Building a complete TONKS game in a box - Transportable wargaming to go!

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hey everyone so you probably heard about a little game called tongs the new tank game by Ben from APO Grier now it's a great fastpaced game and I for one love tanks I painted many of them just as this Sherman tank for my bat Action Army painted some flames of War Tanks painted a fish tank even I bet you saw that I hope you saw that and I wanted to get my hands on some tongs but I had the idea of making them very small because I love to take a game with me me and my wife we always play backgamon on the go and in the wooden box you have everything you need just inside there can take it wherever and so I want to build some tongs some terrain and a game board but I want to make it Ultra portable so we're gonna make a little box we're gonna make terrain and of course we're gonna make some teeny tiny tanks so let's go first of all we have to prepare the box that we want to place all our pieces into and I'm using this old chess board I had laying around and didn't use for many many years because I just don't like chess and I use this big tank turret well big if we talk 6 mm um this very big terrain piece as my guiding line and just pencil out some forms and cut them out with the scissors on this plastic heart this is 1 mm plastic heart it's not the thick it's not the thin so it won't Bend under the pressure of the glue and the paste but it won't be too massive either on the board I'm using red texture paint because that's one last step for me if we have like white or brown texture paste we maybe have to use one more layer of paint to paint it and I use the same paste for the board as well making a big old mess and of course you can do your own texture paint that would be not that hard but I got that stuff laying around in bulk because every time I go to the Hobby Store I just have to buy something and often it's texture paint or glues so I have lots of that I'm using these XPS foam leftovers I got from building some boards and we're going to make some rocks out of that so I'm just breaking pieces and then using my hobby knife cutting away to make rocks or in that case more or less mountains if we're talking 6 mm trying to be careful if you use your knife use caution obviously I cut myself regularly but regularly once a year maybe I use a big Stone to texture it because with a stone we get stone texture pretty easy and our rocks are done just a bit of paint on there as a first layer and as a primer and then I just lay the pieces out to get the layout of the terrain right I'm using some leftover tanks from bakos Miniatures 6 mm tanks that I ordered for the tanks uh for the game you will see them later and then I just glue the Rocks down with some PVA glue and the other pieces the plastic and the metal I glued down just with regular super glue in the game of tongs we are usually using rectangular terrain pieces that's what's in the rule book but I'm just playing the card rule of cool I wanted them to look a bit more Dynamic and I want to tell a story with them like this is a battlefield where little tanks and tank commanders have been fighting for Millennia in different sizes different tanks and they're just left on the battlefield as a reminder of what came before of course we can't just use the metal and plastic as b as it is we have to apply some more texture to get some more grip for our paint but these are dirty Rusty broken down vehicles and they need a good texture of rust and debris and this work is so easy and relaxing especially here blending in the terrain pieces with the bases just smudging it all around of course the mountains need some texture too and this is just plain old fun and of course you can use that technique for 20 8 mm terrain as well maybe then make your own texture paint it's a bit cheaper than the stuff I'm using then I'm using the airbrush Just For Speed you can use a regular brush to apply the base coats but we will do a little bit of a color Fade with the airbrush it's just time that we're saving so after the base color is applied I'm using Vio acrylic primer red after that is applied I'm using two different kinds of oranges lighter tones to just get a bit of more interest and the color fade into there you can do that with a brush just wet blend it real quick and maybe that sounds a bit well not true to make wet blending quick but wet blending can be a pretty quick technique and I hope I can show you that in the future but for me using the airbrush is the easiest step to do it so our terrain pieces have their base colors done they're looking good and as a final highlight I'm using a peach color an aprico color you can use a beige or white as well and just dry brush over all the pieces to give them a bit of a Dusty look and and a bit of a highlight and to get all the colors together it's all just a question of blending if some pieces are too light for your taste just darken them down with your base color and of course the board gets a dry brush as well with the cheapest brush I can find I got like 20 of those for 10 bucks great brushes I use them all the time and now we want to get some depth onto our little terrain pieces and I'm going to thin the wash the rustre wash so a red wash I'm just thinning that down because I rather apply double the amount after letting it dry the first time then applying it too thickly the first time just as with acrylic paint I'm always sitting down all my paints just to have a bit more control and The Bard as well this is easy peasy and of course we need to blacken the rim every Rim has to be [Music] black I thought about using another color for the rim but no black it is just Blends in with everything and two layers of black paint under that ring pieces and they are done as well building and painting this board was pretty easy I got to tell you took me one afternoon use the hair dryer a bunch to get it all dry and all these techniques you can use in any scale but for 6 mm you don't need much more and it looks great we got the box this all went better than I expected if I have to be honest it stuck good on there it took the paint well and all the terrain pieces fit snugly inside and I love that I even had the opportunity to get some lore into there because as you can see from that big big tank compared to the other tiny ones there were some massive tanks in the world of tongs and that gives all those terrain pieces a bit of World building it's great if you can do some storytelling just with the terrain but right now it looks good but we can't play we need the tongs so let's paint those up very excited and don't be afraid painting 6 mm seems daunting but I let you know the secret it's way easier than painting bigger scales so let's go my favorite part of this project is painting the tanks I'm using four different kinds of primers in different green and yellow tones just to give them all their own identity and with a red board they will all stick out very well and here you can see that you don't need airbrush or rattle can to do your base colors you can apply them by brush very easily two layers of primer and everything is a okay I love these colored Vio primers they are always very easy to use and as a brush on primer they are just perfect to get out the details I'm dry brushing all the tanks with a lighter color in the same tone I'm using different colors here scale colors Vio model colors just use any color you have laying around if the base color is a dark green just use a lighter green just watch out that you get the right temperature so if you have a warm green as a base tone use a warm green for the lighter tones and so on and so forth for cold colors and here again you can see The Joy of Painting 6 mm I can only recommend get some buckos minatures they have the greatest sculpt in that scale and here I'm doing highlights and shipping in one go these tanks are so small that I'm not worried about doing precise Edge highlights in two or three highlight colors I'm just picking a very light color going around the edge es and making some splots and scratches as battle damage and you will see in a second with just one more color applied we have them battle war and looking [Music] gritty I'm using a reddish brown something between dirt and dust and rust and just pick out all the places where I applied the highlight color in thicker splotches and scratches and do a tiny dot of the brown in there and it looks like the paint just cracked there like there's some damage there it's a great technique I use all the time you could use a sponge for that on bigger Miniatures sponge the lighter color first and then sponge a brown or a silver but at that scale applying with a brush is easier and now we want some more depth so we going to thin down our washes our animal washes I love these AK washes I got them in several tones and so I got a yellowish tone and a brown tone to apply to the tanks wherever I see fit and on some on them I mix it but just two Thin coats of that all around you don't have to worry you can just suck it up with your brush if you apply too much it's even easier to use than acrylic washes and if you never use them and are afraid because you have to use some thinner and you can't rinse out your brushes with water well don't be afraid it's very very easy you just need to remember that you can't use water you have to use the thinner and I'm using the thinner here and a little cotton dab to get rid of the AES they were looking already good but I want some of those lighter highlights to really pop again and so on the most race Parts I'm just applying my thinner with the cotton butt and wipe away any AIS and I'm repeating myself a lot but this technique is very good for big tanks for Space Marines for everything because you just can't make mistakes with that you can just rub it away if it's too much and here I'm applying some acrylic colors just on the tracks a dark gray one highlight color just some small lines some dots and to blend them a bit more into the board I'm using the rust streak wash we were using on the terrain pieces to get it on the [Music] tracks this is a great contrast with all the colors I used as the base tones for the tanks because the red really pops and I'm just cleaning C up the excess with a cotton butt as you saw me doing before with the brown wash and they look excellent if I do say so myself and all in all this just took one hour and with that the complete play set is ready it all fits snuck into the box all those pieces and I'm really happy with how the contrast turn out between the red terrain and the green and beige tanks they are easily readable on the table you know exactly where they are they fit inside you just have to bring some dice and some cotton to imitate the tanks shooting and of course that's part of the rules if you shoot in the game of chunks you have to lay out a blast marker and this is almost too much terrain for a game of tongs but with that you have some variety four player ready game the turrets move and it's ready to have a little game and if you try it out tongs already you know that this is a great fun game even for beginners if people never played a war game before just as my wife on the right there they can just pick it up and play the rules are super easy and after a fun half hour she even won her first game so Philip's tank was destroyed and we all had a great [Music] time building a complete playset like this was an excellent change of pace usually I'm painting armies or War bands and then you're painting some terrain pieces and you built a board but this was all of that in once and it gave me a great sense of accomplishment finishing it and chongs is such a great game and I can't wait to teach it to more people because if you can just bring it all in one box people aren't as let's say intimidated by the prospect of playing a war game with minatures although it still is a war game it's not a board game the pieces look good and painting 6 mm is always great fun it's quick it's easy if you've never done it I can only recommend it speaking of sense of accomplishment you will get that from painting all these minis or four in like an hour or so it's great it's great great fun and what's also great is the support of all you guys I can't even fathom or put into words how great it is how many people watch my videos comment messages on Instagram I'm very very grateful and looking forward actually to all the new projects I can do with the community because I Feel It In My Bones I'm going to ride a new game and I've got some great stuff coming up and you can all be part of that a great part of the my side of the hobby are my patrons on and if you are my patreon you can listen to an exclusive podcast over on and my newest patrons are David nrian Cameron Clark F hens mat L and Mitchell Camp thank you guys so much and for just a buck you can be part of the patreon and great things are coming it's a cliche to say that but I hope it's true I'm giving it my all for you guys because it's just so much fun I hope I can see you the next time and yeah I think I'm going to play some more tongs [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ben Has Hobbies
Views: 3,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: epkgSq7Q8vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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