestnut so i was in two minds whether this thing needed wings or not and and i eventually came to the conclusion yeah maybe like just just the glimpse of a wing somewhere so i cut some out of this foam board that headline around [Music] as we all know you don't use super glue on phone but this foam board's okay on the outside that paper part is fine to be super glued just not that bit in between and the same goes with spray paint which i should have told myself because i spray it later and dissolve the inside of the wing but you know we don't need to go on about that but in all honesty yeah if you're going to use this foam board you're going to spray it uh try and seal that little edge there with a bit of mod podge or a bit of pva glue something like that [Music] now you may say i have a certain aesthetic you know i like my machines to be kind of chunky and clunky and beaten up and kind of like you know ramshackled you know hodgepodged whatever i'm gonna be sticking a lot of eva foam plates over this thing like it's been patched over and over again and lots of wires and probably rivets probably quite a lot of rivets uh we'll see we'll see how we go so recently i've been using kind of elastic hair bands as cables and yeah they look quite good they've got a nice ridge pattern on them but you can't really bend them in shape i prefer using this uh green garden wire just bending it in shape and it sticks pretty well [Music] and again we're going to use some parts of a spray bottle these are the triggers one piece of junk that i would always say keep is the end of a spray bottle you know it's so versatile so many bits in there you can use and then just keep all the other junk as well obviously but uh i guess what i'm saying is is just keep all junk you know save the landfills don't put any more junk in the landfills just turn your house into a landfill you know they're problem solved [Music] [Applause] it's always one of my favorite parts of the build when it actually starts to look like something so i was watching adam savage untested and he was talking about a griebly board and i wanted to take that step further you know i got this little tiny cheese board thing i think it's a cheese board from the pound shop and i kind of wanted to make it into my own greeberty board i don't do good with wood i mean that could be a t-shirt couldn't it but i'm going to use this dremel tool to kind of try and carve out dishes anyway look i'll just show you [Music] i also don't measure um because this thing doesn't fit at all but uh oh there we go uh a perfect circle look at that i do impress myself sometimes so i figured i'd make three compartments like a small one for i don't know small rivets one for medium sized greebily bits and one for bigger group you know i didn't really think about it too much [Music] so i ended up with a ton of sawdust um so i thought i'd keep that i could probably make some flock with that later on and here we have my monstrosity of a greebly board you know it's yeah i couldn't get it smooth i think this wood is an incredibly tough cheap wood it might even be plastic now i'm pretty sure it's wood but yeah my rivets go in there the medium-sized creepers go there the bigger ones go like i said it works okay and the super glue goes in that little dish i mean i'll probably replace that with just like a little bowl of tin foil uh because you know i'm not made of metal dishes anyway let's give it a little go and see if it works out so i'm going to need some rivets and you know i'm looking for cheap sources of styrene plastic and these butter tubs or margarine tubs whatever you have make pretty good styrene sheets i think i'm pretty sure it's made out of styrene anyway you take one of these and you kind of use one of these one millimeter hole punches you know one of these and you make all the rivets you want [Music] now i've used a lot of cheap plastics to try and create these little rivets and this stuff works the best you know it's a perfect little circle you know there's no frayed edges so give it a go you know butter tubs all that butter [Music] so that's right it's greebily time it's time to stick some rubers and yeah i'm probably gonna go with a rivet riveted look you know i want this thing to have a few rivets just a few uh anyway let's see how we go [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] i haven't even done it have i anyway hair curlers let's uh start using some hair colors this is what i like to call the hair color pals i don't really but hair colors work best when you cut them into little pieces like this i'll show you how [Music] [Music] i just wanted to check if the greebily tray is still working yep degree buddies are definitely still on there [Music] i mean there's no rules to gribbling up you know just make your thing look more detailed and interesting basically that's the rule actually there is a rule yeah make it look more interesting so here is some granny grating or just uh people grating i don't know studson called it something like that uh to not offend the grannies uh because he's such a nice boy anyway i used it as little vent bits for you know these kind of tube event exhaust bits build feel good with words today so i kind of want to make the landing gears look a bit chunkier and it wouldn't be a bill build if there wasn't a bead if there's no beads in a bill build a bill build it ain't i think i need a coffee [Music] so obviously i want to make these landing gears look like they're kind of operational with hydraulics and things like that and i want it to look like there's a kind of gear here you know and you do that easily by sticking something flat and round sideways on like it's a hinge of some kind anyway more felt depends so i'm just gonna stick this one here so with christmas slash the holidays just gone i picked up some christmas holiday wire from the pound shop as you know this christmas holiday wire is my favorite wire uh so try and pick some up or ask big fat holiday slash christmas man to uh bring you some under your christmas holiday tree whatever let's start destroying this build shall we so i recently got this pyrography tool and it's perfect for adding dents and holes and scratches in this eva foam this thing is like a drop ship i imagine it keeps dropping in into like war zones and gets shot to pieces that's why it's got so many plates and that's the that's the reasoning why it looks like a mess also i really have to kind of stop myself from you know denting it up too much i already didn't stop there i started melting the plastic because you know it looks really cool obviously wear a mask [Music] so too much uh too much do you think too much maybe too much build maybe i don't know too much no i don't know anyway it's that time close the curtains light a candle uh let's relax and get ready for some priming here we go was that good for you i mean yeah it was it was good for me it was it was yeah that was some uh you know a little bit out of breath but that's because of the fumes from the spray paint uh anyway i gotta go bye-bye uh i made a post on youtube the other day um about you know would you like me to keep my mistakes in uh i usually do but i thought you know i felt so bad about my mistake i thought i should check with you lot first it's not a mistake that you can't fix i'm going to fix it but should i show you the embarrassing mess i made on camera but it's basically the paint job was an absolute atrocious mess i had a sleepless night thinking about it and you know me i don't like painting um but i went back and anyway just watched the video let's get on with the painting what do you what cat food what do cats eat [Music] so i'm trying to put together a stargrave team so i can actually play the game and i've only put a few together so far but i thought i'd introduce them to you this is ruth wolton he's the scouter team he's a dog man uh but he doesn't like to be considered a sniffer dog you know he gets very uppity about that uh and my second guy is this handsome chap with a jet pack his name is a jet pack jack because he has a jet pack and his name is jack he likes to just jump around if we're shooting everyone if you're wondering i kip bashed all of these people using stargrave kits and uh this is probably my favorite this is my sniper monkey he sits in the shadows his name is sergeant pg tipper and he snipes from a distance but when he sees someone who gets quite excited as chimpanzees do it makes a loud noise and everyone sees him but you know that's the crew so far they're not perfect but these are the colors i used for them mainly i use a lot of sky grey a lot of olive green and a lot of red and i'm figuring i need to kind of apply those colors to my spaceship hence why i'm talking about it anyway let's get painting so i primed the whole model in a silver spray paint and i'm going to go firstly with this red paint i think the whole ship is going to be mainly red but let's see so i like to dab the paint on i don't like to completely paint to the edges i like to keep some of that metal exposed but to be honest with you i think at this point i started to realize that silver may not be a good choice of undercoat it kind of shines through the paint and makes the paint look a bit metallic uh it doesn't look very good anyway just keep going i use a bit of gum metal gray on the metal parts they kind of dull them down a bit um still not looking great i'm not really happy with this so i figured i'd use a bit of a dry brush of metal or whatever the whole thing to kind of bring out those rivets and the edges of the plates and things like that um yeah it's just not really working the way i kind of wanted it to work you know what sometimes you can't tell until you start painting the other colors in you know the gold for the stars you know maybe start adding some of the details in that will break up the big red shiny mess let's see let's see if that works i even decided to you know color a few plates a few different colors like they've been replaced with uh you know newer plates or older plates and i thought i'd add a bit of green in here you know in a few other places and it looks like a piece of [ __ ] yeah i don't like it uh i've messed this up completely um it looks like if santa claus had a dropship it looks like yeah like a shiny horrible christmas decoration all right all right i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna spray again so this time i went for a dark spray on the coat and i'm gonna go for an olive green uh more like the drop ship for medians [Music] [Applause] so using a bit of olive green and some tan i dry brush this whole thing in a lighter green to bring out those details so as you all know i don't really like the painting part of the build it's not my favorite part and messing this thing up once and i'm going to paint it all again was a bit of a bit of a nightmare but uh i think i made the right choice yeah well i know i made the right choice it's that that last thing oh geez but dry brushing that light green really brought out all the detail i wanted to be brought out and you know it will just look neater matter you know you always want everything to look matte really you don't want that kind of shiny metallic glossy's the word you don't want it to look kind of glossy makes it look kind of cheap if that's i don't know that's what i think anyway i used some stencils if you're gonna use some stencils make sure you do it before you apply the oil wash because you want the you know the painted stencil to be just as dirty as the rest of your ship [Music] so when i'm going to do some oil washes i always replace my silicone mat with a piece of card because mineral spirits and white spirit reacts badly with silicone for some reason anyway you know take a bit of oil paint mix a bit of white spirit in there and you've got yourself an oil wash now i know some people can be quite you know delicate with this stuff but i like to just paste it over to be honest and wipe away the excess later anyway i think that will just about do it let's wait for this to dry and i'll see you in a minute [Music] well i'm quite happy with this um i think it you know i was you know like i told you i had a sleepless night in the middle where i painted it like a christmas themed drop ship but um no i'm glad i repainted it with the old olive green and you know it was kind of inspired by a drop ship in aliens so i mean the color suits and i went a bit crazy with the oil washes i went in with all these little all the little dents and the uh the damage i went in there with a black oil wash off camera because the cat switched off the camera i'm going to blame everything on the cat now also this the window you might wonder how do you keep spraying it brown and the wind is still exposed i kind of spray it when it's fresh i scrape away the paint on the window here so you still kind of see a bit of transparency but not enough that you can actually see through but it still looks like a window a tip i probably should have stuck in the video yeah you know it's a good job of making videos about scratch building isn't it anyway um yeah uh you know i kind of fought for a laugh uh i will answer every single comment on this video i don't know why i said that i don't know why i'm telling you that but yeah all right every single comment that you post on this video i will answer in some way or another and to be honest we get i'm actually quite relieved it's nothing worse than you spend a long time scratch building something and then bill comes along and ruins it with a paint job and you can look at it properly in the glamour shots which are coming up right now shut up cat you got freedom every day so i'm so glad i decided to repaint this thing you know i really really like it now it is a bit beaten up it's a bit maybe overly damaged but i think it just adds character um anyway what do you think comments down below i will answer every comment for some stupid reason and thank you very much patrons i couldn't do this without you if anyone would like to become a patron and be credited at the end of this video then please join the patron down below click that link until next time i'll see you
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 172,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: XbArvY4GYm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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