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it's lots of my squarespace isn't it it's my 50th episode this is like you know a big deal for me um cat did you get me anything to celebrate you know like a card or a gift or something no [Music] hello everyone welcome to episode 50 uh 50 big 500 big big episode for me like a milestone you know it's 50 seems like a lot i know that's not a lot i've said this before in youtube terms you know you know there's people that make like two videos a day um you should probably value your time more you know don't just give it away today's episode is going to be a bit all over the place i'm going to be doing uh questions and answers well i'm going to be doing the answers uh my patrons and some other youtube guests are gonna be doing the questions uh and i'm also gonna build something i'm not sure yet i might see how it goes and figure it out and i might do other things like people go on about a workshop tour i mean this is it this is the tour you can see pretty much the whole workshop in this one piece of the camera i guess i could start answering questions uh now before we start building something whatever it's going to be um but you know anything from no there's no there's no questions uh for you so do i have any regrets becoming the bead and rust guy i think that my actual long time viewers and you know the people that watch every episode no i'm not just the bead and rust guy you know i do like rust but it but it's it's thematic you know like um everything i've built so far has been in a certain area so it's all you know it's all part of the cannon you know and beads well beads are handy little bits of plastic though i didn't really see people using that much and i thought like you know this is like a you know a big supply of plastic crap i can stick to other things you know it's just it was just handy and i invented the beatbox so yeah i'm quite proud of the beat but that's that's become its own thing hey bill it's guy here um my question for you is where do you draw your biggest inspirations from in terms of the creative imagination that you conjure is it maybe movies or tv maybe comic books or just the horrible realities of real life let me know i'm genuinely interested so that guy from midwinter i mean it's a commentary's name um so where do i get my ideas from when we're normal answer to you know electricians and builders that come in where'd you get your ideas from mate it's like my brain but i think it's like you know a culmination of everything i grew up with like i think a lot of my builds remind me a lot of akira anyway old anime films not i don't really like new anime but i like the old anime movies like ninja scroll you know ghost in the shell you know things like that three by three eyes if anyone remembers that i also read a lot of sci-fi novels um you know i like my hard sci-fi i like it hard hard you know i've always just drawn i've always had quite a good imagination so what idea for a build in the past did you have that you thought was a little bit too challenging a little bit too tricky so i did this concept art show now uh a while ago and i really like the idea it's like a rust husk i called it it's kind of like this weird bacteria that grows and kind of picks up bits of metal and hard things that kind of give itself a body and just murders things you know it's just like a bacteria a horrible bacteria but i did the illustration i really liked it and i thought i want to make some little 28 ml scale models of those and yeah it always looked pretty tricky to do but i think that's gonna be the build today luckily enough what a coincidence [Music] so whenever i see a jenga set in a charity shop i tend to pick it up because it's got all that nice wood in it i'm going to make a clamp so i can make my miniature i can have something to hold my armature wire so you drill a hole here screw it together like that there you go there's your clamp so as you all know i've got lots of bit boxes for the bits but this is a very particular bit box this is full of my tiny tiny tiny little details like you know watch cogs and watch pieces and and styrene and eva foam basically anything i need to make a really detailed small scratch build like a miniature also some paper clips because you know cheap armature wire so i'm always on the lookout for small tiny little plastic details you know uh and these little jars have these tiny little round bits of glitter now these little tiny bits of glitter could work as like rivets or bolts at 28mm scale so obviously armature wire is much easier to bend but if you're tough like me you can bend the paper clip uh paperclip's actually more sturdy it's uh i prefer it to be honest but you know a pair of needle nose pliers does help so i want to make this miniature a 28 millimeter scale which basically means from the ground to its eyes 28 millimeters but this thing might not have eyes or a face i'm not sure yet but that looks about right well look at that look it does kind of have a face lump you know just there so i want to add more details now i want this kind of veiny kind of tentacley thing going on so i'm going to add finer wire and wrap it around this thing now that sounds easier than it is it's actually a real pain to wrap things it might be easier off the clamp but i did manage it and there we go so i don't want to just make one of these things i want to make three or four so i'm going to make another one this is just using a bit of armature wire i had spare and it's kind of on all fours it looks a bit strange at the moment but as always bear with me uh wrapping wire around this thing off the clamp was actually a lot easier like i thought i mean you can almost say i should think before i do things better can anyone tell me what this thing is in the comments down below but i'm going to use it as a head whatever it is so this episode is sponsored by squarespace now if you've ever wanted to make a website and you're not really sure how to do it squarespace is the place to go look you get provided with hundreds of templates like these just here and they're all pretty cool designs i've given that and say you want to make a website about pickles look oh there we go there's a pickle website you can literally open this up change the names there you go you have a pickle website so i decided to make a website of my own for bill making stuff now i mean plenty of websites in the past and i have to say that squarespace is the easiest and most intuitive website builder i've ever used it's uh so easy to get great effect i mean look at this this took me like five minutes uh so if you want to make a website click on the link down below there is a sale going on uh there you go what was your proper job before you did this well by a proper job i assume you mean a job that makes you miserable because you know a job like this i actually really enjoy this job despite the the face it's the perfect job let's be honest but you tell people that you really enjoy your job and you tell them what it is uh to them it's not a real job is it because you're enjoying it so buy a proper job i'm going to assume you mean the job that made me miserable i've worked in film my whole life i worked in narrative film tv shows things like that you know as as cameramen dops assistant directors all that stuff but my last job before kovid hit was for a company making corporate documentaries so what made you become a youtuber covered happened uh locked down couldn't find a job anywhere and uh hey i had all this camera kit sitting in the corner of the room i've always been interested in making things and i just started making stuff you know i started getting into watching other youtubers and i just started to thought you know i thought i could do that um and that's it really and then you lot started watching it so it i mean it's your fault really isn't it hello bill dan daz here long time viewer first time whatever this is two questions for you my first one is what's all that crap you spray on your super glue what's the point of that and my second one is where'd you get off stealing my face good question dan does that stuff is called super glue activator and it's actually this stuff here which is like apparently it's quite toxic and bad for you so i wanted to make my own uh and that's you know i'm just gonna do that right now i can just chuck that in because i can do what i like [Music] so as you all know i use super glue a lot and you know super glue's quick but it's just not quick enough [Music] now for quite a while i used baking powder as an accelerator basically pour it on the super glue like that and it hardens but it's quite messy powder gets everywhere you know this is the activator that i've been using recently um it smells funny it smells quite nice actually but it doesn't look very good for you so i don't think i want to use it anymore but it is really good look i mean look there we go stuck basically you can just watch it kind of cure right in front of your eyes which is quite interesting look at that but i want to make my own and it's as simple as some bicarb soda and some water apparently uh you need one of these little spray bottles i didn't have a clean one sorry so embarrassing so basically you just need some water and just shake it up there you go i gotta be honest i didn't think this stuff would work so well but it really has stuck the thing together and really quickly uh i just want to test again uh to be sure uh the glue super glue spot test that's not a real test and look at that it's not instantaneous uh i guess i won't be dying from superglue activator poisoning after all unless bicarb and water's poisonous i don't know what's the biggest lesson i've learned from another youtuber craftsman uh he's my favorite youtuber but craftsmen taught me that you could basically mix cement and make it entertaining and fun and interesting i didn't have to sit there and make war hammer terrain you know i can do other things and you know i do like making terrain so don't get me wrong and i love making miniatures but you know open the door to me you know as long as i can make a good video i can make a video about anything really sweet or salty i quite like sweet and soy mixed together but if i had to pick salty i mean i assume we're talking about popcorn here right hey bill it's uh alex i'm wondering i've seen probably most of your videos and you have this rust thing the planet going which is really cool it's a little bit scary to see what's actually going on in your head you know i i don't i'm not sure i want to know what your dreams are like but the the stuff is called the rust thing but you've also talked to me about the fact that there's more places on this planet that might not all uh be rusty there might be like jungly parts or whatever um are we going to be seeing anything of that soon you know be uh maybe a nice palette change from the rust thanks bill so there's alex from 52 miniatures um yes we're going to see lots of different parts that might i know it's just been rust so far but uh the palette will change weird stuff i've got toxic forests which i've already done a little bit of that i've got lots of different things even the sea i want to explore the sea you know um lots of different places the palette will change um but will you ever stop painting miniatures i mean come on make some terrain once in a while we so back to the build back to the rust husk not to be confused with the rusk husk which is the name we call our little baby daughter she likes rusks um people know what they anyway basically i coat the whole wire in super glue just to kind of you know seal it in place like that and uh again i don't know what that thing is for its head if someone can let me know [Music] so these are biro pen nibs that i've you know cut in half to make little exhaust pipes and spikes and i like the idea of exhaust pipes sticking out the back of this thing so this is the thinnest sheet of eva foam i could find i'm going to use this to make little metal plates [Music] [Music] so these husks like to pick up bits of metal and cover themselves in it to kind of protect themselves i guess and uh yeah so i wanted to keep them all on the exposed parts not so much the underbelly of the creature so these are from watches wrist watches they kind of look like little axes to me and i think that's what they're going to be kind of axes there we go the axes weren't quite jagged and spiky enough for me so i added a bit of eva foam and there we go hey bill you've mentioned a couple times that you don't have any friends could i be your friend nick from cc minis there do you have time to craft off camera for fun no i look after children during the week uh i mean there's one asleep next door right now hopefully she's all right because i've kind of turned the monitor off so i can record audio so it's open you know i have crafted a few bits and i forgot the camera was on and even that was slightly more enjoyable i don't know why um but no the answer is no maybe when i retire i just sit there playing final fantasy 7 all day and crafting stuff what did your first bead bot look like so this is my foot it's got a bit got some cobwebs on him uh that's my first bead but right there uh i actually took him and put him on the pod racer build yeah that was my first one he's a bit is a bit off-scale quite big he's actually putting one of my best ones to be honest but uh yeah there you go hey bill this is studson under your desk i got a question for you uh could i get a refill on milk i'm just filming a piece of the camera can you can you wait um just carry on with i don't know make another moving castle or something down there so i'm professional so what do you look for when you go shopping i assume you mean for craft supplies not food and clothes because um you know it's not that kind of show well i mean i'm gonna go out in a minute actually uh i guess you can you can come come with me if you want um yeah yeah yeah let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i hope that was helpful uh in some way i don't want my camera turns all vintage when i leave the house i don't know what that's about so back to the build i'm going to use one of these tiny tiny wrist watch screws as eyes for this thing uh tiny so tiny if i lose them they're gone forever but there we go they're on and i'm going to use some of this weird round glitter stuff just to add a few bolts here and there you know just nice little bits of detail and there we go i think that's the basic build done there's one on all fours it's a bit weird there's one with one i'm missing i didn't make that one on camera but i quite like that one here's one that has no legs whatsoever and just kind of scratches a lot and then here's the one with axes for hands they're weird but bear with me let's see if we can make him look like something shall we [Music] do you know the you're just a sweet hairy ginger tinted teddy bear tell us who you really are bill uh thank you tinu for your question from space for from just through there in space amazing anyway am i a big ginger tinted teddy bear i'm i'm a nice player i'm not you know it is an act let's be honest you try filming yourself every week and seeing if you don't put on an act everyone puts on an act my brother puts on an ellen partridge voice um it doesn't sound like that normally so are you people that keep commenting like am i all right yes i'm all right if i wasn't all right i probably wouldn't be making youtube videos so there you go do you have a long term goal with all the world building stuff you're doing i don't know but the point is like if everything is canon and it all works together you know it adds narrative you know one bit of narrative adds narrative to another piece that's connected to that you know just by being connected to it you know i make the town and then that's connected to the rasters that i made because the rusters would probably invade that town it makes it more enjoyable for me like i'm i'm kind of aiming at something i'm not really sure yet what i'm thinking maybe there could be games in the future that i quite enjoy world building um and i think you like enjoy it as well you know i could just make a random thing every week but like i said i like it all to be connected maybe it's like some sort of ocd thing i don't know if one of the creatures or bee bots that you've made so far were to be your companion on an adventure which one would you choose other than cat obviously thank you very much mechanical fiend i imagine all pretty dull all my bead bots they all seem pretty dull but if i was to pick one bead bot to go on adventures i guess it would be this guy i think because you know it comes with a you know a robotic steed and i can just sit on the back there you know arms around him oh snuggly he can take me on little adventure i guess him because he has a car let's say i'll choose most of my friends to be honest uh that was a joke by the way because as we all know bill has no friends um what no you don't count [Music] this is my makeshift miniature holder for painting is basically a roll-on deodorant bottle with a detergent bottle lid on top and a bit of blue tack so welcome to the painting part of the build the worst part in my opinion i don't enjoy painting and essentially i'm painting miniatures which i don't usually do anyway these things are going to have like kind of purple fleshy tendrils underneath the rusty metal plates on top so i want to go for this purple color anyway painting time is story time with bill let's uh let's talk about the law of these things so you may have heard me talk about meat mountain a few times such a weird sentence but basically meat mountain is a giant bacteria thing that's kind of grown and grown and grown into a mountain it's massive it's just kept growing kept finding new organic material to absorb and it's just grown and grown and grown it's literally a mountain of meat so unless something organic is unlucky enough to stumble upon the mountain you know fall in one of its million miles or get caught up in one of its tentacles then you know it's not going to absorb any new bio matter so it needs these little rust husk things to go out and collect bio mata for the mountain basically it's their big mummy that they need to go and get meat for basically so being basically overgrown bacteria you know they are squidgy and pretty vulnerable so they cover themselves in whatever they can find you know and it tends to be rusty metal because you know as we all know i'm obsessed with rusty metal but no it looks cool and that's the story of the rust dusk um i'll see you soon bill uh my favorite year for tars was 1986. my question is if you could go back in time to it if you could go back in time and buy a a bunch of vented uh tars and parts for kid bashing what year would you go back to really good question from craftsman so when i was a kid i was obsessed with getting teenage mutant hero turtles or ninja turtles for you know you lot over there i used to get all those toys and ghostbuster toys and uh vision areas and all that all that stuff i grew up and i was an 80s kid but i think looking back if i could go back and sort of buy up every one of one kind of toy it would be monsters in my pocket i love the colors of them and there's also orange ones too it's like some i think it's like a jewish golem that one i love the fact they're based on old kind of hammer horror monsters and old mythical monsters not for kit bashing but what toys would i want to snatch up would be those you know uh i'd get all of them so what big bills do you have coming up in the future i bought this uh i found this cheap this globe look it's like a goes that way and it goes way uh i've got this globe and i wanted to kind of um well basically i want to paint over this globe i want to make it kind of 3d and i want to recreate the world i'm creating in the builds so the planet i've been working on the rust planet you know but it's not just the rust planet so basically the planet i've been building my builds for you know the whole canon the whole narrative the law that i've been talking about i basically want to repaint this as that planet so i could basically map out where's you know where respite is you know where the meat mountain is if you don't know what it is don't worry about it i don't really know much about geopolitics which i'm going to think i'm going to figure out can't be too hard can it really uh yeah bill it's pretty hard well i'll figure out um how's it going bill congrats on the 50th uh you're looking great don't look a day over 40. my question for you is if you could spend a day in the universe of a book or a movie what book or movie would it be and what characters would you want to spend the most time with now this is tricky question i've been thinking about this question because you know i'm a massive lord of the rings nerd and i'm also a star trek nerd i would like to spend a day with the star trek crew you know next generation crew picard and all that um maybe you play poker with them then it depends it could be one of those days when they go to you know a 1940s version of earth i always hate those episodes but then lord of the rings i love lord of the rings i'd love to i mean i can always go to new zealand if i want to just look at middle earth but the humans seem to have a hard time in lord of the rings like i don't think i'd want to be in any town within that trilogy you know it always seems to be pretty rough for all of them maybe bree but you know breezy top but then i could be in the marvel universe and i might get superpowers for a day it's a tough question it's too hard poorly it's too hard i hope i kind of answered it in a way it's your fault for making it too hard and there we go there's episode 50 all done i hope you enjoyed it i hope i ate some of your cues and thank you very much patrons for sending me those questions and youtube guests uh i'll put a link to all their channels down below yeah i think the rust husks turned out pretty good glamour shots up in a minute so this weekend i am heading off to manchester uh to the tabletop gaming magazine show live thing i'm holding a workshop there about kit bashing uh basically come along say hello um get yourself a cat badge yeah i've made some badges um i don't think he's too happy about it to be honest um you know likeness is he's gonna get lawyers involved he says he's going to take it to court but you know uh i don't think he can get upstairs i may film some of the event and share it on youtube you know and but until then here's the glamour shots i'm gonna sneeze my eyes are watering now am i allergic to cat i'll see you next time bye so there we have it 28 millimeter scale rust husks whenever i make anything that 28 mil scale i'm quite proud of myself because it is not easy to scratch build something that small let me know what you think down below if you try to make your own add me on instagram and uh send me images of your own rust husks i'd be interested to see those thank you to all the other youtuber friends who sent in their questions for me you know i owe them all a favor i mean literally i owe them all a favor now and of course a giant big thank you to my patrons thank you for supporting me uh for keeping me going and thanks for the questions you know i'm sorry i didn't answer all of them but there were quite a few silly ones you know you know you lot are like you
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 84,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: MxaolUMIxKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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